Despite the “lack of historical evidence” surrounding St. Philomena, the heart just “knows”. The relationships that this lovely little saint has had with us in the temporal order from her seat in the Cloud of Witnesses is the greatest evidence of all for her presence there. The great Cure de Ars, St. John Vianney, had a great devotion to St. Philomena, along with many, many others. Beloved St. Philomena, pray for us!
Having the chance to sit down with the one and only Al Kresta and ask him questions is one of my “moments of grace”. Al is extraordinary, and combined with the talent of Nick Thomm, special moments happen. We hear that every day on “Kresta in the Afternoon”. But now Al and Nick reveal the hidden gems of grace contained in the lives of some ordinary people, who have gone on to do extraordinary things because of “moments of grace”. More than just individual stories (which on their own are wonderful), but include AL Kresta’s guidance and commentary, they become very special testimonies to guide and inspire us all.
Compelling just isn’t a big enough word to capture the work that Fr. Paul Hamans has given us in this book. “Edith Stein and Companions on the Way to Auschwitz” not only gives us a portrait of the great saint, but gives us the faces and insights into the hearts of those we call “companions”…be prepared to be both heartbroken and inspired at the same time.
Why me? Who hasn’t asked them self that question over and over again throughout the course of their life. With a smile of joy in his voice and compassion in his heart, Mike Aquilina attempts to answer the age old question…Why Me? With Mike’s help, we look toward the saints, and ultimately to Our Blessed Lord, for the answer. Mike tackles this tough subject with love and grace. After all, isn’t that exactly how God attempts to break through to us in our suffering with His answer? On a personal note: Mike Aquilina is one of the finest men I know. It is a joy to talk with him about any subject, but when it comes to matters of the Church and God, watch out…your heart will swell up with faith, hope and love. He’s like your pal on the road to Emmaus.
J. S. Bach died on this date 260 years ago. I just couldn’t let the date pass without a small tribute to the great talent the Lord blessed him with. From the “Sanctus” in the Mass in B minor, to the Toccata and Fugue in D minor…oh you name it, who can possibly pick from his legacy a favorite? But I have to say, it always makes me sigh when I hear “May Sheep Safely Graze”, so for all you lambys out there a little reflection:
Sometimes you just smile through an entire interview wishing it wouldn’t end…that’s what it is like talking with Joan Wester Anderson. What a truly lovely woman! She seems to have a very special mission for the Father in Heaven – to make known the glory of those special messangers of the Lord, the Holy Angels of God, and to relate the heavenly miraculous moments which occur in the everyday around the world. Joan is a beautiful story teller both in print and on the air. I know you will enjoy our conversation….
Have you ever heard of “The Catholic Truth Society”? Well thanks to Ignatius Press, you are about to. In this edition of “Inside the Pages”, I talk with Mark Brumley, president of Ignatius Press and whois one of the leading Catholic apologists in the country (he’s also a really nice guy as well). Ignatius Press is bringing the booklets, leaflets and tracks from the Society to America, and they’re fantastic. The authors found on these booklets are enough to crow about, but the titles are so good…wow…beyond excellent. You don’t want to miss them. Take a look HERE! In this episode we talk the new evangelization, saints, history, apologetics…you name it.
It’s always great fun to talk with Dr. Benjamin Wiker. Intelligent and disarming, Dr. Wiker has a way of helping us see past the sound bite of the day to the heart of the matter…to the heart of the Church…to the heart of Truth.
Do you think you know what it means to be a “conservative”? Do you really? Read this first, and then let’s talk….
Here is part 2 of the discussion with Dr. Matthew Bunson, with the emphasis on the renewal and reform that has occured in the Church since the outbreak of the sexual abuse scandal. Dr. Bunson is once again EXCELLENT in articulating the problems which have surfaced, but also the response of the Church from its heart to the issue. It would be hard to find someone who does it better.
For 100+ reasons, I love Dr. Matthew Bunson. No one I know has quite the depth of knowledge that he has and the ability to calmly disseminate it! His new book, co-authored with Gregory Erlandson, is OUTSTANDING! Please don’t say you have formed your final opinion on this tragic period in Church history without reading “Pope Benedict XVI and the Sexual Abuse Crisis: Working for Reform and Renewal”. Don’t count on the secular media (and inparticular the NYT) to educate yourself on this matter. No one has done a better job chronicling this crisis and our Holy Father’s true response to this matter, then these two writers. The resources and prayers in the back of the book are excellent! Thank you Matthew and Gregory.
Dr. Bunson has been a frequent quest on Spirit Mornings with Bruce and Kris McGregor…check him out on the archives page! (I have got to him his own page soon…long, long overdue!!!!)