IP#309 Sally Read – Night’s Bright Darkness on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

Poet Sally Read’s “Night’s Bright Darkness: A Modern Conversion Story” is breathtakingly beautiful!  It is one of the best conversion stories I have ever read.  She expresses so well what it is like to be captured by the net of mystery, and the struggle one has to understand the earthshaking, life-changing realization of your identity found through, with, and in Christ.  Raised an atheist in England, Sally Read recalls compellingly her unexpected journey which led her to seek full communion with the Catholic Church (one of the last places she ever wanted to be). Her writing is exquisite! I love this book; I have no doubt it will remain one I cherish for a lifetime. Highly recommended.

You can find the book here

From the book description:

Read confronts head on the burning question for God that every true Christian harbors:What do you want me to do? In an age of increasing secularism, and in the wake of disillusionment with the Catholic Church following disclosures of abuse, the book takes us to the core of what the Church is all about: Christ and the yearning to be near him.

Read’s book captures the ecstasy of first knowing God’s love and charts how it changes us. It is a testimony to the powerhouse of Christianity: love and the life-changing encounter with Christ.

Sally Read’s story is the best and liveliest account of a conversion for a generation. It is a story of divine grace as moving and unexpected as it is luminous and profound. There is not a wasted brush-stroke, not a blurred line. It is an absorbing story, a tale that will grip readers all the way through to the end.”
–Paul Murray, OP, Angelicum University; Author, T.S. Eliot and Mysticism

“Every story of conversion has the potential of conceiving another. Each gives witness to the work of grace. In this brilliantly written, candid, sometimes shocking unveiling by Sally Read, we see vividly the fingerprints of the Holy Spirit on a heart once impenetrably hard and shut off, but then opened and reborn by the merciful joy of our Triune God.”
–Marcus Grodi, EWTN Host, The Journey Home

IP#231 Vinny Flynn – The 7 Secrets of Confession on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor


What a delight to talk once again to the incredible Vinny Flynn, this time about his book “The 7 Secrets of Confession”. Vinny has such a passion for the Catholic faith, and in particular for the Sacraments of the Church, that it’s difficult not to be inspired by his joy.  This is perfect for anyone who struggles with this rich gift of grace and mercy, the sacrament  “Confession”.   But even more than that, it is like a “booster shot” for anyone who frequents the confessional but may be taking it for granted.  A definite “must have” for every Catholic home library.  This would also be a great gift for those in the RCIA or in sacramental preparation in RE classes.


7-SecretsYou can find the book here

Vinny Flynn s 7 Secrets are like seven explosions that blow away the obstacles keeping us from the Sacrament of Mercy. If you’ve ever dragged your feet on the way to confession, gotten discouraged about confessing the same sins over and over, or wondered how your confessions could be more fruitful, then you ll love this book. It turns what many see as a tiresome obligation into a precious, longed-for encounter with the Lord.
Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC Author, 33 Days to Morning Glory

IP#304 Fr. Ed Broom, O.M.V. – From Humdrum to Holy on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

What a delight to talk and to LEARN from Fr. Ed Broom, of the Oblates of the Virgin Maryseven-last-wordsHis book “From Humdrum to HOLY: A Step-by-Step Guide to Living Like a Saint” is great!  In our conversation, we discuss the value of the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the great legacy of Ven. Bruno Lanteri and of having a spiritual program in our lives.  He offers in this work, among other things, “10 Ways to Start (or Continue) Becoming a Saint” .  Through the “10 M’s” he presents practical entryways to help souls who desire to establish spiritual practices in their everyday life.  Fr. Ed speaks of the importance of self-knowledge and the practice of the Daily Examen Prayer as well as, the need to form a healthy conscience.  We are only able to touch the tip of the iceberg in this episode, but that’s the beauty of having the “From Humdrum to HOLY” your hands! Fr. Ed Broom’s writing is so engaging and filled with clarity. Take an important first step in growing in holiness and get this book!


You can find the book here

“I’m a direct beneficiary of Fr. Ed Broom’s extraordinary zeal for souls. His passionate pastoral concern for ‘lost sheep’ helped bring me back to the practice of my Catholic Faith in high school, and his stirring homilies enkindled in me an ardent desire for holiness. I pray that the potent practical wisdom of these pages will inspire many others to strive for greater sanctity.”
Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC
Author, 33 Days to Merciful Love

“In Fr. Broom’s book, readers will find an accessible and practical guide toward the goal of holiness.”
Fr. Timothy M. Gallagher, OMV

“Those who long for a serious, yet simple and doable, path to spiritual growth, to holiness and to wholeness, will find a treasure in this wonderfully-readable spiritual gem.”
Mother Miriam Of The Lamb Of God, O.S.B.
Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope

IP#304 Fr. Ed Broom O.M.V – From Humdrum to Holy on Inside the Pages from Discerning Hearts on Vimeo.

IP#285 Rod Dreher – How Dante Can Save Your Life on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor


Dreher’s approach helps make Dante’s work accessible.  While never claiming to be a literary scholar, he offers plenty of excellent academic commentary on the legendary 12th-century poem.  But more importantly, he helps us to see how Dante can aid us in the treacherous journey from “the head to the heart.”  For Dreher, The Divine Comedy is “a fantasy about a lost man who finds his way back to life after walking through the pits of hell, climbing up the mountains of purgatory, and ascending to the heights of heaven. But it’s really a story about real life and the incredible journey of our lives, yours and mine.”

After hearing our discussion with Rod Dreher and reading this wonderful book, you to may find yourself seeking out the wisdom found in the spiritual treasure chest known as Dante’s “Divine Comedy.”

How-DanteYou can find the book here

From the book description:

Inspiring, revelatory, and packed with penetrating spiritual, moral, and psychological insights How Dante Can Save Your Life is a book for people, both religious and secular, who find themselves searching for meaning and healing. Dante told his patron that he wrote his poem to bring readers from misery to happiness. It worked for Rod Dreher. Dante saved Rod Dreher’s life—and in this book, Dreher shows you how Dante can save yours.

Other conversations with Rod Dreher: IP#316 Rod Dreher  The Benedict Option on Inside the Pages

IP#300 Robert Reilly – Surprised by Beauty on Inside the Pages w/ Kris McGregor

robert-r-reilly-at-podium“Surprised by Beauty: A Listener’s Guide to the Recovery of Modern Music” by Robert R. Reilly is an absolute gem.  Please do not pass this incredible resource by!  With the advent of “Pandora”, “Spotify” and other streaming music services, as well as the tremendous musical catalog offered by the reasonably priced  “Naxos” record label,  there is no longer any excuse for us not to have the sound and feel of beauty surrounding us today.  During our conversation, Robert will say “If your soul is hungry for beauty , open your ears and feed”.  This book will offer you a menu to choose from like no other!  Filled with gems of not only great works of 20th and 21st century music, but this book reveals to us poignant and compelling stories of inspired composers whose hearts broke free of the normative ugliness which dominated their craft for far too long.  Some of those artists never experienced in their lifetime a popular acceptance of their work, but because in part of this book, their legacy can surprise us by their gift of beauty today.

Surprised by BeautyYou can find the book here

From the book description:

The single greatest crisis of the 20th century was the loss of faith. Noise–and its acceptance as music–was the product of the resulting spiritual confusion and, in its turn, became the further cause of its spread. Likewise, the recovery of modern music, the theme to which this book is dedicated, stems from a spiritual recovery. This is made explicitly clear by the composers whose interviews with the author are collected in this book.

Robert Reilly spells out the nature of the crisis and its solution in sections that serve as bookends to the chapters on individual composers. He does not contend that all of these composers underwent and recovered from the central crisis he describes, but they all lived and worked within its broader context, and soldiered on, writing beautiful music. For this, they suffered ridicule and neglect, and he believes their rehabilitation will change the reputation of modern music.


IP#311 Vivian Dudro – Grzegorz Gorny’s Three Kings, Ten Mysteries on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

IP#281 Vivian Dudro - Meriol Trevor's "Shadows and Images" on Inside the Pages 1
Vivian Dudro

Another delightful conversation with editor, Vivian Dudro, about another great Ignatius Press book!  This time we discuss Grzegorz Gorny’s “Three Kings, Ten Mysteries:  The Secrets of Christmas and Epiphany.”  Not only do we discuss, the Wise Men of the Bible, but we also explore the importance of their presence and witness to our world today!  A beautiful book that is the perfect gift for anyone who is on the journey “seeking

You can find the book here

From the book description:

Were the Three Kings, or Magi, who the Bible says traveled to Bethlehem in search of the Christ Child real, historical figures or simply the stuff of legend?

For generations, the Magi have inspired art and music. Epiphany, the important Christian feast twelve days after Christmas, is a national holiday in many countries throughout the world. What lies at the heart of this celebration and is it still relevant today?

Turning to discoveries made by historians, scientists, and theologians, Polish author Grzegorz Górny answers these questions. With gorgeous four-color photographs on every page, he traces the mysteries of the Magi from the Gospel of Matthew to modern-day astronomy to revived Epiphany celebrations on the streets of secularized European capitals.
1. The Phantom Apostle
2. The Gospel’s Veracity
3. Messianic Prophecies
4. Magi or Kings?
5. The Magi’s Homeland
6. Jesus’ Birth Date
7. Signs in the Sky
8. Bethlehem’s Secrets
9. The Case of King Herod
10. The Oldest Feast

IP#317 Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J. – Robert Cardinal Sarah’s “The Power of Silence” on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

Fr. Joseph Fessio, founder and editor-in-chief of Ignatius Press discusses one of the most important books of our time,  “The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise” by Robert Cardinal Sarah.


You can find the book here

From the book description:

In a time when technology penetrates our lives in so many ways and materialism exerts such a powerful influence over us, Cardinal Robert Sarah presents a bold book about the strength of silence. The modern world generates so much noise, he says, that seeking moments of silence has become both harder and more necessary than ever before.

Silence is the indispensable doorway to the divine, explains the cardinal in this profound conversation with Nicolas Diat. Within the hushed and hallowed walls of the La Grande Chartreux, the famous Carthusian monastery in the French Alps, Cardinal Sarah addresses the following questions: Can those who do not know silence ever attain truth, beauty, or love? Do not wisdom, artistic vision, and devotion spring from silence, where the voice of God is heard in the depths of the human heart?

After the international success of God or Nothing, Cardinal Sarah seeks to restore to silence its place of honor and importance. “Silence is more important than any other human work,” he says, “for it expresses God. The true revolution comes from silence; it leads us toward God and others so as to place ourselves humbly and generously at their service.”

Cardinal Sarah

“This book shows Cardinal Sarah to be one of the most spiritually alert churchmen of our time.”
–Bishop Robert Barron, Creator and Host, Catholicism film series

Cardinal Robert Sarah’s profound exploration of the silence in which we hear the still, quiet voice of God, and thus come to know the truth about ourselves, is a powerful challenge to the cacophony of our times and a summons to a more Gospel-centered way of life.”
–George Weigel, Distinguished Senior Fellow and William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies, Ethics and Public Policy Center


A Special “In Conversation…” with Robert Novak (1931 – 2009)

We bring to you what might seem like a surprising conversation from 2007 with Robert Novak, who died of cancer in 2009.  In his poignantly honest memoir, “Prince of Darkness: 50 Years Reporting in Washington,”  he deftly chronicles the political and cultural shifts of the last half of the 20th century.  Our discussion, however, focuses on his conversion to the Roman Catholic faith and his devotion to his patron saint, St. Thomas More which he shares in the book.  We discuss how his Catholic faith gave him the strength to follow his conscience and the teachings of the Catholic Church in the latter years of his life.  The stances he took in regards to immigration and the war in Iraqi, to name a few, put him at surprising odds with many of his “conservative” colleagues; he was even painfully rejected by some he regarded as close friends.  A gracious man, this interview is one of our all-time favorites.  His witness is a profound and compelling conversion story.  We hope you enjoy it. – KM


You can find the book here


IP#29 Patricia Cooney Hathaway – Weaving Faith and Experience on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor with Kris McGregor

Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway concentrates on helping women understand the relationship between faith and human experience during the middle years within the context of the whole life cycle This book is EXCELLENT! She explores the wrenching and puzzling questions women in their middle years need to ask: Who am I? Who am I with? Where am I going in terms of a life plan? What aids or blocks my growth? Is God a personal God who is invested in my life? Do I have a personal destiny related to God? What is the meaning of suffering? What is my fate after death?  Drawing from the Mystical Doctors of the Church, Dr. Hathaway offers an outstanding spiritual resource for women.

 Click here to pick up a copy of Patricia’s book

This outstanding book delivers what the title promises. Only an experienced spiritual guide could convey this wisdom with such clarity and practical focus. –Dr. Joann Conn

…a wonderful reverence for the Catholic spiritual heritage and a mature sensitivity toward the apostolic challenges and opportunities of our day. I recommend Hathaway s book wholeheartedly. –Howard Gray, S.J., assistant to the president, Georgetown University

All of us can profit by Dr. Cooney s challenges and reflections. –Margaret R. Brennan, I.H.M., professor emerita, Regis College