IP#294 Fr. Donald Haggerty – Contemplative Hunger on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

“Contemplative Hunger” is a beautifully reflective expression of our experience with the “still, small voice of God”. Fr. Donald Haggerty, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, has been a Professor of Moral Theology at St. Joseph’s Seminary in New York and Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Maryland. He has a long association as a spiritual director for Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity. From this background, Fr. Haggerty writes about the value of silence, truth, and the need for interior surrender to God. He also illumines the link between contemplation and love for poverty and the poor. Fr. Haggerty identifies the longing of souls for a deeper contemplative encounter and the need to nurture it properly.  A truly lovely work that could very well become a classic in spiritual writing.


You can find the book here

“A great invitation stirs within these pages to embark on the ultimate quest for God and holiness.”
— Fr. Augustine Di Noia, O.P.

“Fr. Haggerty provokes, encourages, and reassures Christians who struggle to remain faithful to prayer when the Lord seems to be silent. This work offers a very fresh, attractive, and compelling challenge, inviting readers to take heart, to expect more, and to give more to the Lord.” –Sr. Sara Butler, M.S.B.T.

“Father Haggerty reveals that the most active of saints found the wellspring of their energies in the prayer of contemplation, by developing the habit of talking to God, intimately.” –Fr. Romanus Cessario, O.P.

IP#351 Laura Fanucci – Grieving Together on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor Podcast

It was truly a blessing to share this conversation with Laura Fanucci about the book she co-authored with her husband Franco entitled “Grieving Together:  A Couple’s Journey through Miscarriage.” This is an important work and the best I have ever seen on the subject.  Filled with tender, relatable situations and practical advice, “Grieving Together” is not only for couples who have experienced the loss of miscarriage, but also for those who love and minister to them.

You can find the book here

Be sure to visit Laura’s website: Mothersspirit.com

From the book description:

You might feel, in the days and weeks after a miscarriage, like the Lord is anything but close.

Laura and Franco Fanucci understand. After struggling with infertility, they miscarried their third child in the first trimester. Later, their twin daughters were born prematurely and lived only a few days. Laura and Franco are here to tell you that, while your miscarriage is a deeply personal loss, you are not alone.

Grieving Together is written by a couple specifically for couples, understanding that both spouses have experienced a loss and grieve differently. Drawing from Catholic tradition and teaching, Laura and Franco gently guide you through:

  • The physical and emotional experiences of miscarriage – including help in making the hardest decisions
  • How couples respond to grief – and how to support each other
  • Turning to family, friends, and the Church – finding help and support from loved ones and your Church community
  • The future after miscarriage – where to go from here as a couple

Grieving Together is the book the Fanuccis had wished for after their miscarriage. Practical resources include Scripture, prayers, and official Catholic rites. It also speaks to the unique concerns of fathers, and includes many real-life stories from couples in many different circumstances.

IP#350 Dr. John Mark Miravalle – Beauty on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor Podcast

Dr. John-Mark Miravalle is truly a delight!  “Beauty: What It Is and Why It Matters” has become my favorite book on this subject.  It is has altered how look and listen to all things.  I cannot recommend this book more highly!  Don’t miss this compelling conversation.

You can find the book here

From the book description:

Rich with the wisdom of Plato, Augustine, Aquinas, and St. John Paul II, these pages unpack perennial truths about beauty and rivet them into your soul, opening the eyes of your understanding to the beauty all around us.
Offering an abundance of accessible examples, author John Mark Miravalle demonstrates that beauty is neither in the eye of the beholder, nor for the cultivated, the dreamer, or the “hopeless romantic” alone. On the contrary, the ability to understand, recognize, and delight in beauty readies all souls for heaven—and makes it easier for us to get there.

From these pages, you’ll learn:

• Why beauty is not just a matter of opinion
• The virtues we need to perceive beauty and to enjoy it
• How to determine whether an artwork is truly beautiful
• The respective roles of reason and emotion in appreciating beauty
• How the beauty of nature testifies to God’s existence . . . while rejection of God obscures nature’s beauty

With the help of these pages, you’ll receive fresh eyes to marvel again (or for the first time) at the beauty of nature, music, art, architecture, and, most importantly, the beauty of God, the fountainhead and exemplar of all things on earth that are beautiful.

IP#313 Fr. Sean Davidson – Saint Mary Magdalene on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

Fr. Sean Davidson offers one of the best books I’ve encountered on St. Mary Magdalene.  More than a biography of the person, Fr. Davidson reflects on the heart of the one known as the “Apostle to the Apostles.” “Saint Mary Magdalene: Prophetess of Eucharistic Love,”  based on the Biblical texts traditionally associated with St. Mary Magdalene, this book shines a beautiful bright light on her love for Jesus and how it translates to the devotion of Eucharistic Adoration.  A truly excellent work which we highly recommend!

You can find the book here

“Saint Mary Magdalene reminds us of the need to recover the primacy of God and the primacy of adoration in the life of the Church and in the liturgical celebration.”
— Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Author, God or Nothing: A Conversation on Faith

“Saint Mary Magdalene has finally been given her deserved praise and understanding. Her amazing story of renewed life, restored love and relentless devotion to Christ as Savior is deeply inspiring!”
— Mother Dolores Hart, O.S.B., Author, The Ear of the Heart: An Actress’ Journey from Hollywood to Holy Vows

IP#349 Sr. Mary Ann Fatula, O.P. – Heaven’s Splendor on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor Podcast

Reading “Heaven’s Splendor: And the Riches That Await You There” was a shear joy!  But so also was my conversation with its author, Sr. Mary Ann Fatula.  What a “splendid” delight.  Steeped in the teachings of the Doctors of the Church, such as St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Therese of Lisieux, this book is simply a delight.  A copy of this book should be in every home!  Highly recommended!

You can find this book here

From the book description:

Heaven: it’s everything we’re made for, the answer to our inmost longings, a place of joy whose depths we can only imagine. And who can tell us more about this blessed realm than the saints? “¬‚¬” the souls closest to God while here on earth who now dwell beside His royal throne.

What they say about Heaven has the fragrant anointing of the Holy Spirit who authored the Scriptures and from whom they draw their wisdom.

Open these pages, then, and enter the Celestial Kingdom. Ponder all the rapturous beauty that the saints describe. Bask in the consoling warmth of their tender love for us, and grow ever stronger in the desire to share in their heavenly delight.

Here you’ll come to know the very heart of Heaven: our sharing in the ecstatic love and life of the Trinity. You’ll taste the joy of the saints triumphant, ponder the mysteries of our glorious resurrection, and come to understand death as the beautiful gateway to Heaven that it is.

The wisdom of the saints in these sublimely beautiful pages will quench your fear of death and awaken in you a blessed hunger to join your departed loved ones and to delight, with the three Divine Persons, in Heaven’s splendor.

IP#348 Colleen Carroll Campbell – The Heart of Perfection on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor podcast


What a delight it is to talk once again with Colleen Carroll Campbell! Her new book, “The Heart of Perfection: How the Saints Taught Me to Trade My Dream of Perfect for God’s” is marvelous!  Colleen never disappoints.  She shines the light on “perfectionism” an affliction many us may be suffering from and may not even realize it and provides the antidote found in the lives of some her great friends… the SAINTS!

You can find the book here

From the book description:

“This book is absolutely excellent and meets a very present need of many people. I wish it to be read by everyone! Not always consciously, we are marked by a certain perfectionism, the feeling that to deserve God’s love and the love of others we must be perfect beings and follow a faultless journey to God. This perfectionism may seem generous and express the commitment to be good Christians, but it is actually disastrous. It prevents us from achieving true perfection, not the one we imagine, but the one God wants for us… From her personal experience, from the example of the saints, from her meditation on Scripture, Colleen shows us with great spiritual truth and psychological sharpness how this perfectionism manifests itself, its consequences, and how to get rid of it to enter into the true freedom of the children of God. One thing that gives me great joy in this book is to see how a woman, wife, and mother, engaged in a very active professional life, living in the complicated context of our society, can reach such an authentic experience of God and deep, spiritual wisdom – something that may have been thought to be reserved for some particular vocations, such as religious life. This is an immense encouragement to lay people today who sometimes think that struggling with the problems of everyday family life may be an impediment to progress in the spiritual life. Colleen shows us that it’s the opposite, and we should be very grateful to her.”
  Author: Fr. Jacques Philippe, internationally bestselling author of nine books published in 24 languages, including Searching for and Maintaining Peace, Interior Freedom, and Time for God.

IP#137 Vivian Dudro – Sigrid Undset’s “Ida Elisabeth” on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

IP#281 Vivian Dudro - Meriol Trevor's "Shadows and Images" on Inside the Pages 1
Vivian Dudro

Vivian Dudro joins us once again to discuss Sigrid Undset, her life and her times, and some other works of this important author.

To say that Sigrid Undset is compelling would be an understatement. A Catholic convert, Nobel Prize-winning Norwegian novelist, her works invoke the poignancy of the fall and the hope that is found in the act of redemptive suffering. “Ida Elisabeth” is a tremendous work. Great literature helps us practice the virtues. We may never encounter the situations the characters do, but watching how they navigate through the emotions and morals of the moments, help us to exercise our own virtues and responses to the underlying sin that propels the characters forward…and helps us to avoid recognize in some way the traps laid before us.


You can find the book here

“Undset is a realist in the truest sense of the word. She sees the real world in which people face the bitter consequences of selfish choices and in which suffering is unavoidable and yet potentially redemptive. In her acclaimed historical fiction, Undset shows us that the acceptance of suffering is the beginning of wisdom and also, paradoxically, the path to peace and lasting joy.”
– Joseph Pearce, Author, The Quest for Shakespeare

IP#183 Dr. Regis Martin – Still Point: Loss, Longing and Our Search for God on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

Dr. Regis Martin, as Dr. Scott Hahn has said, is “a sage for our times”.
 By presenting the truths of our faith with such beauty, he evangelizes directly the heart.  Dr. Martin is a joy to read.

I didn’t want “Still Point:  Loss, Longing and Our Search for God” to end.  That is the mark of a great book for me…it is one I desire to return to over and over again.  He offers the rich insights of the saints,  poets, and philosophers, to direct us to the “still point”   where  “one encounters the mingling of past and future, grit and grace, man and God.”  Wonderful, enchanting, poignant and compelling…don’t miss.

You can find the book here

“With the eloquence and poignancy of a poet, Regis Martin gets to the heart of life’s most urgent questions, forging a link between our ‘desperate desires’ and our “homesickness for God” in this profound and beautiful book.”–Rev. Peter John Cameron, O.P. , Editor-in-Chief, Magnificat

“Regis Martin is one of Catholicism’s trustworthy guides to the spiritual life in all its dimensions–including, as he demonstrates here, its hard and challenging dimensions.”–George Weigel, Distinguished Senior Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center

“Regis Martin’s moving reflection on our death-haunted and restless search for God is both beautiful and bracing. Drawing on the profound imaginings of our poets and our theologians, Martin’s meditation takes place on the lip of the abyss as he shows us Who it is our hearts so restlessly long for.” —Gregory Erlandson, President, Our Sunday Visitor Publishing

IP#78 Abby Johnson – unPlanned on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

An ordinary woman who has experienced extraordinary grace and wow, look what God has done!  Abby Johnson, author of “unPlanned: the dramatic true story of a former Planned Parenthood leader’s eye-opening journey across the life line”, is a courageous woman who has brought forward not just the Planned Parenthood story (at times nightmarish in their behavior), but more importantly, her story…the journey of conversion, forgiveness, and witness.  Abby didn’t go looking for the spotlight, but she didn’t say “no” when it fell on her either.  Now she is standing up for life and exposing the reality of Planned Parenthood and the beautiful options for life that are truly available.  She can truly say, with all integrity, that she knows both sides of the battle, and she is choosing life!  Be sure to get the “Catholic Edition” by Ignatius Press.  Visit Abby’s website here.


You can pick up the book here

From the book description:

“What I have told people for years,
what I’ve believed and taught and defended, is a lie.
What if I’d known the truth,
and what if I’d told all those women?”

Abby Johnson quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story. Abby was director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas, but not long after assisting in an actual abortion procedure for the first time, she crossed the line to join the Coalition for Life. What happened in that clinic to cause this Planned Parenthood leader and Employee of the Year to take such drastic action? And how did Planned Parenthood react to her abrupt departure?

Abby reveals her full story in Unplanned: a heart-stopping personal drama of life-and-death encounters, a courtroom battle, and spiritual transformation. Now in an updated edition, Abby’s unique vantage point from both sides of the abortion clinic property line shines light and compassion into the personal and political controversy that surrounds this issue. For anyone who cares about the life-versus-rights debate and helping women who face crisis pregnancies, Unplanned is a must-read.


IP#348 Ashley Hales – Finding Holy in the Suburbs on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor Podcast

  What a delight to talk with Ashley Hales about her book “Finding Holy in the Subrubs: Living Faithfully in the Land of Too Much.”  This book is about bringing things out into the light.  We discuss the “idols” of the suburbs and the challenges of being truly present to our neighbors. 


Can find the book here

From the book description:

What does it look like to live a full Christian life in the suburbs? Suburbs reflect our good, God-given desire for a place to call home. And suburbs also reflect our own brokenness. This book is an invitation to look deeply into your soul as a suburbanite and discover what it means to live holy there.