The Prayer of Persistence – a reflection by Msgr. John Esseff – Discerning Hearts

Msgr. John Esseff

Msgr. Esseff discusses prayer and the importance of persistance in faith.  What should we be praying for?  How should we pray for it?  What if we don’t receive the answer we expected?

Gospel LK 11:5-13

Jesus said to his disciples:
“Suppose one of you has a friend
to whom he goes at midnight and says,
‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,
for a friend of mine has arrived at my house from a journey
and I have nothing to offer him,’
and he says in reply from within,
‘Do not bother me; the door has already been locked
and my children and I are already in bed.
I cannot get up to give you anything.’
I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves
because of their friendship,
he will get up to give him whatever he needs
because of his persistence.

“And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
What father among you would hand his son a snake
when he asks for a fish?
Or hand him a scorpion when he asks for an egg?
If you then, who are wicked,
know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit
to those who ask him?”

The Prayer of the Hebrew Scriptures – Prayer in the Catechism with Fr. Benedict Groeschel

The Prayer of the Hebrew Scriptures – .  Fr. Groeschel discusses the experience of Abraham, Moses, the Maccabees.  He shares the beauty of the Psalms.  He speaks of the importance of the Christian enter the mystery of prayer found in the Hebrew Scriptures  (Old Testament of the Bible).


This program features Fr. Benedict Groeschel teaching and talking about the Catechism and the Bible with an emphasis on prayer. His discussion of prayer is based on the premise that an essential condition of prayer is devotion- the belief that God is listening and cares for us. In “Prayer in the Catechism”, Fr. Groeschel discusses the various kinds of prayer, including a special emphasis on using scripture when praying. The catechism contains basic Christian teaching formatted for learning and understanding. More information about the Catechism of the Catholic Church may be found on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website.

Benedict Joseph Groeschel, CFR is a Catholic priest, retreat master, author, psychologist, activist and has hosted several television programs. He was the director of the Office for Spiritual Development for the Catholic Archdiocese of New York as well as associate director of Trinity Retreat and the executive director of The St. Francis House. He was professor of pastoral psychology at St. Joseph’s Seminary in New York and an adjunct professor at the Institute for Psychological Sciences in Arlington, Virginia.

This program is a production of Pauline Media and the Daughters of St. Paul copyright 1997.  For more from Pauline Media visit here


Prayer from Our Humanity – Prayer in the Catechism with Fr. Benedict Groeschel


The Prayer from Our Humanity – The universal prayer of human beings which flows from the natural law.  Fr. Groeschel discusses the prayer of cultures from ancient times to the present day.  He teaches the perspective of paganism and other religions, and what is the nature of true Christian prayer.


This program features Fr. Benedict Groeschel teaching and talking about the Catechism and the Bible with an emphasis on prayer. His discussion of prayer is based on the premise that an essential condition of prayer is devotion- the belief that God is listening and cares for us. In “Prayer in the Catechism”, Fr. Groeschel discusses the various kinds of prayer, including a special emphasis on using scripture when praying. The catechism contains basic Christian teaching formatted for learning and understanding. More information about the Catechism of the Catholic Church may be found on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website.

Benedict Joseph Groeschel, CFR is a Catholic priest, retreat master, author, psychologist, activist and has hosted several television programs. He was the director of the Office for Spiritual Development for the Catholic Archdiocese of New York as well as associate director of Trinity Retreat and the executive director of The St. Francis House. He was professor of pastoral psychology at St. Joseph’s Seminary in New York and an adjunct professor at the Institute for Psychological Sciences in Arlington, Virginia.

This program is a production of Pauline Media and the Daughters of St. Paul copyright 1997.  For more from Pauline Media visit here


Introducing Prayer (What is authentic Christian Prayer?) – Prayer in the Catechism with Fr. Benedict Groeschel


This program features Fr. Benedict Groeschel teaching and talking about the Catechism and the Bible with an emphasis on prayer. His discussion of prayer is based on the premise that an essential condition of prayer is devotion- the belief that God is listening and cares for us. In “Prayer in the Catechism”, Fr. Groeschel discusses the various kinds of prayer, including a special emphasis on using scripture when praying. The catechism contains basic Christian teaching formatted for learning and understanding. More information about the Catechism of the Catholic Church may be found on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website.

Benedict Joseph Groeschel, CFR is a Catholic priest, retreat master, author, psychologist, activist and has hosted several television programs. He was the director of the Office for Spiritual Development for the Catholic Archdiocese of New York as well as associate director of Trinity Retreat and the executive director of The St. Francis House. He was professor of pastoral psychology at St. Joseph’s Seminary in New York and an adjunct professor at the Institute for Psychological Sciences in Arlington, Virginia.

This program is a production of Pauline Media and the Daughters of St. Paul copyright 1997.  For more from Pauline Media visit here


IP#179 Vinny Flynn – 21 Ways to Worship on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

It was a delight to once again have a conversation with Vinny Flynn, who has authored “21 Ways to Worship:   A Guide to Eucharistic Adoration”.  Short and to the point, the meditations brought forward by Vinny are  packed with aids to help us deepen our appreciation of this gift of the very presence of God.  Possibly undervalued as an important spiritual practice, Eucharistic adoration is an essential spiritual encounter for those who wish to truly enter into this Year of Faith.  Vinny’s work helps those who wish to begin this vital devotion, and deepens the experience for those who have been fed by this practice over the years.  A don’t miss…buy one for yourself  and one to leave in your church’s Eucharist Chapel for others to enjoy.

To find the book click here

“Vinny Flynn played an important role in my life of worship when I came back to the Catholic church. His new work, 21 Ways To Worship, has something for everyone when it comes to developing a life of intimacy with God. This is what we are going to be doing for eternity, so now is the time to begin.”
~Jeff Cavins

“Vinny Flynn has done it again! With his fun, accessible, and faith-filled style, he gives us yet another key to unlocking the mystery of Christ’s Eucharistic love. This time, he shares the secrets to “keeping it real” before the Lord’s Real Presence. This book is more than just another devotional; it actually teaches us how to pray, and it does so in a way that’s holy, humorous, and human. Enjoy the book. Enjoy the Lord.”
~Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC
Author, Consoling the Heart of Jesus and 33 Days to Morning Glory




WOM#15 – The Unitive Way – The Way of Mystery w/ Deacon James Keating – Discerning Hearts

Episode 15-The Way of Mystery: The Eucharist and Moral Living Keating-2

The journey begins into the unitive way…the beginning of falling in love with God.  Combined with the entry into the sacramental life, the living out the moral life becomes more than meeting a “goal”, but becomes a “way” of life.

For more episodes in “The Way of Mystery” Series click here

Deacon James Keating, PhD, the director of Theological Formation for the Institute for Priestly Formation, located at Creighton University, in Omaha, is making available to ”Discerning Hearts” and all who listen, his series of programs entitled “The Way of Mystery”.

The Vatican II documents remind us that the spiritual journey is not made in a vacuum, that God has chosen to save us, not individually, but as The People of God. The Eucharist must help Christians to make their choices by discerning out of Christ’s paschal mystery. For this process to take place, however, Christians must first understand how the Eucharist puts them in touch with Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection, and what concrete implications being in touch with this mystery has for their daily lives.

IPF logo small ROHC#6 Deacon James Keating – Heart of Hope part 6 from Resting On the Heart of Christ

For more information on the “Institute of Priestly Formation” and for other material available by Deacon Keating, just click here

Communion with Christ ROHC#6 Deacon James Keating – Heart of Hope part 6 from Resting On the Heart of Christ

Don’t forget to pickup a copy of “Communion with Christ” , it is one of the best audio sets on prayer…ever!

Check out Deacon Keating’s “Discerning Heart” page

IP#257 Fr. George Montague S.M. – Living in the Father’s Embrace on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

What a delight to talk once again with Fr. George Montague, this time about “Living in the Father’s Embrace: gmontagueExperiencing the Love at the Heart of the Trinity”!  Fr. Montague, besides serving as a former president of the Catholic Biblical Association of America and editor of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly, has offered numerous rich teachings in the areas of Catholic spirituality including the best selling “Holy Spirit, Make Your Home In Me : Biblical Meditations On Receiving The Gift Of The Spirit”  (a Discerning Hearts bestselling favorite!).

Can you call the God the Father “Abba” as Jesus did?  Did we have a complicated relationship with our earthly father that keeps us distant from our Father? How do we look at the Father when we are dealing with grief and loss?   By presenting the relationship found in the heart of the Holy Trinity, Fr. Montague uses everyday examples to helps us to envision what that awesome relationship is like between Father and Son and how they long, through the Holy Spirit, to bring each one of us into their communion of love. This is a book you will want to read again and again.   Highly recommended!!!!


Living-in-the-Fathers-EmbrYou can find the book here

Be sure to listen to  our conversation with Fr. Montague about “Holy Spirit, Make Your Home In Me” which can be found here


MC1 – Praying with Scripture: Christian Contemplation and Meditation in the Ignatian tradition w/Fr. Timothy Gallagher

Episode 1 Praying with Scripture: Christian Contemplation and Meditation in the Ignatian tradition with Fr. Timothy 


Fr. Gallagher introduces us to meditation and contemplation – the cornerstones of Ignatius of Loyola’s spiritual practice.


For other episodes in the series visit The Discerning Hearts “Praying with Scripture” page

Father Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V., was ordained in 1979 as a member of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary, a religious community dedicated to retreats and spiritual formation according to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.  Fr. Gallagher is featured on the EWTN series “Living the Discerning Life:  The Spiritual Teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola”.

For more information on how to obtain copies of Fr. Gallaghers’s various books and audio which are available for purchase, please visit  his  website:

 For the other episodes in this series check out Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s “Discerning Hearts” page


SP#6 “The Spiritual Director” The School of Prayer: Foundations for the New Evangelization with Fr. Scott Traynor

SP#6 The School of Prayer: Foundations for the New Evangelization


Fr. Scott Traynor talks about how God wants to have an intimate relationship with us.  What is the dynamic of this relationship?  He longs for us to freely give ourselves to Him.  Fr. Scott talks about the gift of our imagination and what is  true spiritual reality as opposed to fantasy.  How do I tell the difference?  What is the nature of the effect?  Is it lasting  or does it evaporate after the experience?  Is Jesus in the center of the reality we are encountering? He describes the use of Lectio Divina, the praying with Sacred Scripture, that helps us to enter into the deeper relationship we are called to by God.  Fr. Scott explains the difference between the Ignatian  and Carmelite understandings of “contemplation”.  Is there an ordinary Catholic “mysticism”?  Do we miss it?




In Father Scott Traynor’s book, Blessed John Paul II’s memorable call to make of the parish a school of prayer takes on flesh and becomes concretely attainable. Those you read these faith-filled pages will find renewed desire to create such parishes and a clear road-map toward this goal.

–Father Timothy Gallagher, OMV



Father Scott Traynor received his STB from the Pontifical Gregorian University and his JCL from Catholic University of America. He has been an instructor and spiritual director for many of the programs at the Institute for Priestly Formation.

Father Traynor is a retreat master and spiritual director who has travelled the country as a speaker at various conferences, diocesan gatherings and national conferences.. He is especially sought after to present on the topics of prayer, discernment and priestly identity and mission.

He serves the Rector of the St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver Colorado.


SP#8 The School of Prayer: Foundations for the New Evangelization

SP#8 The School of Prayer: Foundations for the New Evangelization


Fr. Scott Traynor talks about the relationship between our personal prayer and the sacramental life of prayer of the Church.  There is so much to encounter when we open up our hearts and minds to the experience of prayer found in the public worship of the Church.  Using the “ARRRR” method (Acknowledge, Relate, Recieve, and Respond) to enhance our prayer during the liturgy.




In Father Scott Traynor’s book, Blessed John Paul II’s memorable call to make of the parish a school of prayer takes on flesh and becomes concretely attainable. Those you read these faith-filled pages will find renewed desire to create such parishes and a clear road-map toward this goal.

–Father Timothy Gallagher, OMV



Father Scott Traynor received his STB from the Pontifical Gregorian University and his JCL from Catholic University of America. He has been an instructor and spiritual director for many of the programs at the Institute for Priestly Formation.

Father Traynor is a retreat master and spiritual director who has travelled the country as a speaker at various conferences, diocesan gatherings and national conferences.. He is especially sought after to present on the topics of prayer, discernment and priestly identity and mission.

He serves the Rector of the St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver Colorado.