Day 4 – Readiness for Sacrifice – 9 Days of Spiritual Preparation for Lent – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

A Discerning Heart Prepared: 9 Days of Spiritual Preparation for Lent

Opening Prayer (Pray each day before the daily reflection)

Heavenly Father, as I prepare to enter the holy season of Lent, I open my heart to You. Let this be a time of renewal, where I grow in love, sacrifice, and prayer. Help me remove distractions and embrace this season with purpose. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints, may my soul be ready to walk with Christ.


Day 4 – Readiness for Sacrifice

Scripture: “Whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew 16:25)

Fasting is not just about deprivation; it is a way of making space for God. It reminds us that He alone can satisfy our deepest hunger.

Practical Steps:

Take a moment today to plan your Lenten fasting.

  • Will you fast from certain foods?
  • Will you step away from distractions like social media or unnecessary spending?
  • What small but meaningful sacrifices can you make to strengthen your dependence on God?

As we enter this season, let’s also remember the Church’s call to fasting and abstinence.

  • Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting. At a bare minimum, this means no more than one full meal and two smaller meals that together do not equal a full meal, with no snacking in between. These are also days of abstinence from meat.
  • Take a moment to ask yourself: Given my health and circumstances, what can I truly offer as a fasting prayer this Lent? Plan accordingly, making your sacrifice one that draws you closer to God.
  • All Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence from meat, uniting us with Christ’s sacrifice in a simple but meaningful way.

Lent isn’t just about what we give up—it’s about how we love.

Consider adding a spiritual work of mercy to your Lenten journey:

  • Is there an opportunity in your parish or a local ministry that serves the poor, the suffering, or those in need? Could you take part in it?
  • Can you reach out to someone in need with a kind act or a word of encouragement? A simple gesture could mean more than you realize.
  • Is there a relationship that needs healing? Consider taking the first step—perhaps by writing a letter, making a call, or offering a quiet prayer for reconciliation.
  • Offer a daily prayer for others, especially for those who are suffering, lonely, or in need of hope.

Fasting isn’t about deprivation—it’s about making space for God.

As you begin this Lenten practice, ask yourself: Lord, how are You inviting me to rely on You more deeply?

Closing Prayer:
Jesus, help me to fast with love, to sacrifice with joy, and to embrace this Lent as a time to grow closer to You.


Take a moment now to sit in stillness. Let today’s prayer and reflection settle in your heart.

When Lent begins this Ash Wednesday, we’ll invite you to continue your journey with our series A Lenten Spiritual Journey with Discerning Hearts: From Ashes to Glory, exclusively on Discerning Hearts.

May this season be one of deep grace and renewal and a deeper encounter with Christ.