SD10 – Recalling the Responses to Spiritual Desolation – Spiritual Desolation: Be Aware, Understand, Take Action with Fr. Timothy Gallagher – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Recalling the Responses to Spiritual Desolation – Spiritual Desolation: Be Aware, Understand, Take Action with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

Fr. Timothy Gallagher and Kris McGregor reflect on spiritual desolation’s challenge and the need for prayer and trust in God to overcome it. Emphasizing the role of faith, they share personal experiences and strategies like focusing on truths of faith and seeking intercession.

Fr. Gallagher reminds us of hope in God’s providence and the growth desolation can bring and in facing spiritual challenges with resilience.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions:

  1. Recognizing Desolation: How does the speaker describe the experience of spiritual desolation, and what are some signs that one is in a state of desolation?
  2. Strategies for Overcoming Desolation: What strategies does the speaker suggest for overcoming spiritual desolation? How do prayer and routine play a role in this process?
  3. Importance of Spiritual Consolation: In what way does the conversation highlight the significance of spiritual consolation in the Christian journey? How does spiritual growth occur through both consolation and desolation?
  4. Trust in God’s Providence: How does the conversation emphasize the importance of trust in God’s providence, even in the midst of spiritual desolation? What biblical passages are referenced to support this idea?
  5. Encouragement and Hope: What message of encouragement and hope does the speaker convey to listeners facing spiritual challenges? How does the concept of God’s victory over the world contribute to this message?

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From  Setting the Captives Free: Personal Reflections on Ignatian Discernment of Spirits:

“The Enemy Claims Power over the Future”

“I wrote this next entry after a further surgery, when I could not yet see what lay ahead. The following are notes on a conversation of spiritual direction:

Ed spoke of the fear about the “what-ifs.” This is the taunting of the enemy, meant to discourage you, claiming power over the future. You’ll never return to active ministry, never be able to share community life as before. The enemy wants you to focus on what is dark, and to pull you into the future seen in this way.

The Holy Spirit is helping you to pray in this, and Mary is present to you. Turn quickly to the Lord, ask Mary’s intercession, in such times.

The enemy is all about the negatives, the “nos.” The truth, even on a medical level, is that there is progress, and you are getting stronger. The medical situations are moving ahead. There is real hope, and the Lord with his love is with you. So, be quick to turn away from the negative thoughts. Don’t even open the door! Renounce the lies. Even imagining what might happen is a temptation. Be in the present, be open to his grace today, surrender to his will today. As Ed said this, I realized that this I could do.

Surrender to his Heart as best you can today. The surrender is not a surrender to “the worst” but to his faithful love for you. This is the one you surrender to.

I found it very helpful to talk about this spiritual desolation and receive guidance regarding the enemy’s discouraging tactics (rule 13). This was a nonspiritual vulnerability after a surgery that gave the enemy an opening for spiritual desolation. A common trait of spiritual desolation—the enemy’s claim of power over the future, always seen in a dark light— was also evident that day. Ed’s advice to reject this tactic of the enemy immediately reflected Ignatius’s counsel in rule 12: resist in the very beginning, before the burden can grow. Ed was right, too, that objectively things were improving on the medical level. In the nonspiritual and spiritual desolation, I found it hard to see that on my own, and it was encouraging to hear Ed and recognize the truth of what he said.”

Father Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V., was ordained in 1979 as a member of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary, a religious community dedicated to retreats and spiritual formation according to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.  Fr. Gallagher is featured on the EWTN series “Living the Discerning Life:  The Spiritual Teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola”. For more information on how to obtain copies of Fr. Gallaghers’s various books and audio which are available for purchase, please visit  his  website:

For the other episodes in this series check out Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s “Discerning Hearts” page

BA-V15 – The Quality and Aim of Our Actions – Begin Again with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

In this episode, Fr. Gallagher offers that a clear understanding of one’s state of life and of one’s specific path toward holiness—one’s vocation—forms a basic point of the spiritual direction which Lanteri offers to the laity. It is in “this state…and not in another” that God “wills that I serve Him and gain my salvation.” Lanteri leads men and women to understand their state in lay life as the will of God and to seek to fulfill faithfully the tasks connected with that state of life.

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For the other episodes in this series check out Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s “Discerning Hearts” page



BA-V12 Spiritual Accompaniment and its Fruits Pt 1 – Begin Again with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

In this episode, Fr. Timothy Gallagher discusses the actual spiritual direction Ven. Bruno Lanteri offered to a laywoman, Gabriella Solaro della Margarita, mother of Clemente Solara della Margarita, well known in Italian history as a political figure and faithful Catholic. The mother of six children, she is described as a woman “of faithful heart… with a will constantly inclined toward doing good, but somewhat impatient, almost sharp…” (Carteggio II, 234, note 3).

Fr. Gallagher speaks of this type of spiritual guidance and program and how it can aid not only our own spiritual lives, but how it can affect our families and even our surrounding community. What may same hidden to us at the time, a quiet accompaniment in the Lord, can be like a small mustard seeds that will grow in extraordinary ways and fruitfulness in God’s grace.

You can obtain just the audio podcast if you would prefer

For the other episodes in this series check out Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s “Discerning Hearts” page



BA-V13 Spiritual Accompaniment and its Fruits Pt 2 – Begin Again with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

In this episode, In this episode, Fr. Timothy Gallagher discusses the actual spiritual direction Ven. Bruno Lanteri offered to a laywoman, Gabriella Solaro della Margarita.

You can obtain just the audio podcast if you would prefer

For the other episodes in this series check out Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s “Discerning Hearts” page



BA-V9 The Daring To Want To Be Saints – Begin Again with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

BA6 - "Refuse to Accept Discouragement" - Begin Again: The Spiritual Legacy of Ven. Bruno Lanteri with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

In this episode, Fr. Timothy Gallagher discusses the time of the “Restoration” in the life of Ven. Bruno Lanteri. This is a period where there is now freedom in Europe to practice the faith, but a time of increasing secular hostility directed at the Church. Though limited by his health, Ven. Lanteri, inspired and supplied the formation to those who would go out and mission to the world. Deeply rooted in the Lord, with incredible zeal, he would awaken the “daring to want to be saints” in those he would touch through his efforts. Fr. Gallagher discusses the importance of the “Spiritual Exercises” and the daily practice of prayer and study.

You can obtain just the audio podcast if you would prefer

For the other episodes in this series check out Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s “Discerning Hearts” page



BA-V7 Suffering and Growth in the Spiritual Life – Begin Again with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

BA6 - "Refuse to Accept Discouragement" - Begin Again: The Spiritual Legacy of Ven. Bruno Lanteri with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

In this episode, Fr. Timothy Gallagher discusses the importance of spiritual direction in the life of Ven. Lanteri and in his instruction to his spiritual directees. Fr. Gallagher addresses what is it to be a “spiritual director”? What are the characteristics of the director-directee relationship? He will emphasize the importance of the “continuity of contact” which is vitally important in that relationship. Also, Fr. Gallagher discusses how that relationship should be a “good fit” for both individuals. He will stress the importance of “not traveling alone on the spiritual journey”.

You can obtain just the audio podcast if you would prefer

For the other episodes in this series check out Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s “Discerning Hearts” page


BA-V8 Suffering and Growth in the Spiritual Life – Begin Again with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

BA6 - "Refuse to Accept Discouragement" - Begin Again: The Spiritual Legacy of Ven. Bruno Lanteri with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

In this episode, Fr. Timothy Gallagher discusses the difficult times that was experienced by Ven. Bruno Lanteri, not only as a result of the political and cultural movements of the day, but also from physical and emotional persecutions in his own life. After being stripped of almost everything, Ven. Lanteri’s spiritual practice sustained and strengthened him. We, too, can endure and even grow in troubling circumstances if we adhere to our spiritual disciplines and nurture our relationship with Jesus Christ.

You can obtain just the audio podcast if you would prefer

For the other episodes in this series check out Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s “Discerning Hearts” page


BA-V5 The Spiritual Struggle and the Remedy Begin Again with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

BA6 - "Refuse to Accept Discouragement" - Begin Again: The Spiritual Legacy of Ven. Bruno Lanteri with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

In this episode, Fr. Timothy Gallagher discusses the importance of the “spiritual struggles” in the life Ven. Lanteri. Outwardly, he was faced with a hostile secular climate. He also experienced tremendous physical struggles, as well as an inner resistance to certain virtues. Prayer, meditation, reflection and study became a remedy for Ven. Lanteri. Fr. Gallagher reflects on the tremendous gift of this spiritual program for us and how it can transform our lives today!

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For the other episodes in this series check out Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s “Discerning Hearts” page




BA-V6 Refuse to Accept Discouragement – Begin Again with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

BA6 - "Refuse to Accept Discouragement" - Begin Again: The Spiritual Legacy of Ven. Bruno Lanteri with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

In this episode, Fr. Timothy Gallagher discusses the importance of the virtues of prudence, humility, and perseverance in the life of Ven. Lanteri and in his instruction to his spiritual directees. He speaks of what is at the heart of what turns discouragement into hope – that it is vital to have a deep sense of the goodness of God. Ven. Lanteri encourages all of us even today to recall God’s mercy, faithfulness, and love in the circumstances and challenges found in the context of our vocation, whether in the married, single, or religious life. Order in our spiritual practice, used in a flexible manner, is essential to living out our vocation.

You can obtain just the audio podcast if you would prefer

For the other episodes in this series check out Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s “Discerning Hearts” page




BA-V3 – The Crucible of Suffering and the Gift of Faith – Begin Again with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

BA6 - "Refuse to Accept Discouragement" - Begin Again: The Spiritual Legacy of Ven. Bruno Lanteri with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

In this episode, Fr. Timothy Gallagher discusses the influence of Fr. Nikolaus Joseph Albert von Diesbach on the young Bruno Lanteri. An encounter with a good spiritual book facilitates the conversion of Fr. Diesbach at a critical time in his life. Spiritual reading and the use of “media” of the time is a precursor to what we now call the “New Evangelization.” That use of Spiritual reading to aid in conversion and growth in the spiritual life is discussed in depth by Fr. Gallagher. He also reflects on a moment of great suffering in the life of Fr. Diesbach, which became a time of tremendous grace, but subsequently, for others as well.

You can obtain just the audio podcast if you would prefer

For the other episodes in this series check out Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s “Discerning Hearts” page