IJCY3-Is Jesus Calling You? Discerning Your Vocation with Fr. Paul Hoesing episode 3

Is Jesus Calling? A Spiritual Guide to Discerning Your Vocation  with Fr. Paul Hoesing – episode 3: Discerning Your Vocation The Third Spiritual Lesson: Trust God. “When the thought of your vocation comes into your mind and heart, if you keep it to yourself in your mind, dwelling on it over and over trying to figure it out or trying to control it or  trying to get rid of it, then you will be choosing not to trust.”

Questions: Where are the particular classrooms in the general school of dependence where you are being invited to trust in God?  What are the storms in your life that make your mind race causing confusion in you?  Jesus wants do to something for you there. Focus him. Bring it to him. Desire his love in it.





Discerning Your VocationBased on “Is Jesus Calling You To Be A Catholic Priest: A helpful guide”, published by National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Director.

Fr. Paul Hoesing serves as the Vocation Director for the Archdiocese of Omaha, NE.
Check out “For Your Vocation.org




RC#1 – The Resilient Church with Mike Aquilina

Episode 1 – History, with Arms Upraised

The Resilient Church with Mike Aquilina, offers a fascinating look at the trials and triumphs of the Catholic Church over the past two thousand years. Fast-paced sketches of critical periods in church history give readers perspective on the challenges faced by the church today. Mike Aquilina does not shrink from the realities of the past, including badly behaved leaders and those who betrayed the Lord. Yet he also leaves us all with well-founded hope for the future: God remains faithful in every circumstance and fulfills his promise to remain with his church always. Hosted by Kris McGregor

Pick up a copy of Mke’s book. You’ll find so much more and invaluable references and resoources, as well

Also visit Mike’s “Discerning Hearts” page for more audio downloads and information!

IP#88 Amy Welborn – Flannery O’Connor, her life and work on Inside the Pages

Flannery O’Connor is challenging, engaging, funny and heartbreaking, she is a spiritual master and one of America’s greatest writers. She is absolutely one of my favorite writers of all time!  She is NOT to be missed.  Flannery O’Connor has said that “Grace must wound, before it can heal”.  That is what her work does; she holds a mirror up to our faces and asks, “So…who (or what) do you see?”

Amy Welborn is a master apologist for the work of Flannery O’Connor.  I could think of no one better to talk to about O’Connor’s work.  Be sure to check out Amy’s blog “Charlotte was Both”.  I love it and visit everyday!  I’ll go out on the same limb with Amy and say I think she is a saint (just not declared as one…yet).



Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, preacher and architect of peace

VATICAN CITY, 23 MAR 2011 (VIS) – In his general audience this morning, Benedict XVI dedicated his catechesis to St. Lawrence of Brindisi (born Giulio Cesare Rossi, 1559-1619), a Doctor of the Church.

The saint, who lost his father at the age of seven, was entrusted by his mother to the care of the Friars Minor Conventuals. He subsequently entered the Order of Capuchins and was ordained a priest in 1582. He acquired a profound knowledge of ancient and modern languages, thanks to which “he was able to undertake an intense apostolate among various categories of people“, the Pope explained. He was also an effective preacher well versed not only in the Bible but also in rabbinic literature, which he knew so well “that rabbis themselves were amazed and showed him esteem and respect”.

As a theologian and expert in Sacred Scripture and the Church Fathers, Lawrence of Brindisi was an exemplary teacher of Catholic doctrine among those Christians who, especially in Germany, had adhered to the Reformation. “With his clear and tranquil explanations he demonstrated the biblical and patristic foundation of all the articles of faith called into question by Martin Luther, among them the primacy of St. Peter and his Successors, the divine origin of the episcopate, justification as interior transformation of man, and the necessity of good works for salvation. The success enjoyed by St. Lawrence helps us to understand that even today, as the hope-filled journey of ecumenical dialogue continues, the reference to Sacred Scripture, read in the Tradition of the Church, is an indispensable element of fundamental importance”.

“Even the lowliest members of the faithful who did not possess vast culture drew advantage from the convincing words of St. Lawrence, who addressed the humble in order to call everyone to live a life coherent with the faith they professed”, said the Holy Father. “This was a great merit of the Capuchins and of the other religious orders which, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, contributed to the renewal of Christian life. … Even today, the new evangelisation needs well-trained, zealous and courageous apostles, so that the light and beauty of the Gospel may prevail over the cultural trends of ethical relativism and religious indifference, transforming the various ways people think and act in an authentic Christian humanism”.

Lawrence was a professor of theology, master of novices, minister provincial and minister general of the Capuchin Order, but amidst all these tasks “he also cultivated an exceptionally active spiritual life”, the Pope said. In this context he noted how all priests “can avoid the danger of activism – that is, of acting while forgetting the profound motivations of their ministry – only if they pay heed to their own inner lives”.

The Holy Father then turned his attention to another aspect of the saint’s activities: his work in favour of peace. Supreme Pontiffs and Catholic princes repeatedly entrusted him with important diplomatic missions to placate controversies and favour harmony between European States, which at the time were threatened by the Ottoman Empire. Today, as in St. Lawrence’s time, the world has great need of peace, it needs peace-loving and peace-building men and women. Everyone who believes in God must always be a source of peace and work for peace”, he said.

Lawrence of Brindisi was canonised in 1881 and declared a Doctor of the Church by Blessed John XXIII in 1959 in recognition of his many works of biblical exegesis and Mariology. In his writings, Lawrence “also highlighted the action of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers”, the Pope said.

“St. Lawrence of Brindisi”, he concluded, “teaches us to love Sacred Scripture, to become increasingly familiar with it, daily to cultivate our relationship with the Lord in prayer, so that our every action, our every activity, finds its beginning and its fulfilment in Him”.

AG/ VIS 20110323 (650)
Published by VIS – Holy See Press Office – Wednesday, March 23, 2011

IJCY2-Is Jesus Calling You: Discerning Your Vocation with Fr. Paul Hoesing episode 2

Is Jesus Calling? A Spiritual Guide to Discerning Your Vocational Call with Fr. Paul Hoesing – episode 2: Discerning Your Vocation The First Spiritual Lesson:  You Must Follow Christ.  “Discovering one’s vocation is not a navel-gazing, self-focused, psychological exercise.   It’s not about a man figuring something out.  It is not about solving a confusing puzzle.”

Questions: Where have you encountered Christ?  Where do you experience his loving presence now for you?   Where do you feel consciously blessed and grateful for what God has done for you?

The Second Spiritual Lesson: Learn to desire what God desires for you. “All you need is to desire whatever God may desire for you. Remaining true to this desire opens your heart to receive what God wants for you. Then, God Himself will take care of you.”

Questions: Do you trust that God always wants what is best for you? Where do you begin to become afraid of giving God permission to lead you? When do you begin to try to manipulate God to want what you think will make you happy? When that happens, simply say over and over again inside of yourself to the Father, ‘Father, I give you permission to lead me!’ Or ‘Father, I desire your goodness to me.’ Or, ‘Father, I trust you’”

Based on “Is Jesus Calling You To Be A Catholic Priest: A helpful guide”, published by Nati onal Conference of Diocesan Vocation Director.


Fr. Paul Hoesing serves as the Vocation Director for the Archdiocese of Omaha, NE.
Check out “For Your Vocation.org

Discerning Your Vocation Discerning Your Vocation



The Transfiguration

I’ve heard it said that every Orthodox Christian home is encouraged to have an image of the Transfiguration. It’s such a powerful moment.
The video below is from  Sufjan Stevens. His song, called “The Transfiguration”, is put to famous works of art. Sufjan is very different in his styling. I find him very intriguing. You’ll find it different then the big Verdi-like orchestral “sacred” setting you may be expecting on this day. This piece of Sufjan’s music makes me stretch. And in some ways, wasn’t that the purpose of the day anyway? Expect the unexpected…

IP#86 Deacon James Keating – Spiritual Fathers on Inside the Pages

Deacon James Keating is the editor of “Spiritual Fathers: A Workbook for Priests and Dads”In this episode, Deacon Keating gives us profound insights on male spirituality and even helps women to understand what they can do to support the guys in their lives.  Not to be missed!

From the description offered by IPF of “Spiritual Fathers”: “Together, the father and the priest can meet an urgent need in the family and Church today: presenting the spiritual life as a true journey to personal happiness. In many boys’ minds, worship, prayer, and service to others is the way of women. This error in judgment is often born in boys because their fathers are absent in the home as initiators of prayer and instructors in moral life. This error is further compounded by the absence of priests in the life of young men. This lack of masculine role modeling in the spiritual life results in boys being ignorant of the true nature and adventure of entering the spiritual life and guiding others to do so as well.”

IP#85 Mark Brumley – Pope Benedict’s XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth part 2 on Inside the Pages ep 2

Episode 2 Jesus of Nazareth part 2: Holy Week From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrction by Pope Benedict XVI is INCREDIBLE…absolutely worth the wait! It would be like making a “sophie’s choice” to pick between the two, but if I had to, this work by our Holy Father would be it. A meditation which brings us to contemplate the person of Jesus…especially meaningful in the context of Holy Week and Easter! Pope Benedict XVI shows us once again the importance of making the journey from the “head to the heart”. Mark Brumley is a master in breaking open the riches found in this treasure box of a book.

Visit the Jesus of Nazareth II site

For part 1 of our discussion with Mark visit: IP#85 Mark Brumley – Pope Benedict’s XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth part 2 on Inside the Pages ep 1

IJCY1-Is Jesus Calling You with Fr. Paul Hoesing episode 1

Is Jesus Calling?  A Spiritual Guide to Discerning Your Vocational Call with Fr. Paul Hoesing – episode 1Introduction – Whether it’s to the priesthood, religious life, married life…discerning what our vocation is can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be.  Fr. Hoesing discusses what discernment is, what the process is like, and what can help guide us along the way.

Is Jesus Calling? A Spiritual Guide to Discerning Your Vocational Call with Fr. Paul Hoesing - episode 1: Introduction - Whether it's to the priesthood, religious life, married life...discerning what our vocation is can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be. Fr. Hoesing discusses what discernment is, what the process is like, and what can help guide us along the way.

Based on “Is Jesus C alling You To Be A Catholic  Priest: A helpful guide”, published by Nati onal Conference of Diocesan Vocation Director.


Fr. Paul Hoesing serves as the Vocation Director for the Archdiocese of Omaha, NE.
Check out “For Your Vocation.org



IP#84 Mark Brumley – Pope Benedict’s XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth part 2 on Inside the Pages ep 1

Episode 1.  Jesus of Nazareth part 2: Holy Week From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrction by Pope Benedict XVI is INCREDIBLE…absolutely worth the wait! It would be like making a “sophie’s choice” to pick between the two, but if I had to, this work by our Holy Father would be it. A meditation which brings us to contemplate the person of Jesus…especially meaningful in the context of Holy Week and Easter!  Pope Benedict XVI shows us once again the importance of making the journey from the “head to the heart”. Mark Brumley is a master in breaking open the riches found in this treasure box of a book.

Visit the Jesus of Nazareth II site

For part 2 of our discussion with Mark visit: IP#85 Mark Brumley – Pope Benedict’s XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth part 2 on Inside the Pages ep 2