IJCY4 – Journeying with Jesus – Is Jesus Calling You with Fr. Paul Hoesing – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Journeying with Jesus – Is Jesus Calling You with Fr. Paul Hoesing

Fr. Paul Hoesing and Kris McGregor discuss the guide for discernment, which is not just for those considering priesthood but for all seeking to discern God’s will in their lives. They explore lessons based on the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius, emphasizing the importance of encountering Jesus, desiring what he desires, and trusting him. The process involves becoming aware of one’s thoughts, feelings, and desires, understanding them in God’s presence, and taking action. Discernment takes time, akin to the gradual conversion experienced by the apostles.

Fr. Hoesing delves into the incremental nature of discernment, where individuals progress step by step, rather than seeking immediate answers to complex questions. The importance of seminary formation is to provide young men with the necessary human and spiritual development; addressing societal pressures on career decisions and the need for proper human formation, especially in the seminary environment.

The role of spiritual direction is important, guiding individuals through discernment and helping them articulate their prayers and petitions. Fr. Hoesing concludes with reflections on finding peace in Jesus, recognizing his presence, and anchoring oneself in Christ for fruitful discernment.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions:

  1. Encountering Jesus and Trusting Him: How does the encounter with Jesus impact one’s discernment process?
  2. Understanding Thoughts, Feelings, and Desires in God’s Presence: Reflect on the importance of becoming aware of one’s thoughts, feelings, and desires in the discernment journey.
  3. Patience in Discernment: How can we cultivate patience in our discernment process, understanding that it takes time?
  4. Incremental Nature of Discernment: Consider the idea of discernment as an incremental journey rather than seeking immediate answers. How does this perspective shift our approach to discernment?
  5. Role of Seminary Formation: Reflect on the significance of seminary formation in providing the necessary human and spiritual development for those discerning priesthood.
  6. Navigating Societal Pressures: How can we navigate societal pressures on career decisions, especially regarding vocations, and prioritize discernment of God’s will?
  7. Importance of Spiritual Direction: Reflect on the role of spiritual direction in guiding individuals through discernment and helping them articulate their prayers and petitions.
  8. Finding Peace in Jesus: How do we recognize and anchor ourselves in the peace that comes from encountering Jesus in our discernment journey?
  9. Closing Reflections: Consider St. Teresa of Jesus’ prayer: “Let nothing trouble you. Let nothing frighten you. Everything passes. God never changes. Patience obtains all.” How does this prayer resonate with your discernment journey?
  10. Prayer for Guidance: Pray for God’s blessing and guidance in your discernment, seeking to live fully and radically in Christ.

Based on “Is Jesus Calling You To Be A Catholic  Priest: A helpful guide”, published by National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Director.

Fr. Paul Hoesing serves at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary as President Rector

IP#337 Mark Joseph – Overwhelming Pursuit on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor podcast

What a delight to talk with Mark Joseph about “Overwhelming Pursuit: Stop Chasing Your Life and Live.”  He presents in this very compelling book a practical approach to transforming your life.  I simply could not have put any better than Dr. Scott Hahn who said in his ringing endorsement of Mark’s work: “In these pages you’ll learn, step by step, how to do the hard stuff: forgive from the heart, apologize, open yourself to the healing power of God’s mercy. If these graces have seemed remote, theoretical, or elusive to you, seek here and find everything you need: a prescription for spiritual health and lifelong conversion.”  Excellent!  Get a copy for yourself and someone in your life who really needs this solid yet caring message.  Mark’s website is: https://markjosephministries.com

You can by the book here

From the book description:

“Success lets me and everybody else know that I’m important – that I’m worth loving. Success is how I prove my worth in this world.”

That’s what Mark Joseph thought.

He was driven to achieve, and he did. Through his success, he felt loved and respected. He worked night and day to keep feeling important.

But success came at a price.

If you’re overwhelmed, unfulfilled, and running in circles chasing happiness, this is the book for you.

You’ll learn, as Mark did, that the overwhelming pursuit of success stems from our underlying belief that we need to earn love, and that striving for it will somehow cure our lack of self-love. He’ll show you, through his experiences and those of others, that fulfillment has nothing to do with success. It comes from knowing that – despite success or failure you were created by God for greatness, for love and to be loved.

IP#304 Fr. Ed Broom, O.M.V. – From Humdrum to Holy on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

What a delight to talk and to LEARN from Fr. Ed Broom, of the Oblates of the Virgin Maryseven-last-wordsHis book “From Humdrum to HOLY: A Step-by-Step Guide to Living Like a Saint” is great!  In our conversation, we discuss the value of the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the great legacy of Ven. Bruno Lanteri and of having a spiritual program in our lives.  He offers in this work, among other things, “10 Ways to Start (or Continue) Becoming a Saint” .  Through the “10 M’s” he presents practical entryways to help souls who desire to establish spiritual practices in their everyday life.  Fr. Ed speaks of the importance of self-knowledge and the practice of the Daily Examen Prayer as well as, the need to form a healthy conscience.  We are only able to touch the tip of the iceberg in this episode, but that’s the beauty of having the “From Humdrum to HOLY” your hands! Fr. Ed Broom’s writing is so engaging and filled with clarity. Take an important first step in growing in holiness and get this book!


You can find the book here

“I’m a direct beneficiary of Fr. Ed Broom’s extraordinary zeal for souls. His passionate pastoral concern for ‘lost sheep’ helped bring me back to the practice of my Catholic Faith in high school, and his stirring homilies enkindled in me an ardent desire for holiness. I pray that the potent practical wisdom of these pages will inspire many others to strive for greater sanctity.”
Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC
Author, 33 Days to Merciful Love

“In Fr. Broom’s book, readers will find an accessible and practical guide toward the goal of holiness.”
Fr. Timothy M. Gallagher, OMV

“Those who long for a serious, yet simple and doable, path to spiritual growth, to holiness and to wholeness, will find a treasure in this wonderfully-readable spiritual gem.”
Mother Miriam Of The Lamb Of God, O.S.B.
Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope

IP#304 Fr. Ed Broom O.M.V – From Humdrum to Holy on Inside the Pages from Discerning Hearts on Vimeo.

IP#29 Patricia Cooney Hathaway – Weaving Faith and Experience on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor with Kris McGregor

Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway concentrates on helping women understand the relationship between faith and human experience during the middle years within the context of the whole life cycle This book is EXCELLENT! She explores the wrenching and puzzling questions women in their middle years need to ask: Who am I? Who am I with? Where am I going in terms of a life plan? What aids or blocks my growth? Is God a personal God who is invested in my life? Do I have a personal destiny related to God? What is the meaning of suffering? What is my fate after death?  Drawing from the Mystical Doctors of the Church, Dr. Hathaway offers an outstanding spiritual resource for women.

 Click here to pick up a copy of Patricia’s book

This outstanding book delivers what the title promises. Only an experienced spiritual guide could convey this wisdom with such clarity and practical focus. –Dr. Joann Conn

…a wonderful reverence for the Catholic spiritual heritage and a mature sensitivity toward the apostolic challenges and opportunities of our day. I recommend Hathaway s book wholeheartedly. –Howard Gray, S.J., assistant to the president, Georgetown University

All of us can profit by Dr. Cooney s challenges and reflections. –Margaret R. Brennan, I.H.M., professor emerita, Regis College

IP#114 Michael Novak – Living the Call: An Introduction to the Lay Vocation on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

Michael Novak is a shining witness of what occurs in the soul when the head makes the journey to the heart.  What a gift he is to all of us and what a profound sage of wisdom…when he so gently speaks, I listen….we all should!  In “Living the Call: An Introduction to the Lay Vocation,” Michael, along with his co-author William E. Simon, Jr, establishes, in Part 1, of the book, the need for the lay vocation in the Church today.  They chronicle that need with a national and global perspective.  They also present how “living the call”  looks in the lives of nine committed lay faithful working in parish life today.

Part 2 is worth its weight in gold! It outlines the absolute necessity of growth in the interior life of the laity.  How essential it is to deepen the spiritual life.  They give voice to the need to appreciate the desert experiences of our lives as opportunities for greater unity with Christ; such periods provide the fonts of grace which nurtures the work in ministry.   For anyone who severs in a ministry of any kind, either as an employee or as a volunteer, if you pass this indispensable book by, you do so at your peril!


Michael Novak’s website can be found here

 You can find “Living the Call” here

“This is the book that countless Catholic laypeople have been waiting for as they ponder how to respond to Vatican II’s challenge to take more active roles in the life of the Church and to bring Christian principles to life in the secular world. It’s a gem of a book that speaks to laypeople in all walks of life and at all stages of their earthly journeys.”

Mary Ann Glendon, Learned Hand Professor of Law, Harvard University

IP#3 Sr. Ann Shields – “To Be Like Jesus” on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

It was great to talk with Sr. Ann Shields, of “Food for the Journey”, about her new book “To Be Like Jesus – Inspiration From the Gospel of Luke”  .  In her maternal nurturing way she encourages us to “feed” on the great gift of God’s Holy Word.

You can find the book here.

From the book description:

God’s plan for your life is not as mysterious or unknowable as you might think. As Sister Ann Shields demonstrates in her probing reflections on the Gospel of Luke, the key to knowing what God is asking of you is to discover, first, who God is. If you are willing to spend time daily in his presence, ruminating on his word as it comes to you in Scripture, he will reveal himself and help you make the choices that conform to his will for your life.

To Be Like Jesus will enable you to distinguish God’s voice from the voices, noise and distractions of the world. As you let his word soak into your soul, you’ll find there the power to surrender to him and play your part in building his kingdom.


SP#6 “The Spiritual Director” The School of Prayer: Foundations for the New Evangelization with Fr. Scott Traynor

SP#6 The School of Prayer: Foundations for the New Evangelization


Fr. Scott Traynor talks about how God wants to have an intimate relationship with us.  What is the dynamic of this relationship?  He longs for us to freely give ourselves to Him.  Fr. Scott talks about the gift of our imagination and what is  true spiritual reality as opposed to fantasy.  How do I tell the difference?  What is the nature of the effect?  Is it lasting  or does it evaporate after the experience?  Is Jesus in the center of the reality we are encountering? He describes the use of Lectio Divina, the praying with Sacred Scripture, that helps us to enter into the deeper relationship we are called to by God.  Fr. Scott explains the difference between the Ignatian  and Carmelite understandings of “contemplation”.  Is there an ordinary Catholic “mysticism”?  Do we miss it?




In Father Scott Traynor’s book, Blessed John Paul II’s memorable call to make of the parish a school of prayer takes on flesh and becomes concretely attainable. Those you read these faith-filled pages will find renewed desire to create such parishes and a clear road-map toward this goal.

–Father Timothy Gallagher, OMV



Father Scott Traynor received his STB from the Pontifical Gregorian University and his JCL from Catholic University of America. He has been an instructor and spiritual director for many of the programs at the Institute for Priestly Formation.

Father Traynor is a retreat master and spiritual director who has travelled the country as a speaker at various conferences, diocesan gatherings and national conferences.. He is especially sought after to present on the topics of prayer, discernment and priestly identity and mission.

He serves the Rector of the St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver Colorado.


WOM#13 – Purgative and Illuminative Way – The Way of Mystery w/ Deacon James Keating – Discerning Hearts

Episode 13-The Way of Mystery: The Eucharist and Moral Living Keating-2

 The spiritual life and moral living… understanding the journey through the Purgative and Illuminative Way and their role in the moral life.

For more episodes in “The Way of Mystery” Series click here

Deacon James Keating, PhD, the director of Theological Formation for the Institute for Priestly Formation, located at Creighton University, in Omaha, is making available to ”Discerning Hearts” and all who listen, his series of programs entitled “The Way of Mystery”.

The Vatican II documents remind us that the spiritual journey is not made in a vacuum, that God has chosen to save us, not individually, but as The People of God. The Eucharist must help Christians to make their choices by discerning out of Christ’s paschal mystery. For this process to take place, however, Christians must first understand how the Eucharist puts them in touch with Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection, and what concrete implications being in touch with this mystery has for their daily lives.

IPF logo small ROHC#6 Deacon James Keating – Heart of Hope part 6 from Resting On the Heart of Christ

For more information on the “Institute of Priestly Formation” and for other material available by Deacon Keating, just click here

Communion with Christ ROHC#6 Deacon James Keating – Heart of Hope part 6 from Resting On the Heart of Christ

Don’t forget to pickup a copy of “Communion with Christ” , it is one of the best audio sets on prayer…ever!

Check out Deacon Keating’s “Discerning Heart” page

IP#218 Dick Lyles – Answer Your Call on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

Dick-LylesI cannot recommend a book more highly than this,  “Answer Your Call: Reclaim God’s Purpose For Faith, Family, and Work” is OUTSTANDING! The combined gifts of  Dick and Martha Lyles have brought us must a gem which serves as a practical everyday guide for prayer and discernment.  The book description below and the interview I have with Dick can provide just some of the reasons why this work is so important, but neither really goes far enough.  I have heard from so many men and women looking for spiritual directors, guides, mentors, anyone or anything that could help them to respond to that “still, small voice” deep inside themselves; here is the book I’ll now tell them to start with.  While this isn’t the answer to all questions and quests, this is work offers a great start and foundation.  Great for individual study, as well as for groups.  For pastors, deacons, pastoral ministers, parents, but most importantly, for the every day man or woman trying to “answer God’s call”!

Answer-Your-CallYou can find the book here

From the book description:

Answer Your Call helps Christians discern their purpose from a Catholic perspective—think of it as a Catholic response to The Purpose Driven Life. Building on the premise that every person has a unique set of natural gifts meant to be used in concert with God’s supernatural graces, readers will find practical insights on what prevents someone from hearing and responding to God’s call, as well as how to reclaim and live their calling in the home, workplace, and community. Answer Your Call goes beyond mere theory, using key questions, short quizzes, and practical exercises to help the reader implement the material. You’ll learn:

  • What causes us to lose sight of God’s presence
  • How we lose touch with our natural gifts
  • The three dimensions of our divine call
  • Understanding discernment in relation to purpose and call
  • How you can plan to implement your call

Interspersed with Scripture and Catechism quotes, as well as wisdom from popes and saints, Answer Your Call will guide you to carry out God’s purpose in every dimension of your life.

IP#237 Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J. – The Transforming Power of Faith on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

What a delight to speak once again to Fr. Joseph Fessio, this time about “The Transforming Power of Faith” by Pope Benedict Fr.-FessioXVI.  Ignatius Press has once again brought to us a wonderful compilation of the final sixteen talks given at his weekly audience from October 2012 to the end of his papacy in February 2013.  These talks explore how and why faith is relevant in the contemporary world.

In this discussion, Fr. Fessio offers his insights on the pontificate of Pope Francis, a brother in the Jesuit order.  He also addresses an issue concerning the work of Fr. Hans Urs von Balthasar as found in his book “Dare We Hope That All May Be Saved”, which has, in some cases recently, been mistakenly understood and represented to others.  He breaks open a bit Fr. von Balthasar’s teachings on hell, the mercy of God, and the proper understanding of “hope”.  Another engaging conversation with the ever fascinating Fr. Fessio.

Transfroming-Power-of-FaithYou can find the book here

From the book description:

“Having faith in the Lord is not something that involves solely our intelligence, the area of intellectual knowledge; rather, it is a change that involves our life, our whole self: feelings, heart, intelligence, will, corporeity, emotions, and human relationships. With faith everything truly changes.”

So Pope Benedict XVI introduced his catecheses for the Year of Faith, a series of sixteen talks given at his weekly audience from October 2012 to the end of his papacy in February 2013. These talks explore how and why faith is relevant in the contemporary world. How can we come to certainty about things that cannot be calculated or scientifically confirmed? What does God’s revelation mean for our daily lives? How can the hunger of the human heart be fulfilled? Offering the guidance of biblical exegesis, pastoral exhortation, and brotherly encouragement, Pope Benedict seeks to answer these questions and many others.