IP#308 Chene Heady – Numbering My Days On Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

Before you begin another new “spiritual program,” please pause for just a moment and look what the Church has always offered you…the liturgical life of the Church.  In “Numbering My Days:  How the Liturgical Calendar Rearranged My Life,” author Chene Heady, a convert to the Catholic faith, discovers the beauty which unfolds in his spiritual life when he enters into the rhythm of the liturgical calendar.  Wonderfully practical and filled with personal stories, Chene helps us to see what has always been before us. He finds that the liturgical life of the Church is  a fruitful spiritual practice par excellence.  We highly recommend this enriching book!
You can find the book here

From the book description:

Chene Heady was a believing Catholic whose daily concerns were shaped primarily by forces other than his faith–career demands, financial decisions, scheduling conflicts, etc. He worked long hours and had limited regular interaction with his wife, also a busy professional, and his young daughter. He was the typical overextended and anonymous modern Catholic man.

Then he tried an experiment that dramatically rearranged his life. After reading about the importance of the Church’s liturgical year, Heady took up the challenge to live as though the Church’s calendar, not the secular one, stood at the center of his life. Every day for a year, he observed the Church’s seasons and feasts, and meditated on the Church’s daily readings. As he did so, he found that his life, and his relationships, became more meaningful and fruitful.

Numbering My Days tells the story of one man’s renewal, and it offers an authentic model of spiritual development for anyone.

1 thought on “IP#308 Chene Heady – Numbering My Days On Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor”

  1. I would love a lecture series on the book we are looking for a study to do over the summer months in our Catholic Women’s Bible study group. Please let me know if one is out there somewhere we can study on this book. It is a wonderful book.


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