Day 11: Letting Christ Grow Within Us – From the writings of Caryll Houselander – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

Caryll Houselander image used with permission from TRINITY ICONS

Day 11:  Letting Christ Grow Within Us

We ought to let everything grow in us, as Christ grew in Mary. And we ought to realize that in everything that does grow quietly in us, Christ grows. We should let thoughts and words and songs grow slowly and unfold in darkness in us”

Commentary:  Caryll Houselander invites us to approach our inner life as Mary did, allowing Christ to grow quietly within. She encourages us to embrace a gentle, patient approach to spiritual growth, letting our thoughts, words, and prayers unfold naturally, as seeds growing in the darkness. By not rushing or forcing our spiritual development, we create space for Christ to shape us from within, revealing His presence through every part of our being. This quiet, humble growth mirrors the Incarnation, reminding us that even in silence and simplicity, profound transformation is taking place.

Personal Reflection: Consider what areas of your spiritual life need a slower, more patient approach. How can you create space in your heart for Christ to grow quietly, like a seed in the dark?

Houselander quote from:  Caryll Houselander, The Reed of God, Sheed & Ward, 1944

For more reflections visit:
Caryll Houselander  – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts

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