St. Rose of Lima – 1st canonized saint of the Americas…what true beauty is, true beauty does

St. Rose of Lima, is the 1st person canonized a saint in the Americas and is considered the patron of Latin America and the Philippines. Her story is really as lovely as her name.  Born Isabel (which in itself means Beauty) in 1586, she was so beautiful that they simply called her Rose.   She felt a special relationship … Read more

IP#17 Patrick Coffin – “Sex au Naturel” on Inside the Pages

Patrick Coffin does a fantastic job breaking open “Humane Vitae”, Natural Family Planning, and the beauty of marital love in his book  “Sex au Naturel: What It Is and Why It’s Good for Your Marriage”.  Listeners of “Catholic Answers Live” know Patrick Coffin is well-learned in many areas of Catholic life, and that he brings to all those … Read more

IP#1 Kimberly Hahn – “Beloved and Blessed” on Inside the Pages

What a blessing to have my first “Inside the Pages” show be with Kimberly Hahn!  She is such an inspiration on so many levels.  The enitre “Life Nurturing Love” series is awesome (book and DVD).  When you read Kimberly Hahn you can’t help but feel you are receiving the best advice from a wise and … Read more