Day 12: “The Call to Deeper Prayer and Surrender” – Discerning Hearts Podcast

A Lenten Spiritual Journey with Discerning Hearts: From Ashes to Glory – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Day 12: “The Call to Deeper Prayer and Surrender”

Scripture Reading (Jerusalem Bible):

Psalm 27:8-9
“My heart says of You, ‘Seek His face!’ Your face, Lord, I will seek. Do not hide Your face from me, do not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, God my Savior.”


Lent calls us deeper—not into more activity, but into greater surrender. The spiritual life is not about doing more but about giving God more space in our hearts, allowing Him to shape us according to His will. To pray is to surrender, to rest in God’s presence even when we feel nothing, and to trust Him even when we do not understand His ways.

Prayer is not always about receiving answers. Often, it is about being drawn into silence, where God speaks in ways beyond words. The great saints and mystics teach us that surrender in prayer is not passive but an active opening of our hearts to God. St. Teresa of Ávila reminds us:

“Prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God, frequently conversing in secret with Him who, we know, loves us.”

Yet, surrender is not easy. There are times when God seems distant, when prayer feels dry, and when surrender seems impossible. This is where perseverance is essential. Abba Isaac the Theban teaches:

“If you see that your prayers are not being answered, do not give up. God is drawing you closer through your perseverance.” (Apophthegmata Patrum, Isaac the Theban 1)

God may seem silent, but He is never absent. He deepens our longing so that our hearts might expand to receive more of His love. Just as Jesus withdrew to pray before His great moments of suffering and glory, so too must we enter into deeper prayer, trusting that even in the silence, God is working in us.

The Desert Fathers saw prayer and surrender as the foundation of spiritual growth. Abba Agathon offers this wisdom:

“Keep your heart in prayer, and your heart will keep you in peace.” (Apophthegmata Patrum, Alphabetical Collection, Agathon 10)

True surrender in prayer means not grasping for control but allowing ourselves to be led. It means praying not only to change our circumstances but to be changed ourselves.

As we reflect today, let us ask: Do we seek God’s presence or merely His answers? Are we willing to remain in prayer even when it feels dry or difficult? Can we surrender not just our struggles but our very selves to the One who loves us completely?

Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I cultivate a habit of deeper prayer and surrender in my daily life?
  2. When has God seemed silent in my life, and how did I respond?
  3. What are the areas of my life I need to surrender more fully to God?
  4. How can I rest in God’s presence without needing immediate answers?

Closing Prayer:

Lord, You call us to seek You, not just in words, but with our whole hearts. Teach us to surrender in prayer, trusting in Your love even when we do not feel it, and resting in Your presence even when we do not hear it. Give us perseverance when prayer feels difficult, and grant us the grace to open our hearts more fully to You. Transform us, Lord, so that we may live in deep communion with You.


This reflection is written by Kris McGregor of Discerning Hearts®. The Scripture passage is taken from the Jerusalem Bible (1966 edition), used with permission. No unauthorized use or reproduction is permitted without prior written consent.