PSM9 – The Liturgical Bridge to Mystery – Pathway to Sacred Mysteries with Dr. David Fagerberg – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Dr. David Fagerberg

Episode 9 – The Liturgical Bridge to Mystery – Pathway to Sacred Mysteries with Dr. David Fagerberg Ph.D.

Dr. David Fagerberg and Kris McGregor discuss the sacred nature of liturgical spaces and the significance of liturgical practices. The physical church and its liturgical actions are consecrated, reflecting the life of the Trinity. Fagerberg references Abraham Heschel’s view on the sanctification of time, noting that spiritual living involves facing sacred moments rather than accumulating information.

Asceticism, involving self-discipline and purification of passions, is necessary for mystical union with God. Fagerberg describes this journey using stages: the active life (practical struggle against passions), the contemplative life (understanding the cosmos through divine revelation), and union with God (theology as participation in divine life).

The conversation also touches on the interconnectedness of these stages and how they reflect the order and harmony intended by God. Dr. Fagerberg uses metaphors and references to Eastern Christian thought to illustrate the spiritual transformation required for true liturgical participation and highlights the sacramental nature of marriage as a visible sign of Christ’s relationship with the Church and how liturgical worship restores our original capacity for holy sacrifice, leading us beyond the Edenic state into deeper union with God.

Here are some of the topics explored in this episode:

  • Praktike (purgation)
  • Physike (illumination)
  • Theologia (union with God)

From the discussion with Dr. Fagerberg:

“What’s the right relationship between our asceticism and liturgical mysticism?

I thought I would write a book on liturgical acestism and then write a book on liturgical mysticism, so I could find out, but I finished them both, and I’m not sure that I’m done with it yet. I liked the key you gave in our earlier conversation that I don’t need to try to come up with a liturgical bridge to asceticism. And then another liturgical bridge to mysticism, liturgy is the bridge between those two. So if I walk the bridge of liturgy, I’ll find on the east end and the west end, the north end and the south end of this bridge, both of them, I know that mysticism awaits us at the end of asceticism, as I understood it from the tradition. And in that book (On Liturgical Ascetism), I primarily dealt with Eastern and Orthodox material. I understand mysticism to be at the end of it because when it goes through these stages of praktike, physike, and theologia, in order to arrive theologia which union with God. Well, what better definition of mysticism do I need? Um, mysticism must surely have some requirements of us in efforts of us. Well, yeah. Mysticism assumes asceticism, asceticism assumes mysticism, but if the emphasis is on a different syllable, it seems like one of them starts with the efforts required.  With askesis, training, discipline effort we arrive at the mystery and the other starts with the mystery, but acknowledges that the purgation and illumination will precede this unification. I think they’re related. And I’ve got a number of metaphors for the relationship, but I don’t think enough of them yet. And they’re not entirely happy.”

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions

  1. Significance of Sacred Spaces: How do the anointing and consecration of our churches enhance our understanding and appreciation of the Trinity’s presence in our worship spaces?
  2. Sanctification of Time: Reflect on how we can prioritize facing sacred moments over accumulating information in our daily spiritual practices.
  3. Relationship Between Asceticism and Mysticism: In what ways can practicing asceticism in our lives lead us towards a deeper mystical union with God?
  4. Stages of Spiritual Life: How can we recognize and nurture the interconnected stages of active life, contemplative life, and union with God in our personal spiritual journey?
  5. Role of Passions and Faculties: Consider how the proper ordering of our intellective, concupiscible, and irascible faculties can lead to a more harmonious and holy life.
  6. Sacramental Nature of Marriage: How does understanding marriage as a sacrament reflecting Christ’s relationship with the Church influence our view of marital union and family life?
  7. Restoration Through Liturgy: In what ways does participating in the liturgy restore our original capacity for holy sacrifice and deepen our relationship with God?

For more podcast episodes of this series visit the Pathways to Sacred Mysteries w/Dr. David Fagerberg page

David W. Fagerberg is Professor in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. He holds masters degrees from Luther Northwestern Seminary, St. John’s University (Collegeville), Yale Divinity School, and Yale University. His Ph.D. is from Yale University in liturgical theology.

Fagerberg’s work has explored how the Church’s lex credendi (law of belief) is founded upon the Church’s lex orandi (law of prayer). This was expressed in Theologia Prima (Hillenbrand Books, 2003). He has integrated into this the Eastern Orthodox understanding of asceticism by considering its role in preparing the liturgical person. This was treated in On Liturgical Asceticism (Catholic University Press, 2013). And these two themes come together in Consecrating the World: On Mundane Liturgical Theology (Angelico Press, 2016).

He also has an avocation in G. K. Chesterton, having published Chesterton is Everywhere (Emmaus Press, 2013) and The Size of Chesterton’s Catholicism (University of Notre Dame, 1998).

Here are a few of Dr. Fagerberg’s books:
Liturgical Theology Liturgical Mysticism Liturgical Theology Theological Theology

DPD8 – Dimensions of the Examen Prayer – The Daily Prayer of Discernment: The Examen Prayer with Fr. Timothy Gallagher – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Dimensions of the Examen Prayer – The Daily Prayer of Discernment: The Examen Prayer with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

Fr. Timothy Gallagher discusses the Examen prayer and the support structures that can enhance its practice. Exploring how the Examen, a spiritual exercise developed by St. Ignatius, benefits from being situated within a broader spiritual life, including elements such as spiritual direction, retreats, and communal prayer.

Fr. Gallagher shares personal anecdotes and insights, highlighting the importance of not practicing the Examen in isolation. He suggests finding spiritual companions, such as a spiritual director, prayer groups, or even within family settings, to make the Examen more sustainable and enriching. Practical examples include friends discussing their prayer experiences, couples praying together, and families sharing moments of gratitude around the dinner table.

The Examen should be part of a daily routine of diverse prayers, like Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours, or the Rosary. Developing a contemplative mindset through quiet, reflective activities can also support this practice. For those who might find journaling helpful, Fr. Gallagher encourages it as a way to deepen the prayer experience and track spiritual growth.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions

  1. Putting on the New Self: How can you put away your old self and embrace your true identity in Christ?
  2. Overcoming Fear: What fears are hindering you from living out your Christ-like identity, and how can you overcome them?
  3. Living Unconditional Love: How can you practice unconditional love and avoid judgment towards those around you today?
  4. Eucharistic Nourishment: How does receiving the Eucharist help you live out your identity in Christ more fully?
  5. Role Models of Faith: Which saints or holy figures inspire you to live as your true self in Christ, and why?
  6. Daily Christ-like Actions: What specific actions can you take today to reflect your identity in Christ in your thoughts, words, and deeds?
  7. Trusting God’s Plan: How can you deepen your trust in God’s plan and find freedom from fear and doubt?


As outlined from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

(translated from the autograph by Fr. E. Mullan, S.J.  1909 in the public domain)

It contains in it five Points.

First Point. The first Point is to give thanks to God our Lord for the benefits received.
Second Point. The second, to ask grace to know our sins and cast them out.
Third Point. The third, to ask account of our soul from the hour that we rose up to the present Examen, hour by hour, or period by period: and first as to thoughts, and then as to words, and then as to acts, in the same order as was mentioned in the Particular Examen.
Fourth Point. The fourth, to ask pardon of God our Lord for the faults.
Fifth Point. The fifth, to purpose amendment with His grace.


Father Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V., was ordained in 1979 as a member of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary, a religious community dedicated to retreats and spiritual formation according to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.  Fr. Gallagher is featured on the EWTN series “Living the Discerning Life:  The Spiritual Teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola”. For more information on how to obtain copies of Fr. Gallaghers’s various books and audio which are available for purchase, please visit  his  website:

For the other episodes in this series check out Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s “Discerning Hearts” page

Novena to St. Alphonsus Liguori – Day 9 – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Day 9

St. Alphonsus you have said:St.-Alphonsus-9

“Think of what the Saints have done for their neighbor because they loved God. But what Saint’s love for God can match Mary’s? She loved Him more in the first moment of her existence than all the Saints and angels ever loved Him or will love Him… Just as there is not one among all the Blessed who loves God as Mary does, so there is no one, after God, who loves us as much as this most loving Mother does. Furthermore, if we heaped together all the love that mothers have for their children, all the love of husbands and wives, all the love of all the angels and Saints for their clients, it could never equal Mary’s love for even a single soul.”

GLORIOUS Saint Alphonsus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, devoted servant of our Lord and loving child of Mary, I invoke you as a Saint in heaven. I give myself to your protection that you may always be my protector and my guide in the way of holiness and salvation. Aid me in observing the duties of my state of life. Obtain for me great purity of heart and a fervent love of the interior life after your own example.

Great lover of the Blessed Sacrament and the Passion of Jesus Christ, teach me to love Holy Mass and Holy Communion as the source of grace and holiness. Give me a tender devotion to the Passion of my Redeemer.

Promoter of the truth of Christ in your preaching and writing, give me a greater knowledge and appreciation of the Divine truths.

Gentle father of the poor and sinners, help me to imitate your charity toward others in word and deed.

Consoler of the suffering, help me to bear my daily cross patiently in imita tion of your own patience in your long and painful illness and to resign myself to the Will of God.

Good Shepherd of the flock of Christ, obtain for me the grace of being a true child of Holy Mother Church.

Saint Alphonsus, I humbly implore your powerful intercession for obtaining from the Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare. I recommend to you in particular this favor: (Mention your request).

I have great confidence in your prayers. I earnestly trust that if it is God’s holy Will, my petition will be granted through your intercession for me at the throne of God.

Saint Alphonsus, pray for me and for those I love. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus and Mary, do not abandon us in our needs. May we experience the peace and joy of your holy death. Amen.


HEAVENLY Father, You continually build up Your Church by the lives of Your Saints. Give us grace to follow Saint Alphonsus in his loving concern for the salvation of people and so come to share his reward in heaven. Walking in the footsteps of this devoted servant of Yours, may we be consumed with zeal for souls and attain the reward he enjoys in Your Kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

For the entire 9 Day Novena please visit here:  The Alphonsus Liguori 9 Day Novena



Novena to St. Alphonsus Liguori -Day 8 – Discerning Hearts podcast

Day 8

St. Alphonsus you have said:St.-Alphonsus-8

“Loving souls can find no greater delight than to be in the company of those whom they love. If we, then, love Jesus Christ much, behold we are now in his presence. Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament sees us and hears us; shall we, then, say nothing to Him? Let us console ourselves in His company; let us rejoice in His glory, and in the love which so many enamoured souls bear Him in the Most Holy Sacrament. Let us desire that all should love Jesus in the Holy Sacrament, and consecrate their hearts to Him; at least let us consecrate our affections to Him. He should be all our love and our whole desire.”

GLORIOUS Saint Alphonsus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, devoted servant of our Lord and loving child of Mary, I invoke you as a Saint in heaven. I give myself to your protection that you may always be my protector and my guide in the way of holiness and salvation. Aid me in observing the duties of my state of life. Obtain for me great purity of heart and a fervent love of the interior life after your own example.

Great lover of the Blessed Sacrament and the Passion of Jesus Christ, teach me to love Holy Mass and Holy Communion as the source of grace and holiness. Give me a tender devotion to the Passion of my Redeemer.

Promoter of the truth of Christ in your preaching and writing, give me a greater knowledge and appreciation of the Divine truths.

Gentle father of the poor and sinners, help me to imitate your charity toward others in word and deed.

Consoler of the suffering, help me to bear my daily cross patiently in imita tion of your own patience in your long and painful illness and to resign myself to the Will of God.

Good Shepherd of the flock of Christ, obtain for me the grace of being a true child of Holy Mother Church.

Saint Alphonsus, I humbly implore your powerful intercession for obtaining from the Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare. I recommend to you in particular this favor: (Mention your request).

I have great confidence in your prayers. I earnestly trust that if it is God’s holy Will, my petition will be granted through your intercession for me at the throne of God.

Saint Alphonsus, pray for me and for those I love. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus and Mary, do not abandon us in our needs. May we experience the peace and joy of your holy death. Amen.


HEAVENLY Father, You continually build up Your Church by the lives of Your Saints. Give us grace to follow Saint Alphonsus in his loving concern for the salvation of people and so come to share his reward in heaven. Walking in the footsteps of this devoted servant of Yours, may we be consumed with zeal for souls and attain the reward he enjoys in Your Kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


For the entire 9 Day Novena please visit here:  The Alphonsus Liguori 9 Day Novena



PSM8 – The Life of Mystagogy – Pathway to Sacred Mysteries with Dr. David Fagerberg – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Dr. David Fagerberg

Episode 8 – The Life of Mystagogy – Pathway to Sacred Mysteries with Dr. David Fagerberg Ph.D.

Dr. David Fagerberg and Kris McGregor explore the profound connections between liturgy, sacrifice, and the layperson’s role in the Catholic Church. Liturgy begins with personal preparation and participation. The sacrifice in the liturgical context is about offering oneself to God rather than merely giving something up. They highlight the significant role of the laity, who possess an “interior priesthood” that complements the ordained priesthood, and caution against practices that blur the distinct roles of clergy and laity, which can undermine the true value of lay participation.

In understanding one’s baptismal identity for full liturgical participation, it calls for better catechesis and mystagogical formation. Sacred and profane are complementary aspects of God’s world, with sacred moments and places offering a perspective that helps believers recognize the holiness in everyday life. True evangelization involves deepening the baptized Christians’ understanding and living out of their faith, fostering continuous personal transformation. The liturgical rhythm provides structure and coherence to life, enabling believers to integrate the sacred with the profane meaningfully.

Here are some of the topics explored in this episode:

  • What is it to live the liturgy?
  • What occurs at our baptism?
  • What is our role true role in the liturgical celebration?
  • What is the nature of “mystagogy?”

From the discussion with Dr. Fagerberg:

“Liturgy is doing the world the way it was meant to be done, but I can’t do it the way it was meant to be done unless I know what I am supposed to be doing. And unless I know what God wants me to be doing, and unless I know what God intends for the world. So I have to spend some time with the blueprint drawer, with the architect, with the designer. I don’t know how this family should operate, or this marriage should operate, or this justice in society should operate unless they spend some time with the source of love and the source of justice and the source of life. So we go into the sacred in order to inhale, so that we can conduct our sacramental, ascetical, and mystical life. I live this life seven days in the world before Icome into the sacred on the eighth day, then I take a step up into heaven, so that I can see heaven around me.”

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions

  1. Understanding Perichoresis: How does the concept of perichoresis deepen your understanding of the Trinity and its relationship within itself?
  2. Embracing Kenosis: In what ways can you practice kenosis, or self-emptying, in your own life to better follow Christ’s example?
  3. Participating in Synergy: How can you better cooperate with God’s grace in your daily activities, seeing it as a divine dance where God leads?
  4. Liturgy as Transformation: How does viewing liturgy as a transformative encounter rather than just a ritual change your approach to worship?
  5. Universal Call to Holiness: Reflect on your vocation as a baptized Christian. How can you live out your call to holiness in your current state of life?
  6. Offering Spiritual Sacrifice: What aspects of your daily life can be offered as a spiritual sacrifice to God?
  7. Priesthood of All Believers: How do you understand your role in the priesthood of all believers, and how can you actively participate in this communal priesthood?
  8. Continuous Conversion: In what ways can you embrace a continual process of conversion to deepen your union with God through the liturgy and sacraments?

For more podcast episodes of this series visit the Pathways to Sacred Mysteries w/Dr. David Fagerberg page

David W. Fagerberg is Professor in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. He holds masters degrees from Luther Northwestern Seminary, St. John’s University (Collegeville), Yale Divinity School, and Yale University. His Ph.D. is from Yale University in liturgical theology.

Fagerberg’s work has explored how the Church’s lex credendi (law of belief) is founded upon the Church’s lex orandi (law of prayer). This was expressed in Theologia Prima (Hillenbrand Books, 2003). He has integrated into this the Eastern Orthodox understanding of asceticism by considering its role in preparing the liturgical person. This was treated in On Liturgical Asceticism (Catholic University Press, 2013). And these two themes come together in Consecrating the World: On Mundane Liturgical Theology (Angelico Press, 2016).

He also has an avocation in G. K. Chesterton, having published Chesterton is Everywhere (Emmaus Press, 2013) and The Size of Chesterton’s Catholicism (University of Notre Dame, 1998).

Here are a few of Dr. Fagerberg’s books:
Liturgical Theology Liturgical Mysticism Liturgical Theology Theological Theology

Novena to St. Alphonsus Liguori – Day 7 – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Novena to St. Alphonsus Liguori – Day 7

St. Alphonsus you have said:St.-Alphonsus-7

The more a person loves God, the more reason he has to hope in Him. This hope produces in the Saints an unutterable peace, which they preserve even in adversity, because as they love God, and know how beautiful He is to those who love Him, they place all their confidence and find all their repose in Him alone.

GLORIOUS Saint Alphonsus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, devoted servant of our Lord and loving child of Mary, I invoke you as a Saint in heaven. I give myself to your protection that you may always be my protector and my guide in the way of holiness and salvation. Aid me in observing the duties of my state of life. Obtain for me great purity of heart and a fervent love of the interior life after your own example.

Great lover of the Blessed Sacrament and the Passion of Jesus Christ, teach me to love Holy Mass and Holy Communion as the source of grace and holiness. Give me a tender devotion to the Passion of my Redeemer.

Promoter of the truth of Christ in your preaching and writing, give me a greater knowledge and appreciation of the Divine truths.

Gentle father of the poor and sinners, help me to imitate your charity toward others in word and deed.

Consoler of the suffering, help me to bear my daily cross patiently in imita tion of your own patience in your long and painful illness and to resign myself to the Will of God.

Good Shepherd of the flock of Christ, obtain for me the grace of being a true child of Holy Mother Church.

Saint Alphonsus, I humbly implore your powerful intercession for obtaining from the Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare. I recommend to you in particular this favor: (Mention your request).

I have great confidence in your prayers. I earnestly trust that if it is God’s holy Will, my petition will be granted through your intercession for me at the throne of God.

Saint Alphonsus, pray for me and for those I love. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus and Mary, do not abandon us in our needs. May we experience the peace and joy of your holy death. Amen.


HEAVENLY Father, You continually build up Your Church by the lives of Your Saints. Give us grace to follow Saint Alphonsus in his loving concern for the salvation of people and so come to share his reward in heaven. Walking in the footsteps of this devoted servant of Yours, may we be consumed with zeal for souls and attain the reward he enjoys in Your Kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

For the entire 9 Day Novena please visit here:  The Alphonsus Liguori 9 Day Novena



DPD7 – Steps to Spiritual Renewal – The Daily Prayer of Discernment: The Examen Prayer with Fr. Timothy Gallagher – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Steps to Spiritual Renewal – The Daily Prayer of Discernment: The Examen Prayer with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

Fr. Timothy Gallagher and Kris McGregor discuss the ongoing nature and deep spiritual benefits of the Ignatian Examen. Fr. Gallagher explains that the Examen is a lifelong practice as God continually works in our lives. The Examen consists of five steps: gratitude, petition, review, forgiveness, and renewal. Gallagher emphasizes the importance of each step but notes that one should not rush through them. Instead, if a particular step, such as gratitude, resonates deeply on a given day, one should linger there.

He shares a personal story about how incorporating visits to a church during his walks helped alleviate feelings of loneliness during his solitary writing period. This practice of daily spiritual awareness led him to a deeper understanding of God’s guidance.

Gallagher also addresses practical concerns, such as managing time within the Examen and the necessity of transitioning into and out of prayer. He emphasizes the importance of a brief moment of reflection before starting the Examen, suggesting that considering how God lovingly looks upon us can significantly enhance the prayer experience. Gallagher concludes by highlighting that this relational approach makes prayer more fruitful and aligned with our human need for preparation and transition in all significant activities.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions

  1. Continuous Spiritual Growth How does the idea of the examine being an ongoing process of spiritual progress resonate with your own spiritual journey?
  2. Forward-Looking Reflection What insights or patterns have you discovered through looking back on your day that could guide your actions for the next day?
  3. Spiritual Consolation Can you recall a moment of spiritual consolation from your day, and how can you incorporate similar moments into your routine?
  4. Discouragement and Desolation How do you recognize and respond to feelings of spiritual desolation or discouragement in your daily life?
  5. Personalized Examine Practice In what ways might you adapt the steps of the examine to better fit your personal prayer life and spiritual needs?
  6. Importance of Transitions in Prayer How can you incorporate transitional moments into your prayer routine to better enter and exit times of deep spiritual reflection?
  7. Encountering God’s Gaze How do you perceive God’s gaze upon you when you begin your prayer, and what impact does this have on your spiritual experience?
  8. Ignatian Discernment of Spirits How can the practice of being aware, understanding, and taking action in discernment enhance your daily decisions and long-term spiritual growth?


As outlined from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

(translated from the autograph by Fr. E. Mullan, S.J.  1909 in the public domain)

It contains in it five Points.

First Point. The first Point is to give thanks to God our Lord for the benefits received.
Second Point. The second, to ask grace to know our sins and cast them out.
Third Point. The third, to ask account of our soul from the hour that we rose up to the present Examen, hour by hour, or period by period: and first as to thoughts, and then as to words, and then as to acts, in the same order as was mentioned in the Particular Examen.
Fourth Point. The fourth, to ask pardon of God our Lord for the faults.
Fifth Point. The fifth, to purpose amendment with His grace.


Father Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V., was ordained in 1979 as a member of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary, a religious community dedicated to retreats and spiritual formation according to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.  Fr. Gallagher is featured on the EWTN series “Living the Discerning Life:  The Spiritual Teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola”. For more information on how to obtain copies of Fr. Gallaghers’s various books and audio which are available for purchase, please visit  his  website:

For the other episodes in this series check out Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s “Discerning Hearts” page

Novena to St. Alphonsus Liguori – Day 6 – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Day 6

St. Alphonsus you have said:St.-Alphonsus-6

There can be no greater Lord than God; neither can there be a more ardent lover than He. Far from despising our confidence in Him, He rejoices that we have it—confidence and familiarity and affection like that which little children show toward their mothers. …. Just as a mother finds pleasure in taking her little child on her lap, there to feed and caress him, in like manner our loving God shows His fondness for His beloved souls who have given themselves entirely to Him and have placed all their hope in His goodness.

GLORIOUS Saint Alphonsus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, devoted servant of our Lord and loving child of Mary, I invoke you as a Saint in heaven. I give myself to your protection that you may always be my protector and my guide in the way of holiness and salvation. Aid me in observing the duties of my state of life. Obtain for me great purity of heart and a fervent love of the interior life after your own example.

Great lover of the Blessed Sacrament and the Passion of Jesus Christ, teach me to love Holy Mass and Holy Communion as the source of grace and holiness. Give me a tender devotion to the Passion of my Redeemer.

Promoter of the truth of Christ in your preaching and writing, give me a greater knowledge and appreciation of the Divine truths.

Gentle father of the poor and sinners, help me to imitate your charity toward others in word and deed.

Consoler of the suffering, help me to bear my daily cross patiently in imita tion of your own patience in your long and painful illness and to resign myself to the Will of God.

Good Shepherd of the flock of Christ, obtain for me the grace of being a true child of Holy Mother Church.

Saint Alphonsus, I humbly implore your powerful intercession for obtaining from the Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare. I recommend to you in particular this favor: (Mention your request).

I have great confidence in your prayers. I earnestly trust that if it is God’s holy Will, my petition will be granted through your intercession for me at the throne of God.

Saint Alphonsus, pray for me and for those I love. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus and Mary, do not abandon us in our needs. May we experience the peace and joy of your holy death. Amen.


HEAVENLY Father, You continually build up Your Church by the lives of Your Saints. Give us grace to follow Saint Alphonsus in his loving concern for the salvation of people and so come to share his reward in heaven. Walking in the footsteps of this devoted servant of Yours, may we be consumed with zeal for souls and attain the reward he enjoys in Your Kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


For the entire 9 Day Novena please visit here:  The Alphonsus Liguori 9 Day Novena



Novena to St. Alphonsus Liguori – Day 5 – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Day 5

St. Alphonsus you have said:st.-Alphonsus-5

You are not asked to apply your mind continually to the thought of God and lay aside the fulfillment of your duties and your recreations. … Your God is ever beside you—indeed, He is even within you. “In Him we live, and move, and have our being.” (Acts 17:28). Not only is there no need of an intermediary through whom He would want you to speak to Him, but He finds His delight in having you treat with Him personally and in all confidence. Speak to Him often of your business, your plans, your troubles, your fears—of everything that concerns you. But above all, converse with Him confidently and frankly; for God is not wont to speak to a soul that does not speak to Him..

GLORIOUS Saint Alphonsus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, devoted servant of our Lord and loving child of Mary, I invoke you as a Saint in heaven. I give myself to your protection that you may always be my protector and my guide in the way of holiness and salvation. Aid me in observing the duties of my state of life. Obtain for me great purity of heart and a fervent love of the interior life after your own example.

Great lover of the Blessed Sacrament and the Passion of Jesus Christ, teach me to love Holy Mass and Holy Communion as the source of grace and holiness. Give me a tender devotion to the Passion of my Redeemer.

Promoter of the truth of Christ in your preaching and writing, give me a greater knowledge and appreciation of the Divine truths.

Gentle father of the poor and sinners, help me to imitate your charity toward others in word and deed.

Consoler of the suffering, help me to bear my daily cross patiently in imita tion of your own patience in your long and painful illness and to resign myself to the Will of God.

Good Shepherd of the flock of Christ, obtain for me the grace of being a true child of Holy Mother Church.

Saint Alphonsus, I humbly implore your powerful intercession for obtaining from the Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare. I recommend to you in particular this favor: (Mention your request).

I have great confidence in your prayers. I earnestly trust that if it is God’s holy Will, my petition will be granted through your intercession for me at the throne of God.

Saint Alphonsus, pray for me and for those I love. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus and Mary, do not abandon us in our needs. May we experience the peace and joy of your holy death. Amen.


HEAVENLY Father, You continually build up Your Church by the lives of Your Saints. Give us grace to follow Saint Alphonsus in his loving concern for the salvation of people and so come to share his reward in heaven. Walking in the footsteps of this devoted servant of Yours, may we be consumed with zeal for souls and attain the reward he enjoys in Your Kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


For the entire 9 Day Novena please visit here:  The Alphonsus Liguori 9 Day Novena



Novena to St. Alphonsus Liguori – Day 4 – Discerning Hearts Podcast


St. Alphonsus you have said:

If you wish to strengthen your confidence in God still more, often recall the loving way in which He has acted toward you, and how mercifully He has tried to bring you out of your sinful life, to break your attachment to the things of earth and draw you to His love. With such thoughts in your mind, now that you have resolved to love Him and please Him with all your strength, your only fear should be to fear God too much and to place too little confidence in Him.

GLORIOUS Saint Alphonsus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, devoted servant of our Lord and loving child of Mary, I invoke you as a Saint in heaven. I give myself to your protection that you may always be my protector and my guide in the way of holiness and salvation. Aid me in observing the duties of my state of life. Obtain for me great purity of heart and a fervent love of the interior life after your own example.

Great lover of the Blessed Sacrament and the Passion of Jesus Christ, teach me to love Holy Mass and Holy Communion as the source of grace and holiness. Give me a tender devotion to the Passion of my Redeemer.

Promoter of the truth of Christ in your preaching and writing, give me a greater knowledge and appreciation of the Divine truths.

Gentle father of the poor and sinners, help me to imitate your charity toward others in word and deed.

Consoler of the suffering, help me to bear my daily cross patiently in imita tion of your own patience in your long and painful illness and to resign myself to the Will of God.

Good Shepherd of the flock of Christ, obtain for me the grace of being a true child of Holy Mother Church.

Saint Alphonsus, I humbly implore your powerful intercession for obtaining from the Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare. I recommend to you in particular this favor: (Mention your request).

I have great confidence in your prayers. I earnestly trust that if it is God’s holy Will, my petition will be granted through your intercession for me at the throne of God.

Saint Alphonsus, pray for me and for those I love. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus and Mary, do not abandon us in our needs. May we experience the peace and joy of your holy death. Amen.


HEAVENLY Father, You continually build up Your Church by the lives of Your Saints. Give us grace to follow Saint Alphonsus in his loving concern for the salvation of people and so come to share his reward in heaven. Walking in the footsteps of this devoted servant of Yours, may we be consumed with zeal for souls and attain the reward he enjoys in Your Kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


For the entire 9 Day Novena please visit here:  The Alphonsus Liguori 9 Day Novena