Omar F. A. Gutierrez, M.A – Catholic Social Teaching


Historical Perspective…Encyclicals, Apostolic Constitutions, etc…

RERUM NOVARUM (On the Condition of Labor)
Pope Leo XIII, May 15, 1891
This work addresses the deplorable plight of the industrial workers in the wake of the Industrial Revolution. It calls for the protection of the weak and the poor through the perfection of justice by charity, while excluding socialism and class struggle as legitimate principles of change. It affirms:
* the dignity of work,
* the right to private property,
* the right to from and join professional associations.

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Rerum Novarum as found on the the Vatican Website

QUADRAGESIMO ANNO (On the Reconstruction of the Social Order)
Written in response to the alarming concentration of wealth and power in the socioeconomic realism, Pius XI calls for the re-establishment of a social order based on the principle of subsidiarity. In commemorating the 40th anniversary of Rerum Novarum, this encyclical reaffirms the need for a social order founded on and animated by justice and charity.
Pope Pius XI, May 15, 1931

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Quadragesimo Anno as found on the Vatican Website

MATER ET MAGISTRA (Christianity and Social Progress)
Pope John XX III, May 15, 1961
This work affirmed the role of the Church as a teacher distinguishing good and evil, and as a nurturing mother to the poor and oppressed, John XXIII calls for a greater awareness of the need for all peoples to live as one community with a common good. Special attention is focused on the plight of the farmers and farm workers in depressed rural, agricultural economies.
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Mater et Magistra as found on Vatican Website

GAUDIEM ET SPES (The Church in the Modern World)
Vatican II, December 7, 1965
Calling for a new sense of service by the church in a rapidly changing world, the Council systematically presents the ethical framework of the church’s commitment to pastoral work in the world. This servant Church addresses itself to the real concerns and problems faced by Christians living in the modern age and calls for a development based on an unqualified acceptance of the inherent dignity of the human person.
Pope Pius XI, May 15, 1931

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Gaudium et spes as found on Vatican Website

The Work of Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XIV, June 29, 2009
This encyclical shows the role of charity and truth in life and gives insight on the current economic conditions of the world today and builds on Populorum Progressio. The United States Conference of Catholic bishops stated, “The encyclical offers sound reflections on the vocation of human development as well as on the moral principles on which a global economy must be based. It challenges business enterprises, governments, unions and individuals to reexamine their economic responsibilities in the light of charity governed by truth.

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Download(right click & choose “Save Link As”) Part 2
Caritas in Veritate as found on the Vatican website



*The Apostolic Constitution that has been prepared in response to “many requests” from groups of Anglican clergy and faithful wanting to enter into full communion with the Church.

Download(right click & choose “Save Link As”)
Anglicanorum Coetibus as found on the Vatican website

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