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The Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Holy Rosary of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary text and mp3 audio download
Joyful Mysteries
Luminous Mysteries
Sorrowful Mysteries
Glorious Mysteries
meditative music provided by
The prayers are offered by Omar Gutierrez and Kris McGregor
For text and other guides and information just click or scroll downward
Joyful Mysteries | Luminous Mysteries | Sorrowful Mysteries | Glorious Mysteries
Prayers of the Rosary | Rosary Novenas | The Family Rosary | The First Five Saturdays
The Rosary is divided into five decades. Each decade represents a mystery or event in the life of Jesus. There are four sets of “Mysteries of the Rosary” (Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious). These four “Mysteries of the Rosary” therefore contain, a total of twenty mysteries. The Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries are then said on specific days of the week (see each set of mysteries below). During private recitation of the Rosary, each decade requires devout meditation on a specific mystery. Public recitation of the Rosary (two or more people), requires a leader to announce each of the mysteries before the decade, and start each prayer (see “The Family Rosary” below).
The Apostle’s Creed is said on the Crucifix; the Our Father is said on each of the Large Beads; the Hail Mary is said on each of the Small Beads; the Glory Be after the three Hail Mary’s at the beginning of the Rosary, and after each decade of Small Beads. In June 13, 1917, Our Lady asked that an additional prayer be added after each decade of the Rosary (see prayers at the end of this document). It is a prayer of forgiveness to Jesus and is said following the Glory Be after each decade only.
Joyful Mysteries
Joyful Mysteries
(Said on Mondays, Saturdays, Sundays of Advent, and Sundays from Epiphany until Lent)
First Joyful Mystery – The Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary
I Desire the Love Of Humility
Think of…
The humility of the Blessed Virgin when the Angel Gabriel greeted her with these words: “Hail full of grace”.
Luke 1:26
Second Joyful Mystery – The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth
I Desire Charity Toward My Neighbor
Think of…
Mary’s charity in visiting her cousin Elizabeth and remaining with her for three months before the birth of John the Baptist.
Luke 1:39
Third Joyful Mystery – The Birth of Jesus
I Desire the Love of God
Think of…The poverty, so lovingly accepted by Mary when she placed the Infant Jesus, our God and Redeemer, in a manger in the stable of Bethlehem. Luke 2:1
Fourth Joyful Mystery – The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
I Desire a Spirit of Sacrifice
Think of…
Mary’s obedience to the law of God in presenting the Child Jesus in the Temple.
Luke 2:22
Fifth Joyful Mystery – Finding Jesus in the Temple
I desire Zeal For The Glory Of God
Think of…
The deep sorrow with which Mary sought the Child Jesus for three days, and the joy with which she found Him in the midst of the Teachers of the Temple.
Luke 2:41
The Luminous Mysteries
Luminous Mysteries
(Said on Thursdays throughout the year)
First Luminous Mystery – The Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan
And a voice came from the heavens, saying, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”
Matthew 3:17
The Second Luminous Mystery – The Wedding at Cana, Christ Manifested
Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs in Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him.
John 2:11
The Third Luminous Mystery – the Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”
Mark 1:15
The Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Jesus
And he was transfigured before them; his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light.
Matthew 17:2
The Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Last Supper, the Holy Eucharist
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and giving it to his disciples said, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26:26
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Sorrowful Mysteries
(Said on Tuesdays, Fridays, and daily from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday)
First Sorrowful Mystery – Agony of Jesus in the Garden
I Desire True Repentance for My Sins
Think of…
Our Lord Jesus in the garden of Gethsemani, suffering a bitter agony for our sins.
Matthew 26:36
Second Sorrowful Mystery – Jesus is Scourged at the Pillar
I Desire a Spirit of Mortification
Think of…
The cruel scourging at the pillar that our Lord suffered; the heavy blows that tore His flesh.
Matthew 27:26
Third Sorrowful Mystery – Jesus is Crowned With Thorns
I Desire Moral Courage.
Think of…The crown of sharp thorns that was forced upon our Lord’s Head and the patience with which He endured the pain for our sins.
Matthew 27:27
Fourth Sorrowful Mystery – Jesus Carries His Cross
I Desire the Virtue of Patience
Think of…
The heavy Cross, so willingly carried by our Lord, and ask Him to help you to carry your crosses without complaint.
Matthew 27:32
Fifth Sorrowful Mystery – The Crucifixion of Jesus
I Desire the Grace of Final Perseverance
Think of…
The love which filled Christ’s Sacred Heart during His three hours’ agony on the Cross, and ask Him to be with you at the hour of death.
Matthew 27:33
The Glorious Mysteries
Glorious Mysteries
(Said on Wednesdays, and Sundays throughout the year)
First Glorious Mystery – The Resurrection of Jesus
I Desire a Strong Faith
Think of…Christ’s glorious triumph when, on the third day after His death, He arose from the tomb and for forty days appeared to His Blessed Mother and to His disciples.
John 20:1
Second Glorious Mystery – The Ascension of Jesus
I Desire the Virtue of Hope
Think of…
The Ascension of Jesus Christ, forty days after His glorious Resurrection, in the presence of Mary and His disciples.Luke 24:36
Third Glorious Mystery – The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
I Desire Zeal for the Glory of God
Think of…
The descent of the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the Apostles, under the form of tongues of fire, in fulfillment of Christ’s promise.
Acts 2:1
Fourth Glorious Mystery – The Assumption of Mary into Heaven
I Desire the Grace of a Holy Death
Think of…
The glorious Assumption of Mary into Heaven, when she was united with her Divine Son.
Fifth Glorious Mystery – The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth
I Desire a Greater Love for the Blessed Virgin Mary
Think of…
The glorious crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven by her Divine Son, to the great joy of all the Saints.
Prayers of the Rosary
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
The Hail Mary:
Hail Mary, full of grace! the Lord is with thee; blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Glory be to the Father:
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Prayer to Jesus Requested By Our Lady
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, take all souls to Heaven, and help especially those most in need of Your mercy.
The Apostles’ Creed:
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ His only Son, Our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into Hell; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Hail Holy Queen:
Hail! Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, O most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy towards us; and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. O clement! O loving! O sweet Virgin Mary!
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Prayer After The Rosary
O God, whose only-begotten Son, by His life, death and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life; grant, we beseech Thee, that, meditating upon these mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Rosary Novenas
Religious devotion, public or private, for the duration of nine days to gain special graces, is called a Novena. Those who perform it with a lively hope of having their request granted, and with perfect faith and resignation if it be refused, may be assured that Christ will grant some grace or blessing. This requires an understanding that in His infinite wisdom and mercy, He may refuse the particular favor which is requested.
Novenas originated in imitation of the Apostles who were gathered together in prayer for nine days from the time of Our Lord’s Ascension (to Heaven) until Pentecost Sunday (the descent of the Holy Spirit).
This practice of saying the Rosary nine times in the form of the Rosary Novena in petition or thanksgiving, is another way of heeding Our Lady’s request to Pray the Rosary.
The 54 Day Novena Devotion which originated in 1884 at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompei, consists of the daily recitation of five decades of the Rosary (one complete Mystery: Joyful, Sorrowful, or Glorious) for twenty-seven days in petition and five decades for twenty-seven additional days in thanksgiving. You will actually be making three Novenas in petition for a particular favor and three Novenas in thanksgiving for a particular favor.
1st day say the 5 Joyful Mysteries
2nd day say the 5 Luminous Mysteries
3rd day say the 5 Sorrowful Mysteries
4th day say the 5 Glorious Mysteries
5th day begin again the 5 Joyful Mysteries, etc.
The Family Rosary
The Family That Prays Together… Stays Together.
The family Rosary is the Rosary recited aloud together, by as many of the family and their friends as can be present. Any family (two or more people) may say the Family Rosary in any suitable place and at any time.
A leader says aloud the first part of each prayer; a second person or group of persons answers aloud the second part of the prayer.
To begin the Family Rosary, all hold the Crucifix of their Rosary in the right hand and make the Sign of the Cross.
The leader begins the Apostles’ Creed and proceeds through the rest of the Rosary as shown on Page 2. The leader announces the Mystery before each decade. Five decades (one complete Mystery: Joyful, Sorrowful, or Glorious) should be recited each day.
The Five First Saturdays
Mary’s Great Promise at Fatima –
The Five First Saturdays are intended to honor and to make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for all the blasphemes and ingratitude of men.
This devotion and the wonderful promises connected with it were revealed by the Blessed Virgin at Fatima, a small village in Portugal. Our lady appeared to three children there in 1917, and one of the little girls, Lucy, tells us that Our Lady said:
I promise to help at the hour of death, with the graces needed for salvation, whoever on the First Saturday of five consecutive months shall:
1. Confess and Receive Communion.
2. Recite five decades of the Rosary (Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, or Glorious Mysteries)
3. Keep me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me.
just to say a big thank you to all the lovely Souls who put together this beautiful prayer website. Your great effort has been and continues to be an invaluable comfort to me in my lonely hours of need. I am so depressed, I have no one to turn to but God, the Holy Family and the Holy Spirit. Thank you and may the dear Lord please bless you
This is gold….What a treasure at our fingertips. Deo Gratias and thank you to all who had the vision.
Beautiful. Thank you.
Thank you very much for the good work you did and may the Good Lord reward you a million times Amen.
This website found me really when I was seeking for a source to reaffirm my faith that God, Mama Mary, Jesus, Padre Pio and all the angels are always with us. In our daily struggles, it’s a way to feel so confident that where you are battling tough situations at work, personal issues, financial worries, these beautiful website and prayers let me immerse myself in the full knowledge that the greatest power our Creator knows all and want us to be victors in all situations. Let it go to our heavenly guides and our life’s here will be blessed and taken care off. Thank you for this website, a million blessings to all of you.
Cool comment!
I love the rosary Holy Mary blessed my husband to enlightenment him to comeback to Roman Catholic Faith enter to Roman Catholic Church & offer a holy rosary & believed in you…
I love the Holy Rosary put together may the Lord God bless u all for the effort ur time. Thank and God bless you all
Your presentation of the rosary has tuned me saying the rosary daily – may God bless you and your good efforts Amen
I, too, thank you for this wonderful resource. My mom and dad prayed the rosary all their lives — and now that I’m in my 60’s, I understand why. This fantastic and deep website has been the most wonderful gift and most useful tool to deepen my faith and draw closer to the Blessed Lady and our Lord Jesus. My personal prayer life has been immensely strengthened through your efforts. God bless all.
Thank you so much for this wonderful information and weapon. May the good Lord richly bless you.
What a tremendous resource! Fr. Gallagher’s “Setting the Captives Free” was an answer to a 40 year prayer. Thank you sincerely. You have everything here, from the simple to the sublime – truly a wonderful arm to the new Evangelization. May God continue to bless your work and all who visit here.
Hi, merci it’s very nice, thankyou father for all things. please pray for me..
You have made it so enjoyable and easy to start each day with a full hour of quiet prayer. This site was truly inspired. Thank you.
this is very awesome, praying this gives me great peace in my heart.
Truely inspiring..thanks.
May God continue to Bless all of you for all the great work just what I need it is all here God Bless
I have traveled the information highways and by-ways. It was not until I had come to the end of it that I found the richest of all Rosary Resources… Discerning Hearts. Thank you Kris and Bruce. Thank you Jesus for showing them how to do it. Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe pray for us.
from Happy Murray of The Happy Murray Foundation Ireland
It is just amazing and to God be the glory.I lack words to express my joy.I have been in search for such in a long while . May the almighty God continue to protect and bless you for us. Once more thank you for a great job.
Thank you very much for helping me, through this means, to say my Rosary better.
This is a lovely Rosary! I love your whole website. It helps me with my meditations and my readings. The podcasts are always inspiring. I am partial to Carmelite Spirituality and love Dr. Lilly’s podcasts on Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity. I have also read many of Fr. Timothy Gallagers books on Dicernment and Meditation. Your website helps me stay focused on living a Christ centered life for my state in life. God bless you as you continue this wonderful ministry.
Pray for me. I confess to God and to you people of God, I confess to Prophet T. B. Joshua that I have sinned. I confess to almighty God that I have sinned by thinking, I have sinned by talking and I have sinned by doing wrong in so many things, I regret and confess to Almighty God; He who blots out my transgressions for His own sake, I have broken all the ten commandments that God gave to Mosses. I was married to Barnabas Evans Mpombo, I left my husband and I lived as a single woman. I have been Adultery; I had fornicated with many men. I have done Abortion several times; thirteen times. I ask for forgiveness from God in heaven. Pray for me to be forgiven by the Lord God my Father in heaven for I did not want to have children from different fathers. I feel I am unwanted by Almighty Father God in heaven for my sins are many and they are heavy sins. Please pray for to be forgiven by god in Heaven. Pray for me for breaking all the curses I have caused for myself for all the sins I did.
He will forgive u you can be sure of that because u taken the first steps Believe it God bless U Ariel
Hi Ariel,
I thank God for giving me forgiveness; I am washed by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who died for me. I keep on praying for the grace of not repeating the sins of the past that I committed. Thank you Jesus.
Hi Lilian.
Please don’t go into despair. God is a merciful God. His mercy is unfathomable. Just go to your Parish Priest and make a good confession. This should be preceded by a GOOD examination of conscience. Then rectify your life and start receiving the Eucharist.
Thereafter, resolve to sin no more. Avoid all the proximate or near occasions of sin. Say your rosary daily and call on Our Blessed Mother, who is the Queen of purity, to always help you.
Please note that this is never gonna be easy. Satan & his apostate hosts have you now as their slave (due to your sins). As such, they’ll fight tooth and nail not to lose you.
Do not be discouraged for if you persevere, after a while, victory will be yours.
Forsake all sins especially sins against holy purity. When you feel tempted,immediately called on Our Blessed Mother for help.
Finally, always say the Divine Mercy Chaplet every 3pm. You can download the prayers online if you don’t have the booklet or know them offhand.
You’ll always be in my prayers.
God bless
Dear John Camillus,
Thank you for your concern to me. Thank you so much. I will do all you have advised me to do. I will do my level best to pray the Holy Rosary daily. I have the Divine Mercy Chaplet; I will do my best to pray these prayers. I have at times the feeling of grief and sorrow over what I have in the past, please Pray for me for this ill feeling of my past sins and mistakes.
Thank you so much for all your concern and your advice to me.
Lilian Francis Xavier Chale.
Thank you,
It is such a Blessing to pray the rosary here with
these two blessed people.
They recite so humbly, reverently to our Mother,
and Her Son Jesus.
God Bless
all who are led to this Blessed site.
Always Mary Mother of God listen to the cry of those who fly to Her through the prayer of The Holy Rosary.She really pray to those who humble themselves before Her. I am one of them who can testimony that.Pray and always fly to Her and you will see the marvelous deeds of God.Mary Mother of God pray for us.
Very rarely is it that I do not start my day with the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin. I find such peace and joy through Dailey reflection and prayer. Thank you for this website as it is the start to many of my days.
Steve Smith
Punta Gorda Fl
Mother Mary, through your prayers, forgive me for what I have done wrong, bless my family- children to know you more then everything; my husband to change his mind and come close to you.
I pray for all of you here and for those responsible for this vital Catholic resource. Please pray for me and mine and may God bless you all!
The blessed mother never said no to God and great things came of that. She is Queen of the universe as a result. We know that with God there are often trials tribulations but Mary was fearless I used to go to mass at St. Cecillia’s catholic church and I have never stopped saying it, after every Our Father they say “Mary Help Us See God’s Love For Us Today”. I am also in the legion of Mary @ St.Mary’s Catholic Church in St.Petersburg. In ending I like to pray this O’ God thankyou for giving us poor sinners your mother this is your glory that you also gave yo us she is the new Eve the one who chose to do God’s will that is one of the reasons that I adore you. Happy Eastr to all!
I am 88 years old living in a nursing facility .So happy to have found this website
Following along with others helps me to stay focus.
GOD bless you
Am Matilda, a nursing student at International Health Sciences University and am so blessed to have found this website. may God bless us all with our hearts’ desires, through the intercession of our holly mother Mary, Amen.
God bless the works of your hands
Suleman Yakubu
Iam so greatful for my coming across to this wonderful website, which help us especially the catholics to know our faith well. May we remain bless in Jesus name amen……
My name is Josephine, a Nun in the Order of Daughters of Divine Love. I am grateful to God who helped me to find this website which have been of great help to me to pray the rosary as I should mostly when I am finding it difficult to complete the five decades of the rosary at times. The audio rosary is a faster and easier way for me to say the rosary better when Iam alone, and being awake and saying it meditatively. May God bless all of you for your good work in spreading the good news of Fatima to many people both far and near. I am so happy for the back ground, the music, and everything involved in this beautiful way of saying the rosary.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
I am so blest to have been led to this beautiful, Holy website. It brings me much joy. I pray everyone could see this and pray with.
Thank you Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
So happy being able to download these this morning….. to God and our blessed Mother be all the glory and honor. Thanks to all who made this morning and the rest of my days to be closer to God and our Mother Blessed Virgin Mary, I will try to on my own little way to share among friends that we may get closer to You Mummy.
God bless d organsers of this site
Nice Work
God bless you alllllll
This is such a beautiful website. I love the fact that I can recite the rosary and see such a beautiful backdrop. It is like I were truly in this garden of flowers and it has a spiritual feeling while reciting the rosary. I am so thankful my computer tech found this website for me. All that contributed to this lovely web site I say thank you and may God Bless you one and all.
Ginnie Mc Drew and all Discerning Hearts affiliates, Thank you–I agree. I opened the Web page tonight with the intent to express how grateful I am for this beautiful website but lack the words to express. Your beautiful comment was the recent one I saw that speaks volumes for me as well. The Holy Rosary is so beautifully offered by comforting and angelic voices with beautiful background chants/hymns along with a serene background. This Holy Rosary webpage stands far above all else! I love to join my prayers with theirs or just listen before bed. Thank you, DH, for sharing the talents and gifts of grace you’ve been given!
P.s. Please, please don’t ever change the Holy Rosary Webpages.
Virgin of virgins , bless those who put this together and anyone who honor u . Amen
Its been a very wonderful experience , Thanks
This rosary and meditation blesses me every time I listen to it. This is how I pray my rosary every morning. God bless all who answered Gods call to put this beautiful rosary together and share it with all his children.
Thanks to all who took their time to make this site a useful one. It helping even the sick who are on bed to follow the rosary, especially the audio version. I’d only request that you also make audio Swahili version which I believe will be equally helpful to the elderly who are sick on bed, and are not able follow the English version. Thankyou in advance . Be blessed.
May God Bless the people who contributed and shared their time, talents and enlightenment to the whole world. IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY GHOST. A M E N.
this website helps especially the mp3 rosary recitation at down every morning.
We said the Rosary before Mass this morning. I am now saying the Rosary waiting for an important examination result for my little granddaughter AR. Please God, through Our Lady’s intercession AR will pass. Amen.
Very uplifting and leaves me feeling closer to Our Holy Family . . . Thank you all who are responsible for this very valuable recitation of the blessed Holy rosary of Our mother Mary.
Today and tomorrow my little granddaughter AR will be taking the final examinations for her place at our chosen secondary school . She had=s been successful in the earlier exams so far. I am not long back from Mass and have said my Rosary. May Our Lady continue to intercede for her today.Amen Thank you for this wonderful place to come to pray together.
thanking God for the blessings bestowed on me and my family, for the gift of life, health, work, etc for increase in faith, hope and charity. for peace and love to reign in my country cameroon.
Thanks for sharing the faith
Please pray for me and my husband that we will have a safe and spiritual trip back to Graymoor and visiting our beautiful Catholic Shrines along the way. May it bring my husband and I closer together and may he stop his excessive drinking and be closer to me in our marriage. I pray that Our Blessed Mother guide me to do the right things and not feel so guilty when I am not praying all the prayers she has asked us to pray. I try to do my best but sometimes it seems overwhelming for me. Please help me to find the proper way to pray. I love Jesus and our Blessed Mother and I hope they know that I truly do.
Ever since I found this site I say my rosary daily and with more understanding of this gift Mother Mary gave us. I grew up up saying the family rosary and I’m so thankful my mother blessed us with this. My faith is stronger than before and I so look forward to the quite time with Mother Mary every morning to start my day. THANK YOU for putting this together and sharing it so everyone can be blessed with this special warfare tool.
I beg everyone to pray for my daughter who is having a biopsy on her right breast to pray for us that it’s not cancer I myself just finished treatments for cancer I pray to mother Mary every day Gods Blessing !
God bless this great work and answer quests of our desire. Amen.
tkanks to God for many graces received the Most Blessed Virgin Mary for her intersection in my life. Thanks be to God
Please pray for me and my wife to have a baby. Thank you.
It is so wonderful to be led by Our Mother Mary the Blessed Virgin to her Son by the Holy Rosary. Her unfailing love and care is beyond words. Thank you Lord Jesus for giving us Your Mother.
O Jesus, have mercy on me good God in your lovingkindness. Amen.
Little did i expect to find this amazing web. Iam so down and lonely fighting tough times in this life, unemployment, hard financial strains, hunger, sicknesses, spiritual worries with completely no one to turn to, only GOD, and mother mary.
May whoever did this good work be rewarded abundantly. Amen.
Thank you for this amazing resource, May God bless you abundantly. I have been blessed by the many prayers and articles on our catholic faith. I love saying the rosary while on the road and with my family. Mother Mary, please pray for us in these tough and trying times that we may have the courage and strength to resist temptation. Thank you Lord for giving your mother to us. Amen.
I felt so relief after I started the downloads. Just by listening to part of it I know I will be experiencing greater change in my life. Blessed be the Lord. Thank you Mother Merry.
thank you for this wonderful prayer and may everyone make an effort to go to heaven in every way. May we all persevere and go to heaven. “To begin is for everyone to persevere is for Saints”
thanks for relax prayer , reach to the harmony
God bless you more for helping me find myself again in faith.
May the Good Lord bless all your good works.
Kindly add The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary; perhaps in your next audio recording.
Very nice
Many thanks…God bless us all.
Holy spirit led me to this site when I needed it most
Thank you Great God Almighty, Thank you Holy Spirit, Thank you Jesus Christ, Thank you Mother Mary and Thank Joseph
God bless everyone behind the work in this site
Ekene Diri Chukwu Okike!!!
Ezenwany Di Aso, Yobalu Anyi Ayiyo
father god bless my work and my family led me in this situation that am passing now show me love and blessing to make it and to worship you with my life
Thank you
Continuous rosaries playing allows me to concentrate on each Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory Be, Etc. So I can pray deeply the words included therein without having a Rosary in my hand and counting. Also, I enjoy the preface of the mystery beforehand that allows me to meditate on the mystery it question. Discerning hearts made a difference to the plus side.
A prayer for all in need, whatever it may be.
What a beautiful rendition of the Holy Rosary