“Teach Us How To Pray” – A series on prayer with Msgr. John Esseff Episode 5 – A 90 Day Challenge – to grow in union with Jesus Christ. – Discerning Hearts
Msgr. Esseff offers a 90 day challenge! The object of Lent and the Easter season is to become more and more transformed into Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit we may glorify the Father through our honor and praise and obeying his Divine will, through the intercession of Mary and all the Saints, for the salvation of the World. But instead of 40 days, but to set our sights on 90 days…all the way to Pentecost. To become a 90 Day Wonder!
Remember the object is union with Jesus Christ. It’s not about a 40 yard dash, but a 24/7 marathon. What are some of the challenges that might arise, what are the remedies?