A Novena for the Annunciation – Day 2 – Mary, Cause of Our Joy Rejoice!

Day 2: Mary, Cause of Our Joy Rejoice!

The Lord is with you. (Luke I:28)

Let us pray:

Lord God, You were pleased to bring joy to the world through the incarnation of Your Son. You sacrificed Your Son in order to save our souls and enjoy life everlasting. Grant that we, who honor His Mother, the cause of our joy, may always walk in the way of Your commandments with our hearts set on true and lasting joy. Moreover, grant us the grace to share that joy found deep in the words and actions of Mary with everyone we meet. Show us the true joy of living the gospel life – even in our deepest suffering – for You have given Mary the power of helping the miserable. Father of mercy and God of all consolation, grant in Your loving kindness that we who joyfully venerate Mary, as our comforter, may deserve to enjoy the unending happiness of heaven with her. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Jesus, for our salvation You willingly humbled Yourself, becoming Man in the womb of the Virgin Mother, grant me through the mystery of Your holy Incarnation the virtue of humility that I may ever please God as Your Mother did, by meekness and lowliness in this world, and be exalted by You in eternity.

Mary, dear Mother of my Savior, I greet you and I thank you for having received the message of the Archangel Gabriel: “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee” (Luke I:28) and for having answered with your consent, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to thy word.” (Luke 1:38) Intercede for me that God the Father, who accepted you as His Daughter and the Mother of His Son because of your humility at the Annunciation, may accept me as His humble child. Amen


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