What to expect:
Father Gallagher will share the teaching pedagogy he has developed for instructing others in the Fourteen Rules for the Discernment of Spirits and will assist participants to find their way as competent teachers of these invaluable tools for the daily spiritual life.
Dates – May 19 – 21, 2022
Sessions begin 8:00 a.m. and conclude approx. 5:00 p.m.
Continental breakfast and Lunch will be provided.
Mass and times for confession will be available.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a daytime seminar. Out of town participants will need to arrange for their own dinner and lodging.

The Teaching Discernment Seminar is designed for:
Individuals who are acquainted with St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Fourteen Rules for the Discernment of Spirits (First Week Rules)
Individuals who wish to share the Fourteen Rules with others
Individuals who wish to share the Fourteen Rules in programs of spiritual formation, parish groups, retreat settings, in the home with friends, and any similar setting
Meet Father Gallagher, OMV
Father Timothy M. Gallagher was ordained in 1979 as a member of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. Having obtained his doctorate in 1983 from the Gregorian University, he has taught (St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, MA; Our Lady of Grace Seminary Residence, Boston, MA), assisted in formation work, and served two terms as provincial in his own community. He has dedicated many years to an extensive international ministry of retreats, spiritual direction, and teaching about the spiritual life.
He is a frequent speaker on EWTN, and his digitally recorded talks are utilized internationally. He has written eight books on Ignatian discernment and prayer, a biography of Venerable Bruno Lanteri, and a book on the Liturgy of the Hours. He has numerous podcasts on various aspects on the spiritual life on Discerning Hearts.
He currently holds the St. Ignatius Chair for Spiritual Formation at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver.

Do you have any questions before you sign up?
Register here for the Seminar
The registration fee covers seminar participation and handout material, as well as breakfast, lunch, and refreshments