PoC-4 Saturday after Ash Wednesday: The Power of the Cross Lenten Meditation

Saturday after Ash Wednesday


Steps to Take as You Follow Christ

Ask—How does viewing Jesus as my savior from death help me to face head-on the deaths of loved ones and even my own death?

Seek—Fast from passing judgment on anyone today. Realize in this little dying to yourself you are opening yourself to see others as God sees them.

Knock—Meditate on Revelation 1:17-18

But he laid his right hand upon me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one; I died, and behold I am alive for evermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades.”

Imagine Jesus touching you with his right hand and lifting you up from your death. What other areas of your life are dominated by death rather than the life of Christ?

Transform Your Life—Do not shy away from death. Pray for others, ask the saints to pray for you, seeing in them living examples of the promise of Christ to save us from death.

PoC-3 Friday after Ash Wednesday: The Power of the Cross Lenten Meditation

Friday after Ash Wednesday


Steps to Take as You Follow Christ

Ask—How greatly do I feel the need for Christ in my life?

Seek—Place a crucifix in a prominent place in your home. Look upon this sign of our salvation upon rising and before you retire for the night, asking Christ to help you to “take up your cross” and follow him.

Knock—Meditate on Revelation 22:17, 20

The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let him who hears say, “Come.”. . .He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

Who are you waiting for?

Transform Your Life—Foster and keep before you the need that you have for Jesus. Make your constant prayer to Jesus one of entreating him to come, to be present, inviting him to be a part of your life.

PoC-2 Thursday after Ash Wednesday: The Power of the Cross Lenten Meditation


Steps to Take as You Follow Christ

Ask—Do I fear the cross of Christ or do I embrace it?

Seek—Place a crucifix in a prominent place in your home. Look upon this sign of our salvation upon rising and before you retire for the night, asking Christ to help you to “take up your cross” and follow him.

Knock—Meditate on Philippians 3:18-21

I have told you often, and I repeat it today with tears, there are many who are behaving as the enemies of the cross of Christ.

They are destined to be lost. They make foods into their god and they are proudest of something they ought to think shameful; the things they think important are earthly things.

For us, our homeland is in heaven, and from heaven comes the saviour we are waiting for, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body. He will do that by the same power with which he can subdue the whole universe.

What are you living for?
Do you see the saving power of the cross or are you an enemy of the cross?
Do you believe in the power of Christ?

Transform Your Life— Believe in the gospel and experience the liberating effects of taking up your cross and following Jesus. Make your life one that will not be spent looking backward in regret for all the good that you did not do—focus on the good that you can do right now!

PoC-1 Ash Wednesday: The Power of the Cross Lenten Meditation

Ash Wednesday


Steps to Take as You Follow Christsf_deathdefeated_03

Ask—Am I living my life in fear of death or in anticipation of eternal life in Christ?

Seek— Try to focus on Christ as the motivation for all of your actions throughout the day. Be conscious of whom you are try- ing to please in all that you do.

Knock— Meditate on Genesis 3:19. How does Baptism wash away original sin? What is the purpose of recalling that without Christ we are all living to die? How does the cross of Christ defeat death?

Transform Your Life—Make the cross of Christ your banner of hope. See in the victory of Jesus’ cross a life-changing invitation to overcome all the evil forces that try to keep you from being