IP#364 Fr. John Bartunek – The Better Part: The Gospels pt. 2 – Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts Podcast


Fr. John Bartunek – The Better Part: The Gospels pt. 2 on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

In part 2 of their conversation, Fr. John Bartunek and Kris McGregor discuss deepening one’s relationship with God through prayer, using Fr. Bartunek’s book, The Better Part, as a central resource. They explore the importance of the fourth step of prayer, “commit,” which is about renewing one’s commitment to the relationship with God after a time of prayer, much like a mother responds to her child’s needs in a relationship.

Prayer is not about seeking spiritual consolations but about faith and deepening friendship with God. Warning against using prayer merely to seek internal experiences rather than genuine contact with God, Fr. Bartunek compares some non-Christian meditation practices as potentially distracting from true prayer.

Highlighting the unique role of the Gospels as a direct encounter with Jesus, meant to be rediscovered continually with a sense of wonder, Fr. Bartunek’s work is praised for helping believers engage deeply with the Gospels, not just as sacred texts, but as an ongoing dialogue with Christ. The discussion also touches on the significance of spiritual companionship, community, and sharing one’s spiritual journey with others, as well as the necessity of a spiritual director or good spiritual friends to help navigate the challenges of prayer and spiritual growth.

You can find the set here.

Discerning Hearts Discussion Questions

  1. Commitment in Prayer: How can you actively renew your commitment to your relationship with God after each time of prayer?
  2. Seeking Consolation: Do you find yourself more focused on seeking spiritual consolations rather than deepening your friendship with God?
  3. Scripture Engagement: How do you ensure that your reading of the Gospels is a personal encounter with Christ rather than just a routine task?
  4. Overcoming Familiarity: What steps can you take to rediscover the wonder and richness of the Gospels in your daily life?
  5. Spiritual Companionship: How can you cultivate spiritual friendships or find a spiritual director to support your journey of faith?
  6. Sharing Spiritual Goods: In what ways can you share your experiences of Christ with others to enrich your community?
  7. Trust in God’s Providence: How do you remind yourself that everything in your life, even challenges, is under God’s providence and part of His plan for your growth?

From the book description:

“Every saint and renowned spiritual director through the ages has said the same thing: if we desire to become saints, we must spend time daily in meditation. With this set, Fr. John Bartunek has created an extensive, Christ-centered resource to serve as your daily meditation companion. The Better Part offers a practical explanation of Christian meditation, as well as material to draw from during your meditations, including a Bible study on the Gospels, a survey of saints writings, and a handy guide to prayer.

As you learn to read, meditate upon, absorb, and apply the Gospels to your life, you’ll also find ways to personalize your times of prayer, allowing you to follow the Holy Spirit’s lead along the path of holiness. Open these pages to discover the methods of meditation that best suit you, develop your friendship with Christ, and experience the true Christian joy of a deep, fruitful life of prayer.”


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