St. John Damascene, Pt. 2 – The Doctors of the Church: The Charism of Wisdom with Dr. Matthew Bunson – Discerning Hearts Podcast

St. John Damascene, Pt. 2 – The Doctors of the Church: The Charism of Wisdom with Dr. Matthew Bunson

  • Born: 676 AD, Damascus, Syria
  • Died: December 4, 749 AD, Mar Saba, Jordan

Dr. Matthew Bunson and Kris McGregor continue exploring the life and contributions of St. John Damascene and his role in the defense of sacred icons during the Byzantine Empire’s iconoclastic controversies. St. John’s theological insights on the veneration of images, emphasizing the distinction between worship (latria) due to God alone and veneration (dulia) offered to saints and holy images as reminders of divine truths. St. John defended the sacredness of matter, rooted in the Incarnation, and argued that icons served as tangible connections to the divine, much like family photographs evoke deep personal memories. His work helped preserve the Church’s understanding of creation’s goodness and the role of art in theological expression.

The episode also delves into St. John’s influence on Marian doctrine, notably his title as the “Doctor of the Assumption.” His writings laid the foundation for the dogma of the Assumption defined in 1950, emphasizing Mary’s unique role as Theotokos (God-bearer) and her assumption as a reflection of her purity and divine mission. St. John’s broader legacy as a poet, theologian, and champion of Christian art, whose insights remain relevant for understanding the interplay between faith, art, and devotion. His contributions, translated into various languages, continue to resonate universally, reflecting the timeless and inclusive nature of the Church’s teachings.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions

  1. The Role of Sacred Art in Faith: How do icons and sacred images deepen your understanding and experience of God’s presence in creation?
  2. Veneration vs. Worship: How can you better explain the distinction between veneration of saints and worship of God to those unfamiliar with Catholic teaching?
  3. Theology of Creation and Incarnation: In what ways does recognizing the goodness of matter enhance your appreciation of Christ’s Incarnation and the sacraments?
  4. Marian Devotion and Christology: How does reflecting on Mary’s role as Theotokos help you grow closer to Jesus and understand His divine mission?
  5. Memory and Holiness: How can sacred art or practices of remembrance inspire you to follow the example of saints in your daily life?
  6. Faith Amid Controversy: How can the courage of figures like St. John Damascene inspire you to stand firm in defending your faith traditions in the face of challenges?
  7. Unity of Truth and Beauty: How does the universality of sacred art and theology affirm your belief in the Church’s mission to reach all cultures and generations?

From, an excerpt from the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI General Audience 2008:

“St. John Damascene extends these fundamental ideas to the veneration of the relics of Saints, on the basis of the conviction that the Christian Saints, having become partakers of the Resurrection of Christ, cannot be considered simply “dead”. Numbering, for example, those whose relics or images are worthy of veneration, John states in his third discourse in defence of images: “First of all (let us venerate) those among whom God reposed, he alone Holy, who reposes among the Saints (cf. Is 57: 15), such as the Mother of God and all the Saints. These are those who, as far as possible, have made themselves similar to God by their own will; and by God’s presence in them, and his help, they are really called gods (cf. Ps 82[81]: 6), not by their nature, but by contingency, just as the red-hot iron is called fire, not by its nature, but by contingency and its participation in the fire. He says in fact : you shall be holy, because I am Holy (cf. Lv 19: 2)” (III, 33, col. 1352 a). After a series of references of this kind, John Damascene was able serenely to deduce: “God, who is good, and greater than any goodness, was not content with the contemplation of himself, but desired that there should be beings benefited by him, who might share in his goodness: therefore he created from nothing all things, visible and invisible, including man, a reality visible and invisible. And he created him envisaging him and creating him as a being capable of thought (ennoema ergon), enriched with the word (logo[i] sympleroumenon), and orientated towards the spirit (pneumati teleioumenon)” (II, 2, pg 94, col. 865a). And to clarify this thought further, he adds: “We must allow ourselves to be filled with wonder (thaumazein) at all the works of Providence (tes pronoias erga), to accept and praise them all, overcoming any temptation to identify in them aspects which to many may seem unjust or iniquitous, (adika), and admitting instead that the project of God (pronoia) goes beyond man’s capacity to know or to understand (agnoston kai akatalepton), while on the contrary only he may know our thoughts, our actions, and even our future” (ii, 29, pg 94, col. 964c). Plato had in fact already said that all philosophy begins with wonder. Our faith, too, begins with wonder at the very fact of the Creation, and at the beauty of God who makes himself visible.The optimism of the contemplation of nature (physike theoria), of seeing in the visible creation the good, the beautiful, the true, this Christian optimism, is not ingenuous: it takes account of the wound inflicted on human nature by the freedom of choice desired by God and misused by man, with all the consequences of widespread discord which have derived from it. From this derives the need, clearly perceived by John Damascene, that nature, in which the goodness and beauty of God are reflected, wounded by our fault, “should be strengthened and renewed” by the descent of the Son of God in the flesh, after God had tried in many ways and on many occasions, to show that he had created man so that he might exist not only in “being”, but also in “well-being” (cf. The Orthodox Faith, II, 1, pg 94, col. 981). With passionate eagerness John explains: “It was necessary for nature to be strengthened and renewed, and for the path of virtue to be indicated and effectively taught (didachthenai aretes hodòn), the path that leads away from corruption and towards eternal life…. So there appeared on the horizon of history the great sea of love that God bears towards man (philanthropias pelagos)”…. It is a fine expression. We see on one side the beauty of Creation, and on the other the destruction wrought by the fault of man. But we see in the Son of God, who descends to renew nature, the sea of love that God has for man. John Damascene continues: “he himself, the Creator and the Lord, fought for his Creation, transmitting to it his teaching by example…. And so the Son of God, while still remaining in the form of God, lowered the skies and descended… to his servants… achieving the newest thing of all, the only thing really new under the sun, through which he manifested the infinite power of God” (III, 1, pg 94, col. 981c-984b).

We may imagine the comfort and joy which these words, so rich in fascinating images, poured into the hearts of the faithful. We listen to them today, sharing the same feelings with the Christians of those far-off days: God desires to repose in us, he wishes to renew nature through our conversion, he wants to allow us to share in his divinity. May the Lord help us to make these words the substance of our lives.”

For more from Dr. Matthew Bunson, check out his Discerning Hearts page.

Dr. Matthew E. Bunson is a Register senior editor and a senior contributor to EWTN News. For the past 20 years, he has been active in the area of Catholic social communications and education, including writing, editing, and teaching on a variety of topics related to Church history, the papacy, the saints and Catholic culture. He is faculty chair at Catholic Distance University, a senior fellow of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, and the author or co-author of over 50 books including The Encyclopedia of Catholic History, The Pope Encyclopedia, We Have a Pope! Benedict XVI, The Saints Encyclopedia and best-selling biographies of St. Damien of Molokai and St. Kateri Tekakwitha.

St. John Damascene, Pt. 1 – The Doctors of the Church: The Charism of Wisdom with Dr. Matthew Bunson – Discerning Hearts Podcast

St. John Damascene, Pt. 1 – The Doctors of the Church: The Charism of Wisdom with Dr. Matthew Bunson

  • Born: 676 AD, Damascus, Syria
  • Died: December 4, 749 AD, Mar Saba, Jordan

Dr. Matthew Bunson and Kris McGregor explore the life and legacy of St. John Damascene, an influential figure in the Eastern Church and one of the last Fathers of the Church. St. John is celebrated for his theological contributions, particularly his defense of the veneration of icons amid the iconoclast controversy. Living in a time when Islamic rule dominated the East and imposed restrictions on Christians, John navigated complex socio-political and religious challenges to articulate the theological significance of sacred images. His defense, rooted in the Incarnation, made the proper distinction between worship, owed only to God, and veneration, directed to holy representations that lift the mind and heart to the divine. This nuanced understanding helped preserve the Church’s appreciation of material creation as a vehicle for encountering God.

Dr. Bunson also discusses John’s life as a scholar, monk, and theologian, shaped by his education under a former Christian slave named Cosmas. St. John’s writings on icons defend their use as a reflection of God’s beauty in creation and as tools for prayer and contemplation. He framed his arguments against the iconoclasts with clarity, illustrating that icons, like other sacred objects, serve to deepen faith without violating the prohibition against idolatry. Dr. Bunson ties John’s teachings to contemporary challenges, providing Catholics with a foundation to respond to criticisms of the use of sacred images, whether in churches or homes, while underlining the optimism of the Christian view of creation as good, true, and beautiful.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions

  1. Understanding the Incarnation Through Icons: How does St. John of Damascus’s defense of icons deepen your appreciation of the Incarnation and God’s presence in creation?
  2. Veneration vs. Worship: How can you explain the difference between veneration and worship to someone who challenges the use of sacred images in Catholic practice?
  3. Role of Beauty in Faith: In what ways do you see the beauty of creation leading you closer to God, as St. John emphasized?
  4. Faith Amid Persecution: How can the example of St. John remaining faithful under Islamic rule inspire your response to challenges to your faith?
  5. Sacred Art as Prayer: How do you experience icons or other forms of sacred art as a means of encountering the divine in your personal prayer life?
  6. Optimism in Creation: How does the Christian optimism about creation, as discussed by St. John and Pope Benedict XVI, challenge or affirm your worldview?
  7. Learning from Tradition: What aspect of St. John’s teachings on icons or theology most inspires you to engage with the Church’s tradition in your spiritual growth?

From, an excerpt from the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI General Audience 2008:

“Today I should like to speak about John Damascene, a personage of prime importance in the history of Byzantine Theology, a great Doctor in the history of the Universal Church. Above all he was an eyewitness of the passage from the Greek and Syrian Christian cultures shared by the Eastern part of the Byzantine Empire, to the Islamic culture, which spread through its military conquests in the territory commonly known as the Middle or Near East. John, born into a wealthy Christian family, at an early age assumed the role, perhaps already held by his father, of Treasurer of the Caliphate. Very soon, however, dissatisfied with life at court, he decided on a monastic life, and entered the monastery of Mar Saba, near Jerusalem. This was around the year 700. He never again left the monastery, but dedicated all his energy to ascesis and literary work, not disdaining a certain amount of pastoral activity, as is shown by his numerous homilies. His liturgical commemoration is on the 4 December. Pope Leo XIII proclaimed him Doctor of the Universal Church in 1890.

In the East, his best remembered works are the three Discourses against those who calumniateSt.-John-Damascenewhich were condemned after his death by the iconoclastic Council of Hieria (754). These discourses, however, were also the fundamental grounds for his rehabilitation and canonization on the part of the Orthodox Fathers summoned to the Council of Nicaea (787), the Seventh Ecumenical Council. In these texts it is possible to trace the first important theological attempts to legitimise the veneration of sacred images, relating them to the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God in the womb of the Virgin Mary.

John Damascene was also among the first to distinguish, in the cult, both public and private, of the Christians, between worship (latreia), and veneration (proskynesis): the first can only be offered to God, spiritual above all else, the second, on the other hand, can make use of an image to address the one whom the image represents. Obviously the Saint can in no way be identified with the material of which the icon is composed. This distinction was immediately seen to be very important in finding an answer in Christian terms to those who considered universal and eternal the strict Old Testament prohibition against the use of cult images. This was also a matter of great debate in the Islamic world, which accepts the Jewish tradition of the total exclusion of cult images. Christians, on the other hand, in this context, have discussed the problem and found a justification for the veneration of images. John Damascene writes, “In other ages God had not been represented in images, being incorporate and faceless. But since God has now been seen in the flesh, and lived among men, I represent that part of God which is visible. I do not venerate matter, but the Creator of matter, who became matter for my sake and deigned to live in matter and bring about my salvation through matter. I will not cease therefore to venerate that matter through which my salvation was achieved. But I do not venerate it in absolute terms as God! How could that which, from non-existence, has been given existence, be God?… But I also venerate and respect all the rest of matter which has brought me salvation, since it is full of energy and Holy graces. Is not the wood of the Cross, three times blessed, matter?… And the ink, and the most Holy Book of the Gospels, are they not matter? The redeeming altar which dispenses the Bread of life, is it not matter?… And, before all else, are not the flesh and blood of Our Lord matter? Either we must suppress the sacred nature of all these things, or we must concede to the tradition of the Church the veneration of the images of God and that of the friends of God who are sanctified by the name they bear, and for this reason are possessed by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Do not, therefore, offend matter: it is not contemptible, because nothing that God has made is contemptible” (cf. Contra imaginum calumniatores, I, 16, ed. Kotter, pp. 89-90). We see that as a result of the Incarnation, matter is seen to have become divine, is seen as the habitation of God. It is a new vision of the world and of material reality. God became flesh and flesh became truly the habitation of God, whose glory shines in the human Face of Christ. Thus the arguments of the Doctor of the East are still extremely relevant today, considering the very great dignity that matter has acquired through the Incarnation, capable of becoming, through faith, a sign and a sacrament, efficacious in the meeting of man with God. John Damascene remains, therefore, a privileged witness of the cult of icons, which would come to be one of the most distinctive aspects of Eastern spirituality up to the present day. It is, however, a form of cult which belongs simply to the Christian faith, to the faith in that God who became flesh and was made visible. The teaching of Saint John Damascene thus finds its place in the tradition of the universal Church, whose sacramental doctrine foresees that material elements taken from nature can become vehicles of grace by virtue of the invocation (epiclesis) of the Holy Spirit, accompanied by the confession of the true faith.”

For more visit,

For more from Dr. Matthew Bunson, check out his Discerning Hearts page.

Dr. Matthew E. Bunson is a Register senior editor and a senior contributor to EWTN News. For the past 20 years, he has been active in the area of Catholic social communications and education, including writing, editing, and teaching on a variety of topics related to Church history, the papacy, the saints and Catholic culture. He is faculty chair at Catholic Distance University, a senior fellow of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, and the author or co-author of over 50 books including The Encyclopedia of Catholic History, The Pope Encyclopedia, We Have a Pope! Benedict XVI, The Saints Encyclopedia and best-selling biographies of St. Damien of Molokai and St. Kateri Tekakwitha.

“The Three Comings of the Lord” – St. Bernard from the Office of Readings – Discerning Hearts Podcast

From a sermon by Saint Bernard, abbot

The Three Comings of the Lord

We know that there are three comings of the Lord. The third lies between the other two. It is invisible, while the other two are visible. In the first coming he was seen on earth, dwelling among men; he himself testifies that they saw him and hated him. In the final coming all flesh will see the salvation of our God, and they will look on him whom they pierced. The intermediate coming is a hidden one; in it only the elect see the Lord within their own selves, and they are saved. In his first coming our Lord came in our flesh and in our weakness; in this middle coming he comes in spirit and in power; in the final coming he will be seen in glory and majesty.

In case someone should think that what we say about this middle coming is sheer invention, listen to what our Lord himself ways: If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him. There is another passage of Scripture which reads: He who fears God will do good, but something further has been said about the one who loves, that is, that he will keep God’s word. Where is God’s word to be kept? Obviously in the heart, as the prophet says: I have hidden your words in my heart, so that I may not sin against you.

Keep God’s word in this way. Let it enter into your very being, let it take possession of your desires and your whole way of life. Feed on goodness, and your soul will delight in its richness. Remember to eat your bread, or your heart will wither away. Fill your soul with richness and strength.

Because this coming lies between the other two, it is like a road on which we travel from the first coming to the last. In the first, Christ was our redemption; in the last, he will appear as our life; in this middle coming, he is our rest and consolation.

If you keep the word of God in this way, it will also keep you. The Son with the Father will come to you. The great Prophet who will build the new Jerusalem will come, the one who makes all things new. This coming will fulfill what is written: As we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, we shall also bear the likeness of the heavenly man. Just as Adam’s sin spread through all mankind and took hold of all, so Christ, who created and redeemed all, will glorify all, once he takes possession of all.

Excerpts from the English translation of The Liturgy of the Hours (Four Volumes) © 1974, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

AR#3 – Healing Disorderd Desires – Advent Reflections with Deacon James Keating Ph.D. – Discerning Hearts Podcast


AR#3 – Advent Reflections with Deacon James Keating, Ph.D.

As human beings, we have disordered desires.  One of our greatest disordered desires is to want things now, to be impatient, and to want things through our own efforts, without waiting or cooperating with God’s will. To wait and cooperate with God’s will, is to unleash the wonderful character trait of trust. To entrust all of our desires, and all that we wish would be fulfilled into the person of Jesus Christ, whose only desire is our goodness, our happiness, and our holiness. This Advent, let’s trust that God is thinking about us all the time and moving creation in such a way that all that is good will be given to us. Let us ask him to heal our desire to want things now. And to renew within us the desire to want only holiness, to want only what God wants for us, for he knows what is best.

Deacon James Keating, Ph.D., is a professor of Spiritual Theology and serves as a spiritual director at Kenrick Glennon Seminary in St. Louis, MO. 

We highly recommend – The Eucharist and the Hope of Conversion with Deacon James Keating Ph.D. Discerning Hearts Podcast

For more from Deacon James Keating check out his “Discerning Heart” page

A Novena to the Immaculate Conception – Day 6

A Novena to the Immaculate Conception – Day 6

O God,
who by the Immaculate Conception
of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
did prepare a worthy dwelling place for Your Son,
we beseech You that,
as by the foreseen death of this, Your Son,
You did preserve Her from all stain,
so too You would permit us,
purified through Her intercession,
to come unto You.
Through the same Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Son, who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, world without end.


Glorious and immortal Queen of Heaven,
we profess our firm belief in your Immaculate Conception
preordained for you in the merits of your Divine Son.
We rejoice with you in your Immaculate Conception.
To the one ever-reigning God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
three in one Person,
one in nature,
we offer thanks for your blessed Immaculate Conception.
O Mother of the Word mad Flesh,
listen to our petition as we ask
this special grace during this novena…

(State your intention here…)

O Mary of the Immaculate Conception,
Mother of Christ,
you had influence with your Divine Son while upon this earth;
you have the same influence now in heaven.
Pray for us
and obtain for us from him
the granting of my petition if it be the Divine Will.


For the complete 9 day novena visit the Discerning Hearts:

The Immaculate Conception Novena page


Día 2 – Novena a la Virgen de Guadalupe – Podcasts De Corazones Discernidores

Novena a la Virgen de Guadalupe

En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén.

Señor mío, Jesucristo, Dios y Hombre verdadero, creador y redentor mío, por ser vos quien sois, y porque os amo sobre todas las cosas, me pesa de todo corazón haberos ofendido.

Propongo enmendarme y confesarme a su tiempo y ofrezco cuanto hiciere en satisfacción de mis pecados, y confío por vuestra bondad y misericordia infinita, que me perdonaréis y me daréis gracia para nunca más pecar. Así lo espero por intercesión de mi Madre, nuestra Señora la Virgen de Guadalupe. Amén”.

Segundo día

¡Oh Santísima Virgen de Guadalupe! ¡Qué bien se conoce que eres Abogada nuestra en el tribunal de Dios, pues esas hermosísimas manos que jamás dejan de beneficiarnos las juntas ante el pecho en ademán de quien suplica y ruega, dándonos con esto a ver que desde el trono de gloria como Reina de los Ángeles y hombres haces también oficio de abogada, rogando y procurando a favor nuestro!

¿Con qué afectos de reconocimiento y gratitud podré pagar tanta fineza? Siendo que no hay en todo mi corazón suficiente caudal para pagarlo.

A ti recurro para que me enriquezcas con los dones preciosos de una caridad ardiente y fervorosa, de una humildad profunda y de una obediencia pronta al Señor.

Esfuerza tus súplicas, multiplica tus ruegos, y no ceses de pedir al Todopoderoso me haga suyo y me conceda ir a darte las gracias por el feliz éxito de tu intermediación en la gloria. Amén.

Padre Nuestro
Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu nombre, venga a nosotros tu reino, hágase tu voluntad, en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día, perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en la tentación, y líbranos del mal. Amén

Ave Maria
Dios te Salve, María, llena eres de gracia, el Señor está contigo. Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros pecadores, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén

Gloria al Padre y al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo. Como era en el principio ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, ruega por nosotros. Amén

En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén

Para consultar la novena completa, visite:
Novena A La Virgen De Guadalupe – Podcasts De Corazones Discernidores


Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe – Day 2 – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe – Day 2

Mary, Mother of divine grace, you appeared to Juan Diego standing on the moon and robed in a royal mantle adorned with stars, showing that you are the Queen of Heaven and Earth, yet far from a haughty or distant Queen. With hands folded in supplication, eyes cast downward in humility and compassion, you did not ask for a temple where you could be honored, but one where you could attend to the “weeping and sorrows of … all the people of this land, and of the various peoples who  love me….”

May all who are sorrowing due to abuse, violence, exploitation, neglect, and all sins against the dignity of life, fly to you, Mother, for comfort and hope.

Our Father …

Hail Mary …

Glory be …

Please visit the Discerning Hearts Our Lady of Guadalupe page for the text and audio for the remaining days.

Day 4: Bringing Christ to the Everyday – From the writings of Caryll Houselander – Discerning Hearts Podcasts

Caryll Houselander image used with permission from TRINITY ICONS

Day 4:  Bringing Christ to the Everyday

Sometimes it may seem to us that there is no purpose in our lives, that going day after day for years to this office or that school or factory is nothing else but waste and weariness. But it may be that God has sent us there because but for us, Christ would not be there. If our being there means that Christ is there, that alone makes it worthwhile.

Commentary: Caryll Houselander speaks to those moments of monotony and purposelessness we all encounter, especially in routine or seemingly mundane work. She reminds us that even in the most ordinary tasks and places, there is a profound purpose when we recognize that Christ is present through us. Our mere presence in these spaces allows Christ to be there too, transforming what seems wearisome into an act of divine purpose. This perspective can reframe our understanding of vocation, showing that any role or task has sacred value when approached with awareness of Christ’s presence.

Personal Reflection: Reflect on a daily task or responsibility that feels tedious or insignificant. How might viewing it as a way of bringing Christ’s presence to that place change your perspective?

Houselander quote from:  Caryll Houselander, A Rocking Horse Catholic by Caryll Houselander (2013) Paperback

For more reflections visit:
Caryll Houselander  – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts

Image © Trinity Icons / Joseph M. Malham
Image used with permission
To purchase your own copy, visit Trinity Icons

Wednesday of the 1st Week of Advent – An Advent Lectio Divina for the Discerning Heart

Wednesday of the 1st Week of Advent – An Advent Lectio Divina for the Discerning Heart

From the Holy Gospel According to St. Matthew 15:29-37

Jesus reached the shores of the Sea of Galilee, and he went up into the hills. He sat there, and large crowds came to him bringing the lame, the crippled, the blind, the dumb and many others; these they put down at his feet, and he cured them. The crowds were astonished to see the dumb speaking, the cripples whole again, the lame walking and the blind with their sight, and they praised the God of Israel.

But Jesus called his disciples to him and said, ‘I feel sorry for all these people; they have been with me for three days now and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them off hungry, they might collapse on the way.’ The disciples said to him, ‘Where could we get enough bread in this deserted place to feed such a crowd?’ Jesus said to them, ‘How many loaves have you?’ ‘Seven’ they said ‘and a few small fish.’ Then he instructed the crowd to sit down on the ground, and he took the seven loaves and the fish, and he gave thanks and broke them and handed them to the disciples, who gave them to the crowds. They all ate as much as they wanted, and they collected what was left of the scraps, seven baskets full.

What word made this passage come alive for you?

What did you sense the Lord saying to you?

Once more give the Lord an opportunity to speak to you:

Jesus reached the shores of the Sea of Galilee, and he went up into the hills. He sat there, and large crowds came to him bringing the lame, the crippled, the blind, the dumb and many others; these they put down at his feet, and he cured them. The crowds were astonished to see the dumb speaking, the cripples whole again, the lame walking and the blind with their sight, and they praised the God of Israel.

But Jesus called his disciples to him and said, ‘I feel sorry for all these people; they have been with me for three days now and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them off hungry, they might collapse on the way.’ The disciples said to him, ‘Where could we get enough bread in this deserted place to feed such a crowd?’ Jesus said to them, ‘How many loaves have you?’ ‘Seven’ they said ‘and a few small fish.’ Then he instructed the crowd to sit down on the ground, and he took the seven loaves and the fish, and he gave thanks and broke them and handed them to the disciples, who gave them to the crowds. They all ate as much as they wanted, and they collected what was left of the scraps, seven baskets full.

What did your heart feel as you listened?

What did you sense the Lord saying to you?

Once more, through Him, with Him and in Him listen to the Word:

Jesus reached the shores of the Sea of Galilee, and he went up into the hills. He sat there, and large crowds came to him bringing the lame, the crippled, the blind, the dumb and many others; these they put down at his feet, and he cured them. The crowds were astonished to see the dumb speaking, the cripples whole again, the lame walking and the blind with their sight, and they praised the God of Israel.

But Jesus called his disciples to him and said, ‘I feel sorry for all these people; they have been with me for three days now and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them off hungry, they might collapse on the way.’ The disciples said to him, ‘Where could we get enough bread in this deserted place to feed such a crowd?’ Jesus said to them, ‘How many loaves have you?’ ‘Seven’ they said ‘and a few small fish.’ Then he instructed the crowd to sit down on the ground, and he took the seven loaves and the fish, and he gave thanks and broke them and handed them to the disciples, who gave them to the crowds. They all ate as much as they wanted, and they collected what was left of the scraps, seven baskets full.

What touched your heart in this time of prayer?

What did your heart feel as you prayed?

What do you hope to carry with you from this time with the Lord?

We thank you, Lord Jesus for this time with you.

Keep us alert, we pray, O Lord our God,

as we await the advent of Christ your Son,

Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God, for ever and ever


Excerpt from THE JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1966 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.


Día 1 – Novena a la Virgen de Guadalupe – Podcasts De Corazones Discernidores

Novena a la Virgen de Guadalupe

En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén.

Señor mío, Jesucristo, Dios y Hombre verdadero, creador y redentor mío, por ser vos quien sois, y porque os amo sobre todas las cosas, me pesa de todo corazón haberos ofendido.

Propongo enmendarme y confesarme a su tiempo y ofrezco cuanto hiciere en satisfacción de mis pecados, y confío por vuestra bondad y misericordia infinita, que me perdonaréis y me daréis gracia para nunca más pecar. Así lo espero por intercesión de mi Madre, nuestra Señora la Virgen de Guadalupe. Amén”.

Primer día

“¡Oh Santísima Señora de Guadalupe! Esa corona con que ciñes tus sagradas sienes publica que eres Reina del Universo. Lo eres, Señora, pues como Hija, como Madre y como Esposa del Altísimo tienes absoluto poder y justísimo derecho sobre todas las criaturas.

Siendo esto así, yo también soy tuyo; también pertenezco a ti por mil títulos; pero no me contento con ser tuyo por tan alta jurisdicción que tienes sobre todos; quiero ser tuyo por otro título más, esto es, por elección de mi voluntad.

Ved que, aquí postrado delante del trono de tu Majestad, te elijo por mi Reina y mi Señora, y con este motivo quiero doblar el señorío y dominio que tienes sobre mí; quiero depender de ti y quiero que los designios que tiene de mí la Providencia divina, pasen por tus manos. Dispón de mí como te agrade; los sucesos y lances de mi vida quiero que todos corran por tu cuenta. Confío en tu benignidad, que todos se enderezarán al bien de mi alma y honra y gloria de aquel Señor que tanto complace al mundo. Amén”.

Padre Nuestro
Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu nombre, venga a nosotros tu reino, hágase tu voluntad, en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día, perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en la tentación, y líbranos del mal. Amén

Ave Maria
Dios te Salve, María, llena eres de gracia, el Señor está contigo. Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros pecadores, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén

Gloria al Padre y al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo. Como era en el principio ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, ruega por nosotros. Amén

En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén.

Para consultar la novena completa, visite:
Novena A La Virgen De Guadalupe – Podcasts De Corazones Discernidores