Day 9 – Living Mercy – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

Day 9 – Living Mercy – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart

From the Diary of St. Faustina, 1317 – Jesus speaks to Faustina:

“If a soul does not exercise mercy somehow or other, it will not obtain My mercy on the day of judgment. Oh, if only souls knew how to gather eternal treasure for themselves, they would not be judged, for they would forestall My judgment with their mercy.”

Jesus makes it clear to St. Faustina that mercy must be lived out in our daily lives. We cannot simply receive God’s mercy without also extending it to others. How can you practice mercy today? Remember that mercy is not just about grand acts of forgiveness; it is also about the small acts of kindness and compassion we show each day. Reflect on how you can be more merciful in your thoughts, words, and actions. Jesus tells us that by showing mercy to others, we forestall His judgment and store up treasures in heaven. Make mercy a way of life.

Prayer & Petition:
Lord Jesus, You call me not only to receive Your mercy but to live it out in my daily life. Help me to show mercy to others in both great and small ways, knowing that in doing so, I am reflecting Your love to the world. May my life be a reflection of Your Divine Mercy, and may I store up eternal treasures by showing mercy in all things. St. Faustina, pray that I may live mercy in all things, so that I may obtain God’s mercy on the day of judgment. Amen.

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus, through the intercession of St. Faustina, Apostle of Divine Mercy, I ask for the grace to live more fully in Your mercy. Help me to trust in You completely, to offer mercy to others, and to live in the joy of Your love. May St. Faustina guide me in my journey toward holiness, and may her prayers obtain for me the graces I most need. Amen.

St. Faustina, pray for us.

You find the entire 9-Day St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart tap here

You can find the Discerning Hearts “Chaplet of Divine Mercy” tap here


You find the Diary here


Day 8 – Bringing Joy to Others – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

Day 8 – Bringing Joy to Others – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart

From the Diary of St. Faustina, 1074 – Jesus speaks to Faustina:

“My daughter, I desire that you live very close to My heart. Meditate upon the love and mercy of your Creator. When you come to know Me more deeply, you will be able to bring much joy to others. Speak of My mercy to all, so that souls may be strengthened and comforted. Bring joy to the world through My mercy.”

St. Faustina lived her life close to the heart of Jesus, and through this intimacy, she was able to bring joy to others. Jesus invites us to do the same—when we come to know Him deeply and experience His mercy, we are filled with joy, which overflows to others. Reflect on your relationship with Jesus and how it affects those around you. Do you bring joy to others through your words and actions? As you grow closer to the heart of Jesus, may your life become a source of joy and strength for those who need to experience His mercy.

Prayer & Petition:
Lord, You call me to be a source of joy in the world by reflecting Your love and mercy. Teach me to live close to Your heart, so that my words and actions may bring comfort and strength to those around me. May I spread the joy of Your mercy wherever I go. St. Faustina, help me to be a bearer of joy to others, reflecting God’s love in all my interactions. Amen.

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus, through the intercession of St. Faustina, Apostle of Divine Mercy, I ask for the grace to live more fully in Your mercy. Help me to trust in You completely, to offer mercy to others, and to live in the joy of Your love. May St. Faustina guide me in my journey toward holiness, and may her prayers obtain for me the graces I most need. Amen.

St. Faustina, pray for us.

You find the entire 9-Day St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart tap here

You can find the Discerning Hearts “Chaplet of Divine Mercy” tap here


You find the Diary here


Day 7 – Mercy for Others – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

Day 7 – Mercy for Others – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart

From the Diary of St. Faustina, 367 – Jesus speaks to Faustina:

“My heart overflows with great mercy for souls, and especially for poor sinners. If only they could understand that I am the best of Fathers to them and that it is for them that the Blood and Water flowed from My Heart as from a fount overflowing with mercy.”

Jesus tells St. Faustina that His heart overflows with mercy, especially for sinners. He invites us to draw near to Him, knowing that His mercy is a fountain that never runs dry. As recipients of His mercy, we are also called to share that mercy with others. Reflect today on how you can show mercy to others, particularly those who are most in need. Do you harbor grudges, or are you quick to forgive? Are you generous in showing kindness and compassion? Jesus calls us to be His instruments of mercy in the world, just as He has shown mercy to us.

Prayer & Petition:
Lord, Your heart is full of compassion for sinners. Help me to reflect Your mercy to others, forgiving those who have wronged me and showing kindness to those in need. May I be a channel of Your mercy to the world, bringing Your love to everyone I encounter. St. Faustina, pray that I may be a channel of God’s mercy to others in my words and actions. Amen.

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus, through the intercession of St. Faustina, Apostle of Divine Mercy, I ask for the grace to live more fully in Your mercy. Help me to trust in You completely, to offer mercy to others, and to live in the joy of Your love. May St. Faustina guide me in my journey toward holiness, and may her prayers obtain for me the graces I most need. Amen.

St. Faustina, pray for us.

You find the entire 9-Day St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart tap here

You can find the Discerning Hearts “Chaplet of Divine Mercy” tap here


You find the Diary here


Day 6 – Strength from the Cross – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

Day 6 – Strength from the Cross – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart

From the Diary of St. Faustina, 1558 – Faustina writes:

“In difficult moments I will fix my gaze upon the silent heart of Jesus, stretched upon the cross, and from the exploding flames of His merciful heart will flow down upon me power and strength to keep fighting.”

St. Faustina drew strength from the cross of Christ in her moments of trial, focusing on the silent heart of Jesus, who suffered for love of us. She saw that from His pierced heart flowed the flames of His mercy, giving her strength to endure her own struggles. When you face difficulties, do you turn to the cross as a source of strength, or do you try to carry your burdens alone? Reflect today on the power of Christ’s sacrifice. Jesus endured the cross so that you might have the strength to carry your own. In times of suffering, fix your gaze on Him and allow His mercy to flow into your heart.

Prayer & Petition:
Lord, You stretched out Your arms on the cross to embrace the world in mercy. When I am weary or burdened, help me to look at Your cross and remember that You carry my burdens with me. May I draw strength from Your Passion and trust that You are always with me, even in the darkest moments. St. Faustina, help me to gaze upon the cross of Christ and draw strength from His merciful heart in times of suffering. Amen.

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus, through the intercession of St. Faustina, Apostle of Divine Mercy, I ask for the grace to live more fully in Your mercy. Help me to trust in You completely, to offer mercy to others, and to live in the joy of Your love. May St. Faustina guide me in my journey toward holiness, and may her prayers obtain for me the graces I most need. Amen.

St. Faustina, pray for us.

You find the entire 9-Day St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart tap here

You can find the Discerning Hearts “Chaplet of Divine Mercy” tap here

You find the Diary here


Day 5 – Overcoming Discouragement and Anxiety – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

Day 5 – Overcoming Discouragement and Anxiety – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart

From the Diary of St. Faustina, 1488 – Jesus speaks to Faustina:

“The greatest obstacles to holiness are discouragement and an exaggerated anxiety. These will deprive you of the ability to practice virtue. All temptations united together ought not disturb your interior peace, not even momentarily. Sensitiveness and discouragement are the fruits of self-love. Place your trust not in yourself but in God.”

Jesus warns us that discouragement and anxiety are the greatest obstacles to holiness. These feelings often arise from self-reliance or fear of failure, and they prevent us from trusting in God. When we focus on our weaknesses instead of God’s mercy, we lose the interior peace necessary for practicing virtue. Reflect on any areas where discouragement or anxiety may be keeping you from growing in holiness. Remember that God’s grace is sufficient, and He asks only that you trust in His love. Turn to Him with your worries, knowing that He can transform even your greatest weaknesses.

Prayer & Petition:
Lord, You know my heart and how easily I fall into discouragement when faced with challenges. Help me to trust in Your Divine Mercy and to remain at peace, even in the face of trials. May I grow in confidence that You are always at work in my life, even when I cannot see it. St. Faustina, intercede for me so that I may overcome discouragement and anxiety, trusting fully in God’s Divine Mercy. Amen.

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus, through the intercession of St. Faustina, Apostle of Divine Mercy, I ask for the grace to live more fully in Your mercy. Help me to trust in You completely, to offer mercy to others, and to live in the joy of Your love. May St. Faustina guide me in my journey toward holiness, and may her prayers obtain for me the graces I most need. Amen.

St. Faustina, pray for us.

You find the entire 9-Day St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart tap here

You can find the Discerning Hearts “Chaplet of Divine Mercy” tap here


You find the Diary here


Day 4 – Humility Before God – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

Day 4 – Humility Before God – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart

From the Diary of St. Faustina, 593 – Faustina writes:

“A humble soul does not trust itself, but places all its confidence in God. God defends the humble and delivers him from snares and miseries. The humble man, though he be amidst great sufferings, keeps his peace, for he trusts in God and does not depend on himself.”

Humility is a virtue that allows us to recognize our complete dependence on God. St. Faustina reminds us that the humble soul trusts in God, not in its own abilities. In times of difficulty, humility helps us to turn to God in trust, knowing that He will defend us and provide for our needs. Reflect today on areas in your life where pride or self-reliance may be hindering your spiritual growth. Ask God for the grace to cultivate true humility and to place all your confidence in Him, especially in moments of trial.

Prayer & Petition:
Lord Jesus, I place my confidence in You. Teach me to let go of my pride and self-reliance, and to trust in Your providence. May I grow in humility each day, accepting that all I have and all I am comes from You. St. Faustina, pray that I may grow in humility and always trust in God’s grace rather than relying on my own abilities. Amen

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus, through the intercession of St. Faustina, Apostle of Divine Mercy, I ask for the grace to live more fully in Your mercy. Help me to trust in You completely, to offer mercy to others, and to live in the joy of Your love. May St. Faustina guide me in my journey toward holiness, and may her prayers obtain for me the graces I most need. Amen.

St. Faustina, pray for us.

You find the entire 9-Day St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart tap here

You can find the Discerning Hearts “Chaplet of Divine Mercy” tap here


You find the Diary here


Day 3 – The Power of Suffering – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

Day 3 – The Power of Suffering – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart

From the Diary of St. Faustina, 57 – Faustina writes:

“Suffering is a great grace; through suffering, the soul becomes like the Savior; in suffering, love becomes crystallized; the greater the suffering, the purer the love. This true, pure love gives the soul strength and power.”

Suffering, when united with Christ, becomes a source of spiritual strength. St. Faustina teaches us that through suffering, love is purified and becomes like that of Christ. How do you respond to the sufferings in your life? Do you view them as burdens, or do you see them as opportunities to grow in holiness and draw nearer to Jesus? Today, reflect on the way you bear your crosses. Jesus is present in your sufferings, and when you unite them to His, they become a means to greater love, a source of grace, and a path to sanctity.

Prayer & Petition:
Lord Jesus, You suffered for me, and I want to unite my sufferings with Yours. Help me to embrace the crosses in my life with patience and trust, knowing that You are with me. Strengthen my heart through suffering and make my love for You purer and more selfless. St. Faustina, help me to accept my sufferings as a grace that brings me closer to Christ and allows me to participate in His saving work. Amen.

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus, through the intercession of St. Faustina, Apostle of Divine Mercy, I ask for the grace to live more fully in Your mercy. Help me to trust in You completely, to offer mercy to others, and to live in the joy of Your love. May St. Faustina guide me in my journey toward holiness, and may her prayers obtain for me the graces I most need. Amen.

St. Faustina, pray for us.

You find the entire 9-Day St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart tap here

You can find the Discerning Hearts “Chaplet of Divine Mercy” tap here


You find the Diary here


Day 9 – The Angels – St. Michael and the Holy Angels Novena – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts

Day 9 – The Celestial Choir of Angels – St. Michael and the Holy Angels Novena

V/. O God, + come to my assistance
R/. O Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory Be

Day 9 – The Celestial Choir of Angels

The ANGELS primary focus is the caretakership of humanity and the world. While the lowest ranked of all angelic beings—if one accepts the idea of a regulated angelic organization—angels are nevertheless members of the heavenly host and thus possess the profound and beautiful attributes given to them by their Creator. They are beings of pure spirituality and exist to fulfill the tasks given to them by God. Chief among these are to act as messengers of the Lord to the earth and guardians of the human soul.

Bunson, Matthew. Angels A to Z (Kindle Locations 293-299). Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale. Kindle Edition.

By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Angels, may the Lord grant us to be protected by them in this mortal life and conducted hereafter to eternal glory. Amen.

Our Father …Hail Mary

O GLORIOUS Prince St. Michael, chief and commander of the heavenly hosts, guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, servant in the house of the Divine King, and our admirable conductor, thou who dost shine with excellence and superhuman virtue, vouchsafe to deliver us from all evil, who turn to thee with confidence, and enable us by thy gracious protection to serve God more and more faithfully every day.

V/. Pray for us, O glorious St. Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ.
R/. That we may be made worthy of His promises.

Almighty and Everlasting God, Who by a prodigy of goodness and a merciful desire for the salvation of all men, hast appointed the most glorious Archangel, St. Michael, Prince of Thy Church, make us worthy, we beseech Thee, to be delivered from all our enemies that none of them may harass us at the hour of death, but that we may be conducted by him into the august presence of Thy Divine Majesty. This we beg through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Visit here for the entire 9-Day Novena to St. Michael and the Holy Angels

Visit here for the Chaplet of St. Michael – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcast

Day 8 – The Archangels – St. Michael and the Holy Angels Novena – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts

Day 8 – The Celestial Choir of Archangels – St. Michael and the Holy Angels Novena

V/. O God, + come to my assistance
R/. O Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory Be

Day 8 – The Celestial Choir of Archangels

The ARCHANGELS primary duty, as is clear from their appearances in Scripture, is to carry out the will of God as it relates directly to humanity. They bring to the world the prayerful blessings of the Lord and the special concern of God for each and every human life. It is for that reason that the archangels—like their close counterparts the Angels—are said to intervene so regularly in the affairs of men and women, be it on a battlefield, in an impending disaster, or in the private anguish and sorrow of the living. In each case they impart a portion of their immense compassion and love, giving comfort, solace, or fortitude at the darkest of moments.

Bunson, Matthew. Angels A to Z (Kindle Locations 517-522). Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale. Kindle Edition.

By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Archangels, may the Lord give us perseverance in faith and in all good works, in order that we gain the glory of Paradise. Amen

Our Father …Hail Mary

O GLORIOUS Prince St. Michael, chief and commander of the heavenly hosts, guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, servant in the house of the Divine King, and our admirable conductor, thou who dost shine with excellence and superhuman virtue, vouchsafe to deliver us from all evil, who turn to thee with confidence, and enable us by thy gracious protection to serve God more and more faithfully every day.

V/. Pray for us, O glorious St. Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ.
R/. That we may be made worthy of His promises.

Almighty and Everlasting God, Who by a prodigy of goodness and a merciful desire for the salvation of all men, hast appointed the most glorious Archangel, St. Michael, Prince of Thy Church, make us worthy, we beseech Thee, to be delivered from all our enemies that none of them may harass us at the hour of death, but that we may be conducted by him into the august presence of Thy Divine Majesty. This we beg through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Visit here for the entire 9-Day Novena to St. Michael and the Holy Angels

Visit here for the Chaplet of St. Michael – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcast

Day 2 – Mercy for All Sinners – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

Day 2 – Mercy for All Sinners – St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart

From the Diary of St. Faustina, 699 – Jesus speaks to Faustina:

“Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My mercy is greater than your sins and those of the entire world. Who can measure the extent of My goodness? For you I descended from heaven to earth; for you I allowed Myself to be nailed to the cross; for you I let My Sacred Heart be pierced with a lance, thus opening wide the source of mercy for you. Come, then, with trust to draw graces from this fountain.”

Jesus reassures us through St. Faustina that His mercy knows no bounds. No matter how grave our sins, His mercy is infinitely greater. We often let shame or fear of judgment keep us from approaching the merciful heart of Jesus, but He tells us clearly: there is no sin too great for His mercy. Reflect today on any barriers that may be preventing you from fully embracing God’s forgiveness. Know that Jesus suffered on the cross precisely to open wide the fountain of His mercy for you, and all He asks in return is that you come to Him with trust.

Lord Jesus, You suffered and died for me, not because I am worthy, but because of Your immense love. Help me never to fear Your judgment but to trust fully in the mercy that flows from Your heart. Lead me to receive Your mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, where Your grace washes me clean. St. Faustina, intercede for me, that I may trust in God’s mercy and never hesitate to ask for forgiveness. Amen.

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus, through the intercession of St. Faustina, Apostle of Divine Mercy, I ask for the grace to live more fully in Your mercy. Help me to trust in You completely, to offer mercy to others, and to live in the joy of Your love. May St. Faustina guide me in my journey toward holiness, and may her prayers obtain for me the graces I most need. Amen.

St. Faustina, pray for us.

You find the entire 9-Day St. Faustina Novena for the Discerning Heart tap here

You can find the Discerning Hearts “Chaplet of Divine Mercy” tap here


You find the Diary here