Fiorella Nash – The Abolition of Woman on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor Podcast

“The Abolition of Woman:  How Radical Feminism is Betraying Women” is a powerful book and so needed today.  Author and international pro-life advocate Fiorella Nash is an incredible advocate for authentic feminism.  With this work, she shines a bright penetrating light on the destructive twistings and distortions projected onto women throughout the world by extraordinarily dark forces that many cannot or do not want to see.

You can find the book here

From the book description:

This book unashamedly calls mainstream feminists, journalists and Western politicians to account for their silence and – in some cases – vocal justification of the persecution of women because of an absolutist loyalty to abortion. It asks uncomfortable questions to those who claim to believe in women’s empowerment: Where is their passionate outrage when Chinese women are forcibly aborted and sterilised? Where is their concern for the thousands of baby girls killed by abortion every year because their lives are held as worthless simply for being female? What about the thousands of women used as surrogates for wealthy Western couples, treated as chattels and denied their most basic human rights?

But the book also tackles difficult issues for the pro-life side—the need for a sensitive, realistic approach to problematic pregnancies and the importance of confronting the continued exploitation and abuse of women within a sexualised society.

Pro-life feminism is not only possible; it is vital if the complex struggles facing women are to be adequately met. The Abolition of Woman is a rallying cry to feminists to stand with the pro-life movement, fighting to build a society in which women are equal and every human life is protected.


IP#376 Kimberly Hahn – Grace and Gifted on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts Podcast

What a delight to be joined by Kimberly Hahn to discuss Grace and Gifted: Biblical Wisdom for the Homemaker’s Heart!  With Kimberly, we continue our journey through the wisdom found in Proverbs 31.  This time we explore the joy of creating a home for our loved ones fueled by the grace found in the sacraments.

Kimberly is also the host of the Beloved and Blessed podcast.  Her voice is a much-needed source of grace in this ever-expanding media platform.  You can check it out at the link found below.  We encourage you to subscribe!

You can find the book here

From the book description

As wives and mothers, we know that the home is the sacred space in which we live out our vocations. But many of us struggle to manage the various aspects of homemaking.

Graced and Gifted: Biblical Wisdom for the Homemaker’s Heart draws from Proverbs 31 to give women indispensable wisdom on caring for our homes and families. In this six-part Bible study, learn

  • Tips for time management
  • How to create a pleasant environment
  • The secrets of food preparation
  • The importance of making meals a time of communion
  • How to cultivate a garden
  • And why each of the sacraments relate to homemaking

Grace and Gifted is an inspiring Bible study, perfect for personal or group use, that will help you discover the noble virtues that every wife needs.

Be sure to also check out Kimberly’s Beloved and Blessed Podcast!  You can find it by visiting:

IP#366 Kimberly Hahn – Chosen and Cherished on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts Podcast

What a delight to be joined by Kimberly Hahn to discuss Chosen and Cherished: Biblical Wisdom for your Marriage!  Kimberly is the guide we have needed for far too long to lead us to the well of the maternal nurturing wisdom contained in the Sacred Scriptures.  With her gift of insight and understanding, and fueled by her 24/7 receptivity to the Word, Kimberly speaks to both men and women about the grace contained for marriage in Proverbs 31.  We truly feel this is a must have book for the discerning heart.

Kimberly also has entered the arena of podcasting.  Her voice is a much-needed source of grace in this ever-expanding media platform.  You can check it out at the link found below.  We encourage you to subscribe!

You can find the book here

From the book description

Proverbs 31 paints a picture of a woman resplendent with virtue, “far more precious than jewels.” In Chosen and Cherished, a Bible study based on Proverbs 31, beloved author Kimberly Hahn highlights this radiant image as a model for all wives and provides lessons on marriage for each season of life.

Whether you are engaged or have been married for decades, Chosen and Cherished offers biblical insight that will nurture your heart—and your marriage. With advice on everything from prioritizing relationships, communication, financial goals, and more, Kimberly Hahn invites you to boldly embrace Proverbs 31 to become

  • A woman of faith who trusts in the Lord
  • A woman of truth who knows her worth
  • A woman of virtue who values faithfulness in marriage
  • A woman of service who complements her husband
  • A woman of goodness who is committed to peace and
  • A woman of love who treasures the sanctity of marriage.

Chosen and Cherished is an inspiring Bible study, perfect for personal or group use, that will help you discover the noble virtues that every wife needs.


Be sure to also check out Kimberly’s Beloved and Blessed Podcast!  You can find it by visiting:

IP#78 Abby Johnson – unPlanned on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

An ordinary woman who has experienced extraordinary grace and wow, look what God has done!  Abby Johnson, author of “unPlanned: the dramatic true story of a former Planned Parenthood leader’s eye-opening journey across the life line”, is a courageous woman who has brought forward not just the Planned Parenthood story (at times nightmarish in their behavior), but more importantly, her story…the journey of conversion, forgiveness, and witness.  Abby didn’t go looking for the spotlight, but she didn’t say “no” when it fell on her either.  Now she is standing up for life and exposing the reality of Planned Parenthood and the beautiful options for life that are truly available.  She can truly say, with all integrity, that she knows both sides of the battle, and she is choosing life!  Be sure to get the “Catholic Edition” by Ignatius Press.  Visit Abby’s website here.


You can pick up the book here

From the book description:

“What I have told people for years,
what I’ve believed and taught and defended, is a lie.
What if I’d known the truth,
and what if I’d told all those women?”

Abby Johnson quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story. Abby was director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas, but not long after assisting in an actual abortion procedure for the first time, she crossed the line to join the Coalition for Life. What happened in that clinic to cause this Planned Parenthood leader and Employee of the Year to take such drastic action? And how did Planned Parenthood react to her abrupt departure?

Abby reveals her full story in Unplanned: a heart-stopping personal drama of life-and-death encounters, a courtroom battle, and spiritual transformation. Now in an updated edition, Abby’s unique vantage point from both sides of the abortion clinic property line shines light and compassion into the personal and political controversy that surrounds this issue. For anyone who cares about the life-versus-rights debate and helping women who face crisis pregnancies, Unplanned is a must-read.


IP#340 Dr. Timothy O’Malley – Off the Hook on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor Podcast

A great conversation with Dr. Timothy O’Malley, Director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy and author of “Off the Hook:  God, Love, Dating and Marriage in a Hook-up World. ”  He had me at “nuptial mystagogy.”  I love a theologian who deeply appreciates the font of grace present in our liturgical expression and sacramental experience.  From this point forward, this is THE book for practical, life-sustaining marriage formation.  Outstanding!

You can. find the book here

From the book description:

Hookup culture is about much more than the quest for pleasure. It offers an easy way out of real communication and lasting relationships. It also teaches us to treat each other as objects for personal satisfaction. Even those who reject the hookup culture can still be negatively affected by it and develop poor habits of relating to others. In Off the Hook, Timothy P. O’Malley, professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, shows how God’s plan for love serves to heal the wounds of hookup culture and is a medicine for what ails our understanding of sex, romance, love, and marriage.

In Off the Hook, O’Malley explains how the ethics of hooking up shape relationships between men and women and examines the considerable harm to individuals and society that results. By exploring the sacrament of marriage in its biblical, theological, and liturgical dimensions, he offers Catholic young adults and those charged with their formation and pastoral care a wealth of insight into God’s plan for love.

Young people will find help grappling with the Church’s countercultural understanding of sex, love, and marriage. Parents and pastoral workers will discover a refreshing presentation of the Catholic theology of marriage and wise counsel about forming young people in the Church’s vision. Newly married, and even long-married couples will find hope, courage, and the promise of sacramental love that can sustain them for a lifetime.

IP#251 – Anne Costa – Embracing Edith Stein on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

What a joy to discover “Embracing Edith Stein:  Wisdom for Women from St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross” by author Anne Costa. Anne-Costa-214x300 Far from a clinical dissertation on Edith Stein’s writings, Anne introduces us to a woman with whom she has shared a rich spiritual friendship.  By learning from and then implementing  her wealth of teaching, Anne gives a saint who can help us to grow in faith and wisdom .  Highly recommended!

414YNX+k4cL._SX320_BO1,204,203,200_You can find the book here

From the book description:

Embracing Edith Stein shows how the different aspects of the life and teachings of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross can serve as a guide for women and their unique vocation today. Written in a friendly, conversational style, this is one woman sharing the story of her friendship with this saint with her readers.

IP#333 Dr. Peter C. Kleponis – Restoring Trust on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

This is THE book!  Dr. Peter Kleponis has given us incredible insights on the damage addictions, and in particular those in the area of pornography can do not only to ourselves but also to the relationships we find ourselves in.  But there is hope!  Take a listen to our conversation, share the information below AND get the book!

Dr. Kleponis can be contacted for counseling and conferences at 610-397-0960,, and through his websites: and

From the book description:

“Those who refuse to forgive become prisoners of the past.” – Pope Saint John Paul II

Discovering a pornography addiction is traumatic – but knowing about it is necessary for true healing and recovery to begin.

In Restoring Trust, licensed clinical therapist Peter C. Kleponis, Ph.D., SATP-C, co-founder of and creator of the Integrity Starts Here! recovery program, provides an authentically Catholic approach to understanding and recovering from pornography addiction whether you, your spouse, or both are addicted.

Drawing on real-life case studies, teachings of the Church, and Scripture, this book will show you how healing, recovery, and restoration are possible for each of you personally and for your marriage. Past mistakes and hurts, no matter how deep, do not have to rule your future. With the right tools, and relying on God’s grace, you can restore trust in your relationship and achieve lasting freedom.

IP#309 Sally Read – Night’s Bright Darkness on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

Poet Sally Read’s “Night’s Bright Darkness: A Modern Conversion Story” is breathtakingly beautiful!  It is one of the best conversion stories I have ever read.  She expresses so well what it is like to be captured by the net of mystery, and the struggle one has to understand the earthshaking, life-changing realization of your identity found through, with, and in Christ.  Raised an atheist in England, Sally Read recalls compellingly her unexpected journey which led her to seek full communion with the Catholic Church (one of the last places she ever wanted to be). Her writing is exquisite! I love this book; I have no doubt it will remain one I cherish for a lifetime. Highly recommended.

You can find the book here

From the book description:

Read confronts head on the burning question for God that every true Christian harbors:What do you want me to do? In an age of increasing secularism, and in the wake of disillusionment with the Catholic Church following disclosures of abuse, the book takes us to the core of what the Church is all about: Christ and the yearning to be near him.

Read’s book captures the ecstasy of first knowing God’s love and charts how it changes us. It is a testimony to the powerhouse of Christianity: love and the life-changing encounter with Christ.

Sally Read’s story is the best and liveliest account of a conversion for a generation. It is a story of divine grace as moving and unexpected as it is luminous and profound. There is not a wasted brush-stroke, not a blurred line. It is an absorbing story, a tale that will grip readers all the way through to the end.”
–Paul Murray, OP, Angelicum University; Author, T.S. Eliot and Mysticism

“Every story of conversion has the potential of conceiving another. Each gives witness to the work of grace. In this brilliantly written, candid, sometimes shocking unveiling by Sally Read, we see vividly the fingerprints of the Holy Spirit on a heart once impenetrably hard and shut off, but then opened and reborn by the merciful joy of our Triune God.”
–Marcus Grodi, EWTN Host, The Journey Home

IP#1 Kimberly Hahn – “Beloved and Blessed” on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

What a blessing to have my first “Inside the Pages” show be with Kimberly Hahn!  She is an inspiration on Kimberly-Hahnso many levels.  The entire “Life-Nurturing Love” series is wonderful (book and DVD).  When you read Kimberly Hahn, you can’t help but feel you are receiving the best advice from a wise and cherished friend.  With good humor and joy, Kimberly offers Christ-centered teaching from the heart of the Church in her unique maternal-nurturing way. Beloved and Blessed is one of the most important witnesses in recent times on how to truly live out God’s design for marriage.

download (1) Click here to purchase Kimberly’s book online at

The third in a series of Bible studies based on Proverbs 31, Beloved and Blessed offers tools to help you strengthen your marriage and raise your children, creating a civilization of love in your home. Applying Sacred Scripture, Church teaching, and pastoral wisdom, Kimberly Hahn helps you explore:

  • Marital intimacy
  • Responsible parenthood
  • Facing the financial future without fear
  • Strategies for disciplining and instructing children
  • Trusting God when parenting hurts

Discussion questions help you apply the material to your own life and make the book a valuable resource for small group discussion.