IP#502 Adam Blai – The History of Exorcism, Part 2 on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

Adam Blai on “The History of Exorcism,” Part Two – Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

In part two of our conversation, Adam Blai and Kris McGregor discuss the nature of spiritual warfare and deliverance, emphasizing the central role of sacramental life and personal conversion. Adam Blai explains that 90% of the enemy’s actions are temptations, which can be effectively countered through the sacraments like confession, mass, baptism, and confirmation. Deliverance primarily comes through these sacraments and genuine personal transformation, rather than dramatic prayers or rituals. True deliverance requires a sincere turn towards God and away from sin, with the person actively participating in their spiritual growth and repentance.

Blai highlights that even in cases of possession, the goal is spiritual growth and conversion, not just relief from suffering. Exorcism is a liturgical act aimed at guiding individuals towards a life of faith, repentance, and forgiveness. Forgiving others and oneself is crucial, as demons can exploit unforgiveness to maintain their hold. And the historical context of exorcism in the church, noting that it evolved over centuries and has become more regulated to ensure proper and safe practice.

The importance of the church’s authority and wisdom in handling exorcisms, cautioning against individuals attempting exorcisms without proper authorization and training. Blai advises those facing spiritual issues to seek help from their parish priests or diocesan offices and stresses that the focus should always be on Jesus, not the devil. The ultimate message is one of hope and trust in God’s love and the transformative power of a life centered on Christ.

You can find the book here.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions

  1. Understanding the Enemy’s Strategies: How does recognizing that 90% of the enemy’s actions are temptations change your approach to spiritual warfare?
  2. Role of Sacraments in Deliverance: In what ways have you experienced the power of sacramental grace in your life, especially through confession and the Eucharist?
  3. Personal Conversion and Deliverance: Reflect on a time when personal conversion and repentance brought you closer to God. How did this impact your spiritual struggles?
  4. Forgiveness as a Path to Freedom: How can you practice forgiveness towards others and yourself to prevent spiritual oppression?
  5. Historical Context of Exorcism: How does understanding the historical development of exorcism in the Church deepen your appreciation for its current practice and regulation?
  6. Authority and Wisdom in Exorcism: Why is it important for the Church to regulate who performs exorcisms, and how does this safeguard both the practitioner and the person in need?
  7. Focus on Christ, Not the Devil: How can you ensure that your spiritual life remains Christ-centered and not overly focused on fear of the devil?
  8. Seeking Help within the Church: When facing spiritual difficulties, how can you effectively seek help from your parish priest or diocesan offices?

From the book description:

“Due to the advancement of observable evil in our society, the topic of exorcism has increasingly come to the forefront in the West in this century. In Hollywood movies, exorcism has often been sensationalized and misconstrued. Although volumes have been written about demons and exorcism, little has been explained about what solemn exorcism really is within the larger context of deliverance ministry. But now, Church-decreed expert on demonology and exorcism Adam Blai thoroughly explores the roots of exorcism and breaks open its significance for you.

You will find answers to wide-ranging questions such as: Is possession an exclusively Christian phenomenon, or is it a universal problem? Did exorcism exist before Jesus, or did He introduce it? If it predated Christianity, how did other cultures see it and deal with it? How do other world religions view the phenomenon of possession and exorcism? Are there other methods of confronting it besides the Catholic rite?

Blai lays out how exorcisms were performed in the earliest days of the Church. Over time, a liturgical rite was developed and teachings were provided to safeguard the faithful in the practice of exorcisms.
In these pages, Blai reveals:

    • Twenty-one guidelines for exorcists, produced under St. Charles Borromeo
    • Fascinating examples of actual exorcisms (some made famous in movies!)
    • Astounding examples of how saints helped drive out demons (even from the great beyond!)
    • Which psalm is known for offering protection and deliverance from evil spirits (Can you guess?)
    • The revolutionary way in which Jesus performed exorcisms

You will learn about how a harpist helped deliver King Saul of an evil spirit and how the spirits of giants tormented people. As you read about the evolution of exorcism, you will observe how strange practices sometimes occurred through the use of magic and superstition. You will also find five exorcism guidelines from the Middle Ages and four signs of genuine possession today.

Additionally, you will see how the 1614 rite of exorcism differs from the 1998 rite. You will also find a helpful appendix about how to determine whether a disturbance is spiritual, mental, or medical. Extensive references are included throughout the book.”

About the Author: Adam Blai (pronounced “Bly”) is a Church-decreed expert on religious demonology and exorcism in the Pittsburgh diocese. He is an auxiliary member of the International Association of Exorcists based in Rome. Over the past decade, he has helped educate priests regarding exorcism at national conferences, seminars, and through consultation on many cases in a number of dioceses.

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