IP#40 Fr. George Rutler – Cloud of Witnesses on Inside the Pages

Fr. George Rutler once again offers a beautiful work that is food for the thinking mind and pondering heart. A collection of stories about people, some famous some not, who’s lives “witness” to the power of  the Holy Spirit to mold us into the image of Christ (in some cases, unexpected ways).  Fr. Rutler is always fun to read; he uses the English language as his palette of beautiful colors in which he paints a fascinating and compelling picture of  “the dead people he knew when they were alive”.   Don’t miss this one.

Fr. Rutler’s book can be found here

IP#24 Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer – Demonic Abortion on Inside the Pages

“Demonic Abortion” is the provocative new book by Fr. Thomas Euteneur. It is a companion to his incredibly successful “Exorcism and the Church Militant”. For anyone engaged in the Pro-life struggle, what he reveals really is not a surprise at all.  Fr. Euteneur articulates what we have held in our hearts, but in many cases could not describe fully…the heart just knows this evil has a leader and a purpose.  But the great news is that the victory is the Lord’s and He has given us all we need to engage in this battle for the hearts, minds, and souls of our brothers and sisters affected by demonic abortion.    This IS the spiritual battle of our time, from it all other evil pales in comparison. BE NOT AFRAID!  Knowing the enemy is half the battle.  The Church Militant is called now to stand…to stand for the unborn and their mothers, to stand with Our Lady, to stand up for the Gospel of Life.

Pick up a copy of either one or both
(go for both they are more than worth it) at www.exorcismbook.com

IP#21 Gary Jansen – Exercising Your Soul on Inside the Pages

Gary Jansen’s book is a great way to help any and all who are seeking to “Exercise” their soul.  As Fr. James Martin has said, “Jansen offers straightforward advice on how to begin, or deepen, your relationship with the One who loved us into being”.  I couldn’t agree more…let the workout begin!

Gary’s book can be found at Amazon.com

IP#17 Patrick Coffin – “Sex au Naturel” on Inside the Pages

Patrick Coffin does a fantastic job breaking open “Humane Vitae”, Natural Family Planning, and the beauty of marital love in his book  “Sex au Naturel: What It Is and Why It’s Good for Your Marriage”.  Listeners of “Catholic Answers Live” know Patrick Coffin is well-learned in many areas of Catholic life, and that he brings to all those discussions the right degree of good humor and joy about the Catholic faith.  He does the same in this book.  Pick up a copy for yourselves, your pastor, and any couple you know preparing for marriage…it’s a good thing.

Patrick’s book can be found at emmausroad.org

Patrick’s website is located at patrickcoffin.net

IP#13 Mike Aquilina discusses Why Me – When Bad Things Happen on Inside the Pages

Why me?  Who hasn’t asked them self that question over and over again throughout the course of their life.  With a smile of joy in his voice and compassion in his heart, Mike Aquilina attempts to answer the age old question…Why Me? With Mike’s help, we look toward the saints, and ultimately to Our Blessed Lord, for the answer.  Mike tackles this tough subject with love and grace.  After all, isn’t that exactly how God attempts to break through to us in our suffering with His answer?  On a personal note:  Mike Aquilina is one of the finest men I know. It is a joy to talk with him about any subject, but when it comes to matters of the Church and God, watch out…your heart will swell up with faith, hope and love.  He’s like your pal on the road to Emmaus.

Click here to find Mike’s gift to us all

IP#11 Joan Wester Anderson – Where Miracles Happen on Inside the Pages

Sometimes you just smile through an entire interview wishing it wouldn’t end…that’s what it is like talking with Joan Wester Anderson.  What a truly lovely woman!  She seems to have a very special mission for the Father in Heaven – to make known the glory of those special messangers of the Lord, the Holy Angels of God, and to relate the heavenly miraculous moments which occur in  the everyday around the world.  Joan is a beautiful story teller both in print and on the air.  I know you will enjoy our conversation….

Visit Joan’s website at http://joanwanderson.com/
It’s really inspirational!

Here is another conversation with Joan on the Angels


IP#6 Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer – “Exorcism and the Church Militant” on Inside the Pages

Fr. Thomas Euteneuer is one of the most courageous men I know.  He proves that ones again with the release of his book “Exorcism and the Church Militant”.   It is a subject that we shouldn’t fear.  Why is it we are afraid to talk about this?  No one would question the need to talk about tornados and to actually have drills to warn of their arrival and the ways to seek protection; of course we do this, it’s common sense.  And yet with this very real spiritual reality, we hide it away, thereby giving the evil one WAY too much power in the darkness.  Fr. Euteneuer helps us to “flip on the light” of Christ and the teachings of the Church,  to reveal the triumphant victory of the Almighty over the forces of darkness.

Click here to purchase Fr. Euteneur’s new book online at  http://www.exorcismbook.com/

For another Fr. Euteneuer interview in the Spirit Mornings Show archives

For other discussions on exorcisms on Spirit Mornings:
Matt Bagilo “The Rite”

Fr. Fortea “Interview with an Exorcist”

IP#2 Fr. Michael Manning – “The Fifteen Faces of God” on Inside the Pages

It was a delight to talk with Fr. Michael Manning.  He truly has a loving priestly heart which desires to direct all hearts to the Father’s great love…he is the REAL deal!  What a blessing for all of us. You’ll love “Fifteen Faces of God – A Quest To Know God Through The Parables of Jesus”.

Visit Fr. Manning’s website to pick up a copy of the book and find out more about his important ministry at http://www.wordnet.tv/index.html