We bring to you what might seem like a surprising conversation from 2007 with Robert Novak, who died of cancer in 2009. In his poignantly honest memoir, “Prince of Darkness: 50 Years Reporting in Washington,” he deftly chronicles the political and cultural shifts of the last half of the 20th century. Our discussion, however, focuses on his conversion to the Roman Catholic faith and his devotion to his patron saint, St. Thomas More which he shares in the book. We discuss how his Catholic faith gave him the strength to follow his conscience and the teachings of the Catholic Church in the latter years of his life. The stances he took in regards to immigration and the war in Iraqi, to name a few, put him at surprising odds with many of his “conservative” colleagues; he was even painfully rejected by some he regarded as close friends. A gracious man, this interview is one of our all-time favorites. His witness is a profound and compelling conversion story. We hope you enjoy it. – KM
Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway concentrates on helping women understand the relationship between faith and human experience during the middle years within the context of the whole life cycle. This book is EXCELLENT! She explores the wrenching and puzzling questions women in their middle years need to ask: Who am I? Who am I with? Where am I going in terms of a life plan? What aids or blocks my growth? Is God a personal God who is invested in my life? Do I have a personal destiny related to God? What is the meaning of suffering? What is my fate after death? Drawing from the Mystical Doctors of the Church, Dr. Hathaway offers an outstanding spiritual resource for women.
This outstanding book delivers what the title promises. Only an experienced spiritual guide could convey this wisdom with such clarity and practical focus. –Dr. Joann Conn
…a wonderful reverence for the Catholic spiritual heritage and a mature sensitivity toward the apostolic challenges and opportunities of our day. I recommend Hathaway s book wholeheartedly. –Howard Gray, S.J., assistant to the president, Georgetown University
All of us can profit by Dr. Cooney s challenges and reflections. –Margaret R. Brennan, I.H.M., professor emerita, Regis College
What a delight to be joined once again by Vivian Dudro to discuss the work of Spanish novelist Jose Luis Olaizola and his book “Fire of Love: A Historical Novel on the Life St. John of the Cross”! Olaizola is an award-winning Spanish writer, who is known for his acclaimed works on great historical figures such as El Cid, Hernan Cortes, Bartolome de las Casas, and Patricio Escobar. In this book, he richly offers the life of the great Spanish mystical doctor of the Church, St. John of the Cross.
This historical novel paints a striking portrait of one of the most revered saints in history, in a landscape that makes the life and times of John of the Cross relevant to our own age. Here is an extraordinary adventure that explores the thorny challenges that every soul must face: avoiding the trappings of this world that lead to darkness, and embracing the radiance of the fire of Divine Love. Having performed the life of this great saint as an actor, I found Jose Luis Olaizola’s portrayal very true to the passion and dramatic intensity of this great mystic. Fire of Love rekindled in me the fire ignited by Saint John of the Cross in his poetic plea, ‘Love Him intensely, as He deserves to be loved.’ May all who read this literary work examine their own souls profoundly, in order to have the greatest of all adventures – finding God Himself. —Leonardo Defilippis, Film Actor & Director, John of the Cross
Dr. Adam English has done an outstanding job of bringing to life the story of St. Nicholas of Myra. Going deep into the historical documents, he travails between the myths and the reality of this extraordinary bishop who would become an iconic saint. I love this kind of read…steeped in rich history and filled with an enthusiastic joy for the adventure of discovery.
“Adam English convinces us that the St. Nicholas we know is a cultural icon, as much Coca-Cola as Christian saint. But his real gift is in resurrecting through his painstaking historical detective work a flesh and blood St. Nicholas, whose courage and Christian generosity are worthy of emulation.”
–Greg Garrett, author of One Fine Potion
“A sensitive, erudite, and accessibly written introduction to the life and times of St. Nicholas, a fourth-century bishop of Myra in what is now Turkey. Having devoted his life to serving Jesus Christ, the real St. Nicholas invites us to a truer and more joyful celebration of Christmas.”
–Matthew Levering, Professor of Theology, University of Dayton
Dr. Christopher Kaczor once again not only enlightens our minds but also our hearts with his new book, “The Gospel of Happiness: Rediscover Your Faith Through Spiritual Practice and Positive Psychology”. Through a study of positive psychology, philosopher Dr. Kaczor finds therein the wisdom of many Christian practices and teachings. In this very complex world we live in, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that we were created by God to be happy. Our hearts seek that happiness, but many of us have lost our way. Dr. Kaczor points us to a bridge that shows us “The Way” to authentic happiness and joy. His work is always informative, engaging and wonderfully insightful. A very practical work that will remind the reader of another great Catholic author and professor of Philosophy…Dr. Peter Kreeft. Highly Recommended!!!
“God made us to be happy — to be blessed and to live with joy. And all of us are born with this desire for happiness in our hearts. But sometimes we can get a little lost along the way. We can find ourselves looking for happiness in the wrong places. Christopher Kaczor shows us the right path and he walks the path with us — shining new light on the ancient ways of forgiveness and gratitude, humility, prayer and service to our neighbor. Kaczor is a wise guide and this book can help all of us to grow in our relationships with others and our journey with God.” —The Most Rev. José H. Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles
“In The Gospel of Happiness, Christopher Kaczor creates a refreshing new approach to a traditional theme lying at the heart of both Christianity and philosophy – the pursuit of happiness. Recognizing the dictum of Aristotle that happiness is the one objective we seek for itself, and that everything else is sought for the sake of happiness, he creates an understandable, practical, and usable path that combines contemporary psychology with traditional Christian teaching. He lays his foundation by appealing to seven Christian ways to happiness – “faith, hope, and love,” prayer, gratitude, forgiveness, virtue, and willpower, and enriches them with the five elements of positive psychology – positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement. By using Martin Seligman’s new positive approach to psychology, he bridges formerly perceived gaps between psychology and faith — opening the way for Christians to benefit from the insights and healing of this important discipline.” —Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D., author of Finding True Happiness
Another phenomenal work by the prolific Joseph Pearce, this time bringing us the “Heroes of the Catholic Reformation: Saints Who Renewed the Church.” Our conversation covers a pivotal century which brings us many of the extraordinary spiritual figures of 16th century. Filled with fascinating insights, this is not just a book about yesterday, but offers guideposts for our lives today! Don’t miss!
The Protestant Reformation began five hundred years ago, accompanied by an age of turmoil and secularism we can recognize even in our own time. Rather than shrinking from the crisis, the Catholic Church responded with even deeper, and more genuine, reform. We can do the same today.
This Catholic Reformation was accomplished by many defenders of the Faith whom we now know as saints. Their holiness, courageous deeds, and sacrifices during this renewal of the Catholic Faith demonstrate the true heroism of saintly action and provide models for defending the faith in the modern world.
Diverse as they are inspiring, these heroes and saints stood up to slay “the dragons of sin” while championing Church teaching. Their sacrifices left the Church and the world forever changed.
Bishop John Fisher, Sir Thomas More, and priests Edmund Campion and Robert Southwell refused to submit to England’s secular tyranny and chose martyrdom instead. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, and Charles Borromeo, the reforming Archbishop of Milan, spearheaded the Catholic Reformation.
Pope Pius V brought a spirit of asceticism to the papacy and ardor to the work of reform.
Teresa of vila and John of the Cross, despite enduring terrible suffering, surrendered themselves completely to Christ’s great mission of reform within the Church.
The Heroes of the Catholic Reformation is a scholarly and cultured celebration of the saints who responded to the fierce oppositions of their time with courage and an authentic and lasting Catholic Reformation. Author Joseph Pearce invites us look to these heroes for inspiration as we seek to live the fullness of Faith in our fallen world.
Before you begin another new “spiritual program,” please pause for just a moment and look what the Church has always offered you…the liturgical life of the Church. In “Numbering My Days: How the Liturgical Calendar Rearranged My Life,” author Chene Heady, a convert to the Catholic faith, discovers the beauty which unfolds in his spiritual life when he enters into the rhythm of the liturgical calendar. Wonderfully practical and filled with personal stories, Chene helps us to see what has always been before us. He finds that the liturgical life of the Church is a fruitful spiritual practice par excellence. We highly recommend this enriching book! You can find the book here
From the book description:
Chene Heady was a believing Catholic whose daily concerns were shaped primarily by forces other than his faith–career demands, financial decisions, scheduling conflicts, etc. He worked long hours and had limited regular interaction with his wife, also a busy professional, and his young daughter. He was the typical overextended and anonymous modern Catholic man.
Then he tried an experiment that dramatically rearranged his life. After reading about the importance of the Church’s liturgical year, Heady took up the challenge to live as though the Church’s calendar, not the secular one, stood at the center of his life. Every day for a year, he observed the Church’s seasons and feasts, and meditated on the Church’s daily readings. As he did so, he found that his life, and his relationships, became more meaningful and fruitful.
Numbering My Days tells the story of one man’s renewal, and it offers an authentic model of spiritual development for anyone.
Few things in this earthly life are absolutely certain, but the most undebatable of these is death. Every person, even the atheist, will admit that death is certain. Death, however, is not the last event in this life of ours. Immediately after death, we shall be judged and then again on the Day of Judgment when all humanity will know us for what we are.
Too often the reality of Heaven and salvation are highlighted at the expense of the Church’s teachings on Death, Judgment, Purgatory, and Hell. Yet, these important doctrines of the Church hold the truths of salvation — truths that can lead us to Heaven or can pull us away from it.
In these pages, Fr. Wade Menezes, EWTN television host and Assistant General of the Fathers of Mercy, shows us that God has not called us to His wrath, but to salvation. He shows us that Heaven and Hell, salvation and damnation, eternal life and eternal punishment are all complementary doctrines. They need each other to be complete and we must understand the Church’s teachings on all of these doctrines in order to have a balanced view of the world.
Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell these are the Four Last Things toward which we are moving each hour of the day and night. Read this book, and you’ll have a firm grasp of one of the most important doctrines of Holy Mother Church that holds the truths of Heaven and our own salvation.
Fr. Andrew Apostoli does a tremendous job covering all the varied aspects of the events of Fatima and the call of Our Lady of Fatima. He conveys the “immaculate” heart of the message, as well as tackling the “controversies” that have plagued the events over the years. Because of the prophetic nature of her messages, Our Lady of Fatima has been the subject of much controversy and speculation. In this book, Father Andrew Apostoli carefully analyzes the events that took place in Fatima and clears up lingering questions and doubts about their meaning. He also challenges the reader to hear anew the call of Our Lady to prayer and sacrifice, for the world is ever in need of generous hearts willing to make reparation for those in danger of losing their way to God.
“As was so dramatically obvious during the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Fatima in May, 2010, Our Lady’s apparitions in 1917 remain powerfully compelling for us today. There she was an evangelist, calling us to prayer, conversion of heart, and penance, pointing to Jesus and repeating her words at Cana, ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ This book brings it all home.” -Most Reverend Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York
“For us, Fatima is a sign of the presence of faith, of the fact that it is precisely from the little ones that faith gains new strength, one which is not limited to the little ones but has a message for the entire world and touches history here and now, and sheds light on this history . . . Even now there is tribulation, in every conceivable form, and power threatens to trample down faith. Even now, then, there is a need for the answer about which the Mother of God spoke to the children at Fatima.” -Pope Benedict XVI
What a blessing to have my first “Inside the Pages” show be with Kimberly Hahn! She is an inspiration on so many levels. The entire “Life-Nurturing Love” series is wonderful (book and DVD). When you read Kimberly Hahn, you can’t help but feel you are receiving the best advice from a wise and cherished friend. With good humor and joy, Kimberly offers Christ-centered teaching from the heart of the Church in her unique maternal-nurturing way. Beloved and Blessed is one of the most important witnesses in recent times on how to truly live out God’s design for marriage.
The third in a series of Bible studies based on Proverbs 31, Beloved and Blessed offers tools to help you strengthen your marriage and raise your children, creating a civilization of love in your home. Applying Sacred Scripture, Church teaching, and pastoral wisdom, Kimberly Hahn helps you explore:
Marital intimacy
Responsible parenthood
Facing the financial future without fear
Strategies for disciplining and instructing children
Trusting God when parenting hurts
Discussion questions help you apply the material to your own life and make the book a valuable resource for small group discussion.