From the choral works of Z Randall Stroope
“The Conversion of Saul”
“Paul’s conversion matured in his encounter with the Risen Christ; it was this encounter that radically changed his life. What happened to him on the road to Damascus is what Jesus asks in today’s Gospel: Saul is converted because, thanks to the divine light, “he has believed in the Gospel”. In this consists his and our conversion: in believing in Jesus dead and risen and in opening to the illumination of his divine grace. In that moment Saul understood that his salvation did not depend on good works fulfilled according to the law, but on the fact that Jesus died also for him the persecutor and has risen. This truth by which every Christian life is enlightened thanks to Baptism completely overturns our way of life. To be converted means, also for each one of us, to believe that Jesus “has given himself for me”, dying on the Cross (cf. Galatians 2: 20) and, risen, lives with me and in me. Entrusting myself to the power of hisforgiveness, letting myself be taken by his hand, I can come out of the quicksands of pride and sin, of deceit and sadness, of selfishness and of every false security, to know and live the richness of his love.”( Pope Benedict XVI from address given on January 25, 2009)
Conversion of St. Paul Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome
Denver, Colo., Jan 23, 2011 / 07:09 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On Jan. 24, during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity that runs from Jan. 18-25, Catholics will celebrate the life of St. Francis de Sales. A bishop and Doctor of the Church, his preaching brought thousands of Protestants back to the Catholic fold, and his writings on the spiritual life have proved highly influential.
The paradoxical circumstances of Francis’ birth, in the Savoy region (now part of France) during 1567, sum up several contradictory tendencies of the Church during his lifetime. The reforms of the Council of Trent had purified the Church in important ways, yet Catholics and Protestants still struggled against one another – and against the temptations of wealth and worldly power.
Francis de Sales, a diplomat’s son, was born into aristocratic wealth and privilege. Yet he was born in a room that his family named the “St. Francis room” – where there hung a painting of that saint, renowned for his poverty, preaching in the wilderness. In later years, Francis de Sales would embrace poverty also; but early in his ministry, the faithful chided him for having an aristocratic manner.
In many ways, Francis’ greatest achievements – such as the “Introduction to the Devout Life,” an innovative spiritual guidebook for laypersons, or his strong emphasis on the role of human love in Christian devotion – represent successful attempts to re-integrate seemingly disparate “worldly” and “spiritual” realities into one coherent vision of life.
Few people, however, would have predicted these achievements for Francis during his earlier years. As a young man, he studied rhetoric, the humanities, and law. He had his law degree by age 25, and was headed for a political career. All the while, he was keeping the depths of his spiritual life – such as his profound devotion to the Virgin Mary, and his resolution of religious celibacy – a secret from the world.
Eventually, however, the truth came out, and Francis clashed with his father, who had arranged a marriage for him. The Bishop of Geneva intervened on Francis’ behalf, finding him a position in the administration of the Swiss Church that led to his priestly ordination in 1593. He volunteered to lead a mission to bring Switzerland, dominated by Calvinist Protestantism, back to the Catholic faith.
Taking on a seemingly impossible task, with only one companion – his cousin – the new priest adopted a harsh but hopeful motto: “Apostles battle by their sufferings, and triumph only in death.” It would serve him well as he traveled through Switzerland, facing many Protestants’ indifference or hostility, and being attacked by wild animals and even would-be assassins.
Some of Francis’ hearers –even, for a time, John Calvin’s protege Theodore Beza– found themselves captivated by the thoughtful, eloquent and joyful manner of the priest who implored their reunion with the Church. But he had more success when he began writing out these sermons and exhortations, slipping them beneath the doors that had been closed against him.
This pioneering use of religious tracts proved surprisingly effective at breaking down the resistance of the Swiss Calvinists, and it is estimated that between 40,000 and 70,000 of them returned to the Church through his efforts. He also served as a spiritual director, both in person and through written correspondence, with the latter format inspiring the “Introduction to the Devout Life.”
In 1602, Francis was chosen to become the Bishop of Geneva, a position he did not seek or desire. Accepting the position, however, he gave the last twenty years of his life in ongoing sacrifice, for the restoration of Geneva’s churches and religious orders. He also helped one of his spiritual directees, the widow and future saint Jane Frances de Chantal, to found an order with a group of women.
Worn out by nearly thirty years of arduous travel and other burdens of Church leadership, Francis fell ill in 1622 while visiting one of a convent he had helped to found in Lyons. He died there, three days after Christmas that year. St. Francis de Sales was canonized in 1665, and honored as a Doctor of the Church in 1877.
Because of the crucial role of writing in his apostolate, St. Francis de Sales is the patron of writers and journalists. He is also widely credited with restoring, during his own day, a sense of what the Second Vatican Council would later call the “universal call to holiness” – that is, the notion that all people, not only those in formal religious life, are called to the heights of Christian sanctification. – CNA/EWTN News
A Prayer of St. Frances de Sales
Founders statue at St. Peter’s in Rome
Lord, I am yours,
and I must belong to no one but you.
My soul is yours,
and must live only by you.
My will is yours,
and must love only for you.
I must love you as my first cause,
since I am from you.
I must love you as my end and rest,
since I am for you.
I must love you more than my own being,
since my being subsists by you.
I must love you more than myself,
since I am all yours and all in you.
In “Marriage 911: How God Saved Our Marriage (and can save yours, too!)”, we meet Greg and Julie Alexander, a great and courageous couple. They candidly share the trials of what they felt was a lifeless, loveless marriage on the verge of divorce. Married in the Church, they began the process of seeking a way out of their union. Unexpectedly they encountered a faithful caring priest, who shared with them the Church’s understanding of marriage, and through incoporating those truths, revived and revitalized their sacramental relationship and their family as well. Now married over 20 years, they offer emergency hope and guidance to couples struggling in a similar conditions through their “Alexander House” non-profit marriage and family life enrichment apostolate. Visit their outstanding website
Their breakthrough work in marriage has been featured on EWTN and talk radio, as well as in many publications, including Patrick Madrid s Surprised by Truth 3, Envoy, Catholic Herald, Denver Catholic Register, and Our Sunday Visitor.
Faith at Work: Finding Purpose Beyond the Paycheck is fantastic…a remedy for spirituality seekers in the workplace (and in the home as well)! You have to love a work that begins with conversion as a goal. Kevin Lowry offers concrete helps which assist all of us deepen our relationship with Christ and His Church, and live authentic lives as Catholics in the world. Great for individuals and for group study as well.
“Too many Christians treat ambition and success as if they’re four-letter words…. For a Catholic in business, they can be touchstones of sanctification.”— Scott Hahn, Ph.D., professor of biblical theology, Franciscan University of Steubenville
Msgr. Esseff reflects on the major area that separates us from God…it’s sloth. What is the truth about sloth? What does laziness really look like? To depend on oneself more than on God….”that I can do anything”, “I can do it”….the man of faith says “God can do it”. Jesus said without the Father, he could do nothing. That He does only what the Father tells him. The solution to sloth is obedience…the obedience to the will of the Father.
Msgr. Esseff takes a strong look at King David and his actions after he becomes king…a leader who became consumed with himself. Then he looks at a true leader…Jesus. Msgr. has a strong message and challenge for families, our country, the world and our Church.
SAINT ANTHONY THE GREAT OF EGYPT: INSTRUCTIONS AND SAYINGS. Orthodox Christian Icons of St. Anthony. Chant in Greek “Kyrios pimonei”.
St. Anthony the Great (251- 356), Egyptian saint, one of the great Fathers of the Church. Founder of Christian monasticism, the pinnacle of holy monks. The first desert hermit. Much venerated in Orthodox and Catholic Churches.
His miracle-working relics (body) is kept in Saint-Antoine-l’Abbaye in south-eastern France (since 980, being transferred from Constantinople, there from Alexandria in Egypt). In France, at his relics, St. Anthony’s is credited with assisting in a number of miraculous healings, primarily from ergotism, which became known as “St. Anthony’s Fire”. He was credited by two local noblemen of assisting them in recovery from the disease. They then founded the Hospital Brothers of St. Anthony in honour of him. For century, thousands of deadly sick people flocked to his relics in Saint-Antoine in France for healing.
“Come let us reason together, says the Lord” – Isaiah 1:18.
Many in our day strictly divide faith and reason, seeing science as based on logic and objective truth, but religion as solely emotional and subjective.
Not so, says the Catholic Church. Faith and reason complement and assist one another in the pursuit of truth. All truth is God’s truth and ultimately leads to Him who is Truth itself, Jesus Christ, so there is nothing to fear from scientific inquiry.
In fact, for centuries the Catholic Church was the patron of the arts and sciences. St. Thomas Aquinas used Greek philosophy to show the logical foundation of the Catholic Faith, many of the great scientific discoveries have been made by Catholic priests or scientists, convinced that the universe operated by fixed laws established by the one true God, not the mere whims of the gods as the pagans had previously believed.
Of course, faith is a gift and is not based on reason alone. Nevertheless, as Sir Thomas More says in the classic film A Man For All Seasons, “God made the angels to show His splendor, the animals for their innocence, and the plants for simplicity, but God made man to serve him wittily in the tangle of His mind.”
What is the “Roman Canon”? Fr. Milton Walsh helps us to answer that question and enter deeply into the mystery found in this beautiful Eucharistic prayer. Drawing from the best of biblical and liturgical scholarship, Fr. Walsh offers a beautiful meditation that can help priests, religious, and laity deepen their understanding of the text that for centuries was the only Eucharistic prayer used in the Roman Rite. This is a great book to give those in Catholic Adult Formation programs, like the RCIA, Diaconate training, Religious Education Catechist, as well as to the average “pew person” who longs for a deeper encounter in the depths of our Sacred Liturgy.
With a revised English translation of the venerable Roman Canon, many Catholics will be hearing it with new ears. This book will help them hear it with a new heart. Don’t just study the new words, step into the soul of Eucharistic Prayer I. —Rev. Paul Turner, Former president of the North American Academy of Liturgy
Jesus’ prayer during the Last Supper was the theme of Benedict XVI’s catechesis during his general audience, which was held this morning in the Paul VI Hall in the presence of 4,000 faithful.
The Pope explained how the emotional backdrop to the Last Supper, in which Jesus bade farewell to His friends, was the immanence of His approaching death. Moreover, in the days in which He was preparing to leave His disciples, the life of the Jewish people was marked by the approaching Passover, the commemoration of the liberation of Israel from Egypt.”It was in this context that the Last Supper took place”, the Holy Father said, “but with an important novelty”. Jesus “wanted the Supper with His disciples to be something special, different from other gatherings. It was His Supper, in which He gave something completely new: Himself. Thus Jesus celebrated the Passover as an anticipation of His Cross and Resurrection”.
The essence of the Last Supper lay in “the gestures of breaking and distributing the bread, and sharing the cup of wine, with the words that accompanied them and the context of prayer in which they took place. This was the institution of the Eucharist: the great prayer of Jesus and the Church”. The words the Evangelists use to describe that moment “recall the Jewish ‘berakha’; that is, the great prayer of thanksgiving and blessing which, in the tradition of Israel, is used to inaugurate important ceremonies. … That prayer of praise and thanks rises up to God and returns as a blessing. … The words of the institution of the Eucharist were pronounced in this context of prayer. The praise and thanksgiving of the ‘berakha’ became blessing and transformed the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus”.
Jesus’ gestures were the traditional gestures of hospitality which a host would extend to his guests, but in the Last Supper they acquired a more profound significance, Pope Benedict explained. Christ provided “a visible sign of welcome to the table upon which God gives Himself. In the bread and the wine, Jesus offered and communicated His own Self”. Aware of His approaching death, “He offered in advance the life that would shortly be taken from Him, thus transforming His violent death into a free act of the giving of Self, for others and to others. The violence He suffered became an active, free and redemptive sacrifice”.
“In contemplating Jesus’ words and gestures that night, we can clearly see that it was in His intimate and constant relationship with the Father that He accomplished the gesture of leaving to His followers, and to all of us, the Sacrament of love”, said the Pope. During the Last Supper Jesus also prayed for His disciples, who likewise had to suffer harsh trials. With that prayer “He supported them in their weakness, their difficulty in understanding that the way of God had to pass through the Paschal mystery of death and resurrection, which was anticipated in the offer of bread and wine. The Eucharist is the food of pilgrims, a source of strength also for those who are tired, weary and disoriented”.
Benedict XVI went on: “By participating in the Eucharist we have an extraordinary experience of the prayer which Jesus made, and continues to make for us all, that the evil we encounter in our lives may not triumph, and that the transforming power of Christ’s death and resurrection may act within each of us. In the Eucharist the Church responds to Jesus’ command to ‘do this in remembrance of me’, she repeats the prayer of thanksgiving and blessing and, therewith, the words of transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of the Lord. Our Eucharistic celebrations draw us into that moment of prayer, uniting us ever and anew to the prayer of Jesus”.
“Let us ask the Lord that, after due preparation also with the Sacrament of Penance, our participation in the Eucharist, which is indispensable for Christian life, may always remain the apex of all our prayers”, the Pope concluded. “Let us ask that, profoundly united in His offering to the Father, we too can transform our crosses into a free and responsible sacrifice of love, for God and for our fellows”.
At the end of his catechesis the Holy Father delivered greetings in a number of languages to the pilgrims present in the Paul VI Hall, inviting them to participate with
“faith and devotion” in the Eucharist which, he said, is indispensable for Christian life as well as being the school and culmination of prayer. Addressing young people, the sick and newlyweds, he pointed our that last Sunday’s Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord is an occasion to reflect upon our own Baptism. “
Dear young people”, the Pope exclaimed, “live your membership of the Church, the family of Christ, joyfully. Dear sick people, may the grace of Baptism ease your sufferings and encourage you to offer them to Christ for the salvation of humanity. And you, dear newlyweds, … base your marriage on the faith which you received as a gift on the day of your Baptism”.
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“Do not try to have your trials taken away from you, rather, ask for the grace to endure them well”.
Pope Benedict XVI at St. Andre’s caniozation –
“Brother André Bessette, born in Quebec, in Canada, and a religious of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, knew suffering and poverty very early in life. This led him to turn to God for prayer and an intense interior life. Doorman at the Notre Dame College in Montreal, he showed boundless charity and did everything possible to soothe the despair of those who confided in him. With little instruction, he nevertheless understood what was essential to his faith. For him, to believe meant to submit freely and lovingly to Divine Will. Everything existed through the mystery of Jesus, he lived the beatitude of the pure of heart, that of personal rectitude. It is thanks to this simplicity, he showed many God. He had the Saint Joseph Oratory of Mont Royal built, where he was the faithful guardian until his death in 1937. There, he was the witness of many healings and conversions. “Do not try to have your trials taken away from you”, he said, “rather, ask for the grace to endure them well”. For him, everything spoke of God and His presence. May we, following his example, search for God with simplicity to discover Him always present in the core of our lives! May the example of Brother André inspire Canadian Christian life!”
Growing up, I feared that my life might be meaningless. In fact, it was the search for a truth and a love that could give my life eternal meaning that led me into the arms of Jesus and of the Church. Eventually, on March 29, 2010, I became a priest in the Congregation of Holy Cross – the same religious family of Brother André Bessette.One of the main lessons I have drawn from my saintly brother is that no life is meaningless in God. There were countless reasons why Brother André’s life should have ended up meaningless, and yet here we are celebrating his canonization. His life is the powerful story of how our crosses can be borne as a gift and transformed into our hope for true meaning and life. I invite you to join me in praying with this hero of our faith so that our lives, like his, might take on an eternal, life-giving meaning.
1. The Cross of Low Expectations
Brother André, the expectations for you couldn’t have been lower. They baptized you the day after your birth because they did not think you would survive. Later on, your physical frailty and lack of education made others expect so little of you, leaving for you only the more menial tasks like tending the door. Yet you fulfilled these simple tasks with such great love, exceeding the expectations of everyone. Intercede for us so that God may grant us the same courage to overcome our world’s paltry expectations of us. May we achieve the true greatness of holiness for which God lovingly created us.
2. The Cross of Wandering
Brother André, you knew what it was like to wander through this life. While still young, you were orphaned and forced from your home. For many years, you journeyed from town to town and job to job, even leaving your homeland for the textile mills in the United States, in search of a new home. You only found your home in this life when Divine Providence led you to your vocation to the religious life in the Congregation of Holy Cross. Intercede for us that we may allow God to guide us towards the vocation to which we are called. May we, too, find our homes in this life.
3. The Cross of Rejection
Brother André, you knew what it was like to be rejected. Your own religious family of Holy Cross did not accept you at first. You yourself said, “When I first arrived to the college, I was shown the door … and I remained there for forty years!” Yet even more painfully, when the Lord chose you to be His healing hand in others’ lives, you incurred the misunderstanding and rejection of those who failed to see God’s greatness through you. Intercede for us, so that we may have the same strength in the face of ridicule. May we remain steadfast to the mission God has entrusted to us to bring Him glory.
4. The Cross of Others’ Suffering
Brother André, you truly knew the weight of others’ suffering. As news of the healings spread, more and more people came to you, often expecting a miraculous cure. Their burdens became your burdens; their crosses became your crosses. Your ministry exacted its toll on you, draining your strength and patience and even bringing you to tears. You revealed to those suffering the hope of the Cross of Christ, the hope of the God who is always with us in our need. Intercede for us so that we may be able to enter into others’ sufferings and bear their crosses with them. May we unleash the healing hope of the Crucified One.
5. The Cross of Setbacks
Brother André, even the works God accomplished through your life did not come without their setbacks. At many times during the construction of the Oratory dedicated to your patron St. Joseph, it seemed that the ambitious project would never be completed. Yet you continued to place your trust in Divine Providence. You even had a statue of St. Joseph placed under the unfinished roof so he could raise the remaining funds. And defying all predictions, St. Joseph did just that! Intercede for us so that we may have the same faith in Providence. May the setbacks of our life not distract us from fulfilling God’s will.
6. The Cross of Our Own Suffering
Brother André, from your birth and throughout your life, your health was frail. Rarely did you eat more than bread dipped in watered-down milk or soup. You knew physical suffering and its seeming meaninglessness that afflicted the many broken and ill people who came to you. But in God, your weakness became your strength, letting you enter more deeply into the hurts and pains of others. You journeyed in faith with them through the Cross to new life in Christ. Intercede for us so that we may be able to transform our weaknesses into strengths. May our sufferings be transformed into a redemptive balm in the lives of others.
7. The Cross of Death
Brother André, like all of us since our ancestors Adam and Eve, you had to bear the ultimate cross of death. But death was not the end of your life or your life’s story. Battling the cold, over a million people came from far and wide to pay their last respects. Your funeral was just the preview of the millions who continue to visit the Oratory each year, as well as the many ministries to the poor and the sick that bear your name throughout the world. Intercede for us so that we, too, may have life in God and produce an even greater harvest for God’s people. May we, too, lay down our lives in such a way that we can be counted among the saints.