IP#277 Steve Weidenkopf – The Glory of the Crusades on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

How can the Crusades be considered “glorious”?  That was the first question that popped up in my mind when I saw “The Glory of the Crusades” come across my desk.   Steve-WeidenkopfAs I found myself caught up in the history unfolding inside the pages of this incredible book, I found that author Steve Weidenkopf approached this subject in an incredibly balanced, engaging and thoughtful way.  By far one of the best books I have ever read on the subject.  Steve is a lecturer of Church History at the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College and the creator and author of Epic: A Journey through Church History, an adult faith-formation program on the 2,000-year history of the Church.  Meticulous researched (just check out the end notes), with little hint of any political agenda, Steve lets history stand on its own solid clear footing.  Thank you Catholic Answers for this outstanding book!

The-Glory-of-the-CrusadesYou can find the book here

The Glory of the Crusades is valuable not only as history but also as a scholarly debunking of centuries of Protestant and Enlightenment distortion of the facts about the West s struggles against militant Islam. –Rev. C. John McCloskey Research fellow, Faith and Reason Institute

This excellent book employs decades of scholarly research to show average readers what medieval historians have long known that popular culture s image of the Crusades has nothing at all to do with the events themselves. Catholics who cringe at the mention of the Crusades will find in this work a surprising and inspiring story of faith. –Thomas F. Madden Director, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University

IP#276 Dr. Alan Schreck – St. Francis and Pope Francis on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

Dr.-Alan-Schreck In “St. Francis and Pope Francis: Prayer, Poverty, and Joy in Jesus” Dr. Alan Schreck provides wonderful insights on the connections between Pope Francis and St. Francis.  Much has been written about the “Jesuit” nature of the pontificate of Pope Francis, but not as much about the “Evangelical” spirit which unites the hearts of the Francis who lived 900 years ago and the pontiff who claimed his name.  Dr. Schreck is an engaging writer, who is capable of not only sharing relevant history of the past, but is gifted in making it come alive and meaningful for our lives today.  A fascinating work!


You can find the book here

From the book description:

Dr. Alan Schreck explores the times and messages of St. Francis of Assisi and Pope Francis, bringing together their shared emphases, including:

  • Conversion — their stories are different but their message the same: turn to God
  • Prayer – union with Jesus is for everyone
  • Poverty – the imitation of Christ heals and restores
  • Church – faithfulness is the foundation for renewal
  • Mission – the same in every age: share the Gospel
  • Joy – the hallmark of Catholic life and possible for us today

IP#102 Msgr. John Esseff – Building a Kingdom of Love on Inside the Pages

Msgr. John Esseff is one of the most extraordinary men I have ever spoken with. He is the author of “Building A Kingdom of Love: Your Role in the Triumph of the Sacred Heart”.  Msgr. Esseff is widely known as a spiritual master who works with the Institute for Priestly Formation. Ordained a priest in 1953  for the Diocese of Scranton, PA, Msgr. Esseff served in parishes and as an exorcist for the diocese.  Serving the poor in areas around the world, he would become a confessor and retreat director for Blessed Mother Teresa, and continues that role today for the sisters of the Missionaries of Charity.  He would encounter St. Padre Pio and would be considered one of the St Pio’s spiritual children.

Msgr. John Esseff is on a mission from God. He is one of the founders of the Sacred Heart Apostolate.  He hopes to have the Sacred Heart of Jesus enthroned as King of the entire world, family by family, church by church, dioceses by diocese…country by country.

Everyone can participate and support this mission. For information about enthroning the Sacred Heart of Jesus in your home, go to www.sacredheartapostolate.com. Then, you can keep Msgr. Esseff and his mission in your prayers. For more insights and information about Msgr. Esseff, his website is:http://home.catholicweb.com/msgrjohnesseff/index.cfm.

IP#268 Mark Hart – Behold the Mystery on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

mark-hart“Behold the Mystery: A Deeper Understanding of the Catholic Mass”, authored by the phenomenal Mark Hart, is perfect for all who wish to explore the mystery of the Catholic Mass.  Leave it to the “Bible Geek” to steep us in the Scriptures in order to break open up our Sacred Liturgy of the Eucharist in a joy-filled, enthusiastic, life-sustaining way .  He even, in the last part of the book,  answers frequently asked questions, such as Why can’t I leave right after Communion? or Why did the words change? And be sure to check out Mark’s “10 things we can do to get more out of Mass”.  Perfect for Catholics and non-Catholics alike.  A “Holy, Holy, Holy” must have read.

Behold-the-LambYou can find the book here

The gift of Christ in the Holy Eucharist is real and true and beautiful. In Behold the Mystery, Mark Hart shares this truth in clear and practical terms. Read this book and discover the life-transforming power of the Mass. –Scott Hahn, Scripture scholar and author, The Lamb s Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth

Anyone who loves the Mass, and even those who think Mass is boring, need to read Mark Hart’s newest book, Behold the Mystery. Hart’s clarity, humor, and faith will help all Catholics become more engaged, active participants in liturgy and in life. And for Mark, that s one and the same. –Fr. Leo E. Patalinghug, priest, author, TV & radio host, and founder of GraceBeforeMeals website.

You already know Mark Hart as a smart, funny, Spirit-filled leader and speaker. When you read this book, you will also know him as a pastoral theologian in the style of Pope Francis who can make you, me, and your non-practicing Catholic neighbor fall in love with God all over again through the Mass. –Fr. Jonathan Morris, program director, The Catholic Channel, SiriusXM 129, Fox News religion analyst, and author, God Wants You Happy


IP#267 Fr. C. John McCloskey – The Mississippi Flows into the Tiber on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

C.-John-McCloskeyWhat a delight to discuss our ongoing call to conversion with Fr. C. John McCloskey III especially as demonstrated by the hundreds of lives shared in”The Mississippi Flows Into the Tiber: A Guide to Notable American Converts to the Catholic Church” . The book, which contains a foreword and afterword by Fr. McCloskey, examines the careers and writings of almost five hundred notable converts, containing touching stories of all shapes and sizes. English author John Beaumont, after the success of his initial book “Roads to Rome”, has brought to us an exhaustive, fascinating work that inspires with every page.


You can find the book here

“[A]n inspiring work that covers nearly five hundred eminent American converts who lived from the 17th to the 21st century. In each of these entries, which are in alphabetical order, we find a succinct biography and, when known, one or more causes of conversion, often in the person’s own words. The entries range from part of a page to several pages, with citations from the subjects’ writings. A list of sources is also provided. This book will surely prove to be an invaluable reference work, but more importantly, it is a collection of priceless testimonies, well worth pondering at leisure.”

–Anne Barbeau Gardiner, Culture Wars.

IP#87 James Hannam – The Genesis of Science on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

I love “The Genesis of Science:  How the Christian Middle Ages Launched the Scientific Revolution”! James Hannam has written a fascinating study of the Christian Middle Ages and its foundational importance to the science of our day.  He’s brought back the important contributions of half-forgotten thinkers.  James demonstrates how they were brought to such a state because of the political agendas of the last 500 years.  Why is this important?  Because it has everything to do with fundamental Truth, and what is ordered in the Universe.  And at the heart, it is faith in God which drives science and it’s healthy functioning in society and culture.  It was, and should be today, rooted in the Christian understanding of faith, reason, philosophy, theology and all the other things that round out the wholeness of the human person and the created world.  Fascinating stuff indeed!

Be sure to visit James’ website.

Click here to pick up a copy of the book

IP#45 – John Salza – The Biblical Basis for Purgatory on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

I love talking with John Salza…tough doctrine and dogma that for most of us is difficult to explain, is just so easy for John.  And he shares his knowledge with all of us…what a gift!

John’s website is www.scripturecatholic.com

Check out John’s book here

From the book description:

In The Biblical Basis for Purgatory,  John  offers the definitive scriptural explanation of this distinctively Catholic doctrine. Building on the teachings of Christ and St. Paul, he shows how the existence of a place of temporal punishment after death is not only a logical extension of what we know about the reality of sin and God’s justice, but is also a supreme expression of God’s love and mercy. Although Purgatory is a place of mercy, its pains are real, and they are severe. This book does more than defend and explain Purgatory it provides a solid plan, drawn from the Church s perennial wisdom for conquering our sins by God s grace, while still on earth.

IP#265 Patricia Ann Kasten – Making Sense of Saints on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

“Making Sense of Saints: Fascinating Facts about Relics, Patrons, Saint-Making and More” by author Patricia Ann Kasten is a Patricia-Ann-Kastendelightful book!  Not only is the canonization process fully illuminated, but Patricia has filled the book with fascinating stories and little known facts.    Everything you ever wanted to know, from the use of relics and holy cards to how miracles are determined can be found in this excellent book brought to us by publisher, Our Sunday Visitor.  A thoroughly engaging read.

Making-Sense-of-SaintsYou can find the book here

You’ll be fascinated and delighted by topics such as: Just Four Easy (Sort of) Steps: The Canonization Process “Doesn’t He Just Glow? Saints’ Symbols “There’s a Man Buried under the Altar!” Relics of Saints “Holy Haloes, God-Made Man!” Saints and Martyrs as Superheroes “Yo-ho-ho!” The Treasure Chest of the Church And much more!

IP#263 Trent Horn – Answering Atheism on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

“Answering Atheism: How to Make the Case for God with Logic and Charity” is a compassionately engaging and Trent-Hornintellectually-savvy response to the attacks on the existence of God.  Trent Horn is a welcomed fresh voice in the forum of Catholic apologetics.  Well-researched and thoughtfully presented, this book is a must have for all who wish to defend the faith, but it’s also for those who wish to know and grow in it as well.  In our conversation, we touch on many of the enter points for dialogue which we encounter everyday in discussions with family, friends, co-workers, and how to approach those times of engagement in a Christ-like manner.  A highly recommended book by Trent and, his publisher, the good folks at “Catholic Answers”.



You can find the book here

Answering Atheism gets high grades on the three R’s: It is readable, reasonable, and researched. Its defense of the cosmological argument has depth and detail, yet it is not so technical that you need to take a philosophy course to comprehend it. —Peter Kreeft, professor of philosophy, Boston College

I’ve read many works of popular apologetics; this is the best! –Stephen Bullivant, editor, The Oxford Handbook of Atheism