BTP-WE1 – Self-discovery and Gift of Self – Beginning to Pray: Words of Encouragement for Spiritual Pilgrims w/Dr. Anthony Lilles Podcast

Self-discovery and Gift of Self – Beginning to Pray: Words of Encouragement for Spiritual Pilgrims w/Dr. Anthony Lilles Podcast

In this episode of Beginning to Pray: Words of Encouragement for Spiritual Pilgrims, Dr. Lilles reflects on Self-discovery and Gift of Self – the Truth Christ Reveals.

St. John Paul II sincerely believed that we are so created that we can only discover the truth about ourselves when we give ourselves to another.  He believed this from his own experience. He marveled how it was possible to meet someone and be so overwhelmed by their beauty that you should want to sacrifice everything for their sake, that this other person might thrive. In this he glimpsed not only the beauty of God’s plan for man and woman in marriage, but also the beauty of Christ’s love for each and every soul.

FA8 – Body at Rest – Freedom from Anxiety with Sonja Corbitt – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts

Body at Rest – Episode 8 – Freedom from Anxiety with Sonja Corbitt

The body has two systems of protection. The immune system fights inner threats, and the “fight or flight” system protects from external threats. Stress only becomes a serious physical problem when it moves from temporary to persistent or is aggravated by negative, fear-driven thoughts and emotion. Research shows that fear triggers known and measurable physical and chemical responses, throwing the body into a frantic, sick state.

Neck, shoulder, head, and back problems are exoskeletal and nervous system issues – structural issues. In the Bible they are related to the will, the “structure” that human life and existence are built on. When we willfully step out from under the protective, authoritative structure God has put into place, we often experience symptoms in these areas, such as migraines, muscle aches, back problems, and insomnia. Here’s how to re-order the structure of your life by re-ordering your will.

LST7 – The Personality of St. Therese – The Letters of St. Therese of Lisieux with Fr. Timothy Gallagher Podcast

Episode 7 – In this conversation, Fr. Gallagher continues to reflect on the illuminating personality of St. Therese, by examining several letters written about her and letters she wrote to extended family members.

ST-John Ep 39 – John 18 – Christ’s Passion part 2 – The Gospel of St. John – Seeking Truth with Sharon Doran – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Episode 36 – John 17 – The High Priestly Prayer part 2

The High Priestly Prayer of John 17 is the conclusion of the Farewell Discourse of Jesus.   Sharon begins her lecture with some additional insights on the Trinity, whose image is reflected in the marriage between man and woman and between Christ in both his Church and priesthood.  Because they image God and can bear eternal life, these spiritual marriages are targeted by Satan.  Because of the fall, we lost our immortality, and death entered the world, but through Jesus, death is conquered, and the prospect of eternal life is restored, which John discussed at least 19 times in his gospel.

ST-John Ep 37- John 18 – Christ’s Passion part 1 – The Gospel of St. John – Seeking Truth with Sharon Doran – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Episode 36 – John 17 – The High Priestly Prayer part 2

The High Priestly Prayer of John 17 is the conclusion of the Farewell Discourse of Jesus.   Sharon begins her lecture with some additional insights on the Trinity, whose image is reflected in the marriage between man and woman and between Christ in both his Church and priesthood.  Because they image God and can bear eternal life, these spiritual marriages are targeted by Satan.  Because of the fall, we lost our immortality, and death entered the world, but through Jesus, death is conquered, and the prospect of eternal life is restored, which John discussed at least 19 times in his gospel.

ST-John Ep 36 – John 17 – The High Priestly Prayer part 2 – The Gospel of St. John – Seeking Truth with Sharon Doran – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Episode 36 – John 17 – The High Priestly Prayer part 2

The High Priestly Prayer of John 17 is the conclusion of the Farewell Discourse of Jesus.   Sharon begins her lecture with some additional insights on the Trinity, whose image is reflected in the marriage between man and woman and between Christ in both his Church and priesthood.  Because they image God and can bear eternal life, these spiritual marriages are targeted by Satan.  Because of the fall, we lost our immortality, and death entered the world, but through Jesus, death is conquered, and the prospect of eternal life is restored, which John discussed at least 19 times in his gospel.

ST-John Ep 35 – John 17 – The High Priestly Prayer part 1 – The Gospel of St. John – Seeking Truth with Sharon Doran – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Episode 35 – John 17 – The High Priestly Prayer part 1

The High Priestly Prayer of John 17 is the conclusion of the Farewell Discourse of Jesus.   Sharon begins her lecture with some additional insights on the Trinity, whose image is reflected in the marriage between man and woman and between Christ in both his Church and priesthood.  Because they image God and can bear eternal life, these spiritual marriages are targeted by Satan.  Because of the fall, we lost our immortality, and death entered the world, but through Jesus, death is conquered, and the prospect of eternal life is restored, which John discussed at least 19 times in his gospel.

DC36 St. Catherine of Siena, Part 1 – The Doctors of the Church: The Charism of Wisdom with Dr. Matthew Bunson – Discerning Hearts Podcast

  St. Catherine of Siena, Part 1 – The Doctors of the Church: The Charism of Wisdom with Dr. Matthew Bunson Born: March 17, 1347, Siena, Italy Died: April 29, 1380, Rome Nationality: Italian Dr. Matthew Bunson and Kris McGregor delve into the life of St. Catherine of Siena, a remarkable Doctor of the Church. … Read more

ST-John Ep 30 – John 14 – I am the Way, the Truth and the Life part 2- The Gospel of St. John – Seeking Truth with Sharon Doran – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Episode 30 – John 14 – I am the Way, the Truth and the Life part 2 We continue our study of John’s Gospel with Chapter 14.  This beautiful chapter has an abundance of nuptial imagery.  God designed marriage as a way to image the Trinity.  Just as life flows from the one-flesh union of man … Read more

ST-John Ep 29- John 14 – I am the Way, the Truth and the Life part 1- The Gospel of St. John – Seeking Truth with Sharon Doran – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Episode 29 – John 14 – I am the Way, the Truth and the Life part 1 We continue our study of John’s Gospel with Chapter 14.  This beautiful chapter has an abundance of nuptial imagery.  God designed marriage as a way to image the Trinity.  Just as life flows from the one-flesh union of man … Read more