Carson Holloway (Ph.D. Northern Illinois University) is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and a former William E. Simon Visiting Fellow in Princeton University’s James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions.
Click on the link below to be taken to the podcast episode
- WOL1 What is “liberal modernity”? – The Way of Life – Reflections on the teachings of Pope John Paul II w/ Dr. Carson Holloway – Discerning Hearts
- WOL2 – What is “Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life)” -The Way of Life – Reflections on the teachings of Pope John Paul II w/ Dr. Carson Holloway – Discerning Hearts
- WOL3 – Hobbes, Locke and the Culture of Death – Reflections on the teachings of Pope John Paul II w/ Dr. Carson Holloway – Discerning Hearts
- WOL4 – David Hume, The Scottish Enlightenment and the Culture of Death – Reflections on the teachings of Pope John Paul II w/ Dr. Carson Holloway – Discerning Hearts
- WOL5 – The “Declaration of Independence” – Reflections on the teachings of St. John Paul II w/ Dr. Carson Holloway – Discerning Hearts
- WOL6 – Democracy, Tocqueville, and St. John Paul II – Reflections on the teachings of St. John Paul II w/ Dr. Carson Holloway – Discerning Hearts

The passing of John Paul II provoked questions about the Pope, particularly in his relation to modernity. Was he opposed to the tenets of modernity, as some critics claimed? Or did he accommodate modernity in a way no Pope ever had, as his champions asserted? In The Way of Life, Carson Holloway examines the fundamental philosophers of modernity-from Hobbes to Toqueville to suggest that John Paul II’s critique of modernity is intended not to reject, but to improve. Thus, claims Holloway, it is appropriate for liberal modernity to attend to the Pope’s thought, receiving it not as the attack of an enemy but as the criticism of a candid friend.