IP#41 Fr Stefan Starzynski – Miracles on Inside the Pages

Miracles: Healing for a Broken World by Fr. Stefan Starzynski is a heartfelt book where miracles abound beccause  of the transforming love of God. I really loved my interview with Fr. Starzynski.  He spoke of the beautiful movement of the Holy Spirit so active in the of Church today, all the while remaining firmly anchored in the great heart of Christ and His Church and Sacraments.

You can find Fr. Staryznski’s book here

Fr. Staryznski’s website

IP#40 Fr. George Rutler – Cloud of Witnesses on Inside the Pages

Fr. George Rutler once again offers a beautiful work that is food for the thinking mind and pondering heart. A collection of stories about people, some famous some not, who’s lives “witness” to the power of  the Holy Spirit to mold us into the image of Christ (in some cases, unexpected ways).  Fr. Rutler is always fun to read; he uses the English language as his palette of beautiful colors in which he paints a fascinating and compelling picture of  “the dead people he knew when they were alive”.   Don’t miss this one.

Fr. Rutler’s book can be found here

IP#39 Mike Aquilina – A Year With The Church Fathers on Inside the Pages

“A Year with the Church Fathers: Patristic Wisdom for Daily Living” by Mike Aquilina is outstanding. St. Benedict Press has produced a beatiful book worthy of the content within it’s pages.  But better still is the wisdom passed down through the ages which is contextualized and offered to us by acknowledged Patristic expert, Mike Aquilina.  The perfect gift for a friend, family member, or even yourself.  A gift from the fathers of the Church waiting to be unwrapped!

You can purchase a copy here

IP#38 Stephanie Mann – Supremacy and Survival on Inside the Pages

“Supremacy and Survival:  How Catholics Endured the English Reformation” is an outstanding introduction to the persecution of Catholics began in 16th century England. Lasting over 250 years, the effects can still be felt in some ways even in today’s world.  But through the witness of great saints such as St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher to Blessed John Henry Newman, Catholics in England, as well as throughout the rest of the world, have been encouraged and inspired to continue standing for the truths found in the Catholic Church, which ultimately reflect the great Truth, who is Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Stephanie Mann does a beautiful job of presenting this period and many of those heroic lives in her work.

To learn more visit Stephanie Mann’s website

IP#35 Gary Michuta – How to Wolf-Proof Your Kids on Inside the Pages

It was great to speak with Gary Michuta about his new book How to Wolf-Proof Your Kids. There’s a big difference between nuturing community faith sharing and destructive “sheep stealing” that occurs with “religious” proselytizing.  Each year, thousands of Catholics fall prey to the manipulative and deceptive recruiting practices of non-Catholic groups, sects, and cults. Gary’s new book provides parents with critical information about how these groups recruit and what steps you can take to protect yourself and your children.

visit Gary’s website www.handsonapologetics.com

IP#33 Dr. Kevin Vost – From Atheism to Catholicism on Inside the Pages

A shining example of how reason and science can lead to faith. Dr. Kevin Vost is a cradle Catholic, who fell into aethism at the age of 17.  He would stay there for over 2 decades, until gradually through reasoned enlightenment (showered with God’s grace)  the fallacy in aethistic philosophy was revealed and the glory of real Truth became known.  Wonderful read…the journey really can be made from the head to the heart, just ask Dr. Kevin Vost!



Pick up a copy of Kevin’s book

Be sure to visit Dr.  Kevin Vost’s website


IP#32 – George Weigel – The End and The Beginning on Inside the Pages

George Weigel give us “The End and The Beginning:  Pope John Paul II – The Victory of of Freedom, The Last Years, The Legacy”. What a tremendous blessing to reflect once again on the life of a modern day saint…our very own late great Holy Father, John Paul II.  George Weigel doesn’t disappoint.  The first part of the book  reads like a spy novel…even more compelling because it’s true.  The second part, covers the last 6 years of the Pope John Paul’s life, the jubilee and so much more.  The last part sets the stage for a legacy which will be reflected and pondered on for generations, if not centuries.  It’s as much our story as Church as it is the life of  Pope John Paul II.  Don’t miss this one…it is essential reading!!!


You can pick up the book here

Visit the Ethic and Public Policy Center for more information

IP#31 Conn Iggulden – Dangerous Book of Heroes on Inside the Pages

The most dangerous thing about Conn and David Iggulden’s book is that you’ll be inspired to heroism. From George Washington to Edith Cavell, from The Women of the SOE to Flight 93, the Dangerous Book of Heroes inspires young and old…it’s what good story telling is all about.  Some stories may be a little more than some very young listeners can take in, but don’t let that stop you from diving in yourself….the very best stories are the one’s we grow into.  Conn Iggulden and his brother David have given us all a gift.


You can find more about the book here

IP#30 Gary Giddins – Warning Shadows on Inside the Pages

I love the movies as much as a good book; unfortunately there are fewer “good” movies than there are “good” books.  So it was great to talk the history of film and what makes for a good movie, as well as, what are some of the best of the old and new in cinema today with Gary Giddins. This interview was a blast for me.  If you love the movies, or even if you don’t but you want to have a fun and enjoyable movie going experience, home alone or in the theater, check out “Warning Shadows”


For more on “Warning Shadows:  Home Alone with Classic Cinema”

IP#27 Gregory Erlandson – Pope Benedict XVI and the Sexual Abuse Scandal Part 1 on Insides the Pages

Pope Benedict XVI and the Sexual Abuse Scandal is an important contribution to the understanding and healing of the great heartache that has inflicted the Church over the last 30 years.  Talking with Gregory Erlandson was a great opportunity to realize the nuisances of what got us here, but also the response and hope that leads us to the future.

The wonderful David Scott, put it best:

This is Catholic journalism at its best. Erlandson and Bunson are two of most knowledgeable people in the world on the Church and this book shows it. Good reporting, sharply written, smart analysis, not afraid of the hard questions–even if the answers don’t always put the Church in the best light. This book should be in every mainstream newsroom in the country. It offers a definitive historical overview of the abuse scandal and Pope Benedict’s role, first as head of the Vatican’s doctrine office and now as Pope. This should be an eye-opener for those who think Benedict has been negligent or worse. The facts just don’t support the conclusions that the mainstream media has been insisting upon. In addition to good reporting, this book provides excellent documentation–full texts of every reference Benedict has made on the crisis, including his addresses to the U.S. bishops and his historic letter to the people of Ireland. A good read and an essential reference.

Find more this book at www.osv.com