IP#210 Deacon James Keating – Spousal Prayer on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

It was wonderful to talk with Deacon Keating about his book “Spousal Prayer:  A Way to Marital Happiness”.  Filled with practical suggestions, it never “dumbs” the importanceKeating-2 of the message by presenting to us yet another “self-help” book, but rather it elevates our understanding and experience of true martial intimacy.  A small book, filled with tremendous potential for couples in any stage of their relationship, if they are willing to enter into the union Christ has waiting for them. Don’t miss this gem.

Spousal-PrayerYou can find the book here

From the description:

Deacon James Keating’s newest book, Spousal Prayer: A Way to Marital Happiness affirms that the sharing of hearts is a necessary commitment in both marriage and prayer. If we can learn what the key elements to sharing the heart are and equally what the key elements to receiving the heart of another are, then we will know the greatest of intimacy in both prayer and marriage. The mingling of the love of spouse with and in the love of God is and has always been the foundation for a life of peace, creativity, and vibrancy, not to mention sanctity. In fact, we cannot even understand what marriage is unless we look at how Christ loved His Bride, the Church, till the end (Jn 13:1). For the baptized, Christ has joined His love for the Church to the Sacrament of Marriage and Marriage, to His love for the Church. Each couple is called to allow Jesus to bring them into this great love of His. The couple is not supposed to do all the work of love; they are called to let Jesus gift them with His own spousal love. In other words, couples should let Jesus live His spousal love for the Church over again in their own love for one another. They do this by simply asking Him in prayer to do so and by sharing their needs and desires with Him. Marriage is not a self-help relationship; it is a deep partnership with Christ.

IP#242 Dr. Paul Thigpen – A Year with the Saints on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

What a joy to talk about the saints with Paul Thigpen. and discuss this INCREDIBLE book!  Not just an ascetically gorgeous work, worthy of the Paul-Thigpenmystery it contains, but “A Year With the Saints: Daily Meditations with the Holy Ones of God”  is filled with guided meditations, teachings, and prayers with the “Great Cloud of Witnesses”.  Dr. Thigpen, who earned his PhD in Church History, also guides through a wonderful catechesis of the faith through these “love letters” from history.   The perfect gift…period.

In this conversation, we discuss many topics, including:

Why the saints?  Do we need them?  How can they help us grow in faith?

Year-with-the-Saints You can find the book here

“Those who follow the saints”, said Pope Clement I, “will themselves become saints”. Their words and deeds provide a treasury of time-tested wisdom, encouragement, and inspiration for the pursuit of holiness.

Best-selling Catholic author Paul Thigpen opens up that treasury in A Year With the Saints: Daily Meditations With the Holy Ones of God. These 365 reflections draw from the writings and lives of holy men and women across two thousand years. Their spiritual and practical insights for Christian living are as fresh and relevant today as they were when they were first written.


IP#241 Emily Stimpson – These Beautiful Bones on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

Emily-Stimpson“These Beautiful Bones:  An Everyday Theology of the Body” is the book I’ve been waiting for, thank you Emily Stimpson!  A book about the Theology of the Body, the great teachings from Bl. Pope John Paul II, that isn’t all about SEX!  What Emily has done is truly remarkable….she has presented to us just how practical this  great teaching is and how it can be applied to the varied aspects of our everyday lives.  Emily has an engaging writing style which is filled with humor and insight.  A wonderful work and a must have for the Catholic library.

These-beautiful-bonesYou can find the book here

“As a writer, Emily Stimpson always brings to her readers a unique combination of deep wisdom, practical insight and personal experience. In These Beautiful Bones, she uses the sacramental lens of the liturgy to explore a wide range of activities in daily life. Whether it’s your eating habits or clothing styles, the dignity of hard work or the pitfalls of pop culture, you will find in this book lots of graceful guidance in living out the physical side of being spiritual. ” — Dr. Scott Hahn, Internationally renowned author and biblical theologian


IP#238 George Weigel – Roman Pilgrimage on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

weigel“Roman Pilgrimage: The Station Churches” is a stunning work.  A must have for those who love beauty, the heritage of the Catholic faith, and the celebration and depth of the Church’s liturgy.  The lives of the saints and martyrs come alive in this work which features the spiritual reflections of theologian George Weigel, the exquisite  artistic insights of art historian Elizabeth Lev, and the beautiful photography of Stephen Weigel.  George opens with the history of the practice of visiting the tombs of Christian martyrs  which began in the 4th century.   No one tells a story quite like he does. The pilgrimage would eventually evolve into a journey to churches, basilicas, and cathedrals throughout the city of the Saints.  Through this work, in a very real way,  the gift of Rome comes to meet in your home.  The spiritual contemplations are not only ideal for Lenten devotion, but are excellent for any time of the year.  A gift to give to yourself and to anyone you may care about who is traveling the pilgrimage of faith.

Roman-PilgrimageYou can find the book here

Fr. Robert Barron, Rector-President, Mundelein Seminary
“An astonishingly good book. George Weigel’s meditations on the liturgical texts of Lent and Easter are intellectually rich, spiritually alert, and rendered in beautifully crafted prose; Elizabeth Lev’s examinations of the station churches themselves are always informative, insightful, and witty. Equally impressive are Stephen Weigel’s artfully composed photographs. Roman Pilgrimage will delight your eye and feed your soul.”

Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York
“On cold, damp, late-winter early mornings, hundreds of priests, seminarians, sisters, and devoted lay people walk the Roman cobblestones to one of the Eternal City’s forty most venerable sites, the station church of that Lenten day. It’s a microcosm of the pilgrim Church and of life’s journey, and Easter is never brighter than after faithfully completing this sixteen-century-old pilgrimage tradition.”

IP#237 Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J. – The Transforming Power of Faith on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

What a delight to speak once again to Fr. Joseph Fessio, this time about “The Transforming Power of Faith” by Pope Benedict Fr.-FessioXVI.  Ignatius Press has once again brought to us a wonderful compilation of the final sixteen talks given at his weekly audience from October 2012 to the end of his papacy in February 2013.  These talks explore how and why faith is relevant in the contemporary world.

In this discussion, Fr. Fessio offers his insights on the pontificate of Pope Francis, a brother in the Jesuit order.  He also addresses an issue concerning the work of Fr. Hans Urs von Balthasar as found in his book “Dare We Hope That All May Be Saved”, which has, in some cases recently, been mistakenly understood and represented to others.  He breaks open a bit Fr. von Balthasar’s teachings on hell, the mercy of God, and the proper understanding of “hope”.  Another engaging conversation with the ever fascinating Fr. Fessio.

Transfroming-Power-of-FaithYou can find the book here

From the book description:

“Having faith in the Lord is not something that involves solely our intelligence, the area of intellectual knowledge; rather, it is a change that involves our life, our whole self: feelings, heart, intelligence, will, corporeity, emotions, and human relationships. With faith everything truly changes.”

So Pope Benedict XVI introduced his catecheses for the Year of Faith, a series of sixteen talks given at his weekly audience from October 2012 to the end of his papacy in February 2013. These talks explore how and why faith is relevant in the contemporary world. How can we come to certainty about things that cannot be calculated or scientifically confirmed? What does God’s revelation mean for our daily lives? How can the hunger of the human heart be fulfilled? Offering the guidance of biblical exegesis, pastoral exhortation, and brotherly encouragement, Pope Benedict seeks to answer these questions and many others.

IP#235 Fr. R. Scott Hurd – When Faith Feels Fragile on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

It’s a rare believer that doesn’t feel  challenged at times in the area of faith.  For those occasions, Fr. R. Scott Hurd provides wiseFr-Scott counsel and encouragement in “When Faith Feels Fragile:  Help for the Wary, Weak, and Wandering.”  Fr. Scott has an engaging and pastorally sensitive approach to many of the common issues that cause us to stumble on the journey of faith.  A great book even if you feel your faith is strong, and to passed on to those you may know who are struggling.


You can find the book here

At some point in our life, our faith is tested. It can feel like God is hidden and out of reach. We wonder if we can we count on God’s presence. When Faith Feels Fragile teaches us how to recognize the many ways that God touches us in the course of our daily routine. Drawing on the practical wisdom of life’s experience, Father Scott Hurd explores the deeper spiritual meaning by finding parallels in Scripture and Christian spirituality. We learn how to “open ourselves up to the gift of faith and hold it close to our hearts.”

-His Eminence Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington


IP#234 Mike Aquilina – Good Pope, Bad Pope on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

“Good Pope, Bad Pope: Their Lives, Our Lesson” is another terrific book by the prolific Mike Aquilina.  This is a much needed mikeaquilinaresource for all Catholics.  Those of us who love and appreciate the gift of the Papacy in the life of the Church, if we are honest with ourselves, cringe a bit inside when the facts of history uncover those Popes who were…well…bad.  Leave it to Mike Aquilina to guide us through those notorious lives and times, while helping  us to see the lesson we can learn from those particular experiences.  Mike also lifts up those outstanding men who were more than just “good” Popes (which the overwhelming majority were), but reminds of  popes like Bl. John Paul II,  who could be called “great”.  Be not afraid of history, especially when its in the hands of Mike Aquilina.

Good-Pope-Bad-PopeYou can find the book here


From the description:

Every pope is by definition a remarkable man. But the popes whose stories you’ll read here were chosen because they reveal how the papacy developed. They show us how Christ kept his promise to his bride, the Church, not only in her health but also in her sickness. The great popes advanced our understanding of Christian doctrine. But even more remarkable, the worst popes could do nothing to damage the teaching of the Church.

That’s why, even in its darkest moments, the story of the papacy is a story of triumph. And that’s why it’s worth knowing these twelve popes.

IP#233 Dr. Matthew Bunson – Pope Francis “the interviews” on Inside the Pages

Matthew-BunsonIt was great to discuss with Dr. Matthew Bunson the interviews given by Pope Francis to America Magazine and La Republicca .  We discuss the poor translations, issues which have arisen from some of the “statements”, and  the reaction of Catholics to this new “genre” of papal reporting.  Dr. Bunson is a master of seeing through the fog to the heart of the matter.  Great insights!!!


You can find the book here


For the outstanding article from the OSV Newsweekly authored by Dr. Bunson:

Interview reveals discerning, transparent pontiff

Looking past sensational headlines, it gives insights into his ideas for governance, plans for reform

By Matthew Bunson – OSV Newsweekly, 10/6/2013

Jesuit journal
The interview was conducted by editor-in-chief of Jesuit journal La Civiltà Cattolica, Jesuit Father Antonio Spadaro. CNS photo

The flurry of misinterpretation in the secular media following the Sept. 19 publication of a 12,000-word interview with Pope Francis in America magazineand other Jesuit journals around the world was hardly surprising. Conducted over the course of three sessions in August with Jesuit Father Antonio Spadaro, editor-in-chief of La Civiltà Cattolica, the Italian Jesuit journal, the interview sparked eye-grabbing headlines that painted a false narrative that the pope was somehow declaring the Church’s teachings on abortion, homosexuality and sexual ethics to be no longer relevant.

Incidentally, Pope Francis’ remarks the next day to a group of obstetricians and gynecologists, in which he strongly spoke out against an anti-life culture, threw the secular media for a loop.

A further effect of the brief sensation resulting from the interview, though, was the unfortunate overshadowing of the rest of the deeply personal, transparent and all-around remarkable conversation.

Ideas of government

The wide-ranging questions prompted some profound insights by the pope and also uncovered further aspects of his personality and his formation as a priest and one of the most intensely pastoral pontiffs in living memory.

Read more

IP#232 Alissa Jung – Mary of Nazareth on an Inside the Pages Special

What an absolute to delight to speak with actress Alissa Jung about her performance in the breathtaking film “Mary of Nazareth”. Alissa-Jung The German actress is luminous in her portrayal  of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Alissa shares the challenges and the joys she encountered in taking on this challenging role.  She also shares with us the work of her very special non-profit organization “Pens, Paper, Peace” which funds much needed schools for the children of Haiti.

“Stunning in its beauty, breathtaking in its scope! Mary of Nazareth is simply a joy for the heart. This is the film we have been waiting for. This is the Blessed Mother we have come to know in our hearts and the depiction that we want not only our families and friends to see, but all the world as well. A joy-filled expression of faith, hope and love. The Mary of this film is no ‘pouty teenager’ or ‘hapless victim’ as she is too often portrayed in film today. No, this is our Mary, who says with trust a glorious ‘Fiat’ to the will of the Father. This work, with its gorgeous cinematic qualities and touching performances, is worthy to honor the one who would say, “I am the Handmaid of the Lord”. Kris McGregor

Mary-FilmTo learn showtimes in your town or how you can bring the movie to your area visit www.maryfilm.com

The most stunning portrayal of the Virgin Mary on film. It will make you want to love her more than ever. An absolute masterpiece! Yes, my friends, I can assure you that we finally have a movie that gets Mary totally right! Trust me, I am super hard to please when it comes to any portrayal of Mary in film, but this one nailed it entirely! Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC

IP#230 Gary Michuta – Making Sense of Mary on Inside the Pages

There’s no doubt that Gary Michuta has a great love  for the Blessed Virgin Mary. In “Making Sense of Mary“, he offers  Gary-Michutarich insight and research in regards to the teachings on Our Lady.  Steeped in Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Fathers of the Church, Gary shines a beautiful light on the multi-facet diamond which is Mary, the Mother of God. Wonderful.


You can find the book here

“The world is full of nonsense when it comes to the Blessed Virgin Mary from simple confusion and ignorance to disrespect and blasphemy. Michuta has done us a great service by blowing away the fog and shining the light of clarity on a matter so important to the story of God’s salvation. Drawing from Scripture, Sacred Tradition, Councils and the Fathers of the Church, Gary helps scholars and beginners alike to understand the ABC’s of the person and role of Mary.”

Stephen K. Ray, Author of Crossing The Tiber and Host of The Footprints of God video Series “