Day 4 – Humility Before God – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

Day 4 – Humility Before God – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart

From the Diary of St. Faustina, 593 – Faustina writes:

“A humble soul does not trust itself, but places all its confidence in God. God defends the humble and delivers him from snares and miseries. The humble man, though he be amidst great sufferings, keeps his peace, for he trusts in God and does not depend on himself.”

Humility is a virtue that allows us to recognize our complete dependence on God. St. Faustina reminds us that the humble soul trusts in God, not in its own abilities. In times of difficulty, humility helps us to turn to God in trust, knowing that He will defend us and provide for our needs. Reflect today on areas in your life where pride or self-reliance may be hindering your spiritual growth. Ask God for the grace to cultivate true humility and to place all your confidence in Him, especially in moments of trial.

Prayer & Petition:
Lord Jesus, I place my confidence in You. Teach me to let go of my pride and self-reliance, and to trust in Your providence. May I grow in humility each day, accepting that all I have and all I am comes from You. St. Faustina, pray that I may grow in humility and always trust in God’s grace rather than relying on my own abilities. Amen

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus, through the intercession of St. Faustina, Apostle of Divine Mercy, I ask for the grace to live more fully in Your mercy. Help me to trust in You completely, to offer mercy to others, and to live in the joy of Your love. May St. Faustina guide me in my journey toward holiness, and may her prayers obtain for me the graces I most need. Amen.

St. Faustina, pray for us.

You find the entire 9-Day St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart tap here

You can find the Discerning Hearts “Chaplet of Divine Mercy” tap here


You find the Diary here