IP#499 Gil Bailie – The Apocalypse of the Sovereign Self on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts podcasts

Gil Bailie on “The Apocalypse of the Sovereign Self: Recovering the Christian Mystery of Personhood”

Join Kris McGregor as she discusses the book “The Apocalypse of the Sovereign Self: Recovering the Christian Mystery of Personhood” with Gil Bailie.

You can find the book here.

From the book description:

“The Apocalypse of the Sovereign Self is a collection of stories, fictional and factual, highlighting two themes: the autonomous self, now in a profound crisis; and the person, whose Christian sources and contours have too long been overlooked. The ongoing cultural and confessional evisceration of Christianity all too graphically proves the validity of Christ’s warning: “Apart from me you can do nothing” (Jn 15:5). For these words were addressed to the first Christians, and they now apply not only to Christians but also to those whose exposure to Christ has been merely cultural, those who mistakenly think that the spiritual resources that fostered and sustained the dignity of the human person will survive the renunciation of the faith that gave that dignity its salience.”

About the Author: Gil Bailie is the founder of The Cornerstone Forum, a founding member of The Colloquium on Violence and Religion, a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, and Fellow of the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology.

IP#496 Dr. Larry Chapp – Confessions of a Catholic Worker, Part 2 on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts podcasts

Dr. Larry Chapp on “Confession of a Catholic Worker: Our Moment of Christian Witness,” Part 2

Join Kris McGregor as she discusses the book “Confession of a Catholic Worker: Our Moment of Christian Witness” with Dr. Larry Chapp in part one of this two-part interview.

You can find the book here.

From the book description:

“Everyone knows there is a “crisis” in the Catholic Church and in the world around us. Some say it is capitalism gone wild. Others say it is the decay of tradition, family, and objective truth. Still others say it is the rise of radical, reactionary conservatism. Though all may not agree on the nature of the crisis, who doesn’t agree that there is one, and who isn’t worried?

For Larry Chapp, crisis is always the norm of Christian existence. In a cold, dying world choked by greed, the Gospel calls for radical love and radical living according to the Sermon on the Mount. Using the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar, Peter Maurin, and Dorothy Day, Chapp argues that the real remedy to the disease of sin is not niceness, not political liberation, not fancy liturgical dress, not technical rigor, but a free decision to live totally and joyfully in Jesus Christ, without compromise.

Just as the martyrs chose God over life itself, so each Christian must, in the crucial hour, choose Jesus over all things. Everything hinges on the moment of Christian witness.”

About the Author: ​Larry Chapp, Ph.D., is a retired professor of theology who taught at DeSales University for twenty years. He received his doctorate from Fordham University in 1994 with a specialization in the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar. He is now the owner and manager of the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm near Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.

IP#495 Dr. Larry Chapp – Confessions of a Catholic Worker, Part 1 on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts podcasts

Dr. Larry Chapp on “Confession of a Catholic Worker: Our Moment of Christian Witness”, Part 1

Join Kris McGregor as she discusses the book “Confession of a Catholic Worker: Our Moment of Christian Witness” with Dr. Larry Chapp in part one of this two-part interview.

You can find the book here.

From the book description:

“Everyone knows there is a “crisis” in the Catholic Church and in the world around us. Some say it is capitalism gone wild. Others say it is the decay of tradition, family, and objective truth. Still others say it is the rise of radical, reactionary conservatism. Though all may not agree on the nature of the crisis, who doesn’t agree that there is one, and who isn’t worried?

For Larry Chapp, crisis is always the norm of Christian existence. In a cold, dying world choked by greed, the Gospel calls for radical love and radical living according to the Sermon on the Mount. Using the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar, Peter Maurin, and Dorothy Day, Chapp argues that the real remedy to the disease of sin is not niceness, not political liberation, not fancy liturgical dress, not technical rigor, but a free decision to live totally and joyfully in Jesus Christ, without compromise.

Just as the martyrs chose God over life itself, so each Christian must, in the crucial hour, choose Jesus over all things. Everything hinges on the moment of Christian witness.”

About the Author: ​Larry Chapp, Ph.D., is a retired professor of theology who taught at DeSales University for twenty years. He received his doctorate from Fordham University in 1994 with a specialization in the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar. He is now the owner and manager of the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm near Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.

IP#494 Fr. Thomas Morrow – Straight to Heaven on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts podcasts

Fr. Thomas Morrow on “Straight to Heaven: A Practical Guide for Growing in Holiness”

Join Kris McGregor as she discusses the book “Straight to Heaven: A Practical Guide for Growing in Holiness” with Fr. Thomas Morrow.

You can find the book here.

From the book description:

“If you’re hoping to get to Heaven, you’ll need a plan to reach your goal. This handy manual not only presents all the elements of a life well lived; it also helps you incorporate those elements into everyday practice. Straight to Heaven is the one guide you need to achieve holiness now and Heaven later – all while eluding the traps and pains of Hell.

Fr. Morrow explains that happiness is attainable now for those who live the gospel because they are bringing a bit of Heaven to earth. Conversely, those who fail to live the gospel are doomed to live a hellish life in this world and in the next.

That’s why Fr. Morrow wrote this book – to help you put in place a practical plan to enable you to love God with your whole heart, mind, and soul. Fr. Morrow shows you how to discern and follow God’s will and improve your ability to extend mercy to others.

Through engaging stories of individuals who lived heroically in difficult circumstances, you will discover ways to overcome vice and grow in the fruits of the Holy Spirit so you can become the saint God calls you to be. Most importantly, you will learn to keep your eyes fixed on the heavenly Wedding Feast and your eternal reward. You will also learn:

  • The difference between meditation and contemplation
  • How to grow in authentic sorrow for sin
  • The three methods of prayer – and when to use each
  • The most effective aid to staying on the path to holiness
  • How to overcome difficulties in prayer
  • Three ways to display your love to God”

About the Author: ​Fr. Thomas G. Morrow graduated from St. Charles Seminary in Philadelphia and was ordained in 1982 for the Archdiocese of Washington (DC). He has an STL in Moral Theology from the Dominican House of Studies and received his Doctorate in Sacred Theology (STD) from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in 1999. He was host for three years (1989-1992) of Catholic Faith Alive!, a radio program on WNTR in Washington, in which he explained the Catholic faith. Fr. Morrow has appeared as a guest on Mother Angelica Live and The Abundant Life programs on Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN). He has written booklets on the rosary, the Stations of the Cross, and on heaven, hell and purgatory.

IP#501 Adam Blai – The History of Exorcism, Part 1 on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts podcasts

Adam Blai on “The History of Exorcism,” Part One

Join Kris McGregor as she discusses the book “The History of Exorcism” with Adam Blai in Part 1 of this two-part conversation.

You can find the book here.

From the book description:

“Due to the advancement of observable evil in our society, the topic of exorcism has increasingly come to the forefront in the West in this century. In Hollywood movies, exorcism has often been sensationalized and misconstrued. Although volumes have been written about demons and exorcism, little has been explained about what solemn exorcism really is within the larger context of deliverance ministry. But now, Church-decreed expert on demonology and exorcism Adam Blai thoroughly explores the roots of exorcism and breaks open its significance for you.

You will find answers to wide-ranging questions such as: Is possession an exclusively Christian phenomenon, or is it a universal problem? Did exorcism exist before Jesus, or did He introduce it? If it predated Christianity, how did other cultures see it and deal with it? How do other world religions view the phenomenon of possession and exorcism? Are there other methods of confronting it besides the Catholic rite?

Blai lays out how exorcisms were performed in the earliest days of the Church. Over time, a liturgical rite was developed and teachings were provided to safeguard the faithful in the practice of exorcisms.
In these pages, Blai reveals:

    • Twenty-one guidelines for exorcists, produced under St. Charles Borromeo
    • Fascinating examples of actual exorcisms (some made famous in movies!)
    • Astounding examples of how saints helped drive out demons (even from the great beyond!)
    • Which psalm is known for offering protection and deliverance from evil spirits (Can you guess?)
    • The revolutionary way in which Jesus performed exorcisms

You will learn about how a harpist helped deliver King Saul of an evil spirit and how the spirits of giants tormented people. As you read about the evolution of exorcism, you will observe how strange practices sometimes occurred through the use of magic and superstition. You will also find five exorcism guidelines from the Middle Ages and four signs of genuine possession today.

Additionally, you will see how the 1614 rite of exorcism differs from the 1998 rite. You will also find a helpful appendix about how to determine whether a disturbance is spiritual, mental, or medical. Extensive references are included throughout the book.”

For Part 2 of this conversation visit: IP#502 Adam Blai – The History of Exorcism, Part 2 on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts podcasts

About the Author: Adam Blai (pronounced “Bly”) is a Church-decreed expert on religious demonology and exorcism in the Pittsburgh diocese. He is an auxiliary member of the International Association of Exorcists based in Rome. Over the past decade, he has helped educate priests regarding exorcism at national conferences, seminars, and through consultation on many cases in several dioceses.

IP#493 Fr. Brice Higginbotham – Remaining with Jesus on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts podcasts

Fr. Brice Higginbotham on “Remaining with Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of John”

Join Kris McGregor as she discusses the book “Remaining with Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of John” with Fr. Brice Higginbotham.

You can find the book here.

From the book description:

“What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus today? (And why should you want to be one?)

Using the Gospel of John as his roadmap, Father Brice Higginbotham invites you to join him on an inspiring exploration of what Scripture tells us about being a disciple of Jesus and how Christian discipleship brings peace and fulfillment to your daily life. By delving into Jesus’ encounters with real people, the author provides practical guidance for healthy spiritual living based on two primary concepts: believing in Jesus and remaining with, or staying true to, Jesus in good times and bad.

Father Brice introduces you to Jesus’ first disciples, offering a lens through which you can see yourself in the experiences of these men and women. Unpacking these historical encounters, he makes them as relevant to modern life as they were to Christ’s first followers. Most practically, he presents a four-part program of discipleship according to the Gospel that can uplift and transform your faith life through fellowship with Jesus.”

About the Author: ​Father S. Brice Higginbotham is a Catholic priest for the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux in Louisiana who is currently pursuing a Licentiate in Sacred Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, Italy. Ordained to the priesthood of Jesus Christ in 2017, Father Brice received his master’s degree in theological studies from Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana. He has published one other book, Daily Lessons from the Saints (Rockridge Press, 2020), articles and homilies in Homiletic & Pastoral Review, and more than sixty catechetical videos in cooperation with the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux’s Offices of Parish Support and Communications, all of which are available on YouTube and Facebook..

IP#492 Sarah Park McLaughlin – Praying with St. Augustine on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts podcasts

Sarah Park McLaughlin on “Praying with St. Augustine”

Join Kris McGregor as she discusses the book “Praying with St. Augustine” with Sarah Park McLaughlin.

You can find the book here.

From the book description:

“For years, there have been no books of St. Augustine’s prayers available. Finally, in this treasure trove, you will find select prayers from his works — some of the most potent prayers ever composed. As you read the innermost thoughts of the greatest Church Father, you will be transported in time and learn how to pray with the heart of a saint. St. Augustine’s timeless words will help you encounter the “Beauty of ancient days, yet ever new” face-to-face and experience the relationship between praying and believing.

As Dr. Kreeft explains, “No Christian writer, perhaps no writer at all, has ever been as eloquent as St. Augustine. Few have been as philosophically and theologically profound, or as passionately in love with God…. No passages in Augustine’s writings are more eloquent than his prayers, or more profound than his prayers, or more saintly than his prayers, for prayer is the very lifeblood of sanctity.”

These precious gems are uplifting and accessible to all. Covering a range of topics and styles, they include praise and petition for health, docility, forgiveness, restoration, and salvation. You will also find prayers glorifying the Trinity’s attributes, such as wisdom, light, goodness, mercy, and truth, as well as intimate prayers of adoration to the Incarnate Word.

Offering these magnificent prayers will ready you to behold glimpses into the mystery of God. St. Augustine will teach you:

The three valuable lessons Jesus taught us about prayer
The two things always to pray for and how to pray always
Ways to kindle virtues on the road to sanctity
How to deepen your love for and devotion to God
Line by line wisdom on praying the Our Father
“What better way could we have to know the heart of a man like St. Augustine than to listen to him pray?” Sara Park McLaughlin reflects. “By reading his vast writings, we discover something of the saint’s enormous genius and theological insight…. Through his prayers we experience his relationship to God.”

When you pray these prayers fervently you will join forces with the entire company of Heaven in a litany of endless worship and praise. St. Augustine taught that prayer makes you ready to receive God’s blessings. As you pray with St. Augustine, be prepared to be blessed!”

About the Author: Sarah Park McLaughlin, Former humor columnist, author of My Humor Writing Journal [Amazon] and retired university English teacher, love Catholicism, apologetics, C. S. Lewis. Her blog can be found here.

IP#489 Gary Michuta – The Gospel Truth on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts podcast

Gary Michuta on  “The Gospel Truth: How We Can Know What Christ Taught”

Join Kris McGregor as she discusses the book “The Gospel Truth: How We Can Know What Christ Taught” with Gary Michuta.

You can find the book here.

From the book description:

“Hundreds of books have been written to vindicate the Gospels by noting that they were written closer to the events they record than any other ancient history. But how do we know that they accurately recorded what Jesus said and did? How do we know they didn’t fabricate their contents? That Jesus really did work the miracles reported in the Gospels? Most important of all, how do we know what is the authentic interpretation of his words and deeds?

Christian apologists have largely neglected to answer these significant questions because they have focused instead on vindicating the Gospels apart from the community that wrote them.

The Gospel Truth fills in this gap by demonstrating that a concerted and sophisticated effort was made to ensure that what Jesus taught and did was accurately retained, recorded, verified, and passed on to future believers. It also shows how we can know whether our copies of Scripture reflect the original, whether the books in our Bible really belong there, and ways to know how to correctly understand them.”

About the Author: Gary Michuta is the author of Revolt against Reality: Fighting the Enemies of Sanity and Truth from the Serpent to the State, Hostile Witnesses: How the Enemies of the Church Prove Christianity, The Case for the Deuterocanon: Arguments and Evidence, Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger, and several other apologetic works. Gary is an instructor of apologetics for Home School Connections and is the host of “Hands On Apologetics” on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.

IP#488 Anthony DeStefano – 30 Days to Your New Life on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts podcast

Anthony DeStefano on  “30 Days to Your New Life: A Guide to Transforming Yourself from Head to Soul”

Join Kris McGregor as she discusses the book “30 Days to Your New Life: A Guide to Transforming Yourself from Head to Soul” with Anthony DeStefano.

You can find the book here.

From the book description:

“Happiness. Everyone wants it, but not everyone has it–or knows how to get it. According to a recent Harris poll, only 1 in 3 Americans describes himself as happy. Researchers have dubbed this the “most stressed” of all generations, despite its economic prosperity and technological advances. Anthony DeStefano, bestselling author of A Travel Guide to Heaven and Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To, addresses this problem head-on in his freshly rewritten book, 30 Days to Your New Life, by striving to bring the joy of Heaven down to Earth right now.

Many self-help books explore the subject of happiness, but one important ingredient always seems to be missing: God. In this no-nonsense, refreshingly direct book, DeStefano bridges the gap between personal development programs and Christian/Catholic spirituality. The result is a wake-up call to readers; an outcome-based motivational guide to living life to its fullest–and holiest. DeStefano’s practical, pull-no-punches, approach to popular theology has been described as “Tony Robbins meets Thomas Aquinas.”

With candor and simplicity, DeStefano presents an easy-to-follow framework for attaining lifelong peace and fulfillment, as well as (more importantly) eternal happiness in Heaven. The path proposed by DeStefano encourages consistent, purposeful and prayerful action on the part of the reader, and offers genuine hope to everyone, from ambivalent agnostics to engaged evangelicals to the most fervent of Catholics.

This is a book about getting results, about breaking out of self-delusion and taking small, practical steps to transform your life from head to soul. The author believes that as more and more people today struggle with depression and loneliness, self-help programs need to be less about “self-help” and more about “God’s help.” God, after all, is the Author of life. He knows what will make us happy–and what won’t.

DeStefano utilizes the best personal development tools available, but balances and corrects them with Bible-based, faith-filled, time-tested, sacramental, Catholic principles. No matter how terrible your circumstances may be or how many times you’ve failed to achieve your goals in the past, this book will work for you.”

About the Author: Anthony DeStefano is the bestselling author of over twenty-five Christian books for adults and children. His books have been published in eighteen different countries and twelve different languages and have been endorsed by The National Day of Prayer committee as well as many prominent religious leaders and mainstream celebrities. He has appeared on the 700 Club, Fox and Friends, CNN, Huckabee, and hundreds of other national and local media shows. He has also been the host of two television series on Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), as well as a frequent guest on that network. A Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Anthony is an avid pilot and lives in New Jersey with his wife, Jordan.

IP#487 Stephen J. Binz – Saint Junipero Serra’s Camino on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts podcast

Stephen J. Binz on  “Saint Junipero Serra’s Camino: A Pilgrimage Guide to the California Missions”

Join Kris McGregor as she discusses the book “Saint Junipero Serra’s Camino” with Stephen J. Binz.

You can find the book here.

From the book description:

“Travel Saint Junipero Serra’s Camino to the twenty-one California missions, stretching from San Diego to Sonoma, north of San Francisco Bay. This work presents the life and work of Saint Junipero Serra, and it challenges pilgrims to continue, in their own way, the forward journey that he began in the 1700s. This carefully researched narrative explores both the historical roots and the spiritual heritage of the missions and their inhabitants, creating an unforgettable and indispensable pilgrimage guide for those who want to experience the missions in person–or in an armchair at home. Each of the missions is a unique jewel and a spiritual oasis. Some are found wedged into cities; others are surrounded by mountains and valleys. They range from simple to ornate. The grounds are filled with bells, statues, fountains, and gardens, all symbols of life and feasts of color. Old Spanish mission art can be found next to Indian wall paintings. Symbols of piety from two centuries form a wonderful holy mix. Enhances with the author’s own photography, prayer experiences, and practical travel information for every missions station, this guidebook is a must-have for any pilgrim exploring America’s own pilgrim way, the Camino of St. Junipero Serra.”

About the Author: Stephen J. Binz is a biblical scholar and an award-winning author of over sixty books. His writing focuses on biblical commentary, biblical theology, and Christian spirituality. As founder and author of Threshold Bible Study, he has written and published thirty studies for personal and group Bible study. His books are published by Ave Maria Press, Franciscan Media, Twenty-Third Publications, Liturgical Press, The Word Among Us, OSV Publications, Brazos Press/Baker Publications, Little Rock Scripture Study, Loyola Press, and Marian Press. Since 2008, his books have earned nine awards from the “Excellence in Publishing Awards” of the Association of Catholic Publishers and five book awards from the Catholic Press Association.