Lent: St. Bernard’s Vision of Humility and Pride – Dr. Anthony Lilles – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Lent: St. Bernard’s Vision of Humility and Pride

by Dr. Anthony Lilles

We waste a lot of time thinking something is owed us.   We brood over injury.  We are not self-contained.  Lent helps us remember the real truth about ourselves and our situation.  The wisdom of the saints, like St. Bernard, helps us see our actual situation.  His teachings suggest we can be free of brooding and find a new kind of self-possession when we allow the Lord to preoccupy us with his immeasurable love.   We are, in fact, loved so much more than we deserve, but we can only see this as God leads us out of ourselves and into Him.

For St. Bernard, conversion happens when we allow God’s love for us to cause a constantly expanding desire for Him in our hearts.  We allow God to stir this growing desire whenever we act on what God’s love prompts us to do in our hearts.  Growing in love in this way is infallible because God’s desire for our conversion never changes.   The result is as we desire God more, our freedom to act and to love grows ever stronger.

This next statement is a little paradoxical.  Our freedom reaches its fullness in mature humility.  The paradox resolves itself, at least partially, if we bear in mind the kind of only kind of freedom Bernard believes in – the freedom to love.  Mature humility is like a mountain top of self-possession or self containment for St. Bernard.  Love demands this kind of self-containment because to really love freely takes the full force of our being.  In mature humility, the heart rests content in God’s bountiful love.  It is a strange contentment because it demands constant vigilance, ongoing conversion.   Bernard calls this spiritual warfare.  It involves a constant struggle against our former way of life, against the gravitational pull of our big fat egos.  Another way he looks at it is that this kind of contentment to be sustained in the Lord must keep vigil against them movements of pride.

For those who want to climb to union with God, Bernard teaches that there is one great truth of which we must come to complete acceptance.  In his Ladder of Pride, he explains how we constantly work to fully accept God’s love for us.  This love is not commensurate with anything we think we have done to earn it.  The moment we start thinking we are owed something is the exact instant we climb the ladder of pride and fall out of the heights of humility.

There are probably a lot of people who think that this is psychologically unhealthy to think about.   They would probably conjecture that any awareness one has of being loved more than he deserves is really just poor self-esteem.  But humility is the virtue that regulates self-esteem.  It is singularly unhealthy to esteem one’s self more or less than the truth about who one is.

St. Bernard would say that in truth, each of us is uncommonly loved by God, eventhough we have done nothing to deserve such love.   We do not know why we are loved in this way.  But we are, in all our unworthiness.  It is humility to accept this.  Paradoxically, progress is made in the spiritual life through the growing awareness of our own unworthiness in the face of God’s incalculable love.

In the heights of humility, however, we must fight against one uncharitable preoccupation which, while not seeming to be vicious, can uttlerly destroy our ability to learn to love.  He calls it curiousity, but what he means seems to be closer to ambition.    Biblically, it is the pursuit of “making an name” for oneself.  Think of Babel or the history of Israel.  The ambition to lord over others and to draw attention to oneself always leads away from God.  St. Bernard, pride begins with the way that we look at our brothers and sisters, and it ends in a total rejection of God.  His bottomline is that the heights of humility are a protected place as long as we we are humble in our dealings with one another.  But the gravity of pride constantly pulls at us and, he explains, this pull can only be resisted through prayer, fasting, and humble acceptance of those trials which come our way.

Prayer, fasting and the acceptance of trial helps us realize that our true value is in God’s love for us and in his love for those he has entrusted us.   Real self-esteem is rooted in this realization.   Our lives are meant to co-inhere: to co-inhere in God and to co-inhere in one another.   This means the joys and sorrows of God and my brothers and sisters belong to me, are the proper place for my heart to dwell.  Preoccupation with making a name for myself takes my heart out of this kind of self-possession.  For Bernard, the self does not fully exist isolated from God or from others.  The self, the human “I,” ought to be in communion with God and others, or it is less than itself.   Thus, to be self-contained, means for Bernard, that our only concern has become communion with one another in Christ.

An interesting application with the observance of Lent presents itself.   Traditionally, Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.   In other posts I hope to address the connection of Bernard’s insight with Lent’s prayer and fasting.   Here, just a word on almsgiving which is not unconnected with the importance of bearing the trials that come our way.   In giving alms to those in desparate need what we are really doing, according to Bernard’s perspective, is containing ourselves in a very small way.  Our gift is a kind of sharing in the struggles of our brothers and sisters.  Think of the poor plight of those in Chile or Haiti or even the homeless mentally ill on our own streets.  Their sufferings are always connected to us because of who they are, and humility, knowing the truth about ourselves and how we are connected to them, does not afford us the luxury of ignoring their plight.  Their plight is ours.   For St. Bernard, to see it any other way is just pride.

Anthony Lilles, S.T.D. is an associate professor and the academic dean of Saint Patrick’s Seminary & University in Menlo Park, California. For over twenty years he served the Church in Northern Colorado where he joined and eventually served as dean of the founding faculty of Saint John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver. Through the years, clergy, seminarians, religious and lay faithful have benefited from his lectures and retreat conferences on the Carmelite Doctors of the Church and the writings of St. Elisabeth of the Trinity.

That Great Silence in Storms Midst – Dr. Anthony Lilles – Discerning Hearts Podcast

That Great Silence in Storms Midst

by Dr. Anthony Lilles

The beauty of these 40 days of Lent is that every hardship and trial can be made into an offering of love. If we keep our course, whether anxiety or frustration, disappointment or heartbreak, hidden in the exigencies of the moment is a sacrament, a visible sign of grace, inviting the response of faith, opening to a deeper encounter with the one who longs for our freedom. The challenge is to focus on the Lord’s presence in the midst of the wind and the waves. Turn off every screen and speaker, silence the cell phone in all the talking heads, enough of the candid music and arguments, eyes open, attentive ears, ready heart, abstain, fast and be silent. This is the life vest to put on.

Seek an icons glow until heaven finds you for it is not we who make our way to Him so much as He who is set out to rescue his pilgrims in the threatening storm. Days of darkness when nothing makes sense, when evil would seem to have the upper hand, these are taken into account in the gospel in God’s plan. If this is chastisement, then it is long deserved by me more than anyone else. Save the innocent Lord who my own silence has left so vulnerable. It is challenging to walk under the shadow of glory for we must forsake those earthly lights on which we too long relied. Under that shadow, are less for power and gluttonous appetite are unveiled, and we feel the sorrow of not being in control or having the instant gratification to which we feel entitled. And then finally, we face that lonely alienation that has been driving us, and a certain painful emptiness that we too long sought to evade.

It is good to be sobered and to face the truth. Here, even social distancing can occasion compunction. And the piercing of the heart unleashes a sudden torrent and healing’s faith first hint whispers truth. All that once appeared good no longer does so. And what is really good, we have not yet learned to see. So dark, alone, and vulnerable, and in need, we finally begin to pray. Lighted candle on the kitchen table as night descends. Such simple joys are filled with meaning As the beads of the rosary slip through the fingers, and the Bible passages echo out loud what memories of grace and of friendship fill the silence? All of this only directs the heart and to even deeper places towards depths that the memory cannot go or the intellect glimpse, but every word of the Word is drawn there. Meaningful silence is resound when the heart speaks to heart. And an astonishing secret is shared between creator and creature for in that ardent furneness of love, what bright warmth welcomes the Pilgrim soul and the Pilgrim God.

Anthony Lilles, S.T.D. is an associate professor and the academic dean of Saint Patrick’s Seminary & University in Menlo Park, California. For over twenty years he served the Church in Northern Colorado where he joined and eventually served as dean of the founding faculty of Saint John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver. Through the years, clergy, seminarians, religious and lay faithful have benefited from his lectures and retreat conferences on the Carmelite Doctors of the Church and the writings of St. Elisabeth of the Trinity.

The Redeemer and the Gift of Lent – Dr. Anthony Lilles – Discerning Hearts Podcast

The Redeemer and the Gift of Lent

From Beginning to Pray 

Each of us has a great task … that of becoming who God made us to be. Were we without sin, this task would still be impossible for us, left to our own resources and abilities. For indeed, the Lord created us in His Image and Likeness. This means that we are made to be the praise of God’s glory, living icons of His hidden life and love in His visible creation. What creature could ever attain to such holiness and splendor? Yet, we are made, though a little less than the angels, the very crown of God’s creative action.

The great purpose entrusted to each one of us was long ago made subject to futility because of the mystery of sin. From the very origins of humanity, the envy of Satan and the sin of our first parents has threatened our existence. Though we want to do what is good, noble, and true, without Divine help, we are inclined to fall into an abyss of self-contradictions. Our desire to praise God, to make known His glory, never leaves us, even if it is utterly forgotten or resisted. Our restlessness and death remind us of our downfall and pride, but sin and its consequences are not the last word about humanity. Something more beautiful defines the mystery of our humanity, and every man and woman is invited to freely accept this calling if they will listen to the voice of God.

The Father, whose thought of us delighted Him so much that He summoned us into existence, could not bear that we should perish without hope. As He promised, He sent us a Redeemer who would enter into our plight and rescue us from sin and death. This Good Shepherd did not fear the wolves that threaten our existence and he did not allow the distance that we had strayed to discourage Him in His search for us. A physician of the body and spirit, His words of truth are the remedy for the wounds we bear and the mistaken judgments that have driven us into myths and alienation. He does this moreover by entering into our misery so deep that in the face of our hostility, He patiently remains and will not forsake us, anxious that we should not suffer alone.

Call to Him. He actively works, holding nothing back, until our dignity is restored and our every humiliation redressed. Indeed, all that is most precious to Him – His obedience to the Father and His own devotion to His Mother, He freely offers as a gift to all those who ask. Most of all, by his passion and Crucifixion, He merited for our sake that Divine Gift whose presence not only remits our sins and consecrates us in holiness, but infuses us with the love that the Father has yearned for us to know. An inexhaustible fountain, this sanctifying Gift infuses every moment with treasures too precious for this present life to hold, but imperfectly, for a time, if only we ask and accept what He offers us.

Because even the most imperfect beginnings of this New Life offer so much hope to the world, we must also welcome Lent as a gift won for us by the Shepherd who laid down His life for His sheep. Lenten observance is no more than a participation in the graces already won for us — and they point somewhere beyond the here and now, to mysteries so sacred and tender, even the greatest joys of this life are as nothing in comparison. We step into an arena because the life of the Risen Lord in us enables us to be contestants in the battle for all that is good, noble and true. We fight with confidence against all that threatens not only our own integrity but that of our brothers and sisters too because Christ gives us a sharing in His confidence. We do not fear our weaknesses but surrender them in prayer and repentance as occasions for the power of God to be made perfect. We run the race because the Spirit of the Lord quickens us on our way until nothing can hold us back from the prize.

The Lenten Discipline invites us to embrace in our own lives the victory won for us at such a great price. If we practice self-denial, it is because in the blood and water that flowed from His sacrifice we have already received all we really need. If we fast, it is because we already feast on the Bread of Life who sustains us with truth that no earthly bread can provide. If we are merciful to those to whom the Lord sends us, it is only because it is His mercy in us that compels us. If we sorrow over our sins and imperfections, we are also compelled by Christ to share our joy with others at any cost.

We die to our earthly dreams so that Christ’s dream for us might unfold in our heart and our spirit might finally awaken to love. In hours spent silently listening to the Word of the Father, we anticipate a reality too great for this world to contain, a fulfillment long ago yearned for by God and whose shadow calls to our existence even now. We offer our bodily existence in spiritual sacrifice because united to Christ in the Holy Spirit, our whole being finally begins to become what the Father predestined us to be: the praise of the Trinity’s glorious grace.

Anthony Lilles, S.T.D. is an associate professor and the academic dean of Saint Patrick’s Seminary & University in Menlo Park, California. For over twenty years he served the Church in Northern Colorado where he joined and eventually served as dean of the founding faculty of Saint John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver. Through the years, clergy, seminarians, religious and lay faithful have benefited from his lectures and retreat conferences on the Carmelite Doctors of the Church and the writings of St. Elisabeth of the Trinity.

BTP-LR4 – Day 4 – The Last Retreat by St. Elizabeth of the Trinity – Beginning to Pray with Dr. Anthony Lilles – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Day 4 – The Last Retreat by St. Elizabeth of the Trinity- Beginning to Pray with Dr. Anthony Lilles

Dr. Anthony Lilles and Kris McGregor discuss the fourth day of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity’s 16‑day retreat. They reflect on how contemplative prayer is not about performing spiritual exercises to achieve a measurable outcome but about surrendering one’s own control and expectations to welcome God’s transformative love.

Weaving together insights from scripture and Carmelite spirituality, particularly the teachings of St. John of the Cross, illustrates that moments of doubt or even the dark night of faith are not failures but essential passages toward a profound, unshakeable trust in God.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions

  1. How can I release my need to control my prayer experience and open my heart to God’s transformative love instead?
  2.  In what ways can I view moments of spiritual darkness as opportunities for growth and deeper faith?
  3. How does my current practice of prayer serve as a foretaste of the eternal peace promised in the beatific vision?
  4. How can I deepen my understanding of heaven beyond cultural clichés to experience a profound relationship with God?
  5. What steps can I take to strengthen my trust in God’s plan even when I face uncertainty or doubt?
  6. How can I extend compassionate support to those enduring spiritual trials, mirroring Christ’s presence in their lives?

Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity

From “Last Retreat Day 3” found in The Complete Works vol 1:

“10. Here faith, the beautiful light of faith appears. It alone should light my way as I go to meet the Bridegroom. The psalmist sings that He “hides Himself in darkness,” 59 then in another place he seems to contradict himself by saying that “light surrounds Him like a cloak.” 60 What stands out for me in this apparent contradiction is that I must immerse myself in “the sacred darkness” 61 by putting all my powers in darkness and emptiness ; then I will meet my Master, and “the light that surrounds Him like a cloak ” will envelop me also, for He wants His bride to be luminous with His light, His light alone, “which is the glory of God.”

This the text we are using to discuss “Heaven in Faith” you can find it here and order from the Carmelite Sisters

We would like to thank Miriam Gutierrez for providing “the voice” of St. Elizabeth for this series

For other episodes in the series visit the Discerning Hearts page for Dr. Anthony Lilles

Anthony Lilles, S.T.D., has served the Church and assisted in the formation of clergy and seminarians since 1994. Before coming to St. Patrick’s, he served at seminaries and houses of formation in the Archdiocese of Denver and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The son of a California farmer, married with young adult children, holds a B.A. in theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville with both the ecclesiastical licentiate and doctorate in spiritual theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome (the Angelicum). An expert in the writings of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and the Carmelite Doctors of the Church, he co-founded the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation and the High Calling Program for priestly vocations. He also founded the John Paul II Center for Contemplative Culture, which hosts symposiums, retreats, and conferences. In addition to his publications, he blogs at www.beginningtopray.com .

BTP-LR2 – Day 2 – The Last Retreat by St. Elizabeth of the Trinity- Beginning to Pray with Dr. Anthony Lilles – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Day 2 – The Last Retreat by St. Elizabeth of the Trinity- Beginning to Pray with Dr. Anthony Lilles

Dr. Anthony Lilles and Kris McGregor explore St. Elizabeth of the Trinity’s retreat writings, particularly her reflections on interior silence and self-possession in Christ. St. Elizabeth describes how true peace comes from gathering one’s interior faculties through silence and surrendering them to God. She highlights the significance of the phrase Nescivi, meaning “I no longer know anything but Him,” illustrating the soul’s complete focus on God despite external turmoil or inner struggles. Drawing from Carmelite spirituality, holy recollection fosters this unity with God, allowing the soul to become a vessel for divine grace and harmony.

The transformative power of suffering and trials gives us a chance to use them as opportunities for deeper union with God rather than obstacles to peace. Dr. Lilles connects Elizabeth’s teachings to the experiences of Mary Magdalene and the contemplative example of Mary of Bethany, emphasizing the need to choose “the one thing necessary”—a heart undistracted by worldly concerns. He also recounts Elizabeth’s personal battle with suffering in her final days, showing how her unwavering focus on Christ enabled her to endure spiritual and physical affliction with profound trust. This episode offers a compelling call to embrace silence, recollection, and surrender as pathways to deeper intimacy with God.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions

  1. The Call to Interior Silence: How can you cultivate a habit of holy recollection in your daily life to remain more present to God?
  2. Self-Possession in Christ: In what ways do distractions, emotions, or external pressures pull you away from maintaining a prayerful awareness of Christ?
  3. The Meaning of Nescivi: What does it mean for you personally to surrender everything to God and say, “I no longer know anything but Him”?
  4. Suffering as an Opportunity for Grace: How can trials and hardships in your life be seen as invitations to deeper union with Christ rather than obstacles to peace?
  5. Learning from Mary Magdalene: What aspects of Mary Magdalene’s transformation and devotion inspire you to grow in your own relationship with Christ?
  6. The Role of Holy Recollection in Spiritual Growth: How can you incorporate moments of silent prayer and reflection into your daily routine to foster greater intimacy with God?
  7. Trusting in God’s Hidden Presence: When God feels distant or silent, how can you strengthen your faith and remain steadfast in trust?
  8. The Soul as a Throne of the Holy Trinity: What steps can you take to align your thoughts, emotions, and desires more fully with God’s will so that your soul becomes a dwelling place for His presence?

Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity

From “Last Retreat Day 2” found in The Complete Works vol 1:

5. It is the same for the soul that has entered into the “fortress of holy recollection”:  the eye of its soul, opened in the light of faith, discovers its God present, living within it; in turn it remains so present to Him, in beautiful simplicity,  that He guards it with a jealous care. Then disturbances from without and tempests from within may arise; its self-esteem may be wounded: “Nescivi”! God may hide Himself, withdraw His sensible grace: “Nescivi .” Or, as St. Paul writes: “For love of Him I have forfeited everything.”  Then the Master is free, free to flow into the soul, to give Himself “according to His measure.”  Blessed-Elizabeth-of-the-TrAnd the soul thus simplified, unified, becomes the throne of the Unchanging One, since “unity is the throne of the Holy Trinity.”

This the text we are using to discuss “Heaven in Faith” you can find it here and order from the Carmelite Sisters

We would like to thank Miriam Gutierrez for providing “the voice” of St. Elizabeth for this series

For other episodes in the series visit the Discerning Hearts page for Dr. Anthony Lilles

Anthony Lilles, S.T.D., has served the Church and assisted in the formation of clergy and seminarians since 1994. Before coming to St. Patrick’s, he served at seminaries and houses of formation in the Archdiocese of Denver and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The son of a California farmer, married with young adult children, holds a B.A. in theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville with both the ecclesiastical licentiate and doctorate in spiritual theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome (the Angelicum). An expert in the writings of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and the Carmelite Doctors of the Church, he co-founded the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation and the High Calling Program for priestly vocations. He also founded the John Paul II Center for Contemplative Culture, which hosts symposiums, retreats, and conferences. In addition to his publications, he blogs at www.beginningtopray.com .

BTP-LR1 – Day 1 – The Last Retreat by St. Elizabeth of the Trinity- Beginning to Pray with Dr. Anthony Lilles – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Day 1 – The Last Retreat by St. Elizabeth of the Trinity- Beginning to Pray with Dr. Anthony Lilles

Dr. Anthony Lilles and Kris McGregor discuss St. Elizabeth of the Trinity’s Last Retreat, written during her final illness. In this reflection, Elizabeth expresses her desire to know nothing but Christ, embracing suffering as a path to union with Him. She sees contemplation as a transformative encounter, where deeper knowledge of Jesus leads to becoming more like Him. Elizabeth’s vocation as “Laudem Gloriae” (Praise of Glory) reflects her call to glorify God through suffering, prayer, and silence. Her insights remain relevant, especially through practices like Eucharistic adoration and silent scriptural meditation, which open the heart to Christ’s wisdom.

St. Elizabeth presents the Blessed Virgin as the one who most profoundly understood Christ, making her a model and mother in the spiritual life. Connecting this to St. John Paul II’s teaching on Mary’s maternal mediation, she leads us to embrace the cross. Suffering is an inevitable part of Christian life, but through trust in Christ and the intercession of Mary, it becomes a means of revealing God’s glory. St. Elizabeth’s example demonstrates how even in profound weakness, one can offer everything to God, making suffering a pathway to divine love.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions

  1. Embracing Christ in Suffering: St. Elizabeth of the Trinity teaches that suffering can be a path to deeper union with Christ—how can you embrace your own trials with faith rather than resistance?
  2. Contemplation as Transformation: Elizabeth describes mystical prayer as a way of forgetting everything but Christ—how can you cultivate silence and stillness in your daily life to grow in deeper awareness of His presence?
  3. The Role of Mary in Spiritual Growth: Elizabeth points to the Blessed Virgin as the one who most deeply understood Christ—how can you entrust your spiritual journey to Mary and allow her to guide you closer to her Son?
  4. Living as a Praise of Glory: Elizabeth saw her vocation as glorifying God in all circumstances—how can you offer your daily life, even in suffering, as a praise of God’s glory?
  5. The Power of Surrender: Elizabeth’s words reflect a total surrender to God’s will—what attachments or fears keep you from fully trusting in God, and how can you begin surrendering them today?

Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity

From “Last Retreat Day 1” found in The Complete Works vol 1:

1. “Nescivi.” 1 “I no longer knew anything.” This is what the “bride of the Canticles ” sings after having been brought into the “inner cellar.” 2 It seems to me that this must also be the refrain of a praise of glory on this first day of retreat in which the Master makes her penetrate the depths of the bottomless abyss so that He may teach her to fulfill the work which will be hers for eternity and which she must already perform in time, which is eternity begun and still in progress. 3 “Nescivi”! I no longer know anything, I do not want to know anything except “to

know Him, to share in His sufferings, to become like Him in His death.” 4 “Those whom God has foreknown He has also predestined to become confirmed to the image of His divine Son,” 5 the One crucified by love. When I am wholly identified with this divine Exemplar, 6 when I have wholly passed into Him and He into me, then I will fulfill my eternal vocation: the one for which God has “chosen me in Him ” 7 “in principio,” the one I will continue “in aeternum” when, immersed in the bosom of my Trinity, I will be the unceasing praise of His glory, Laudem gloriae ejus.


This the text we are using to discuss “Heaven in Faith” you can find it here and order from the Carmelite Sisters

We would like to thank Miriam Gutierrez for providing “the voice” of St. Elizabeth for this series

For other episodes in the series visit the Discerning Hearts page for Dr. Anthony Lilles

Anthony Lilles, S.T.D., has served the Church and assisted in the formation of clergy and seminarians since 1994. Before coming to St. Patrick’s, he served at seminaries and houses of formation in the Archdiocese of Denver and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The son of a California farmer, married with young adult children, holds a B.A. in theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville with both the ecclesiastical licentiate and doctorate in spiritual theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome (the Angelicum). An expert in the writings of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and the Carmelite Doctors of the Church, he co-founded the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation and the High Calling Program for priestly vocations. He also founded the John Paul II Center for Contemplative Culture, which hosts symposiums, retreats, and conferences. In addition to his publications, he blogs at www.beginningtopray.com .

BTP2 – El Cielo en la Fe Día 1 Oración 2 por Santa Isabel de la Trinidad – Comenzando a orar con el Dr. Anthony Lilles – Podcast Corazones Discernientes

Episodio 2 – El Cielo en la Fe Día 1 Oración 2 por Santa Isabel de la Trinidad – Comenzando a orar con el Dr. Anthony Lilles – Podcast Corazones Discernientes

Este episodio con el Dr. Anthony Lillis y Kris McGregor se centra en las reflexiones espirituales de Santa Isabel de la Trinidad, concretamente en su retiro “El Cielo en la Fe” y su aplicación a la vida de oración. El debate se centra en la integración de la vida cotidiana con la oración constante, inspirada en la segunda oración del primer día del retiro. Esta oración, profundamente arraigada en los escritos de Santa Isabel, hace hincapié en la llamada a «permanecer en mí» expresada por Jesús, abogando por una morada perpetua y habitual en la presencia de Dios.

Las reflexiones de Santa Isabel, exploradas por la Dra. Lillis, subrayan la importancia de incorporar temas de meditación a lo largo del día, una práctica que se alinea con los ejercicios espirituales desarrollados por San Ignacio de Loyola. Este método de reflexión, que incluye oraciones matutinas y vespertinas seguidas de meditación, tiene como objetivo fomentar una comunión más profunda con el amor transformador de Cristo. Los escritos de Isabel sirven de guía para que su hermana y otros creyentes interioricen las enseñanzas divinas y las apliquen a sus vidas, cultivando así una conciencia continua de la presencia de Dios.

El Dr. Lillis desarrolla la profunda comprensión de Isabel del “Permanecer” en Dios, que no se limita a momentos fugaces, sino que se extiende a un estado permanente y habitual de estar con Dios en todos los aspectos de la vida. Este enfoque tiene sus raíces en las experiencias personales de Isabel de la presencia divina y su contemplación de las Escrituras, en particular su meditación sobre la simple pero profunda línea de las Escrituras, “permanece en mí”. Las enseñanzas de Elizabeth abogan por una vida en la que cada acción y relación esté impregnada de la conciencia de Dios, animando a los creyentes a mantener la alegría en Su presencia en medio de los desafíos cotidianos.

La conversación también profundiza en los fundamentos teológicos de las ideas de Isabel, destacando la inhabitación de la Trinidad y el viaje transformador que supone reconocer la propia miseria y la nada ante la misericordia de Dios. Los escritos de Isabel revelan un camino hacia la transformación espiritual a través de la aceptación de nuestras debilidades y fracasos, donde los encuentros con la misericordia de Dios conducen a una vida de amor y gracia.

Día 2 – Segunda oración

3. “Permaneced en Mí». Es la Palabra de Dios quien da esta orden, expresa este deseo. Permaneced en Mí, no unos instantes, unas horas que deben pasar, sino «permaneced…” permanentemente, habitualmente, Permaneced en Mí, orad en Mí, adorad en Mí, amad en Mí, sufrid en Mí, trabajad y actuad en Mí. Permanece en Mí para que puedas encontrarte con cualquiera o con cualquier cosa; penetra aún más en estas profundidades. Esta es verdaderamente la «soledad a la que Dios quiere atraer el alma para hablarle», como cantaba el profeta.

4. Para comprender este dicho tan misterioso, no debemos, por así decirlo, detenernos en la superficie, sino adentrarnos cada vez más en el Ser divino por medio del recogimiento. “Sigo mi camino”, exclamó San Pablo; así debemos descender cada día por esta senda del Abismo que es Dios; deslicémonos por esta pendiente en confianza totalmente amorosa.”Abismo llama a abismo”.Es allí, en lo más profundo, donde se produce el impacto divino, donde el abismo de nuestra nada se encuentra con el Abismo de la misericordia, con la inmensidad del todo de Dios.Allí encontraremos la fuerza para morir a nosotros mismos y, perdiendo todo vestigio del yo, seremos transformados en amor. . . . “¡Bienaventurados los que mueren en el Señor!

Isabel de la Trinidad. The Complete Works of Elizabeth of the Trinity, vol. 1 (featuring a General Introduction and Major Spiritual Writings) (Obra completa de Isabel de la Trinidad) (pp. 94-95).
ICS Publications. Edición Kindle.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions

  1. Encuentro personal con la presencia de Dios: Reflexiona sobre tus propias experiencias de la presencia de Dios en tu vida.
    ¿Recuerdas momentos en los que te hayas sentido particularmente cerca de Dios, semejantes a las experiencias de Santa Isabel? ¿Cómo influyen esos momentos en tu deseo de “permanecer en Él” continuamente?
  2. Integración de la oración en la vida cotidiana: Santa Isabel subraya la importancia de permanecer habitualmente en la presencia de Dios, no sólo durante los momentos formales de oración, sino a lo largo de todo el día.
    Reflexiona sobre los retos y las oportunidades que se te presentan a la hora de integrar la oración y la conciencia de Dios en tus actividades cotidianas. ¿Cómo puedes hacer que cada acción y relación sea un reflejo de tu comunión orante con Dios?
  3. Encontrar a Dios en la debilidad y la miseria: El podcast analiza el concepto de encontrar la misericordia de Dios en medio del reconocimiento de nuestra propia miseria y debilidad.
    Reflexiona sobre cómo el reconocimiento de tus debilidades y fracasos puede ser un camino para experimentar más profundamente la misericordia y el amor de Dios. ¿Cómo cambia esta perspectiva tu forma de entender el crecimiento y la transformación espirituales?
  4. Práctica del recogimiento: Santa Isabel habla del recogimiento como un volver el corazón y la mente a Dios.
    Reflexiona sobre la práctica del recogimiento en tu propia vida espiritual. ¿Qué pasos prácticos puedes dar para cultivar esta disciplina, asegurándote de que tu conciencia de Dios impregna todo lo que haces?
  5. Vivir una vida transformada por el amor: El objetivo último de las reflexiones de Santa Isabel es ser transformados en amor por la gracia de Dios.
    Reflexiona sobre lo que significa para ti ser “transformado en amor”. ¿Cómo puedes vivir más plenamente esta transformación en tus relaciones, decisiones y acciones?

Nos gustaría dar las gracias a Miriam Gutiérrez por proporcionar “la voz” de Santa Isabel para esta serie.

Para ver otros episodios de la serie, visite la página Corazones Perspicaces del Dr. Anthony Lilles.

Anthony Lilles, S.T.D., ha servido a la Iglesia y ayudado en la formación del clero y los seminaristas desde 1994. Antes de llegar a San Patricio, trabajó en seminarios y casas de formación de la archidiócesis de Denver y la archidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Hijo de un granjero californiano, casado y con hijos adultos jóvenes, es licenciado en Teología por la Universidad Franciscana de Steubenville y posee tanto la licencia eclesiástica como el doctorado en Teología Espiritual por la Universidad Pontificia Santo Tomás de Aquino de Roma (el Angelicum). Experto en los escritos de Santa Isabel de la Trinidad y de los Doctores Carmelitas de la Iglesia, es cofundador del Instituto de Formación Espiritual de Ávila y del Programa de Alta Vocación para vocaciones sacerdotales. También fundó el Centro Juan Pablo II para la Cultura Contemplativa, que organiza simposios, retiros y conferencias. Además de sus publicaciones, tiene un blog en www.beginningtopray.com .

BTP1 El Cielo en la Fe Día 1 Oración 1 por Santa Isabel de la Trinidad – Comenzando a orar con el Dr. Anthony Lilles – Podcast Corazones Discernientes

Episodio 1 – El Cielo en la Fe Día 1 Oración 1 por Santa Isabel de la Trinidad – Comenzando a orar con el Dr. Anthony Lilles – Podcast Corazones Discernientes

El primer episodio del podcast, presentado por Kris McGregor con el Dr. Anthony Lilles, profundiza en el retiro  El cielo en la fe de Santa Isabel de la Trinidad. El Dr. Lilles, experto en espiritualidad carmelita, destaca la importancia de Santa Isabel de la Trinidad, una mística carmelita de Dijon, que hizo hincapié en la oración profunda y en un encuentro transformador con Cristo accesible a todos los católicos. El retiro de Santa Isabel, destinado a su hermana, es una guía para fomentar una relación profunda y personal con Dios a través de la oración, que consiste en reflexiones diarias para la contemplación.

San Juan Pablo II, notablemente influido por Isabel, ejemplifica su amplio impacto, mostrando su papel en la profundización de la vida espiritual de muchos, incluida la suya propia. A pesar de su limitado acceso a la Biblia completa, las reflexiones de Isabel demuestran un profundo compromiso con las Escrituras, semejante a la Lectio Divina, mostrando su profunda comprensión e integración de las Escrituras en sus reflexiones sobre la oración y la comunión con Dios.

La primera reflexión de Elizabeth se centra en el deseo de Jesús de que estemos en comunión con Él y con el Padre, destacando el aspecto personal y relacional de la oración. Elizabeth explica que experimentar el cielo, o vivir en comunión con Dios, no se limita al más allá, sino que comienza en el presente a través de la fe y la oración. Insiste en la llamada universal a la santidad, afirmando que todos los cristianos, independientemente de las circunstancias de su vida, están invitados a compartir esta comunión con Dios, que se alcanza dando prioridad a la oración en sus vidas.

Este episodio sienta las bases de una serie que promete explorar las profundidades de la espiritualidad carmelita y las profundas ideas de Santa Isabel de la Trinidad sobre la oración, la comunión con Dios y la búsqueda de la santidad en la vida cotidiana.

Día 1 – Primera oración

1. “Padre, quiero que donde yo estoy estén también conmigo los que Tú me has dado, para que contemplen mi gloria que Tú me has dado, porque Tú me has amado desde antes de la creación del mundo». 1 Tal es el último deseo de Cristo, su oración suprema antes de volver a su Padre. Quiere que donde Él está nosotros estemos también, no sólo por la eternidad, sino ya en el tiempo, que es eternidad comenzada y aún en curso. Es importante, pues, saber dónde debemos vivir con Él para realizar su sueño divino. «El lugar donde está escondido el Hijo de Dios es el seno del Padre, o la Esencia divina, invisible a todo ojo mortal, inalcanzable para todo intelecto humano»,2 como dijo Isaías: «Verdaderamente Tú eres un Dios oculto». 3 Y, sin embargo, su voluntad es que estemos establecidos en Él, que vivamos donde Él vive, en la unidad del amor; que seamos, por así decirlo, su propia sombra. 4

2. Por el bautismo, dice San Pablo, hemos sido unidos a Jesucristo. 5 Y además: «Dios nos sentó juntos en el cielo en Cristo Jesús, para mostrar en los siglos venideros las riquezas de su gracia». 6 Y más adelante: «Ya no sois huéspedes ni forasteros, sino que pertenecéis a la Ciudad de los santos y a la Casa de Dios». 7 La Trinidad: ésta es nuestra morada, nuestro «hogar», la casa del Padre que nunca debemos abandonar. El Maestro dijo un día: «El esclavo no permanece en la casa para siempre, pero el hijo 8 permanece allí para siempre» (San Juan). 9

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions

  1. ¿De qué manera la forma en que Santa Isabel de la Trinidad entiende la oración desafía tu enfoque actual de la oración y de la relación con Dios?
  2. Reflexiona sobre la idea de que el cielo no es sólo un estado futuro, sino una experiencia accesible en el presente a través de la fe y la oración. ¿Cómo cambia esta perspectiva tu visión de la vida cotidiana y de la práctica espiritual?
  3. Santa Isabel subraya la importancia de las Escrituras para profundizar en nuestra relación con Dios, incluso sin tener pleno acceso a la Biblia. ¿Cómo puedes integrar más plenamente las Escrituras en tu vida de oración para fomentar una comunión más estrecha con Dios?
  4. Teniendo en cuenta el deseo de Jesús de estar en comunión con nosotros, tal como lo destaca Santa Isabel, ¿cómo podrías responder más plenamente a este deseo en tu propia vida de fe y oración?
  5. Las reflexiones de santa Isabel pretendían guiar a su hermana, una madre ocupada, en la profundización de su vida espiritual. ¿De qué manera habla esto de la posibilidad de una profunda profundidad espiritual en medio del ajetreo de tus responsabilidades diarias?

Nos gustaría dar las gracias a Miriam Gutiérrez por proporcionar “la voz” de Santa Isabel para esta serie.

Para ver otros episodios de la serie, visite la página Corazones Perspicaces del Dr. Anthony Lilles.

Anthony Lilles, S.T.D., ha servido a la Iglesia y ayudado en la formación del clero y los seminaristas desde 1994. Antes de llegar a San Patricio, trabajó en seminarios y casas de formación de la archidiócesis de Denver y la archidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Hijo de un granjero californiano, casado y con hijos adultos jóvenes, es licenciado en Teología por la Universidad Franciscana de Steubenville y posee tanto la licencia eclesiástica como el doctorado en Teología Espiritual por la Universidad Pontificia Santo Tomás de Aquino de Roma (el Angelicum). Experto en los escritos de Santa Isabel de la Trinidad y de los Doctores Carmelitas de la Iglesia, es cofundador del Instituto de Formación Espiritual de Ávila y del Programa de Alta Vocación para vocaciones sacerdotales. También fundó el Centro Juan Pablo II para la Cultura Contemplativa, que organiza simposios, retiros y conferencias. Además de sus publicaciones, tiene un blog en www.beginningtopray.com .

BTP-L3 – Letter 158 – The Letters of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity – Beginning to Pray with Dr. Anthony Lilles – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Letter 158 – The Letters of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity – Beginning to Pray with Dr. Anthony Lilles

Dr. Anthony Lilles and Kris McGregor discuss a letter from St. Elizabeth of the Trinity to a seminarian, Monsieur l’Abbé. Elizabeth, a Carmelite nun, corresponds with him to support his journey through the seminary. This particular letter, written on February 24, 1903, before Lent, reflects Elizabeth’s deep spirituality and her contemplative life dedicated to prayer for seminarians and priests.

Elizabeth speaks about being in communion with God and the importance of contemplative prayer. She draws on the imagery of being caught, carried away, and invaded by God’s love. This mystical prayer, according to Lilles, is characterized by God’s divine action in the soul rather than the individual’s efforts. She also discusses the balance between contemplation and action, using the biblical figures of Mary Magdalene and Martha to illustrate her point. Elizabeth believes that even in active roles, one can maintain a contemplative, prayerful state.

The conversation then touches on the significance of the face of Christ in contemplative prayer and how it reveals the love of the Father and the truth about humanity. Lilles explains that contemplative prayer involves seeing with the heart and perceiving divine truths through faith.

Her letter also addresses the challenges faced by the Church and individuals during times of political and social turmoil. She encourages focusing on the eternal mystery of the Trinity rather than being consumed by external events. By living in the will of the Father and remaining in His love, Elizabeth believes one can find peace and purpose regardless of external circumstances.

[February 24, 1903]

Dijon Carmel, February
Amo Christum

J. M. + J. T.

Monsieur l’Abbé,

Before entering into the great silence of Lent, I want to answer your kind letter. And my soul needs to tell you that it is wholly in communion with yours, letting itself be caught, carried away, invaded by Him whose charity envelops us and who wishes to consummate us into “one” with Him. I thought of you when I read these words of Père Vallée on contemplation: “The contemplative is a being who lives in the radiance of the Face of Christ, who enters into the mystery of God, not in the light that flows from human thought, but in that created by the word of the Incarnate Word.”3 Don’t you have this passion to listen to Him?3a Sometimes it is so strong, this need to be silent, that one would like to know how to do nothing but remain like Magdalene, that beautiful model for the contemplative soul, at the feet of the Master, eager to hear everything, to penetrate ever deeper into this mystery of Charity that He came to reveal to us. Don’t you find that in action, when we are in Martha’s role,4 the soul can still remain wholly adoring, buried like Magdalene in her contemplation, staying by this source like someone who is starving; and this is how I understand the Carmelite’s apostolate as well as the priest’s. Then both can radiate God, give Him to souls, if they constantly stay close to this divine source. It seems to me that we should draw so close to the Master, in such communion with His soul, to identify ourselves with all its movements, and then go out as He did, according to the will of His Father. Then it does not matter what happens to the soul, since it has faith in the One it loves who dwells within it. During this Lent I would like, as Saint Paul says, “to be buried in God with Christ,”5 to be lost in this Trinity who will one day be our vision, and in this divine light penetrate into the depth of the Mystery. Would you pray that I may be wholly surrendered and that my Beloved Bridegroom may carry me away wherever He wishes. A Dieu, Monsieur l’Abbé, let us remain in His love;6 is He not that infinity for which our souls so thirst?

Sr. M. Elizabeth of the Trinity, r.c.i.

Our Reverend Mother asks me to express her gratitude for the canticle; how good she is and how she gives God (to others), don’t you agree? On Monday7 I will offer Holy Communion for you; don’t forget me either.

Catez, Elizabeth of the Trinity. The Complete Works of Elizabeth of the Trinity volume 2: Letters from Carmel (pp. 95-96). ICS Publications. Kindle Edition.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions

  1. The Role of Silence in Prayer: How can you incorporate silence into your daily prayer life to foster deeper communion with God?
  2. Balancing Action and Contemplation: How can you maintain a spirit of contemplation and attentiveness to God’s presence while engaged in everyday activities?
  3. Embracing Mystical Prayer: In what ways can you open yourself to the divine action of the Holy Spirit in your soul during prayer?
  4. The Importance of Humility: How can you cultivate humility and reliance on God’s grace in your spiritual journey?
  5. Living in the Father’s Will: How can you remain faithful and trusting in God’s will amidst the challenges and uncertainties of life?
  6. The Contemplative Gaze: How can you develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the humanity and divinity of Jesus through contemplative prayer?
  7. The Grace of Baptism: How does the grace received in baptism influence your prayer life and relationship with God?
  8. Responding to God’s Call: How can you discern and respond to God’s call in your life, whether in contemplative prayer or active ministry?
  9. The Impact of Scripture: How can you incorporate the reading and meditation of Scripture into your prayer routine to enhance your spiritual growth?
  10. The Example of Saints: How can the lives and teachings of saints like Elizabeth of the Trinity inspire and guide your own spiritual practices?

We would like to thank Miriam Gutierrez for providing “the voice” of St. Elizabeth for this series

For other episodes in the series visit the Discerning Hearts page for Dr. Anthony Lilles

Anthony Lilles, S.T.D., has served the Church and assisted in the formation of clergy and seminarians since 1994. Before coming to St. Patrick’s, he served at seminaries and houses of formation in the Archdiocese of Denver and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The son of a California farmer, married with young adult children, holds a B.A. in theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville with both the ecclesiastical licentiate and doctorate in spiritual theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome (the Angelicum). An expert in the writings of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and the Carmelite Doctors of the Church, he co-founded the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation and the High Calling Program for priestly vocations. He also founded the John Paul II Center for Contemplative Culture, which hosts symposiums, retreats, and conferences. In addition to his publications, he blogs at www.beginningtopray.com .