IP#212 Fr. Joseph Fessio – Married Priests? on Inside the Pages

“Married Priests? 30 Crucial Questions about Celibacy” is the go to book when seeking answers to just about everything related to the Church’s teaching and exprience in regards to priestly celibacy. With Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J., editor and founder of Ignatius Press the publisher of this work, we discuss several of those questions. Why do Catholic priests not marry? How can celibacy possibly be so important to the Church, if Jesus did not even require it of his apostles? How does this discipline play into the discernment for this particular vocation? We also discuss the vocation of Marriage, and the state of Church in America from Fr. Fessio’s prespective. It is always a joy to have the opportunity to talk with Fr. Fessio

IP#189 Dr. Rodney Stark – America’s Blessings on Inside the Pages

“America’s Blessings: How Religion Benefits Everyone, Including Atheists” is outstanding; it’s the book most anti-religion pundits don’t want you to read. Once again, it was a delight to speak with Dr. Rodney Stark about this subject. He is one of the leading authorities on the sociology of religion. The Distinguished Professor of the Social Sciences and co-director of the Institute for Studies of Religion at Baylor University, Dr. Stark has broken open for us a wealth of studies, polls, and data that indicate the tremendous benefits organized religion has had on the United States of America. He also presents, in his uniquely authentic style, the dangers of taking this blessing for granted.

IP#182 Dr. Christopher Kaczor – The Seven Big Myths About the Catholic Church on Inside the Pages

“The Seven Big Myths About the Catholic Church: Distinguishing Fact from Fiction about Catholicism” by Dr. Christopher Kaczor is a must have resource for Catholics!

The misconceptions about our faith are so prevalent in today’s society that is almost guaranteed that you will encounter at least one of these myths in daily conversations with friends, co-workers, and sadly to say, family members. To have the peace of mind, in order to answer the objection, is invaluable, especially when we are called to the New Evangelization. But even more than that, Dr. Kaczor helps us to give a reason for our hope…the presence of Jesus Christ and His saving grace and mercy found in our Roman Catholic faith.

IP#176 My Sisters the Saints – Colleen Carroll Campbell on Inside the Pages

I love this book…what a wonderful introduction on how the Communion of Saints can change our lives. Colleen Carroll Campbell writes a beautiful memoir that not only chronicles the important passages of life she’s traveled thus far, but she also shares the guidance and insight she has received from several “sister” saints she has met along the way…St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Faustina, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), Bl. Teresa of Calcutta and, of course, the Queen and Mother of them all, The Blessed Virgin Mary. This work is more than just a cataloging of the events of her life or facts about these incredible women, Colleen shares a compelling story that is truly a page turner. It was a book that brought great joy and peace to my heart; it helped me to reflect on, and appreciate more fully, those wonderful members of the “Cloud of Witnesses” who have touched my life….what a true gift God has given us in the Communion of the Saints. A HIGHLY recommended book on all levels.

St. Catherine of Genoa…it’s all about Divine Love – Discerning Hearts

“Catherine lived in holy obedience to God as He guided her to do His Will as He spoke to her interior, “My daughter, observe these three rules, namely: never say I will or I will not. Never say mine, but always ours. Never excuse yourself, but always accuse yourself. When you repeat the `Our Father’ take always for your maxim, Fiat voluntas tua, that is, may his will be done in everything that may happen to you, whether good or ill; from the `Hail Mary’ take the word Jesus, and may it be implanted in your heart, and it will be a sweet guide and shield to you in all the necessities of life. And from the rest of Scripture take always for your support this word, Love, with which you will go on your way, direct, pure, light, watchful, quick, enlightened, without erring, yet without a guide or help from any creature; for love needs no support, being sufficient to do all things without fear; neither does love ever become weary, for even martyrdom is sweet to it. And, finally, this love will consume all the inclinations of the soul, and the desires of the body, for the things of this life.”

Pope Benedict on Prayer – Prayer in the Book of Revelation: ” God is not indifferent to our prayers”

An excerpt from the audience:
The assembly must therefore know how to interpret in depth the history it is living, by learning to discern events with faith in order to cooperate by its action in the growth of the Kingdom of God. And this work of interpretation and discernment, as well as action, is linked to prayer.

This image signifies that God is not indifferent to our prayers; he intervenes and makes his power felt and his voice heard on the earth, he makes the systems of Evil tremble and disrupts them. Often, when faced with evil, we feel incapable of doing anything, but prayer is the first and most effective response that we can give and that strengthens our daily commitment to spreading goodness. The power of God makes our weakness fruitful (cf.Romans 8:26-27).

St. Augustine of Hippo, “Late have I loved you” – Discerning Hearts

The importance of his life and contribution to the Church cannot be overstated. St. Augustine, one of the greatest of the Church Fathers, has not only influenced the Church, but the thought of the world as we know it. The story of his conversion as chronicled in his “Confessions”, would be enough, but then add the body of his theological work and you have nothing less than a glimpse of what is truly the power of “grace and mercy”.