Day 3 – St. Francis of Assisi Novena for the Discerning Heart – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

Day 3 – St. Francis of Assisi Novena for the Discerning Heart with Msgr. John Esseff

Day 3: Humility

St. Francis, you embraced the profound humility of Christ, who “emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant” (Philippians 2:7). You considered yourself the least of all and sought not your own glory, but the glory of God. You saw in humility the path to holiness and the surest way to imitate Our Lord, who came “not to be served, but to serve” (Matthew 20:28). In a world that exalts pride and self-promotion, your example calls us to embrace the hidden life, seeking only the will of God and the salvation of souls.

Let us pray:
O humble St. Francis, obtain for me the grace to recognize my own lowliness and to rely completely on God’s mercy. Help me to imitate your example by putting aside my pride and seeking only to do the will of the Father. Teach me to serve others with humility and love, following the example of Christ, who humbled Himself even to death on the Cross. Through your intercession, may I grow in the virtue of humility, so that God may be glorified in all that I do.

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…

St. Francis, pray for us.

For the entire 9-Day St. Francis of Assisi Novena for the Discerning Hearts with Msgr. John Esseff tap here