Novena to St. Joseph mp3 audio and text

St. Joseph Novena – Day 1

O glorious Saint Joseph,
faithful follower of Jesus Christ,
to you we raise our hearts and hands
to implore your powerful intercession
in obtaining from the benign heart of Jesus
all the helps and graces necessary
for our spiritual and temporal welfare,
particularly for the grace of a happy death
and the special favor we now request…

(State your request here.)

O guardian of the Word Incarnate,
we feel animated with confidence that your prayers
in our behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God.

O glorious St. Joseph,
through the love you bear to Jesus Christ
and for the glory of His name,
hear our prayers
and obtain our petitions.



O great St. Joseph,
with feelings of unlimited confidence,
we beg you to bless this novena that we begin in your honor.
“You are never invoked in vain,” says the seraphic St. Theresa of Jesus.
Be you then to me
what you have been to that spouse of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and graciously hear me as you did her.


Saint Joseph, pray for us!

St. Joseph Novena – Day 2

O glorious Saint Joseph,st-joseph-1-284x300
faithful follower of Jesus Christ,
to you we raise our hearts and hands
to implore your powerful intercession
in obtaining from the benign heart of Jesus
all the helps and graces necessary
for our spiritual and temporal welfare,
particularly for the grace of a happy death
and the special favor we now request…

(State your request here.)

O guardian of the Word Incarnate,
we feel animated with confidence that your prayers
in our behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God.

O glorious St. Joseph,
through the love you bear to Jesus Christ
and for the glory of His name,
hear our prayers
and obtain our petitions.



O blessed Saint Joseph,
tenderhearted father,
faithful guardian of Jesus,
chaste spouse of the Mother of God,
we pray and beseech you to offer to God the Father,
His divine son,
bathed in blood on the Cross for sinners,
and through the thrice holy name of Jesus
obtain for us of the eternal Father
the favor for which we implore your intercession…

(State your request here…)

Amid the splendors of eternity,
forget not the sorrows of those who pray,
those who weep;
stay the almighty arm which smites us,
that by your prayers and those of your most holy spouse,
the Heart of Jesus may be moved to pity and to pardon.


Saint Joseph, pray for us!

St. Joseph Novena – Day 3

O glorious Saint Joseph,st.-joseph-12
faithful follower of Jesus Christ,
to you we raise our hearts and hands
to implore your powerful intercession
in obtaining from the benign heart of Jesus
all the helps and graces necessary
for our spiritual and temporal welfare,
particularly for the grace of a happy death
and the special favor we now request…

(State your request here.)

O guardian of the Word Incarnate,
we feel animated with confidence that your prayers
in our behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God.

O glorious St. Joseph,
through the love you bear to Jesus Christ
and for the glory of His name,
hear our prayers
and obtain our petitions.



Blessed St. Joseph,
enkindle in our cold hearts a spark of your charity.
May God be always the first
and only object of our affections.
Keep our souls always in sanctifying grace and,
if we should be so unhappy as to lose it,
give us the strength to recover it immediately
by a sincere repentance.
Help us to such a love of our God
as will always keep us united to Him.

O glorious St. Joseph,
through the love you bear to Jesus Christ
and for the glory of His name,
hear our prayers
and obtain our petitions.

(State your request here…)


Saint Joseph, pray for us!

St. Joseph Novena – Day 4

holy-family121O glorious Saint Joseph,faithful follower of Jesus Christ,
to you we raise our hearts and hands
to implore your powerful intercession
in obtaining from the benign heart of Jesus
all the helps and graces necessary
for our spiritual and temporal welfare,
particularly for the grace of a happy death
and the special favor we now request…

(State your request here.)

O guardian of the Word Incarnate,
we feel animated with confidence that your prayers
in our behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God.

O glorious St. Joseph,
through the love you bear to Jesus Christ
and for the glory of His name,
hear our prayers
and obtain our petitions.



Saint Joseph, pride of Heaven,
unfailing hope for our lives,
and support of those on earth,
graciously accept our prayer of praise.
You were appointed spouse of the chaste Virgin
by the Creator of the world.
He willed that you be called “father” of the Word
and serve as agent of our salvation.
May the triune God who bestowed upon you heavenly honors,
be praised forever.
And may He grant us through your merits
the joy of a blessed life
and a favorable answer to our petition.

(State your request here…)


Saint Joseph, pray for us!

7 thoughts on “Novena to St. Joseph mp3 audio and text”

  1. St Joseph, pray for me that I may be able respond well on situation that challenges me not to be proud, to be humble and to seek only your heart strength and wisdom and to trust you even more. I pray for Ems that u slow her down aend humble her.. in Jesus name. Amen

  2. Praise and Thank The Blessed Trinity for all blessings and please help us carry our crosses.Billy, Cathy, Ed, Marianna, Carly get to heaven along with all relatives, friends, entire world. World peace ,respect for life at all ages, conversion of all sinners, conversion of Billy, Ed. Carly. Souls in purgatory, for all military reparation for our sins. spiritual and political leaders do Gods Will.

  3. St Joseph as a devout father to our Lord Jesus, I ask u Pls pray for me especially on the decision that I made on ECM. May truth & justice prevail and may understanding and acceptance be upon Mrs M. Guide me St Joseph and may the Holy Spirit be my strength & wisdom in everything that I do & decide. Amen

  4. St Joseph the devoted father of our Christ Jesus please pray for me and my family. Let there be peace, love, respect, trust between me and my spouse. Let him be the man he is suppose to be and never abandon his family. Make him to come back and be the father to his children. Let him stop all extra marital affairs and focus on his family. I know you will never fail me. I love him with all my heart


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