USCCA43 – The 10th Commandment: Embrace Poverty of Spirit – U. S. Catholic Catechism for Adults w/ Arch. George Lucas

USCCA43  Chapter 34- Embrace Poverty of Spirit : The 10th Commandment Archbisop-George-Lucas

Archbishop Lucas offers insights on the US Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 34:

On the positive side, the Tenth Commandment calls us to practice poverty of spirit and generosity of heart. These virtues liberate us from being slaves to money and possessions. They enable us to have a preferential love for the poor and to be witnesses of justice and peace in the world. They also enable us to adopt a simplicity of life that frees us from consumerism and helps us preserve God’s creation.

Sinful inclinations move us to envy what others have and lead to an unrestrained drive to acquire all that we can. We do have a reasonable need to acquire the means needed to care for our families. Greed is the distortion of this desire. The greedy person will stop at nothing to get all the money and possessions possible.

We need to remember that envy is the companion of greed; it is an attitude that fills us with sadness at the sight of another’s prosperity. Envious people can be consumed with so much desire for what others have that they will even commit crimes to get what they want.

Baptized people should counter envy with humility, thanksgiving to God for his gifts to oneself and to others, goodwill, and surrender to the providence of God (cf. CCC, no. 2554). “Christ’s faithful ‘have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires’ (Gal 5:24); they are led by the Spirit and follow his desires” (CCC, no. 2555). Poverty of heart is a way to avoid greed and envy. “Abandonment to the providence of the Father in heaven frees us from anxiety about tomorrow. Trust in God is a preparation for the blessedness of the poor. They shall see God” (CCC, no. 2547, citing Mt 6:25-34).

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) (2012-04-02). United States Catholic Catechism for Adults (Kindle Locations 6493-6504). United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Kindle Edition.

The Most Reverend George J. Lucas leads the Archdiocese of Omaha. 

For other episodes in the visit our Archbishop George Lucas page

This programs is based on:

More information can be found here.

We wish to thank the USCCB for the permissions granted for use of  relevant material used in this series.

USCCA44 – God Calls Us To Pray pt 1 – U. S. Catholic Catechism for Adults w/ Arch. George Lucas

USCCA44  Chapter 35- God Calls Us To Pray – The Foundations of Prayer pt 1Archbisop-George-Lucas

Archbishop Lucas offers insights on the US Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 35:

Descriptions of prayer are abundant throughout Christian history. “True prayer,” wrote St. Augustine, “is nothing but love.” Prayer should arise from the heart. “Prayer,” said St. John Vianney, “is the inner bath of love into which the soul plunges itself.” “Everyone of us needs half an hour of prayer each day,” remarked St. Francis de Sales, “except when we are busy—then we need an hour.” Definitions of prayer are important, but insufficient. There is a huge difference between knowing about prayer and praying. On this issue, the Rule of St. Benedict is clear: “If a man wants to pray, let him go and pray.”

St. John Damascene gave a classic definition of prayer: “Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God” (CCC, no. 2559, citing St. John Damascene, De Fide Orth. 3, 24).

The Catechism clearly defines prayer as a “vital and personal relationship with the living and true God” (CCC, no. 2558). Prayer is Christian “insofar as it is communion with Christ” (CCC, no. 2565), and a “covenant relationship between God and man in Christ” (CCC, no. 2564).

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) (2012-04-02). United States Catholic Catechism for Adults (Kindle Locations 6658-6667). United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Kindle Edition.

The Most Reverend George J. Lucas leads the Archdiocese of Omaha. 

For other episodes in the visit our Archbishop George Lucas page

This programs is based on:

More information can be found here.

We wish to thank the USCCB for the permissions granted for use of  relevant material used in this series.

ROF#2 – The Mass: the Universal Sign – Roots of the Faith with Mike Aquilina

Mike Aquilina - Fathers of the Church and so much more... 5

Episode 2 – The Mass: the Universal Sign

Roots of the Faith – From the Church Fathers to You with Mike Aquilina, makes clear that just as an acorn grows into a tree and yet remains the same plant, so the Catholic Church is a living organism that has grown from the faith of the earliest Christians into the body of Christ we know today. Hosted by Kris McGregor

Pick up a copy of Mke’s book. You’ll find so much more and invaluable references and resources, as well

Also, visit Mike’s “Discerning Hearts” page for more audio downloads and information!

MM1 – Introduction – The Mystery of Mercy with Sr. Gill Goulding C.J. – A Discerning Hearts Podcast

Episode 1 Introduction – The Mystery of Mercy with Sr. Gill Goulding C.J.

Pope Francis in accordance with his two predecessors has brought to public attention mercy as a determining characteristic of our God. He has elevated the conversation about mercy making clear that it involves a principle of dialogue and a use of discernment. The Holy Father’s own Ignatian formation as a Jesuit influences the way in which he understands a certain guidance and governance within the Church. In addition, he has recovered for the Church the importance of popular piety including devotion to the Sacred Heart. In a series of podcasts, Sr Gill Goulding CJ shares the fruit of a sabbatical year she spent working on this project of mercy. 


Sr Gill Goulding CJ is a member of the Congregatio Jesu an order founded by Mary Ward in 1609. The Congregation has the same constitutions as the Society of Jesus. Sr Gill is Professor of Systematic Theology at Regis College, the Jesuit Graduate School of Theology at the University of Toronto. She is a member of the Theological Commission of the Conference of Religious in Canada and was appointed by the Conference of Canadian Bishops as one of two RC members of the Council of Canadian Churches. In 2012 she was honored and humbled to be appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as a theological expert to the 2012 Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization and the transmission of the Christian Faith. In 2017 Sr Gill was awarded a Henry Luce III Fellowship for a project looking at the dynamic impact of mercy on the mission of the Church. During this sabbatical year, she spent a number of months in Rome and was thrilled to meet Pope Frances and to present to him an outline of her project and to receive his blessing on her work.

Sr. Gill’s project was made possible by a grant from the Luce Foundation


Church of Passion and Hope To obtain a copy of the book on which this series is based visit here

“Gill Goulding, C.J. invites readers to move beyond a debilitating polarization in the Church and to adopt an ecclesiology of communion. She presents the ecclesial disposition of St Ignatius of Loyola, rooted in love for Christ, alive to the inseparable union between Christ and the Church, and aware that to love Christ is to love the Church – the real, concrete, hierarchical, “institutional” Church, the people of God, the spouse of Christ infused by His Spirit. Goulding’s love for the Church is evident in all she writes and suffuses the exposition with warmth. One cannot read this book without feeling the call to communion in the Church. A Church of Passion and Hope also serves to highlight an underemphasized part of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises – the Rules for Thinking (sentir) with the Church – a valuable contribution to Ignatian writing and practice.” ―Fr Timothy Gallagher, O.M.V., Saint Clement Eucharistic Shrine, USA

IP#304 Fr. Ed Broom, O.M.V. – From Humdrum to Holy on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

What a delight to talk and to LEARN from Fr. Ed Broom, of the Oblates of the Virgin Maryseven-last-wordsHis book “From Humdrum to HOLY: A Step-by-Step Guide to Living Like a Saint” is great!  In our conversation, we discuss the value of the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the great legacy of Ven. Bruno Lanteri and of having a spiritual program in our lives.  He offers in this work, among other things, “10 Ways to Start (or Continue) Becoming a Saint” .  Through the “10 M’s” he presents practical entryways to help souls who desire to establish spiritual practices in their everyday life.  Fr. Ed speaks of the importance of self-knowledge and the practice of the Daily Examen Prayer as well as, the need to form a healthy conscience.  We are only able to touch the tip of the iceberg in this episode, but that’s the beauty of having the “From Humdrum to HOLY” your hands! Fr. Ed Broom’s writing is so engaging and filled with clarity. Take an important first step in growing in holiness and get this book!


You can find the book here

“I’m a direct beneficiary of Fr. Ed Broom’s extraordinary zeal for souls. His passionate pastoral concern for ‘lost sheep’ helped bring me back to the practice of my Catholic Faith in high school, and his stirring homilies enkindled in me an ardent desire for holiness. I pray that the potent practical wisdom of these pages will inspire many others to strive for greater sanctity.”
Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC
Author, 33 Days to Merciful Love

“In Fr. Broom’s book, readers will find an accessible and practical guide toward the goal of holiness.”
Fr. Timothy M. Gallagher, OMV

“Those who long for a serious, yet simple and doable, path to spiritual growth, to holiness and to wholeness, will find a treasure in this wonderfully-readable spiritual gem.”
Mother Miriam Of The Lamb Of God, O.S.B.
Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope

IP#304 Fr. Ed Broom O.M.V – From Humdrum to Holy on Inside the Pages from Discerning Hearts on Vimeo.

HR30 -“Who Broke The Bell?” The Life of St. Benedict – The Holy Rule with Fr. Mauritius Wilde O.S.B

The Life of St. Benedict pt 3 – Who Broke The Bell?

In this episode of “The Holy Rule of St. Benedict: A Spiritual Path for Today’s World,” hosted by Kris McGregor and featuring Father Mauritius Wilde O.S.B., listeners are invited to explore the life and spiritual journey of St. Benedict.

The podcast highlights a pivotal moment in St. Benedict’s life when disgusted by his surroundings in Rome, he chooses to follow God’s call over his father’s wishes. This journey leads him to live in a cave for three years, where he is sustained by the monk Romanus, who discreetly delivers food to him. The narrative takes an intriguing turn when St. Benedict, in his quest for total solitude and detachment from worldly needs, mistakenly believes he no longer needs Romanus’s help. This leads to a deeper exploration of the themes of solitude, the dangers of spiritual extremism, and the necessity of community and moderation in spiritual life.

Father Mauritius skillfully connects St. Benedict’s experiences to broader spiritual lessons, emphasizing the importance of humility, community, and the balance between spiritual devotion and practical needs. The episode concludes with a reflection on St. Benedict’s realization that he had gone too far in his detachment, leading to an understanding of the need for balance between solitude and community.

Listeners are encouraged to learn from St. Benedict’s journey, understanding that while solitude and detachment are valuable, they must be balanced with community and humility. The podcast serves as a reminder that in the spiritual journey, extremism can be as dangerous as apathy, and that true holiness lies in recognizing our human limits and the grace of God in all aspects of life.

Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts:

  1. Balancing Solitude and Relationships: Reflect on your ability to balance the call to solitude and contemplation with the responsibilities and relationships in your daily life, and consider how you can create a harmonious balance between these aspects.
  2. Guarding Against Spiritual Extremism: In light of St. Benedict’s story, which highlights the dangers of spiritual extremism, think about ways you can guard against going to extremes in your own spiritual practices and beliefs.
  3. Practicing Detachment: The concept of detachment is a key theme in the episode. Contemplate how you understand and practice detachment in your own life and how this brings you closer to God.
  4. The Role of Community: Consider the role of community in your spiritual life. Reflect on how your faith community supports your spiritual growth and how you contribute to the spiritual well-being of others in your community.
  5. Cultivating Spiritual Humility: Think about the idea of spiritual humility as discussed in the podcast. Explore ways in which you can cultivate a more humble approach to your spiritual life and your relationship with God.
  6. Embracing Moderation: Given St. Benedict’s realization of the importance of moderation in his spiritual journey, identify how you can apply the principle of moderation to your own practices of prayer, fasting, work, and leisure.
  7. Supporting and Being Supported: The story of St. Benedict and Romanus underscores the importance of mutual support in our spiritual journeys. Reflect on how you experience this mutual support in your life and how you can be more open to both giving and receiving spiritual support.
  8. Responding to Disruption: Recall the moment when the bell, signaling Romanus’s delivery of food to St. Benedict, was broken. Think about moments in your spiritual journey where your ‘bell’ – a symbol of guidance or support – was broken, how you responded to this disruption, and what it taught you about reliance on God and others in your faith journey.
  9. Integrating Lessons into Daily Life: Lastly, ponder how you can integrate the lessons from St. Benedict’s life into your daily actions, decisions, and relationships, keeping in mind the central message of finding balance between solitude, community, and service in your walk with God.

From the Life of Our Most Holy Father St. Benedict by St. Gregory the Great:


As he was travelling to this place, a certain monk called Romanus met him and asked whither he was going. Having understood his intention, he both kept it secret and afforded him help, moreover he gave him a religious habit and assisted him in all things. The man of God being come to this place lived for the space of three years in an obscure cave, unknown to any man except Romanus the Monk, who lived not far off in a Monastery governed by Father Deodatus. But he would piously steal forth, and on certain days bring to Benedict a loaf of bread which he had spared from his own allowance. But there being no way to the cave from Romanus his cell by reason of a steep and high rock which hung over it, Romanus used to let down the loaf by a long cord to which also he fastened a little bell, that by the sound of it, the man of God might know when Romanus brought him the bread, and going out may receive it. But the old enemy, envying the charity of the one and the refection of the other, when on a certain day he beheld the bread let down in this manner, threw a stone and brake the bell. Notwithstanding, Romanus afterwards failed not to assist him in the best manner he was able.

Father Mauritius Wilde, OSB, Ph.D., did his philosophical, theological and doctoral studies in Europe. He is the author of several books and directs retreats regularly. He serves as Prior at Sant’Anselmo in Rome. For more information about the ministry of the the Missionary Benedictines of Christ the King Priory in Schuyler, Nebraska 

IP#29 Patricia Cooney Hathaway – Weaving Faith and Experience on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor with Kris McGregor

Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway concentrates on helping women understand the relationship between faith and human experience during the middle years within the context of the whole life cycle This book is EXCELLENT! She explores the wrenching and puzzling questions women in their middle years need to ask: Who am I? Who am I with? Where am I going in terms of a life plan? What aids or blocks my growth? Is God a personal God who is invested in my life? Do I have a personal destiny related to God? What is the meaning of suffering? What is my fate after death?  Drawing from the Mystical Doctors of the Church, Dr. Hathaway offers an outstanding spiritual resource for women.

 Click here to pick up a copy of Patricia’s book

This outstanding book delivers what the title promises. Only an experienced spiritual guide could convey this wisdom with such clarity and practical focus. –Dr. Joann Conn

…a wonderful reverence for the Catholic spiritual heritage and a mature sensitivity toward the apostolic challenges and opportunities of our day. I recommend Hathaway s book wholeheartedly. –Howard Gray, S.J., assistant to the president, Georgetown University

All of us can profit by Dr. Cooney s challenges and reflections. –Margaret R. Brennan, I.H.M., professor emerita, Regis College

IP#287 Dr. Christopher Kaczor – The Gospel of Happiness on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor


Dr. Christopher Kaczor once again not only enlightens our minds but also our hearts with his new book, “The Gospel of Happiness: Rediscover Your Faith Through Spiritual Practice and Positive Psychology”. Through a study of positive psychology, philosopher Dr. Kaczor  finds therein the wisdom of many Christian practices and teachings.  In this very complex world we live in, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that we were created by God to be happy.   Our hearts seek that happiness, but many of us have lost our way.  Dr. Kaczor points us to a bridge that shows us “The Way” to authentic happiness and joy.  His work is always informative, engaging and wonderfully insightful. A very practical work that will remind the reader of another great Catholic author and professor of Philosophy…Dr. Peter Kreeft.  Highly Recommended!!!

Gospel-of-HappinessYou can find the book here

“God made us to be happy — to be blessed and to live with joy. And all of us are born with this desire for happiness in our hearts. But sometimes we can get a little lost along the way. We can find ourselves looking for happiness in the wrong places. Christopher Kaczor shows us the right path and he walks the path with us — shining new light on the ancient ways of forgiveness and gratitude, humility, prayer and service to our neighbor. Kaczor is a wise guide and this book can help all of us to grow in our relationships with others and our journey with God.” —The Most Rev. José H. Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles 

“In The Gospel of Happiness, Christopher Kaczor creates a refreshing new approach to a traditional theme lying at the heart of both Christianity and philosophy – the pursuit of happiness. Recognizing the dictum of Aristotle that happiness is the one objective we seek for itself, and that everything else is sought for the sake of happiness, he creates an understandable, practical, and usable path that combines contemporary psychology with traditional Christian teaching. He lays his foundation by appealing to seven Christian ways to happiness – “faith, hope, and love,” prayer, gratitude, forgiveness, virtue, and willpower, and enriches them with the five elements of positive psychology – positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement. By using Martin Seligman’s new positive approach to psychology, he bridges formerly perceived gaps between psychology and faith — opening the way for Christians to benefit from the insights and healing of this important discipline.” —Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D., author of Finding True Happiness



IP#308 Chene Heady – Numbering My Days On Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

Before you begin another new “spiritual program,” please pause for just a moment and look what the Church has always offered you…the liturgical life of the Church.  In “Numbering My Days:  How the Liturgical Calendar Rearranged My Life,” author Chene Heady, a convert to the Catholic faith, discovers the beauty which unfolds in his spiritual life when he enters into the rhythm of the liturgical calendar.  Wonderfully practical and filled with personal stories, Chene helps us to see what has always been before us. He finds that the liturgical life of the Church is  a fruitful spiritual practice par excellence.  We highly recommend this enriching book!
You can find the book here

From the book description:

Chene Heady was a believing Catholic whose daily concerns were shaped primarily by forces other than his faith–career demands, financial decisions, scheduling conflicts, etc. He worked long hours and had limited regular interaction with his wife, also a busy professional, and his young daughter. He was the typical overextended and anonymous modern Catholic man.

Then he tried an experiment that dramatically rearranged his life. After reading about the importance of the Church’s liturgical year, Heady took up the challenge to live as though the Church’s calendar, not the secular one, stood at the center of his life. Every day for a year, he observed the Church’s seasons and feasts, and meditated on the Church’s daily readings. As he did so, he found that his life, and his relationships, became more meaningful and fruitful.

Numbering My Days tells the story of one man’s renewal, and it offers an authentic model of spiritual development for anyone.

IP#320 Fr. Wade Menezes C.F.M. – The Four Last Things on Inside the Pages

  With the incredible Fr. Wade Menezes we discuss “The Four Last Things: A Catechetical Guide to Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell.”

You can find the book here
From the Inside Flap

Few things in this earthly life are absolutely certain, but the most undebatable of these is death. Every person, even the atheist, will admit that death is certain. Death, however, is not the last event in this life of ours. Immediately after death, we shall be judged and then again on the Day of Judgment when all humanity will know us for what we are.

Too often the reality of Heaven and salvation are highlighted at the expense of the Church’s teachings on Death, Judgment, Purgatory, and Hell. Yet, these important doctrines of the Church hold the truths of salvation — truths that can lead us to Heaven or can pull us away from it.

In these pages, Fr. Wade Menezes, EWTN television host and Assistant General of the Fathers of Mercy, shows us that God has not called us to His wrath, but to salvation. He shows us that Heaven and Hell, salvation and damnation, eternal life and eternal punishment are all complementary doctrines. They need each other to be complete and we must understand the Church’s teachings on all of these doctrines in order to have a balanced view of the world.

Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell these are the Four Last Things toward which we are moving each hour of the day and night. Read this book, and you’ll have a firm grasp of one of the most important doctrines of Holy Mother Church that holds the truths of Heaven and our own salvation.