USCCA7 – The Good News: God Has Sent His Son – U. S. Catholic Catechism for Adults w/ Arch. George Lucas

USCCA7- Episode 7- The Good News:  God Has Sent His Son

Archbishop Lucas offers insights on the US Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 7:

We ponder Christ’s person and his earthly words and deeds in terms of mystery.  His earthly life reveals his hidden divine Sonship and plan for our salvation.  His parables, miracles, sermons, and wisdom sayings help us “to see our God made visible, and so we are caught up in love of the God we cannot see” (First Preface for Christmas).

The Most Reverend George J. Lucas leads the Archdiocese of Omaha. 

For other episodes in the visit our Archbishop George Lucas page

This programs is based on:

More information can be found here.

We wish to thank the USCCB for the permissions granted for use of  relevant material used in this series.
Also we wish to thank Chuck Adams and Miriam Gutierrez  for their vocal talents in this episode.

USCCA8 – The Saving Death and Resurrection of Christ – U. S. Catholic Catechism for Adults w/ Arch. George Lucas

USCCA8- Episode 8- The Saving Death and Resurrection of Christ

Archbishop Lucas offers insights on the US Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 8:

Because Christ’s suffering and death was the instruments of salvation, from what did he save us?  We needed to be saved from sin and its damaging effects.  God’s plan to save us involved having the Son of God enter into this world to be like us in all things except sin.  Divine love made this possible.

The Most Reverend George J. Lucas leads the Archdiocese of Omaha. 

For other episodes in the visit our Archbishop George Lucas page

This programs is based on:

More information can be found here.

We wish to thank the USCCB for the permissions granted for use of  relevant material used in this series.
Also we wish to thank Omar and Miriam Gutierrez  for their vocal talents in this episode.

USCCA9 – Receive the Holy Spirit – U. S. Catholic Catechism for Adults w/ Arch. George Lucas

USCCA9- Episode 9- The Church: Receive the Holy Spirit

Archbishop Lucas offers insights on the US Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 9:

The Holy Spirit is dynamic, transforming our bodies into temples of God and  our souls into dwelling places for Christ.  Sometimes called the Paraclete, a term that describes him as advocate and consoler, the Holy Spirit wants to fill us with inspiration and encouragement

The Most Reverend George J. Lucas leads the Archdiocese of Omaha. 

For other episodes in the visit our Archbishop George Lucas page

This programs is based on:


More information can be found here.

We wish to thank the USCCB for the permissions granted for use of  relevant material used in this series.
Also we wish to thank Omar Gutierrez, Teresa Monaghen, and Bruce McGregor  for their vocal talents in this episode.

USCCA10 – The Church: Reflecting the Light of Christ – U. S. Catholic Catechism for Adults w/ Arch. George Lucas

USCCA10- Episode 10- The Church:  Reflecting the Light of Christ

Archbishop Lucas offers insights on the US Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 10:

The Church is the continuing manifestation of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  The Church exists by the will of God the Father and his plan to gather all people under the Lordship of his Son.  As Head of the Church, Jesus Christ continues to fill her with his life and saving grace, pouring into her the Holy Spirit with his gifts of unity, peace, and love.

The Most Reverend George J. Lucas leads the Archdiocese of Omaha. 

For other episodes in the visit our Archbishop George Lucas page

This programs is based on:

More information can be found here.

We wish to thank the USCCB for the permissions granted for use of  relevant material used in this series.
Also we wish to thank Omar Gutierrez and Teresa Monaghen  for their vocal talents in this episode.

USCCA11 – The Four Marks of the Church – U. S. Catholic Catechism for Adults w/ Arch. George Lucas

USCCA11- Episode 11- The Four Marks of the Church

Archbishop Lucas offers insights on the US Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 11:

“In the earliest professions of faith, the Catholic Church identified herself as “one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.”  We find these words in the Nicene Creed professed at Sunday Mass.  Traditionally, they refer to what are known as the four marks of the Church, traits that identify the Church before the world.”

The Most Reverend George J. Lucas leads the Archdiocese of Omaha. 

For other episodes in the visit our Archbishop George Lucas page

This programs is based on:

More information can be found here.

We wish to thank the USCCB for the permissions granted for use of  relevant material used in this series.
Also we wish to thank Omar Gutierrez his vocal talents in this episode.

USCCA12 – Mary: The Church’s First and Most Perfect Member – U. S. Catholic Catechism for Adults w/ Arch. George Lucas

USCCA12- Episode 12-  Mary:  The Church’s First and Most Perfect Member

Archbishop Lucas offers insights on the US Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 12:

The Second Vatican Council remains us that Mary is a member of the Church who “occupies a place in the Church which is the highest after Christ and also closest to us” (LG, no. 54).  She is the first and the greatest of all the disciples of Christ.

The Most Reverend George J. Lucas leads the Archdiocese of Omaha. 

For other episodes in the visit our Archbishop George Lucas page

This programs is based on:

More information can be found here.

We wish to thank the USCCB for the permissions granted for use of  relevant material used in this series.
Also we wish to thank Fr. Ryan Lewis   for his vocal talents in this episode.

USCCA13 – Our Eternal Destiny – U. S. Catholic Catechism for Adults w/ Arch. George Lucas

USCCA13- Episode 13-  Our Eternal Destiny

Archbishop Lucas offers insights on the US Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 13:

” But the reality of death and its finality give an urgency to our lives.  “Death puts an end to human life as the time open to either accepting or rejecting the divine grace manifested in Christ”  (CCC, no. 1021).  This teaching recognizes that the death of a person marks an end to our earthly  journey with its sorrows and joys, its sinful failures, and the triumphs of Christ’s saving grace and help.


The Most Reverend George J. Lucas leads the Archdiocese of Omaha. 

For other episodes in the visit our Archbishop George Lucas page

This programs is based on:

More information can be found here.

We wish to thank the USCCB for the permissions granted for use of  relevant material used in this series.
Also we wish to thank Fr. Ryan Lewis   for his vocal talents in this episode.

USCCA14 – The Celebration of the Paschal Mystery of Christ – U. S. Catholic Catechism for Adults w/ Arch. George Lucas

USCCA14- Episode 14 –  The Celebration of the Paschal Mystery of Christ

Archbishop Lucas offers insights on the US Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 14:

Through the liturgical celebrations of the Church, we participate in the Paschal Mystery of Christ, that is, his passing through death from this life into eternal flory, just as God enabled the people of ancient Israel to pass from slavery to freedom through the events narrated int he Book of Exodus (cf. Ex 11-13).  The liturgies of the Church also help to teach us about Jesus Christ and the meaning of the mysteries we are celebrating.

The Most Reverend George J. Lucas leads the Archdiocese of Omaha.  

For other episodes in the visit our Archbishop George Lucas page

This program is based on:

More information can be found here.

We wish to thank the USCCB for the permissions granted for use of relevant material used in this series.

USCCA15 – Baptism: Becoming a Christian – U. S. Catholic Catechism for Adults w/ Arch. George Lucas

USCCA15- Episode 15 – Baptism: Becoming a Christian

Archbishop Lucas offers insights on the US Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 15:

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the Lord himself affirms that Baptism is necessary for salvation.  “No one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit” (Jn 3:5).  Christ commanded his disciples to preach the Gospel, draw people to faith in him, and baptize those who come to conversion.  The Church does not neglect the mission she has received form Christ to ensure that all be baptized and reborn of water and the Spirit.

The Most Reverend George J. Lucas leads the Archdiocese of Omaha.  

For other episodes in the visit our Archbishop George Lucas page

This programs is based on:

More information can be found here.

We wish to thank the USCCB for the permissions granted for use of  relevant material used in this series.
Also we wish to thank Deacon Chuck Adams  for his vocal talents in this episode.

USCCA16 – Confirmation: Consecrated for Mission – U. S. Catholic Catechism for Adults w/ Arch. George Lucas

USCCA16- Episode 16- Confirmation: Consecrated for Mission

Archbishop Lucas offers insights on the US Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 16:

“When we are responsive to the grace of Confirmation and the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, we begin to bear the fruits of the Spirit.  The tradition of the Church names twelve frutis of the Holy Spirit:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity”

The Most Reverend George J. Lucas leads the Archdiocese of Omaha. 

For other episodes in the visit our Archbishop George Lucas page

This programs is based on:

More information can be found here.

We wish to thank the USCCB for the permissions granted for use of  relevant material used in this series.
Also we wish to thank Omar Gutierrez, Teresa Monaghen, and Bruce McGregor  for their vocal talents in this episode.