Pope Benedict on Prayer 28 – Meditating upon Sacred Scripture helps us to understand the present

Vatican City, 2 May 2012 (VIS) –

The prayer of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, was the theme of the Holy Father’s catechesis during his general audience this morning.

Addressing more than 20,000 faithful filling St. Peter’s Square, the Pope explained how, according to the narrative of the Acts of the Apostles, Stephen was taken before the Sanhedrin accused of having declared that Jesus would destroy the Temple and change the customs handed down by Moses. In his address before the council Stephen explained that, in saying these things, Jesus had been referring to His body, which was the new temple. In this way, Christ “inaugurated the new worship and, with the offer of Himself on the cross, replaced the ancient sacrifices”, Benedict XVI said.

Stephen wished to show that the accusation of subverting the Law of Moses was unfounded, to which end he outlined his view of the history of salvation, of the covenant between God and man. “Thus”, the Holy Father explained, “he reread the entire biblical narrative to show that it led to the ‘place’ of God’s definitive presence, which is Jesus Christ and in particular His passion, death and resurrection. Stephen interpreted his status as a disciple of Jesus in the same light, … following Him to martyrdom. Thus, meditation upon Sacred Scripture helped him to understand … the present”.

“In his meditation upon God’s action in the history of salvation” the proto-martyr “highlighted the perennial temptation to reject God and His acts, and affirmed that Jesus is the Just One announced by the prophets. In Him, God made Himself definitively and uniquely present: Jesus is the ‘place’ of true worship”.

Stephen’s explanations and his life were interrupted by his stoning, yet “martyrdom was the culmination of his life and message, because he became one with Christ. Thus his meditation upon the action of God in history, on the divine Word which was entirely fulfilled in Jesus, became a form of participation in Christ’s prayer on the cross”.

The moment of Stephen’s martyrdom “again revealed the fruitful relationship between the Word of God and prayer”, the Pope said. Yet “where did this first Christian martyr find the strength to face his persecutors and to make the ultimate gift of self? The answer is simple: in his relationship with God, in his communion with Christ, in meditating upon the history of salvation, in witnessing the action of God which reached its apex in Jesus Christ”.

St. Stephen believed that Jesus was “the Temple, ‘not made by human hands’, in which the presence of God the Father came so close as to enter our human flesh, bringing us to God and opening the doors of heaven for us. Our prayer must, then, be contemplation of Jesus sitting at the right hand of God, of Jesus as Lord of our daily life. In Him, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we too can address God … with the trust and abandonment of children who turn to a Father Who loves them with an infinite love”.

BKL#2 – Building a Kingdom of Love w/ Msgr. John Esseff – The Good Shepherd

Show 2 ” Building a Kingdom of Love” – “The Good Shepherd“

Msgr. Esseff reflects on the readings from the 4th Sunday of Easter, and in particular, Our Lord’s teachings on role of the Good Shepherd.  Also, at the end of this episode, Msgr. Esseff offers a prayer with St. Padre Pio for healing.

Msgr. John A. Esseff is a Roman Catholic priest in the Diocese of Scranton.  He was ordained on May 30th 1953, by the late Bishop William J. Hafey, D.D. at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Scranton, PA.  Msgr. Esseff served a retreat director and confessor to Blessed Mother Teresa.    He continues to offer direction and retreats for the sisters of the missionaries of charity around the world.  Msgr. Esseff encountered St.  Padre Pio,  who would become a spiritual father to him.  He has lived in areas around the world,  serving  in the Pontifical missions, a Catholic organization established by Bl. Pope John Paul II to bring the Good News to the world especially to the poor.  Msgr. Esseff assisted the founders of the Institute for Priestly Formation and continues to serve as a spiritual director for the Institute.  He continues to  serve as a retreat leader and director to bishops, priests and sisters and seminarians and other religious leaders around the world.   



To obtain a copy of Msgr. Esseff’s book byvisiting here


Be sure to visit Msgr. Esseff’s website “Building a Kingdom of  Love


IP#151 Joe Paprocki – The 7 Key to Spiritual Wellness on Inside the Pages


In “7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness,” best-selling author Joe Paprocki provides a prescription for spiritual health based on the rich wisdom of Catholic Tradition.

The Saints have repeatedly taught us that our souls can get spiritually sick and die.

Joe’s new book focuses on the root causes of spiritual sickness. Each chapter identifies a specific threat to the health of our souls and offers strategies for beating that virus.

His keys to spiritual wellness are:

  1. Seeing Yourself as You Really Are
  2. Actively Seeking the Good of Others
  3. Thinking Before Acting
  4. Holding on Loosely
  5. Recognizing and Setting Limits
  6. Channeling, Not Repressing, Your Desires
  7. Unleashing Your Imagination

You can find the book here


Pope Benedict on Prayer 26 – Fear Not Persecutions But Trust In The Presence of God

Vatican City, 18 April 2012 (VIS) – Returning to a recent series of catecheses on the theme of prayer, Benedict XVI dedicated his general audience this morning to what has been called the “Little Pentecost”, an event which coincided with a difficult moment in the life of the nascent Church.

The Acts of the Apostles tell us how Peter and John were released from prison following their arrest for preaching the Gospel. They returned to their companions who, listening to their account of what had happened, did not reflect on how to react or defend themselves, or on what measures to adopt; rather, “in that moment of trial they all raised their voices together to God”, Who replied by sending the Holy Spirit.

“This was the unanimous and united prayer of the whole community, which was facing persecution because of Jesus”, the Pope explained. It involved the community “because the experiences of the two Apostles did not concern only them, but the entire Church. In suffering persecution for Jesus’ sake, the community not only did not give way to fear and division, but was profoundly united in prayer”.

When believers suffer for the faith, “unity is consolidated rather than undermined, because it is supported by unshakeable prayer. The Church must not fear the persecutions she is forced to suffer in her history, but must trust always, as Jesus did in Gethsemane, in the presence, help and strength of God, invoked in prayer”.

Before trying to understand what had happened the first community sought to interpret events through the faith, using the Word of God. In the Acts of the Apostles St. Luke notes how the community of Jerusalem began by invoking God’s greatness and immensity. Then, using the Psalms, those early Christians recalled how God had acted in history alongside His people, “showing Himself to be a God Who is concerned for human beings, Who does not abandon them”, Benedict XVI said. Subsequently the events were read “in the light of Christ, Who is the key to understanding all things, even persecution. The opposition to Jesus, His passion and death were reread … as the accomplishment of the plan of God the Father for the salvation of the world. … In prayer, meditating on Sacred Scripture in the light of the mystery of Christ helps us to interpret current reality as part of the history of salvation which God enacts in the world”.

Thus the plea the first Christian community of Jerusalem made to God in prayer was not “to be defended, to be spared from trials or to enjoy success, but only to be able to proclaim … the Word of God frankly, freely and courageously”. The community also asked that “their proclamation be accompanied by the hand of God so that healing, signs and wonders could be accomplished. In other words, they wanted to become a force for the transformation of reality, changing the hearts, minds and lives of men and bringing the radical novelty of the Gospel”.

“We too”, the Holy Father concluded his catechesis, “must bring the events of our daily lives into our prayer, in order to seek their most profound significance. And we too, like the first Christian community, allowing ourselves to be illuminated by the Word of God and meditating on Sacred Scripture, may learn to see that God is present in our lives, even at moments of difficulty, and that everything … is part of a plan of love in which the final victory over evil, sin and death is truly is that of goodness, grace, life and God”.

IP#149 Katherine Becker – The Dating Fast on Inside the Pages

In this episode we have a conversation with Katherine Becker, author of  “The Dating Fast: 40 Days to Reclaim Your Heart, Body, and Soul”.  Katherine is wonderfully articulate in describing her experience with “fasting” from the dating scene and how others can benefit from the practice.  The books description really does describe it best:

The endless cycle of boyfriends and breakups got to be exhausting–emotionally and spiritually. When a friend introduced Katherine to the idea of the “dating fast,” she rediscovered her joy for life. You don’t have to “kiss dating good-bye,” but a forty-day, Scripture-based retreat from the fray works wonders. Romantic love isn’t dead, says Katherine, but you have to know where to look for it.

You can find the book here

Be sure to visit Katherine’s website

“In order to be truly ready for a romantic relationship, you must first love and respect yourself. Katherine Becker’s forty-day dating fast is an excellent tool for self-reflection to understand yourself better and grow in love, confidence and faith. Following this fast will better prepare you for relationships, and is a solid step toward a fulfilling life, with or without a spouse.”  —Anita A. Chlipala, MA, MEd, LMFT, Relationship Reality 312, Inc.

IP#148 Emily Stimpson – The Catholic Girl’s Survival Guide for the Single Years on Inside the Pages

Emily Stimpson is a delight to talk with and her book “The Catholic Girl’s Survival Guide for the Single Years: The Nuts and Bolts of StayingSane and Happy While Waiting for Mr. Right” is a great subject to discuss!  With style and class, and a great big portion of honest hopeful heart sharing, Emily crafts a work that is a must for all Catholic women, not just the single girl.

Filled with humor and reflection, as well as practical insight, it is “steeped in the Church’s teachings on the feminine genius, marriage, and theology of the body, The Catholic Girl’s Survival Guide dishes with both wit and wisdom on some of the most pressing questions single women face: vocation, dating, sex, finances, work, depression, and more.” Not to missed, and must be passed on to others!

You can find the book here

Also visit EmilyStimpson.com

“Emily Stimpson has written a book that manages to be light-hearted about the serious subject of singleness for Catholic women, but is still full of practical, nitty-gritty suggestions for growing through difficulties. Always uplifting, “The Catholic Girls Survival Guide for the Single Years,” offers timeless truths that help women see beyond current circumstances to grasp the bigger picture of life as a beloved daughter of God. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is a single Catholic woman—or anyone who wants to learn how to love single women better. I don’t know of another book that does what this book does for single women—it’s simply outstanding! Kimberly Hahn, Author “Life-Giving Love”

Holy Saturday with Mary – reflections by Msgr. John Esseff – Discerning Hearts

Msgr. Esseff calls us to deeply ponder the role of the Blessed Virgin Maryduring the Passion of Christ, but also in our own lives as well.

Be sure to visit Msgr. Esseff’s website: “Building a Kingdom of Love”


IP#146 Mary Eberstadt – Adam and Eve After the Pill on Inside the Pages

Mary Eberstadt is one of the brightest lights we have voicing the intelligent response to the arguments brought forward by women who advocate the “contraceptive” mentality, especially those which come from women who claim the Catholic mantle.  Her book, “Adam and Eve after the Pill: Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution” is outstanding! In her incredibly fluent writing style, Mary chronicles the damage done to women, men and children as a result of the “sexual revolution” and the paradoxes of our promiscuous behavior.  She is  wonderful to listen to as she calmly fillets, like an intellectual ninja, the viewpoint of the sexual secular left.  In our conversation, she also discusses the challenges to religious liberty that we face in this country.  A “don’t miss” book and discussion.

You can find Mary’s book here

Mary Eberstadt is our premier analyst of American cultural foibles and follies, with a keen eye for oddities that illuminate just how strange the country’s moral culture has become. —George Weigel, Ethics and Public Policy Center

Be sure to check out Mary’s “Inside the Pages” interview for “The Loser Letters

ST15 – Seeking Truth with Sharon Doran – “Genesis” Opening Lecture and Explanation of Seeking Truth

Episode 15 – Seeking Truth with Sharon Doran.    “Genesis” Opening Lecture and Explanation of Seeking Truth

Sharon Doran serves as the teaching director of “Seeking Truth.” An experienced Bible Study teacher, Sharon has a passion for scripture that will motivate and challenge you to immerse yourself in God’s Word and apply His message to your every day life.

This lecture is not only an overview of the book of Genesis, but also a sweeping view of the story of salvation. The “narratio”, or the narration, is the story of Christ, present from the very beginning of time to the very end yet to come. It is a powerful story that is present throughout the entire Bible.

“Seeking Truth” is an in depth Catholic Bible Study, commissioned by the Archdiocese of Omaha in response to John Paul II’s call to the New Evangelization as well as Pope Benedict XVI’s exhortation for all Catholics to study scripture. To learn more go to:www.seekingtruth.net

IP#145 Bert Ghezzi – Discover Christ on Inside the Pages

It’s always a delight to talk with Bert Ghezzi, especially about Jesus.  In his new book, “Discover Christ: Developing a Personal Relationship with Christ” co authored with David Nodar, Bert tackles many of the big questions:

What is the meaning of life?
—Why do I need a savior?
—Why is the Resurrection important?
—What does it mean to believe and belong?
—Why does Jesus matter?

This is wonderful book to read if your are seeking a closer relationship with the Lord or to pass on to someone you know who is on that quest.

You can find the book here