Day 15: “Whoever Wishes to Be Great Must Be a Servant” – Discerning Hearts Podcast

A Lenten Spiritual Journey with Discerning Hearts: From Ashes to Glory – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Day 15: “Whoever Wishes to Be Great Must Be a Servant”

Scripture Reading (Jerusalem Bible):

Matthew 20:26-28
“Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave; just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”


Jesus challenges us today with a profound truth about greatness: it is not about power or prestige but about service and sacrifice. “Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant.” Jesus doesn’t simply teach this principle—He lives it. His life is the ultimate example of self-giving love, culminating in His death on the cross for the salvation of all.

This teaching calls us to examine our own hearts. Do we seek recognition or influence? Or are we willing to humble ourselves, to serve without expectation of reward? True service comes from a heart transformed by God’s love, one that seeks to imitate Christ in putting others first.

The Desert Fathers understood the power of humility in the life of service. Abba Isaiah said:
“Let yourself be persecuted, but do not persecute others. Let yourself be crucified, but do not crucify others. Let yourself be wronged, but do not wrong others.” (Apophthegmata Patrum, Alphabetical Collection, Isaiah 14)

Service, then, is not simply an action but a disposition of the heart—a willingness to bear burdens for the sake of others. St. Francis of Assisi, known for his radical embrace of humility and poverty, expressed this beautifully:
“It is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”

As we reflect today, let us ask ourselves: How can we embrace this call to serve others as Christ served us? What small acts of service can we offer in our daily lives, and how can they bring us closer to the heart of Jesus?

Reflection Questions:

Take a moment to reflect on these questions and allow them to guide your prayer today:

  1. How can we follow Jesus’ example of selfless service in our relationships?
  2. Are there ways we can set aside pride or self-interest to serve others more freely?
  3. How does serving others draw us closer to Christ and His love?

Closing Prayer:

Let us now bring our time of reflection to God in prayer, asking for the grace to serve others with humility and love.

Lord, You came not to be served but to serve and to give Your life for us. Teach us to follow Your example, embracing humility and seeking to serve others with joy. Transform our hearts so that we may give without expecting anything in return and love as You love. May our lives reflect the greatness that comes from serving others in Your name. Amen.

This reflection is written by Kris McGregor of Discerning Hearts®. The Scripture passage is taken from the Jerusalem Bible (1966 edition), used with permission. No unauthorized use or reproduction is permitted without prior written consent.