Day 1 – St. Jane de Chantal Novena – Discerning Hearts podcast

A Novena to St. Jane de Chantal – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcast

Day 1

From the writings of St. Jane de Chantal

If we patiently accept through love all that God allows to happen, then we will begin to taste even here on earth something of the delights the saints experience in heaven. But for this we must serve God willingly and lovingly, seeking to obey the Divine Will rather than to follow our own inclinations and desires. For the perfection of love demands that we desire for ourselves only whatever God wills. Let us implore the good God unceasingly to grant us this grace! 

O Glorious saint, blessed Jane Frances, who by your fervent prayer, attention to the Divine Presence, and purity of intention in your actions attained on earth an intimate union with God, be now our advocate, our mother, our guide in the path of virtue and perfection. Plead our cause near Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, to whom you were so tenderly devoted, and whose holy virtues you did so closely imitate. Obtain for us, O amiable and compassionate saint, the virtues you see most necessary for us; an ardent love of Jesus in the most holy Sacrament, a tender and filial confidence in His Blessed Mother, and, like you, a constant remembrance of His sacred Passion and death. Obtain also, we pray, that our particular intention in this Novena may be fulfilled.

V. Pray for us, O holy St. Jane Frances.

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray:

O almighty and Merciful God, Who did grant blessed St. Jane Frances, so inflamed with the love of You, a wonderful degree of fortitude through all the paths of life, and was pleased through her to adorn Thy Church with a new religious Order, grant, by her merits and prayers, that we, who know our weakness while confident in Your Strength, may overcome all adversities with the help of Your heavenly Grace, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the complete novena visit A Novena to St. Jane Frances de Chantel – Discerning Hearts Podcast

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