Pope Paul the VI Institute Minutes
Real Solutions to Real Problems
A-011: Introduction to Real Solutions to Real Problems
A-012: Church’s Teaching on Sexuality and Married Love-Relevant and Valued and Married Love-Relevant and Valued
A-013: Introduction to CrMS
A-014: NaProTechnology-Research Validated
A-015: Introduction to Women Healed
Humanae Vitae: A Call to Men of Science
A-021: Church, Family Planning, and Modern Medicine
A-022: My History-Challenged by Humanae Vitae, First Research, Hopes & Desires
A-023: My History-Developing CrMS
A-024: My History-Establishing Institute, CrMS, NaProTechnology, Science for Human Person
A-025: Other Physicians Rising to the Challenge
Humanae Vitae: A Call to Men of Science, cont’d
A-031: Contraceptive Medicine vs. Another Approach
A-032: Appeal
A-033: Responsible Parenthood
A-034: Married Love (Church’s Views)
A-035: God’s True Family Planning
Who does the Creighton Model FertilityCare System help?
A-041: Development of the CrMS
A-042: CrMS: Authentic Language of a Woman’s Body
A-043: CrMS Effectiveness
A-044: CrMS: Monitoring and Maintaining Health
A-045: CrMS Advantages
How does NaPro Technology Unleash the Power in a Woman’s Cycle?
A-051: Current Approach and Alternatives
A-052: Basics of the NaPro Technology
A-053: Fertility as a Disease
A-054: NaPro Technology Solution to Fertility Problems
A-055: Why Women Like NaPro Technology
Pope Paul VI Institute: Building a Culture of Life in Women’s Health Care
A-061: Problem with Artificial Reproductive Technologies
A-062: Dr. Hilgers’ Response to Humanae Vitae and Major Developments
A-063: Summary of PPVI Institute Non-Profit
A-064: Summary of PPVI Institute Patient Care-National Center for Women’s Health
A-065: PPVI Institute as Pro-life Beacon
Truth and Compassion in Obsterics and Gynecology
D-011: Being Compassionate is Being Responsible
D-012: Principles of Compassion
D-013: Natural Methods of Fertility Regulation are Good
D-014: Problems with Contraception and Artificial Reproductive Technologies
D-015: How I Show Compassion
Gospel of Life
B-011: Conspiracy Against Life
B-012: Contraceptive Mentality; Life, and Fertility as Gifts from God
B-013: Challenge to be Unconditionally Pro-Life
B-014: Role of the Family and Centers for Natural Methods of Regulating Fertility
B-015: Services of the Institute
Trends in Women’s Health Care
D-021: Disturbing Trends
D-022: Disturbing Trends: Contraception and Abortion
D-023: Disturbing Trends: Divorce, Pregnancy Statistics, Teenage Sexual Activity, Crime Rates, Child Abuse
D-024: Disturbing Trends: Prematurity Rates, Multiple Pregnancies, STDs
D-025: Disturbing Trends: Reversing the “Sexual Revolution”
AIDS Epidemic and Condoms
F-031: Epidemic: Condoms Not Effective
F-032: ABC Approach to Epidemic
F-033: Epidemic and Vatican Rumors Debunked
F-034: Why A and B Only
F-035: C for Creighton Model FertilityCare System
Fictitious Claims about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System
C-011: Fictitious Claims about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System
C-012: Fictitious Claims: Unnatural
C-013: Fictitious Claims: Not Spontaneous
C-014: Fictitious Claims: Too Long to Learn, Imprecise
C-015: Fictitious Claims: Too Much Communication
Fictitious Claims about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System, cont’d.
C-021: Fictitious Claims: Chastity
C-022: Fictitious Claims: Too Much Trust, Openness to Human Life
C-023: Fictitious Claims: Must Be Religious
C-024: Fictitious Claims: Must Respect Life
C-025: Fictitious Claims: Negative Effects of Benefits?Creighton Model Charting: Key to Unlocking a Woman’s Health
C-041: The CrMS Key
C-042: Important for All Women
C-043: Menstrual Cycle Patterns
C-044: Charting that Indicates Hormonal Malfunctioning
C-045: Testimonial on CrMS Charting and Understanding the Body
Creighton Model System: Long-term Follow-Up
C-051: CrMS: “100,000 Mile Warranty”
C-052: Why Should I Continue Charting?
C-053: Benefits of the Long-Term Follow-Up
C-054: Knowing and Understanding Your Body from Puberty to Menopause
C-055: Know Your Fertility and Track It!
Mind and Body Sexuality vs. Body-focused Sexuality
B-051: Society’s View of Sex and Sexual Freedom
B-052: Sexual License and Solutions
B-053: Sexuality is an Exchange: Masculinity and Femininity
B-054: Nulti-Dimensional Expression of Sexuality
B-055: Cohabitation, Marriage and Mid-and-Body Sexuality
National Center for Women’s Health
E-021: Doctors and Nursing Staff: Consults
E-022: Reproductive Ultrasound Center
E-023: National Hormone Laboratory
E-024: Clinical Psychology
E-025: Services for the Whole Person: Make an Appointment
Targeting the Cycle
D-181: Hormones and the Menstural Cycle
D-182: Preovulatory Hormone Levels
D-183: Post-ovulatory Hormone Levels
D-184: Creighton Model System Identifies Ovulation
D-185: Solving Problems