For more information on Deacon James Keating, PhD and the work of the Institute for Priestly Formation visit: priestlyformation.org
Deacon James Keating, PhD, the director of Theological Formation for the Institute for Priestly Formation, located at Creighton University, in Omaha.
“Marriage in the Lord: Poured Out for Love” and “Communion in Christ: Practical Prayer”
hosted by Kris McGregor are now available as CD Audio Sets at http://www.ipfpublications.com
More from Deacon Keating and the Institute for Priestly Formation
Deacon James Keating, PhD, the director of Theological Formation for the Institute for Priestly Formation, located at Creighton University, in Omaha,
His Mercies Are New Every Morning..
I am hard to think of a greater and more diverse source of Christian Ethos and Spiritual Direction, than Discerning Hearts. Yes, Christian – for Catholicity is true Christianity even if it means owning up to the neglecting the treasures of the Church – her Unity in Mary in time and space. Yes, Catholicity should own up to decline of Christian Values for it is only then that the decline of sacramentality of marriage, eucharistic adoration and spiritual direction can be restored. Otherwise we are dealing with noisy fissures, diversions and drift even among daily and weekly communicants, in South Africa and everywhere.
It is refreshing to hear from Fr. Donald Haggerty and Dcn Charles Keating. You work should reach every nook and cranny of life for propagation, hoping here that every Priest and Parish is open To A New Pentecostalism- allowing ourselves to be found, carried and used by the Oneness of Trinitarian Love of the the Holy Spirit.
Many Tx Chris
Donald T. Molema